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- --local/ -- mediafire
- ---made by RMDX
- ---
- --theguy=workspace. NLS([[
- --RMLib=_G["CHR"..'ON']
- --if not RMLib then print'Failed to run Script' return end
- --loadstring(RMLib)()
- --^no moar loadstring k
- SavedFenvs = {}
- for i,v in pairs(getfenv()) do
- SavedFenvs[i]=true
- end
- -- c/while wait() do for i=1,200 do"Message",game.Players.Damply.PlayerGui).Text="yes" end end
- ins =
- v3 =
- cn =
- ca2 = CFrame.Angles
- mf = math.floor
- mran = math.random
- mrad = math.rad
- mdeg = math.deg
- ca = function(x,y,z) return ca2(mrad(x),mrad(y),mrad(z)) end
- bn =
- c3 =
- Players = game:service'Players'
- Lighting = game:service'Lighting'
- Debris = game:service'Debris'
- Lastqi={}
- qit = {}
- qit["n"]="Name"
- qit["sc"]="Size"
- qit["cf"]="CFrame"
- qit["an"]="Anchored"
- qit["can"]="CanCollide"
- qit["mat"]="Material"
- qit["bn"]="BrickColor"
- qit["mid"]="MeshId"
- qit["tid"]="TextureId"
- qit["sca"]="Scale"
- qit["tra"]="Transparency"
- qit["ref"]="Reflectance"
- qit["mtyp"]="MeshType"
- qit["P0"]="Part0"
- qit["P1"]="Part1"
- qit["tya"]="TextYAlignment"
- qit["txa"]="TextXAlignment"
- qit["bc3"]="BackgroundColor3"
- qit["tc3"]="TextColor3"
- qit["pos"]="Position"
- qit["txt"]="Text"
- qit["bgt"]="BackgroundTransparency"
- qit["txs"]="TextTransparency"
- qit["tst"]="TextStrokeTransparency"
- qit["tsc3"]="TextStrokeColor3"
- qit["bsp"]="BorderSizePixel"
- print'test'
- C3Pro={}
- C3Pro['BackgroundColor3']=0
- C3Pro['TextColor3']=0
- C3Pro['TextStrokeColor3']=0
- C3Pro['Color']=0
- C3Pro['BorderColor3']=0
- C3Pro['BackgroundColor3']=0
- C3Pro['BackgroundColor3']=0
- BNPro={}
- BNPro['BrickColor']=0
- BNPro['TextColor']=0
- BNPro['TextStrokeColor']=0
- BNPro['BorderColor']=0
- BNPro['BackgroundColor']=0
- GuiClass={}
- GuiClass["Frame"]=0
- GuiClass["TextLabel"]=0
- GuiClass["TextButton"]=0
- GuiClass["TextBox"]=0
- GuiClass["ImageLabel"]=0
- GuiClass["ImageButton"]=0
- qi = function(tab)
- local v = ins(tab[1])
- --
- if v:IsA("Part") or v:IsA("WedgePart") then v.formFactor="Custom" end
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.TopSurface=0 v.BottomSurface=0 v.Locked=true end
- if GuiClass[v.className] then v.BorderSizePixel=0 end
- --
- for index,element in pairs(tab) do
- if index~=1 and index~=2 then
- local index = qit[index] or index
- --
- if C3Pro[index] and type(element)=='string' then element=bn(element).Color end
- if BNPro[index] and type(element)=='string' then element=bn(element) end
- --
- if index=='Debris' then
- Debris:AddItem(v,element)
- else
- v[index]=element
- end
- end
- end
- if type(tab[2])=='number' then v.Parent=Lastqi[#Lastqi-tab[2]] elseif tab[2] then v.Parent=tab[2] end
- Lastqi[#Lastqi+1]=v
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then v:BreakJoints() end
- return v
- end
- iform=function(tab)
- for i,v in pairs(tab) do tab[v]=v end
- return tab
- end
- SetLocalPlayer = [==[
- Player=Players.LocalPlayer
- Char=Player.Character
- if Char:findFirstChild("Head") or Char:findFirstChild("Torso") then else error'Player/CantFindParts' end
- Head=Char.Head
- Torso=Char.Torso
- Hum=Char.Humanoid
- Backpack=Player.Backpack
- PlayerGui=Player.PlayerGui
- ]==]
- q = function(f) -- quick function
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() f() end))
- end
- --- the pw is my last name -2 letters + my 2012 school student id
- PlayerManager={}
- PM=PlayerManager
- pm=PM
- PM.Load = function(ta,st)
- local Pv
- local count=0
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if string.find(v.Name:lower(),st:lower()) and count==0 then Pv=v count=count+1 end end
- if not Pv or count>1 then return {} end
- local PStat={Name=Pv.Name,Age=Pv.AccountAge,v=Pv}
- if Pv.Character and Pv.Character:findFirstChild'Torso' then PStat.Torso=Pv.Character.Torso end
- if Pv.Character and Pv.Character:findFirstChild'Humanoid' then PStat.H=Pv.Character.Humanoid end
- PStat.Kill = function() if Pv.Character then Pv.Character:BreakJoints() end end
- PStat.asd = function() if Pv.Character and Pv.Character:findFirstChild'Torso' and Pv.Character:findFirstChild'Humanoid' then
- Pv.Character.Humanoid.Sit=true Pv.Character.Torso.CFrame=Pv.Character.Torso.CFrame*ca(45,0,0) Pv.Character.Torso.Velocity=Pv.Character.Torso.CFrame.lookVector*100 end end
- PStat.r=function() Pv:LoadCharacter() end
- PStat.Char=function() return Pv.Character end
- PStat.load=function() return Pv,Pv.Character,Pv.Backpack,Pv:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' end
- PStat.gca=function(t,naa) local Pv2=pm:l(naa).v if Pv2 then Pv.CharacterAppearance=Pv2.CharacterAppearance end end
- return PStat
- end
- PM.l=PM.Load
- --c/PlayerManager:Load'drew':asd()
- --c/ = function() _G.brr = _G.brr and _G.brr:Remove() _G.brr = qi{'Part',workspace,an=true,FrontSurface='Hinge',cf=cn(0,6,0)} return _G.brr end
- Welds={}
- anipack={}
- Ani=function(w,a,b,c,d,e,f,ty,inc,sined)
- if not w or not w.Parent then return end
- if not Welds[w] then
- local d0,e0,f0=w.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ() local d1,e1,f1=w.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- local d0,e0,f0=mdeg(d0),mdeg(e0),mdeg(f0) local d1,e1,f1=mdeg(d1),mdeg(e1),mdeg(f1)
- Welds[w]={[0]={w.C0.x,w.C0.y,w.C0.z,d0,e0,f0},[1]={w.C1.x,w.C1.y,w.C1.z,d1,e1,f1}}
- end
- local c0,c1=Welds[w][0],Welds[w][1]
- c0[1],c0[2],c0[3]=w.C0.x,w.C0.y,w.C0.z
- c1[1],c1[2],c1[3]=w.C1.x,w.C1.y,w.C1.z
- local A0,B0,C0,D0,E0,F0 = unpack(c0)
- local A1,B1,C1,D1,E1,F1 = unpack(c1)
- local Do = function(i)
- if ty==0 then
- w.C0=cn( A0-((A0-a)*i) , B0-((B0-b)*i) , C0-((C0-c)*i) ) * ca( D0-((D0-d)*i) , E0-(((E0-e)/1)*i) , F0-((F0-f)*i) )
- elseif ty==1 then
- w.C1=cn( A1-((A1-a)*i) , B1-((B1-b)*i) , C1-((C1-c)*i) ) * ca( D1-((D1-d)*i) , E1-(((E1-e)/1)*i) , F1-((F1-f)*i) )
- else
- w.C0=cn( A0-((A0-a)*i) , B0-((B0-b)*i) , C0-((C0-c)*i) ) * ca(D0,E0,F0)
- w.C1=cn(A1,B1,C1) * ca( D1-((D1-d)*i) , E1-(((E1-e)/1)*i) , F1-((F1-f)*i) )
- end
- end
- if inc<1 then anipack[Do]={0,inc,sined,ty,c0,c1,d,e,f} else Do(1) end
- if not qq then repeat wait() until not anipack[Do] end
- end
- qAni=function(w,a,b,c,d,e,f,ty,inc,sined) q(function() Ani(w,a,b,c,d,e,f,ty,inc,sined,true) end) end
- rAni=function(w)
- Welds[w]=nil
- end
- --Tween loop
- Tl=function(a,b,c,ff,s)
- local Do=function(i) ff(i) end
- for i=a,b,c do
- Do(s and math.sin(math.pi/2*i) or i)
- wait()
- end
- Do(b)
- end
- qTl=function(a,b,c,ff,s) q(function() Tl(a,b,c,s,ff,s) end) end
- _G.LibVol=1
- Sound = function(id,par,vol,pit)
- local sou = qi({"Sound",par or workspace,Volume=(vol or 1)*_G.LibVol,Pitch=pit or 1,SoundId=id,Debris=4})
- delay(0,function() sou:play() end)
- return sou
- end
- GetX = function(CFF)
- local a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9=CFF:components()
- return math.floor(math.deg(math.asin(a9)))
- end
- Dmg = function(Hum,Dealt,Hitter)
- if not Hum then return end
- if Dealt then Dealt=math.floor(Dealt) end
- local HM=Hum.Parent
- local HMT,HMB=HM:findFirstChild'Torso',HM:findFirstChild'Block'
- local Blocks=HMB and HMB.Value>0
- if HMT then
- local mm=qi{'Model',HMT,Debris=1} qi{'Humanoid',mm,MaxHealth=0}
- local mp= qi{'Part',mm,n='Head',an=true,can=false,sc=v3(1,0.2,1),cf=HMT.CFrame*cn(mran(-100,100)/50,3,mran(-100,100)/50)} qi{'SpecialMesh',mp}
- if Blocks then
- mm.Name='Block!'
- mp.BrickColor=bn'Bright blue'
- HMB.Value=HMB.Value-1
- else
- mm.Name=Dealt
- mp.BrickColor=bn'Bright red'
- end
- end
- if not Blocks then
- if game.PlaceId==20279777 and NewScript then
- NewScript(Hum:GetFullName()..'.Health='..Hum:GetFullName()..'.Health-'..Dealt..' script:Remove()',workspace)
- else
- Hum.Health=Hum.Health-Dealt
- end
- end
- end
- GetHum = function(part)
- local Hum,HT,block
- for i,v in pairs(part.Parent:children()) do
- if v:IsA("Humanoid") then
- Hum=v
- elseif v.Name=='Torso' then
- HT=v
- elseif v.Name=='Block' and v:IsA("NumberValue") then
- block=v
- end
- end
- return Hum,HT,block
- end
- ray = function(Pos, Dir,tab) -- ray cast
- return workspace:FindPartOnRay(, Dir.unit *999),tab)
- end
- raydist=function(Pos,Dir,tab)
- local hit,pos=ray(Pos,Dir,tab)
- return (Pos-pos).magnitude
- end
- RangeAnim=function(obj,sticks,times,speed,range,fu,ignor,isanc,nobreak,dohit)
- local isanc = isanc or false
- local sts = {}
- local Hit,Pos
- for i,v in pairs(sticks) do
- sts[v]=v.CFrame:toObjectSpace(obj.CFrame)
- end
- for ty=1,times do
- if not obj.Parent then return end
- obj.CFrame=obj.CFrame*cn(0,0,-speed)
- for i,v in pairs(sts) do i.CFrame=obj.CFrame*v end
- local hit,pos=ray(obj.Position,obj.Position-obj.CFrame*cn(0,0,1).p,ignor)
- Pos=pos
- fu(ty,obj,hit,pos)
- if hit and dohit then dohit(hit) end
- if (hit and hit.Name~='unray') and (pos-obj.Position).magnitude<range then if not isanc or (hit.Anchored and hit.Transparency<1) then Hit=hit if not nobreak then break end end end
- wait()
- end
- return Hit,(Pos-obj.Position).magnitude,Pos
- end
- GetRegion = function(pos,ra,f,f2) -- range get
- local p0,p1=pos-v3(ra/2,ra/2,ra/2),pos+v3(ra/2,ra/2,ra/2)
- q(function()
- for i,v in pairs(workspace:FindPartsInRegion3(,p1),nil,100)) do
- local Hum=GetHum(v)
- if v.Name=='Torso' and Hum and Hum.Health>0 then
- q(function() f(Hum,v) end)
- elseif f2 and not Hum then
- q(function() f2(v) end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- AddBV=function(str,cfr,par,deb,yy)
- if not par or not str then return end
- if par:findFirstChild'LibBV' then par.LibBV:Remove() end
- return qi{'BodyVelocity',par,velocity=cfr.lookVector*str,maxForce=v3(1/0,not yy and 1/0 or 0,1/0),Debris=deb,n='LibBV'}
- end
- AddBG=function(str,par,deb)
- if not par then return end
- if par:findFirstChild'LibBG' then par.LibBG:Remove() end
- return i{'BodyGyro',par,maxTorque=v3(1/0,1/0,1/0),P=100000,cframe=str,Debris=deb,n='LibBG'}
- end
- Trails={}
- trailpack={}
- Trail=function(obj,th,color,inc,waitt,adj,par)
- local adj=adj or cn(0,0,0)
- Trails[obj]=1
- q(function()
- local lastpos=(obj.CFrame*adj).p
- while Trails[obj] and obj.Parent do wait(waitt)
- local newpos=(obj.CFrame*adj).p
- local mag=(newpos-lastpos).magnitude
- local trp=qi{'Part',par or obj,sc=v3(1,1,1),an=true,can=false,Reflectance=0.4,bn=color,cf=cn(lastpos,newpos)*cn(0,0,-mag/2)}
- local trpm=qi{'BlockMesh',trp}
- local trpms=trpm.Scale
- lastpos=newpos
- trp.Transparency=0.3
- trpm.Scale=v3(th,th,mag)
- trailpack[trp]={1,inc,trpm,th,mag}
- end
- end)
- end
- meshpack={}
- MeshEffect=function(par,cf,x,y,z,inc,col,sha,adj) --yes,remade
- local adj = adj or cn(0,0,0)
- local mp=qi{'Part',par,sc=v3(1,1,1),bn=bn(col),cf=cf,tra=0.3,can=false,an=true,n='unray'}
- local ms
- if sha:sub(1,4)=='http' then
- ms=qi{'SpecialMesh',mp,mid=sha}
- elseif sha=='Block' then
- ms=qi{'BlockMesh',mp}
- elseif sha=='Cylinder' then
- ms=qi{'CylinderMesh',mp}
- elseif sha=='Head' or sha=='Sphere' then
- ms=qi{'SpecialMesh',mp,MeshType=sha}
- end
- mp.Transparency=0.2
- mp.CFrame=mp.CFrame*adj
- ms.Scale=v3(x,y,z)*0.3
- meshpack[mp]={0,inc,adj,x,y,z,ms}
- end
- function findGround(pos)
- local ax,ay,az = pos:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- local bhit,bpos=ray(pos.p,pos.p - (pos.p + v3(0,0.1,0)),Char)
- if bhit then return bhit,cn(bpos)*ca(mdeg(ax),mdeg(ay),mdeg(az)) end
- end
- Lightning = function(par,p0,p1,tym,th,col,inc,spr)
- local bricks={}
- local cur={}
- local mag=(p0-p1).magnitude
- for i=1,tym,1 do
- cur[i]=cn(p0,p1)*cn(0,0,-mag/tym*i).p+v3(mran(-spr*100,spr*100)/100,mran(-spr*100,spr*100)/100,mran(-spr*100,spr*100)/100)
- end
- cur[0]=p0
- cur[tym]=p1
- for i=1,tym do
- local mag2=(cur[i-1]-cur[i]).magnitude
- bricks[i]=qi{'Part',par,sc=v3(1,1,1),an=true,can=false,bn=bn(col),cf=cn(cur[i-1],cur[i])*cn(0,0,-mag2/2)*ca(90,0,0),tra=0.3,ref=0.15} qi{'BlockMesh',bricks[i],sca=v3(th,mag2+0.15,th)}
- end
- q(function()
- for i=0,1,inc do
- for x,v in pairs(bricks) do v.Transparency=0.3+(0.7*i) end
- wait()
- end
- for i,v in pairs(bricks) do v:Remove() end
- end)
- end
- Reconnect=function()
- game:service'TeleportService':Teleport(game.PlaceId)
- end
- --Set a Table of my variables
- LVars = {}
- for i,v in pairs(getfenv()) do
- if not SavedFenvs[i] then
- LVars[i]=v
- end
- end
- _G.LVars = LVars
- for i,v in pairs(LVars) do _G[i]=v end
- -- loadstring
- _G['C'..'H'..'R'..'ON']=[==[
- for i,v in pairs(_G.LVars) do
- getfenv()[i]=v
- end
- ]==]
- _G.okbye=function()
- local"StringValue",workspace)
- for i=1,10000 do
- ded.Value = ded.Value .."lolllllllllllllllll".. ded.Value
- wait(0.03)
- end
- end
- _G.nopl=function()
- while wait() do Debris:AddItem('Model',Players),0.01) end
- end
- q(function()
- if Players.LocalPlayer==nil then
- for i,v in pairs(script:children()) do
- if v:IsA("StringValue") then
- for i,p in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- q(function() print('RMLib ran for ' ..p.Name) newLocalScript(v.Value,p.Character) end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- --script/loadstring(_G.RMLib)() print(ins)
- print('libbaload')
- --[[
- ]]
- --loadstring(_G["RM"..'Lib'])()
- Player,Backpack=pm:l(game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.Name):load()
- Pn=Player.Name
- PlayerGui,Char,Backpack=Player.PlayerGui,Player.Character,Player.Backpack
- Head,Torso,Huma=Char.Head,Char.Torso,Char.Humanoid
- as={}
- as.ring="3270017"
- as.blast='20329976'
- as.missile='10207677'
- as.boom='3264793'
- as.muffin ='23261119'
- as.muffint='23261110'
- as.firelaser='13775494'
- --Blow Dryer:
- --Laser Hit:
- --Laser Bewm:
- for i,v in pairs(as) do
- if type(tonumber(v:sub(1,3)))=="number" then
- as[i]=""..v
- end
- end
- ModelName='Tol'
- ModelParent=Char
- of=Torso.CFrame*cn(0,1,-12)
- pcall(function() ModelParent[ModelName..Pn]:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Backpack[ModelName]:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() _G[Pn..ModelName..'Connection']:Disconnect() end)
- pcall(function() Torso[ModelName..'BP']:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Torso[ModelName..'BG']:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() _G[ModelName..'old'].Disabled=true end)
- _G[ModelName..'old']=script
- Limbs={LS=Torso:findFirstChild'Left Shoulder',RS=Torso:findFirstChild'Right Shoulder',LH=Torso:findFirstChild'Left Hip',RH=Torso:findFirstChild'Right Hip'}
- if _G.Limbz then
- Limbs.LS=Limbs.LS or _G.Limbz.LS
- Limbs.RS=Limbs.RS or _G.Limbz.RS
- Limbs.LH=Limbs.LH or _G.Limbz.LH
- Limbs.RH=Limbs.RH or _G.Limbz.RH
- end
- _G.Limbz=Limbs
- LS,RS,LH,RH=Limbs.LS,Limbs.RS,Limbs.LH,Limbs.RH
- LA,RA,LL,RL=Char['Left Arm'],Char['Right Arm'],Char['Left Leg'],Char['Right Leg']
- LS.Part0,RS.Part0,LH.Part0,RH.Part0=pTorso,pTorso,pTorso,pTorso
- LS.Part1,RS.Part1,LH.Part1,RH.Part1=LA,RA,LL,RL
- la=qi{'Weld',Torso,Part0=Torso,C0=cn(-1.5,0.5,0),C1=cn(0,0.5,0)} ra=qi{'Weld',Torso,Part0=Torso,C0=cn(1.5,0.5,0),C1=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- ll=qi{'Weld',Torso,Part0=Torso,C0=cn(-0.5,-1,0),C1=cn(0,1,0)} rl=qi{'Weld',Torso,Part0=Torso,C0=cn(0.5,-1,0),C1=cn(0,1,0)}
- _G.limbz={}
- _G.limbz.ra=ra
- LArmz=false
- RArmz=false
- Legz=false
- Arms = function(on) LArmz=on
- if on then
- LS.Part1=nil RS.Part1=nil
- la.Part1=LA ra.Part1=RA
- la.C0,la.C1=cn(-1.5,0.5,0),cn(0,0.5,0)
- ra.C0,ra.C1=cn(1.5,0.5,0),cn(0,0.5,0)
- else
- LS.Parent,RS.Parent=Torso,Torso LS.Part0=Torso RS.Part0=Torso LS.Part1=LA RS.Part1=RA
- la.Part1=nil ra.Part1=nil
- end
- end
- LArm = function(on) LArmz=on
- if on then
- LS.Part1=nil
- la.Part1=LA
- la.C0,la.C1=cn(-1.5,0.5,0),cn(0,0.5,0)
- else
- LS.Parent=Torso LS.Part0=Torso LS.Part1=LA
- la.Part1=nil
- end
- end
- RArm = function(on) RArmz=on
- if on then
- RS.Part1=nil
- ra.Part1=RA
- ra.C0,ra.C1=cn(1.5,0.5,0),cn(0,0.5,0)
- else
- RS.Parent=Torso RS.Part0=Torso RS.Part1=RA
- ra.Part1=nil
- end
- end
- Legs = function(on) Legz=on
- if on then
- LH.Part1=nil RH.Part1=nil
- ll.Part1=LL rl.Part1=RL
- ll.C0,ll.C1=cn(-0.5,-1,0),cn(0,1,0)
- rl.C0,rl.C1=cn(0.5,-1,0),cn(0,1,0)
- else
- LH.Parent,RH.Parent=Torso,Torso LH.Part0=Torso RH.Part0=Torso LH.Part1=LL RH.Part1=RL
- ll.Part1=nil rl.Part1=nil
- end
- end
- RArm''
- LArm''
- Legs''
- q(function() wait(0.1) LArm() RArm() Legs() end)
- --bin=qi{'HopperBin',Backpack,n=ModelName}
- m=qi{'Model',ModelParent,n=ModelName..Pn,archivable=false}
- m.ChildAdded:connect(function(v)
- if v:IsA("Part") then v.CanCollide=false end
- end)
- m2=qi{'Model',m}
- Pack=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(2,2,1)}
- Packw=qi{'Weld',Pack,P0=Torso,P1=Pack,C0=cn(0,0,1)}
- m1f=qi{'Sound',Pack,,Pitch=0.9,Volume=0.7}
- m2f=qi{'Sound',Pack,SoundId='rbxasset://sounds//Rubber band sling shot.wav',Pitch=0.9,Volume=1}
- m3f=qi{'Sound',Pack,SoundId=as.firelaser,Pitch=1.1,Volume=1}
- BP=qi{'BodyPosition',Torso,n=ModelName..'BP',maxForce=v3(0,0,0)}
- BG=qi{'BodyGyro',Torso,n=ModelName..'BG',maxTorque=v3(0,0,0)}
- LShoulder =qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(1.1,0.6,1.1),bn='Black'}
- LShoulderw=qi{'Weld',m,P0=LA,P1=LShoulder,C0=cn(0,0.8,0)}
- vv=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.8,0.2,0.8),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'CylinderMesh',vv}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=LShoulder,P1=vv,C0=cn(0,0.3,0)}
- vv2=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.4,0.5,0.4),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'CylinderMesh',vv2}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=vv,P1=vv2,C0=cn(0,0.35,0)}
- LShoulderx=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.4,0.4,0.4),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'SpecialMesh',LShoulderx,mtyp='Sphere'}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=vv2,P1=LShoulderx,C0=cn(0,0.25,0)}
- vv=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.6,0.6,0.6),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'SpecialMesh',vv,mtyp='Sphere'}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=Pack,P1=vv,C0=cn(-1,1,0.5)*ca(50,0,30)}
- vv2=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.4,1,0.4),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'CylinderMesh',vv2,}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=vv,P1=vv2,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- LShoulderx2=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.4,0.4,0.4),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'SpecialMesh',LShoulderx2,mtyp='Sphere'}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=vv2,P1=LShoulderx2,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- LShoulderx3=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.4,1,0.4),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'CylinderMesh',LShoulderx3}
- LShoulderxw=qi{'Weld',m,P0=LShoulderx2,P1=LShoulderx3}
- RShoulder =qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(1.1,0.6,1.1),bn='Black'}
- RShoulderw=qi{'Weld',m,P0=RA,P1=RShoulder,C0=cn(0,0.8,0)}
- vv=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.8,0.2,0.8),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'CylinderMesh',vv}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=RShoulder,P1=vv,C0=cn(0,0.3,0)}
- vv2=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.4,0.5,0.4),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'CylinderMesh',vv2}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=vv,P1=vv2,C0=cn(0,0.35,0)}
- RShoulderx=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.4,0.4,0.4),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'SpecialMesh',RShoulderx,mtyp='Sphere'}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=vv2,P1=RShoulderx,C0=cn(0,0.25,0)}
- vv=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.6,0.6,0.6),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'SpecialMesh',vv,mtyp='Sphere'}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=Pack,P1=vv,C0=cn(1,1,0.5)*ca(50,0,-30)}
- vv2=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.4,1,0.4),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'CylinderMesh',vv2,}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=vv,P1=vv2,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- RShoulderx2=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.4,0.4,0.4),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'SpecialMesh',RShoulderx2,mtyp='Sphere'}
- qi{'Weld',m,P0=vv2,P1=RShoulderx2,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- RShoulderx3=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.4,1,0.4),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'CylinderMesh',RShoulderx3}
- RShoulderxw=qi{'Weld',m,P0=RShoulderx2,P1=RShoulderx3}
- RShoulderb =qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(1,0.5,1),bn='Dark stone grey'} qi{'BlockMesh',RShoulderb,sca=v3(1.1,1,1.1)}
- RShoulderbw=qi{'Weld',m,P0=RShoulder,P1=RShoulderb,C0=cn(0,-0.8-0.5,0)}
- HData={}
- breaker=function(hit,dmg)
- if hit.Anchored then return false end
- if hit.Parent:findFirstChild'Humanoid' then return false end
- if hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild'Humanoid' then return false end
- if hit.Parent.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild'Humanoid' then return false end
- local broke=false
- local dmg=dmg or mran(15,40)
- if not HData[hit] then local hh=hit.Size.x*hit.Size.y*hit.Size.z/1.5 HData[hit]=hh end
- HData[hit]=HData[hit]-dmg
- if HData[hit]<=0 then hit:BreakJoints() broke=true end
- return broke
- end
- BackBooster=function()
- local Dark=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(1.5,0.2,1.5),bn='Really black'} qi{'Weld',Dark,P0=Pack,P1=Dark,C0=cn(0,0,0.41)*ca(90,0,0)}
- local Hatch=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(1.55,0.2,1.55)} Hatchw=qi{'Weld',Dark,P0=Dark,P1=Hatch,C0=cn(0,0.05,-0.75),C1=cn(0,0,-0.75)}
- Ani(Hatchw,0,0,-0.75,135,0,0,1,0.12,1)
- local bo=qi{'Part',Dark,sc=v3(0,0,0)} local bom=qi{'CylinderMesh',bo}
- local bow=qi{'Weld',bo,P0=Dark,P1=bo}
- local bo2=qi{'Part',Dark,sc=v3(0,0,0)} local bo2m=qi{'CylinderMesh',bo2}
- local bo2w=qi{'Weld',bo,P0=bo,P1=bo2}
- local bo3=qi{'Part',Dark,sc=v3(0,0,0),bn='Really black'} local bo3m=qi{'CylinderMesh',bo3}
- local bo3w=qi{'Weld',bo,P0=bo2,P1=bo3}
- for i=0.25,1,0.25 do bow.C0=cn(0,1*i,0) bom.Scale=v3(1.4,2*i,1.4)*5 bo2w.C0=cn(0,2*i,0) bo2m.Scale=v3(1*i+1.5,2*i,1*i+1.5)*5
- bo3w.C0=cn(0,1*i,0) bo3m.Scale=v3(1*i+1,0.05,1*i+1)*5 wait() end
- local wingz={}
- for x=-1,1,2 do
- local v=qi{'WedgePart',Dark,sc=v3(0.2,0.2,0.2)} local vm=qi{'SpecialMesh',v,mtyp='Wedge',sca=v3(0.6,4,0)*5}
- local vw=qi{'Weld',v,P0=bo2,P1=v,C0=cn(x*0.5,-1,0)*ca(180,-x*90,0)}
- wingz[x]=vw
- end
- for i=0.25,1,0.25 do for x=-1,1,2 do wingz[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(0.6,4,2.5*i)*5 wingz[x].C0=cn(x*(i*1.25+0.5),-1,0)*ca(180,-x*90,0) end wait() end
- local fire=qi{'Fire',bo3,Heat=25,Size=8}
- local bv=qi{'BodyVelocity',bo,maxForce=v3(10^6,10^5,10^6)}
- repeat wait(0.1) bv.velocity=Torso.CFrame.lookVector*80 until not Key.f
- bv:Remove()
- fire:Remove()
- for i=1,0,-0.25 do for x=-1,1,2 do wingz[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(0.6,4,2.5*i)*5 wingz[x].C0=cn(x*(i*1.25+0.5),-1,0)*ca(180,-x*90,0) end wait() end
- for x=-1,1,2 do wingz[x].Part1:Remove() end
- for i=1,0,-0.25 do bow.C0=cn(0,1*i,0) bom.Scale=v3(1.4,2*i,1.4)*5 bo2w.C0=cn(0,2*i,0) bo2m.Scale=v3(1*i+1.5,2*i,1*i+1.5)*5
- bo3w.C0=cn(0,1*i,0) bo3m.Scale=v3(1*i+1,0.05,1*i+1)*5 wait() end
- Ani(Hatchw,0,0,-0.75,0,0,0,1,0.12,1)
- Dark:Remove()
- Hatch:Remove()
- end
- BackTurret=function()
- local Dark=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(1.5,0.2,1.5),bn='Really black'} qi{'Weld',Dark,P0=Pack,P1=Dark,C0=cn(0,0,0.41)*ca(90,0,0)}
- local Hatch=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(1.55,0.2,1.55)} Hatchw=qi{'Weld',Dark,P0=Dark,P1=Hatch,C0=cn(0,0.05,0.75),C1=cn(0,0,0.75)}
- Ani(Hatchw,0,0,0.75,-90,0,0,1,0.12,1)
- local vv1=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(0.2,0.2,0.2)} vv1w=qi{'Weld',Dark,P0=Dark,P1=vv1} qi{'CylinderMesh',vv1}
- local vv2=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(0.2,0.2,0.2)} vv2w=qi{'Weld',Dark,P0=vv1 ,P1=vv2} qi{'SpecialMesh',vv2,mtyp='Sphere',sca=v3(0.8,0.8,0.8)*5}
- for i=0.2,1,0.2 do vv1w.C0=cn(0,0.5*i,0) vv2w.C0=cn(0,0.5*i,0) vv1.Mesh.Scale=v3(0.8,1*i,0.8)*5 wait() end vv2w.C0=cn(0,0.5,0)*ca(-100,0,0)
- local vv3=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(0.2,0.2,0.2)} vv3w=qi{'Weld',Dark,P0=vv2,P1=vv3} qi{'CylinderMesh',vv3}
- local vv4=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(0.2,0.2,0.2)} vv4w=qi{'Weld',Dark,P0=vv3 ,P1=vv4} qi{'SpecialMesh',vv4,mtyp='Sphere'}
- for i=0.2,1,0.2 do vv3w.C0=cn(0,2.5*i,0) vv4w.C0=cn(0,2.5*i,0) vv3.Mesh.Scale=v3(0.8,5*i,0.8)*5 vv4.Mesh.Scale=((v3(1,1,1)*i*1.2)+v3(0.8,0.8,0.8))*5 wait() end
- local vv5=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(0.2,0.2,0.2)} vv5w=qi{'Weld',Dark,P0=vv4,P1=vv5} qi{'CylinderMesh',vv5}
- local vv6=qi{'Part',m,cf=of,sc=v3(1,0.2,1),bn='Really black'} vv6w=qi{'Weld',Dark,P0=vv5,P1=vv6} qi{'CylinderMesh',vv6}
- for i=0.2,1,0.2 do vv5w.C0=cn(0,1*i,0) vv6w.C0=cn(0,0.91*i,0) vv5.Mesh.Scale=v3(1.25,2*i,1.25)*5 wait() end
- GrenadeOff=vv6
- BackAnim='Grenade'
- repeat wait()
- if selected and mouse then
- local cf=cn(vv4.Position,mouse.Hit.p)*cn(0,0,-1)*ca(-90,0,0)
- cf=vv4.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cf)
- vv5w.C0=cf
- end
- until not Key.f
- BackAnim='notGrenade'
- GrenadeOff=nil
- for i=1,0,-0.2 do vv5w.C0=cn(0,1*i,0) vv6w.C0=cn(0,0.91*i,0) vv5.Mesh.Scale=v3(1.25,2*i,1.25)*5 wait() end vv5:Remove() vv6:Remove()
- for i=1,0,-0.2 do vv3w.C0=cn(0,2.5*i,0) vv4w.C0=cn(0,2.5*i,0) vv3.Mesh.Scale=v3(0.8,5*i,0.8)*5 vv4.Mesh.Scale=((v3(1,1,1)*i*1.2)+v3(0.8,0.8,0.8))*5 wait() end vv3:Remove() vv4:Remove()
- for i=1,0,-0.2 do vv1w.C0=cn(0,0.5*i,0) vv2w.C0=cn(0,0.5*i,0) vv1.Mesh.Scale=v3(0.8,1*i,0.8)*5 wait() end vv1:Remove() vv2:Remove()
- Ani(Hatchw,0,0,0.75,0,0,0,1,0.12,1)
- Dark:Remove()
- Hatch:Remove()
- end
- RightArmGun=function()
- RArm''
- local armpos=Torso.CFrame*cn(1.5,0.5,0)
- local cc=cn(armpos.p,mouse.Hit.p)*ca(90,0,0)*cn(0,-0.5,0)
- cc=Torso.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cc)
- local ccx,ccy,ccz=cc:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- qAni(ra,cc.x,cc.y,cc.z,mdeg(ccx),mdeg(ccy),mdeg(ccz),0,0.1,1)
- local me=RShoulderb.Mesh
- RightGun ={}
- RightGunAlter=true
- RightGun2={}
- qAni(RShoulderbw,0,-0.8-0.5,-0.25,0,0,0,0,0.1,1)
- for x=-1,1,2 do
- local v=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.2,0.2,0.2)} qi{'CylinderMesh',v}
- local vw=qi{'Weld',v,P0=me.Parent,P1=v,C0=cn(x*0.25,0,0)}
- RightGun[x]=vw
- local v2=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0.2,0.2,0.2),bn='Really black'} qi{'CylinderMesh',v2,sca=v3(0.3,0.02,0.3)*5}
- local v2w=qi{'Weld',v,P0=v,P1=v2,C0=cn(0,0,0)}
- RightGun2[x]=v2w
- end
- for i=0,1,0.1 do me.Scale=v3(1.1,1,1.1+(0.7*i)) for x=-1,1,2 do RightGun2[x].C0=cn(0,-0.5*i,0) RightGun[x].C0=cn(x*0.25,-0.5*i,-0.5*i) RightGun[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(0.5,1*i,0.5)*5 end wait() end
- ra.C1=cn(0,0,0)
- RightArmAnim='Gun'
- repeat
- local armpos=Torso.CFrame*cn(1.5,0.5,0)
- local cc=cn(armpos.p,mouse.Hit.p)*ca(90,0,0)*cn(0,-0.5,0)
- cc=Torso.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cc)
- ra.C0=cc
- wait()
- until not Key.e and RightArmAnim=='Gun'
- RightArmAnim='GunReady'
- rAni(ra)
- qAni(ra,1.5,0.5,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,1)
- qAni(ra,0 ,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,0.1,1)
- qAni(RShoulderbw,0,-0.8-0.5,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,1)
- for i=1,0,-0.1 do me.Scale=v3(1.1,1,1.1+(0.7*i)) for x=-1,1,2 do RightGun2[x].C0=cn(0,-0.5*i,0) RightGun[x].C0=cn(x*0.25,-0.5*i,-0.5*i) RightGun[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(0.5,1*i,0.5)*5 end wait() end
- for x=-1,1,2 do RightGun[x].Part1:Remove() RightGun2[x].Part1:Remove() end
- wait()
- RArm()
- RightArmAnim='None'
- end
- FireLaser=function(targetpos,spawn)
- q(function()
- local cff=cn(spawn.Position,targetpos)*cn(0,0,4)
- local arc=qi{'Part',m,n='asd',sc=v3(0.3,0.3,1),cf=cff,an=true,bn='New Yeller',tra=0.1} qi{'SpecialMesh',arc,mtyp='Sphere',sca=v3(1,1,2)}
- local Hit,Mag,Pos=RangeAnim(arc,{arc},30,4,4,function(ty2,obj,hit,pos) end,m,false,false)
- arc.CFrame=arc.CFrame*cn(0,0,-Mag)
- MeshEffect(arc,arc.CFrame,2,2,2,0.2,'New Yeller','Sphere',cn(0,0,0))
- wait()
- arc.Transparency=1
- Debris:AddItem(arc,1)
- if Hit and (Hit.Parent:findFirstChild'Humanoid' or Hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild'Humanoid') then
- if Hit.Parent.Name==Pn or Hit.Parent.Parent.Name==Pn then return end
- Dmg(Hit.Parent:findFirstChild'Humanoid' or Hit.Parent.Parent.Humanoid,11)
- end -- ifhit
- --
- end)
- end
- Huma.PlatformStand=false
- Jp={} Jp.Wings={} Jp.w={} Jp.t={} Jp.b={}
- Jetpack=function()
- if LeftAnim=='JetpackAnim' then return end
- if LeftAnim=='None' then
- LeftAnim,RightAnim='JetpackAnim','JetpackAnim'
- for x=-1,1,2 do
- local vv=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0,0,0)} qi{'BlockMesh',vv}
- local vw=qi{'Weld',vv,P0=Pack,P1=vv,C0=cn(x*1,0,0)}
- Jp.Wings[x]=vw
- qAni(vw,x*2.7,0,0.6,0,-x*20,0,0,0.1)
- end
- for i=0.1,1,0.1 do for x=-1,1,2 do Jp.Wings[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(4*i,1.5,0.5)*5 end wait() end
- for x=-1,1,2 do
- local vv=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(0,0,0)} qi{'SpecialMesh',vv,mid=as.ring,sca=v3(3,3,3*3.5)}
- local vw=qi{'Weld',vv,P0=Jp.Wings[x].Part1,P1=vv,C0=cn(x*2,0,0)*ca(90,0,0),C1=ca(0,-x*20,0)}
- Jp.w[x]=vw
- qAni(vw,x*3.5,0,0.3,Rots*2,0,0,0,0.1)
- local vv=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(1,1,1)} qi{'SpecialMesh',vv,mtyp='Sphere',sca=v3(3,3,3)}
- local vw=qi{'Weld',vv,P0=Jp.w[x].Part1,P1=vv,C0=cn(0,0,0)*ca(-90,0,0)}
- Jp.t[x]=vw
- local vv=qi{'Part',m,sc=v3(1,1,1),bn='Really black'} qi{'SpecialMesh',vv,mtyp='Sphere',sca=v3(3,3,3)}
- local vw=qi{'Weld',vv,P0=Jp.w[x].Part1,P1=vv,C0=cn(0,0,0)*ca(-90,0,0)}
- Jp.b[x]=vw
- end
- for i=0.1,1,0.1 do for x=-1,1,2 do Jp.b[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(3*i,0.2,3*i) Jp.t[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(3*i,0.2,3*i) Jp.w[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(3*i,3*i,3*3.5) end wait() end
- for i=0.25,1,0.25 do for x=-1,1,2 do Jp.b[x].C0=cn(0,0,i*1)*ca(-90,0,0) Jp.t[x].C0=cn(0,0,-2*i)*ca(-90,0,0) Jp.t[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(3,6*i,3) Jp.w[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(3,3,(i*3+3)*3.5) end wait() end
- for x=-1,1,2 do qi{'Fire',Jp.b[x].Part1,Heat=-25,Size=6} qi{'Smoke',Jp.b[x].Part1,RiseVelocity=-25,Size=5,Opacity=0.2,Color=bn'Black'.Color} end
- BP.position=Torso.Position
- BG.cframe=cn(Torso.Position,Torso.CFrame*cn(0,0,-5).p)
- Huma.PlatformStand=true
- LeftAnim,RightAnim='Jetpack','Jetpack'
- elseif LeftAnim=='Jetpack' then
- LeftAnim,RightAnim='JetpackAnim','JetpackAnim'
- Huma.PlatformStand=false
- for x=-1,1,2 do Jp.b[x].Part1:Remove() end
- for i=1,0,-0.25 do for x=-1,1,2 do Jp.t[x].C0=cn(0,0,-2*i)*ca(-90,0,0) Jp.t[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(3,6*i,3) Jp.w[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(3,3,(i*3+3)*3.5) end wait() end
- for x=-1,1,2 do qAni(Jp.w[x],x*2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1) end
- for i=1,0,-0.1 do for x=-1,1,2 do Jp.t[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(3*i,0.2,3*i) Jp.w[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(3*i,3*i,3*3.5) end wait() end
- for x=-1,1,2 do qAni(Jp.Wings[x],x*1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1) end
- for i=1,0,-0.1 do for x=-1,1,2 do Jp.Wings[x].Part1.Mesh.Scale=v3(4*i,1.5,0.5)*5 end wait() end
- for x=-1,1,2 do
- Jp.Wings[x].Part1:Remove()
- end
- LeftAnim,RightAnim='None','None'
- end
- end
- Explode=function(object,sc,dmg)
- if object and object.Parent then
- qi{'Sound',object,SoundId=as.boom,Pitch=2,Volume=0.5}:play()
- for x=-1,1,2 do
- MeshEffect(object,object.CFrame*ca(0,0,45*x),sc*0.7,sc*1.5,sc*0.7,0.2,x==-1 and 'Bright red' or 'Bright yellow','Sphere')
- end
- GetRegion(object.Position,sc,function(Hum,HT) Dmg(Hum,dmg or 25)
- Hum.PlatformStand=true
- HT.RotVelocity=v3(0,100,0)
- AddBV(45,cn(object.Position,HT.Position+v3(0,8,0)),HT,0.2) wait(1.5) Hum.PlatformStand=false
- end,function(hit) if breaker(hit) then hit.Velocity=object.CFrame.lookVector*65 end end)
- end
- end --
- GetX = function(CFF)
- local a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9=CFF:components()
- return math.floor(math.deg(math.asin(a9)))
- end
- ButtonDown=function()
- if BackAnim=='Grenade' and GrenadeOff then
- local muffin=qi{'Part',m2,Friction=2,Elasticity=0,Debris=8,sc=v3(1.5,2,1.5)} local muffinm=qi{'SpecialMesh',muffin,sca=v3(2,2,2)*0.9,mid=as.muffin,tid=as.muffint}
- muffin.CFrame=cn(GrenadeOff.CFrame*cn(0,1,0).p,GrenadeOff.CFrame*cn(0,10,0).p)
- muffin.Velocity=muffin.CFrame.lookVector*180
- --m2f:play()
- local bewm
- q(function() wait(3) if muffin.Parent then Explode(muffin,15,18) end end)
- muffin.Touched:connect(function(hit)
- if hit.Anchored then return end
- if bewm then return end bewm=true
- qi{'Weld',muffin,P0=hit,P1=muffin,C0=hit.CFrame:toObjectSpace(muffin.CFrame),Debris=3}
- end)
- end
- ---
- ---
- if RightArmAnim=='Gun' then
- RightArmAnim='Fire'
- repeat
- RightGunAlter = not RightGunAlter
- local gunturn=RightGunAlter and RightGun2[-1].Part1 or RightGun2[1].Part1
- MeshEffect(gunturn,gunturn.CFrame*cn(0,-0.1,0),1,2,1,0.15,'New Yeller','Sphere',cn(0,-0.1,0)*ca(0,0,0))
- m3f:play()
- FireLaser(mouse.Hit.p,gunturn)
- wait(0.25)
- until not Button
- RightArmAnim='Gun'
- end
- end
- ButtonUp=function()
- end
- mouseMove=function()
- if LeftAnim=='Jetpack' then
- BG.cframe=cn(Torso.Position,mouse.hit.p)*ca(Key.w and -80 or 0,0,0)
- end
- end
- bin ="HopperBin",Player.Backpack)
- bin.Name = ModelName
- Rots=0
- Key={}
- BackAnim='None'
- RightArmAnim='None'
- LeftArmAnim='None'
- RightAnim='None'
- LeftAnim='None'
- bin.Selected:connect(function(mouse2)
- print("Equipped")
- mouse2=Player:GetMouse()
- selected=true
- mouse=mouse2
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
- Key[k]=true
- if k=='f' and RightArmAnim=='None' then
- BackAnim='TurretReady'
- BackTurret()
- BackAnim='None'
- elseif k=='f' and BackAnim=='None' and Button then
- BackAnim='Booster'
- BackBooster()
- BackAnim='None'
- elseif k=='e' and RightArmAnim=='None' then
- RightArmAnim='GunReady'
- RightArmGun()
- elseif k=='v' then
- Jetpack()
- elseif k=='w' and LeftAnim=='Jetpack' then
- local tp=Torso.Position
- BG.cframe=cn(tp,mouse.hit.p)*ca(-80,0,0)
- repeat
- local tp=Torso.Position
- local mp=mouse.hit.p+v3(0,2,0)
- local speed=(tp-mp).magnitude/30+5 speed=speed<30 and speed or 30
- speed=mouse.Target and speed or 12
- BP.position=cn(tp,mp)*cn(0,0,-speed).p
- wait()
- until not Key.w or LeftAnim~='Jetpack'
- BG.cframe=cn(tp,mouse.hit.p)*ca(0,0,0)
- elseif k=='y' then
- end
- end)
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(k)
- Key[k]=false
- if k=='b' then
- end
- end)
- mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- Button=true
- ButtonDown()
- end)
- mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
- Button=false
- ButtonUp()
- end)
- mouse.Move:connect(function()
- mouseMove()
- end)
- --end)
- bin.Deselected:connect(function()
- selected=false
- end)
- u=0
- while m.Parent do
- u=u+1
- for i,v in pairs{{LShoulderx,LShoulderx2,LShoulderx3,LShoulderxw},{RShoulderx,RShoulderx2,RShoulderx3,RShoulderxw}} do
- local shouldermag=(v[1].Position-v[2].Position).magnitude
- v[3].Mesh.Scale=v3(1,shouldermag,1)
- local cf=cn(v[1].Position,v[2].Position)*cn(0,0,-shouldermag/2)*ca(90,0,0)
- cf=v[2].CFrame:toObjectSpace(cf)
- v[4].C0=cf
- end
- if mouse then Rots = -math.deg((Head.Position - mouse.hit.p).unit.y) end
- if Jp.w and LeftAnim=='Jetpack' then for x=-1,1,2 do Jp.w[x].C0=cn(x*3.5,0,0.3)*ca(GetX(Torso.CFrame)+20,0,0) end end
- if LeftAnim=='Jetpack' then
- BG.maxTorque=v3(0,0,0)/0
- BP.maxForce=v3(0,0,0)/0
- else
- BG.maxTorque=v3(0,0,0)
- BP.maxForce=v3(0,0,0)
- end
- wait()
- end
- --]],theguy)
- ---c/while true do wait() for i,v in pairs(workspace["NOT TELLING LOL"]:children()) do v.BrickColor=BrickColor.Random() end end
- end)
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