
Admin Panels

Mar 9th, 2015
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  1. -- DO NOT EDIT >:C
  2. script.Parent = nil
  3. local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  4. local tabs = {}
  5. local cmds = {}
  6. local crashsource = "while true do repeat until false end"
  7. local prefix = "!"
  8. local suffix = ";"
  9. local banned = {}
  10. local pri = {"Derek1017"}
  11. local pserver = false
  12. local Settings = {color = "New Yeller", color2 = "Hot pink"}
  13. local updatelog = {
  14.     "Version 2.2.1 YOLO Tabs ";
  15.     "Only for Derek1017's Personal use";
  16.     "Derek1017's YOLO Tabs";
  17.     "Still working on, may be bugs in my YOLO Tabs"
  18. }
  19. function Kick(plr)
  20. local"RemoteFunction",game:service'Lighting')
  21. pcall(function()
  22. pcall(plr.Kick,plr)
  23. end)
  24. pcall(function()
  25. pcall(a.InvokeClient,a,plr,{string.rep('a',2e5+5)})
  26. end)
  27. pcall(function()
  28. pcall(a.FireClient,a,plr,{string.rep('a',2e5+5)})
  29. end)
  30. pcall(function()
  31. plr.Parent=nil
  32. end)
  33. end
  34. function Output(Text,Function)
  35.     local part ="Part",workspace)
  36.     part.Anchored = true
  37.     part.FormFactor = "Custom"
  38.     part.Size =,2.3,2.3)
  39.     part.Transparency = 0.5
  40.     part.CanCollide = false
  41.     part.BrickColor =
  42.     part.TopSurface,part.BottomSurface = 0,0
  43.     part.Name="Tab"
  44.     local sel ='SelectionBox',part)
  45.     sel.Adornee = part
  46.     sel.Color = part.BrickColor
  47.     sel.Transparency = 0.7
  48.     local part2 ="Part",part)
  49.     part2.Anchored = true
  50.     part2.FormFactor = "Custom"
  51.     part2.Size =,1.15,1.15)
  52.     part2.Transparency = 0.5
  53.     part2.CanCollide = false
  54.     part2.BrickColor =
  55.     part2.TopSurface,part2.BottomSurface = 0,0
  56.     part2.Name="Tab"
  57.     local sel2 ='SelectionBox',part2)
  58.     sel2.Adornee = part2
  59.     sel2.Color = part2.BrickColor
  60.     sel2.Transparency = 0.7
  61.     local bg ="BillboardGui",part)
  62.     bg.Enabled = true
  63.     bg.Adornee = part
  64.     bg.AlwaysOnTop = true
  65.     bg.Size =,0,1,0)
  66.     bg.ExtentsOffset =,2,0)
  67.     local text ="TextLabel",bg)
  68.     text.Text = Text
  69.     text.Size =,0,1,0)
  70.     text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  71.     text.Font = "Arial"
  72.     text.FontSize = "Size24"
  73.     text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.7
  74.     text.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0);
  75.     text.TextColor3 = part.BrickColor.Color
  76.     local point ="PointLight",part)
  77.     point.Brightness = 1/0
  78.     point.Color = part.BrickColor.Color
  79.     point.Range = 6
  80.     local"ClickDetector",part)
  81.     cd.MouseClick:connect(Function)
  82.     table.insert(tabs,part)
  83. end
  84. function getPlayers(msg)
  85. local plrs = {}
  86. if msg == "me" then
  87. table.insert(plrs, Player)
  88. elseif msg == "all" then
  89. plrs = game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()
  90. elseif msg == "noobs" then
  91. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
  92. if plr.AccountAge > 364 then
  93. table.insert(plrs, plr)
  94. end
  95. end
  96. elseif msg == "veterans" then
  97. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
  98. if plr.AccountAge > 364 then
  99. table.insert(plrs, plr)
  100. end
  101. end
  102. elseif msg == "others" then
  103. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
  104. if v ~= Player then
  105. table.insert(plrs, v)
  106. end
  107. end
  108. else
  109. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
  110. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#msg) == msg:lower() then
  111. table.insert(plrs, v)
  112. end
  113. end
  114. end
  115. return plrs
  116. end
  118. function AddCmd(Name,Say,Desc,Func)
  119. table.insert(cmds,{["Name"] = Name,["Say"] = Say,["Desc"] = Desc,["Func"] = Func})
  120. end
  122. Player.Chatted:connect(function(m)
  123. for i,v in pairs(cmds) do
  124. if v["Say"]..suffix == m:sub(1, #v["Say"]+#suffix) then
  125. v["Func"](getPlayers(m:sub(#v["Say"]+#suffix+1)), m:sub(#v["Say"]+#suffix+1))
  126. end
  127. end
  128. end)
  130. function Dismiss()
  131. for i = 1,10 do
  132. pcall(function()
  133. for i,v in pairs(tabs) do
  134.    if v:IsA("Part") then
  135.        v:remove()
  136.        table.remove(tabs, i)
  137.     end
  138. end
  139. end)
  140. end
  141. end
  142. function ShowCommands()
  143.     Dismiss()
  144. for i, v in pairs(cmds) do
  145. Output(v["Name"], __)
  146. end
  147. end
  148. function PlaySound(id, parent, type)--whats the point why not add to the idiotic music this
  149.         epicsound ="Sound")
  150.         epicsound.Name = "EpicoSound"
  151.         epicsound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"
  152.         epicsound.Volume = 1
  153.         epicsound.Pitch = 1
  154.         epicsound.Looped = true
  155.         epicsound.Parent = parent
  156.         sbu = epicsound:Clone()
  157.         sbu.Parent = Storage
  158.         if epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://tt" then -- TELL ME, TELL ME, WHERE DA FREAKS AT!
  159.             epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://181158033"
  160.         elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://fabulous" then -- FA-FA-FABULOUS!{false}
  161.             epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://191819419"
  162.         elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://ufdb" then -- ultimate final death battle(fairy tail XD)
  163.             epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://153085393"
  164.         elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://nnm" then
  165.            epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://210189234"
  166.        elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://tun" then -- tunak tunak tun
  167.            epicsound.SoundId="rbxass/setid://162682002"
  168.        elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://zelda" then
  169.            epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://158215156"
  170.        elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://cc" then
  171.            epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://177080835"
  172.         end
  173.         epicsound:Play()
  174.         if type == 0 then
  175.     Output("Now playing: ""! (ID: "")", Settings.color, __)
  176.     elseif type == 1 then
  177.         Output("Now playing: ""! (ID: "") privately", Settings.color, __)
  178.     elseif type == 2 then
  179.         Output("Now playing: ""! (ID: "") to your torso", Settings.color, __)
  180.     end
  181. end
  182. function StopMusic()
  183.                     for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  184.             if v:IsA("Sound") then
  185.                 v.Name = "S0und"
  186.                 wait()
  187.                 v:Remove()
  188.             end
  189.         end
  190.     end
  192. function ShowMusicList1()
  193.     Dismiss()
  194.     Output("Fabulous - PewDiePie", function() Dismiss() StopMusic() PlaySound(191819419, workspace, 0) end)
  195.     Output("Freaks - Timmy Trumpet", function() Dismiss() StopMusic() PlaySound(181158033, workspace, 0) end)
  196.     Output("Spooky Scary Skeletons (TLT REMIX)", function() Dismiss() StopMusic() PlaySound(183357153, workspace, 0) end)
  197.     Output("3spooky5me", function() Dismiss() StopMusic() PlaySound(160442087, workspace, 0) end)
  198.     Output("Spooky Scary Skeletons (8-Bit REMIX)", function() Dismiss() StopMusic() PlaySound(204159425, workspace, 0) end)
  199.     Output("Ultimate Final Death Battle - Fairy Tail", function() Dismiss() StopMusic() PlaySound(153085393, workspace, 0) end)
  200.     Output("Mean Kitty Song", function() Dismiss() StopMusic() PlaySound(146038319, workspace, 0) end)
  201.     Output("Russian Dancing Men", function() Dismiss() StopMusic() PlaySound(142300879, workspace, 0) end)
  202.     Output("TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!?", function() Dismiss() StopMusic() PlaySound(143959455, workspace, 0) end)
  203.     Output("Tunak Tunak tun", function() Dismiss() StopMusic() PlaySound(162682002, workspace, 0) end)
  204. end
  205. AddCmd("Commands","cmds","Show the list of commands",
  206. function()
  207. ShowCommands()
  208. end
  209. )
  210. AddCmd("Ping","p","Pings a message",function(plrs, msg)
  211.     Output(msg,__)
  212. end)
  213. AddCmd("Kick","kick","kicks a player, lucky them",function(plrs,msg)
  214. for _,plr in pairs(plrs) do
  215. if plr then
  216. Kick(plr)
  217. end
  218. end
  219. end)
  221. AddCmd('Reverb', 'rvb', 'Changes AmbientReverb',
  222. function(plrs, msg)
  223. if msg == "" then
  224.     game:GetService("SoundService").AmbientReverb = "NoReverb"
  225.     Output("Ambient Reverb was reset to default!", __)
  226. else
  227.     game:GetService("SoundService").AmbientReverb=""..msg..""
  228.     Output("AmbientReverb changed to: "..msg,__)
  229. end
  230. end)
  231. AddCmd("Kill","kill","kills a player l0l",function(plrs,msg)
  232.     for _, plr in pairs(plrs) do
  233.         if plr.Character and plr.Character.Humanoid then
  234.             plr.Character.Humanoid.Health=0
  235.         end
  236.     end
  237. end)
  238. AddCmd("Pitch","pitch","changes a sound in workspace's pitch.",function(plrs,msg)
  239. for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  240. if v:IsA("Sound") then
  241. v.Pitch=msg
  242. end
  243. end
  244. end)
  245. AddCmd("MusicList","ml","shows music list",function(plrs, msg)
  246. ShowMusicList1()
  247. end)
  248. AddCmd('Doppler Scale', 'ds', 'Changes dopplerscale',
  249.     function(plrs,msg)
  250.     if msg == "" then
  251.         game:GetService("SoundService").DopplerScale = 1
  252.             Output("Doppler Scale was reset to default!", __)
  253.     else
  254.         game:GetService("SoundService").DopplerScale = msg
  255.         Output("Doppler Scale was changed to "..msg,__)
  256. end
  257. end)
  258. AddCmd("Dismiss","dt","dismiss's tabs",function()
  259.     Dismiss()
  260. end)
  261. AddCmd("Sound","sound","plays a sound",function(plrs, msg)
  262.     for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  263.         if v:IsA("Sound") then
  264.             v:Destroy()
  265.         end
  266.     end
  267.     PlaySound(msg,workspace,0)
  268. end)
  269. AddCmd("PSound","psound","plays a sound",function(plrs, msg)
  270.     for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  271.         if v:IsA("Sound") then
  272.             v:Destroy()
  273.         end
  274.     end
  275.     PlaySound(msg,workspace,1)
  276. end)
  277. AddCmd("explore","explore","explores the game",function()
  278.     for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  279.         Output(v.Name,__)
  280.     end
  281. end)
  282. AddCmd("ff","ff","forcefields a player",function(plrs,msg)
  283.     for _,plr in pairs(plrs) do
  284.         if plr and plr.Character then
  285.   "ForceField",plr.Character)
  286.             Output("Gave:"..plr.Name.." a forcefield!",__)
  287.         else
  288.             Output("Player not found",__)
  289.         end
  290.     end
  291. end)
  292. AddCmd("Error","error","makes a fake error in output LOL",function(plrs,msg)
  293. error(msg)
  294. end)
  295. AddCmd("AddPri","addp","adds a player to pri list",function(plrs,msg)
  296. for _,plr in pairs(plrs) do
  297. if plr then
  298. table.insert(pri,plr.Name)
  299. end
  300. end
  301. end)
  302. AddCmd("RemPri","remp","Removes a player from pri list",function(plrs,msg)
  303. for i,v in pairs(pri) do
  304. if msg then
  305. table.remove(pri,i)
  306. end
  307. end
  308. end)
  309. AddCmd("pri","pri","activates/deactivates pri",function(plrs,msg)
  310. if msg == 'on' then
  311. pserver=true
  312. elseif msg == 'off' then
  313. pserver = false
  314. end
  315. end)
  316. AddCmd("Kill","kill","kills a player",function(plrs,msg)
  317.     for _,plr in pairs(plrs) do
  318.         if plr and plr.Character then
  319.             plr.Character:BreakJoints()
  320.             Output("Killed "..plr.Name.." :D",__)
  321.         else
  322.             Output("Player not found",__)
  323.         end
  324.     end
  325. end)
  326. AddCmd('unff','unff','removes a players forcefield',function(plrs,msg)
  327.     for _,plr in pairs(plrs) do
  328.         if plr and plr.Character then
  329.             for i,v in pairs(plr.Character:GetChildren()) do
  330.                 if v:IsA("ForceField") then
  331.                     v:Destroy()
  332.                     Output("Removed:"..plr.Name"'s Forcefields!",__)
  333.                 end
  334.             end
  335.         end
  336.     end
  337. end)
  338. AddCmd('Banish', 'ban', 'Add a player to the Banishment list',
  339. function(plrs, msg)
  340. for _,v in pairs(plrs) do
  341. if v then
  342. table.insert(banned, v.Name)
  343. v:remove()
  344. Output('Banned | '..v.Name, __)
  345. else
  346. Output("404 Error | cannot find player", __)
  347. end
  348. end
  349. end
  350. )
  351. AddCmd("Unban","unban","removes a player from banland",function(plrs, msg)
  352. for i,v in pairs(banned) do
  353. table.remove(banned,i)
  354. end
  355. end)
  356. function enter(p)
  357. for i,v in pairs(banned) do
  358. if p.Name == v then
  359. Kick(p)
  360. Output("Banned player: "..v.." tried to join!", __)
  361. end
  362. end
  363. for i,v in pairs(pri) do
  364. if not pri[p.Name] and pri == true then
  365. Kick(p)
  366. end
  367. end
  368. end
  369. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
  370. enter(plr)
  371. end)
  372. local SRot=math.rad(0.01)*math.pi
  373. local Rot=1
  375. local SRot2=math.rad(0.01)*math.pi
  376. local Rot2=1
  378. local UpdateTablets=function()
  379.     Rot2=Rot2+SRot2
  380. for _, Players in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  381. local PlrTabs = {}
  382. for i,v in pairs(tabs) do
  383. if v.Parent==game.workspace then
  384. table.insert(PlrTabs, v)
  385. end
  386. end
  387. for i,v in pairs(PlrTabs) do
  388. pcall(function()
  389. pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  390. end)
  391. local m=(i/#tabs-(.5/#tabs)+(Rot2/1/(#PlrTabs/10)))*math.pi*2
  392. local rad=(#tabs*.6)+4
  393. local x=math.sin(m)*(rad)
  394. local y=math.sin(time()/1.5)
  395. local z=math.cos(m)*rad
  396. local arot =,y,z)+pos.p
  397. local brot = v.CFrame.p
  398. local crot = (arot*.1+brot*.9)
  399. v.CFrame =, pos.p)
  400. v.CFrame =, v.CFrame.y, v.CFrame.z)
  401. v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(Rot2*800*math.pi),math.rad(Rot2*800*math.pi),math.rad(Rot2*800*math.pi))
  402. for i,Part in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  403.     if Part:IsA("Part") and Part.Name == "Tab" then
  404.         local m=(i/#tabs-(.5/#tabs)+(Rot2/1/(#PlrTabs/10)))*math.pi*2
  405.         local rad=(#tabs*.6)+4
  406.         local x=math.sin(m)*(rad)
  407.         local y=math.sin(time()/1.5)
  408.         local z=math.cos(m)*rad
  409.         local arot =,y,z)+pos.p
  410.         local brot = v.CFrame.p
  411.         local crot = (arot*.1+brot*.9)
  412.         Part.CFrame =, pos.p)
  413.         Part.CFrame =, v.CFrame.y, v.CFrame.z)
  414.         Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(Rot2*-800*math.pi),math.rad(Rot2*-800*math.pi),math.rad(Rot2*-800*math.pi))
  415.     end
  416. end
  417. end
  418. end
  419. end
  420. for i,v in pairs(updatelog) do
  421. Output(v,__)
  422. end
  423. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  424.     game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function()
  425.         for i,Part in pairs(banned) do
  426.         for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  427.         if v.Name == Part then
  428.         v:Destroy()
  429.         end
  430.         end
  431.         end
  432.         UpdateTablets()
  433.     end)
  434. end))
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