

Jan 1st, 2011
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  1. on *:INPUT:*: {
  2. if ($regex($mid($1,1,1),/^[+-]$/i)) mode # $1-
  3. if ($1 == .add) || ($1 == .del) || ($1 == .list) {
  4. haltdef
  5. cs access $chan $remove($1,.) $2-
  6. }
  7. if ($1 == .add) && ($$3 isnum) {
  8. haltdef
  9. $iif($3 > 2, mode $chan $iif($3 == 2,+v-oha) $iif($3 == 3,+v-oha) $iif($3 == 4,+h-voa) $iif($3 isnum 5-9,+o-hva) $iif($3 > 9,+ao-hv) $str($2 $+ $chr(32),5))
  10. }
  11. if ($1 == .del) && ($2 ison $chan) {
  12. haltdef
  13. mode # -aohv $2 $2 $2 $2
  14. }
  15. if ($left($1,1) == + || $left($1,1) == -) {
  16. haltdef
  17. mode $chan $eval($1-,2) $iif($2,$2-,$me)
  18. }
  19. if ($1 === .ci) { cs clear # invites }
  20. if ($1 === .ce) { cs clear # excepts }
  21. if ($1 === .cb) { cs clear # bans }
  22. if ($1 == .gtfo) { mode $chan -oQ+b $2 $address($2,2) | kick # $1 Fuck off. | cs access $chan add $2 -9999 | cs akick $chan add $2 GTFO. | cs kick $chan $2 GTFO | mode $chan +Q | halt }
  23. if ($1 == .aklist) { cs akick $chan list | halt }
  24. if ($1 == .akview) { cs akick $chan view | halt }
  25. if ($1 == .akick) { cs akick $chan add $2 $3- | halt }
  26. if ($1 == .delakick) { cs akick $chan del $2 | halt }
  27. if ($1 == .ei) { mode $chan +eI $address($2,2) $address($2,2) | halt }
  28. if ($1 == .mute) { mode $chan +mbb-aohvq $2 $+(~q:,$address($2,2)) $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | halt }
  29. if ($1 == .w) { whois $2 | halt }
  30. if ($1 == .qk) { mode $chan -Q | cs kick $chan $2 | kick $chan $2 | .timer 1 1 mode $chan +Q | halt }
  31. if ($1 == .qkb) { mode $chan -Q | cs ban $chan $2 | mode $chan +b $address($2,2) | kick $chan $2 | .timer 1 1 mode $chan +Q | halt }
  32. if ($1 == .inv) { invite $2 $chan | halt }
  33. if ($1 == .invv) { mode $chan -V | invite $2 $chan | timer 1 1 mode $chan +V | halt }
  34. if ($1 == .cinv) { invite $2 $3 | halt }
  35. if ($1 == .eiuser) {
  36. mode $chan +eeeIII $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2)
  37. }
  38. if ($1 == .-eiuser) {
  39. mode $chan -eeeIII $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2)
  40. }
  41. if ($1 == .info) {
  42. if ($2 == $null) { ns info $me all | halt }
  43. }
  44. if ($1 == .cinfo) { cs info $chan all | halt }
  45. if ($1 == .n) { ns update | halt }
  46. if ($1 == .alist) { ns alist | halt }
  47. if ($1 == .glist) { ns glist | halt }
  48. if ($1 == .b) { cs ban $chan $2 $3- | halt }
  49. if ($1 == .k) { cs kick $chan $2 $3- | msg # you have been kicked for annoying me | halt }
  50. if ($1 == .kb) { kick $chan $2 | ban $chan $2 2 }
  51. if ($1 == .mlock) { cs set $chan mlock $2- | halt }
  52. if ($1 == .kb) { mode $chan -oQ+bbb $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $2 | cs kick $chan $2 }
  53. if ($1 == .getout) { mode $chan -oQ+b $2 $address($2,2) | kick # $1 Fuck off. | cs access $chan add $2 -9999 | cs akick $chan add $2 Get Out. | cs kick $chan $2 Get Out| halt }
  54. if ($1 == .clearb) { cs clear $chan bans | halt }
  55. if ($1 == .cleare) { cs clear $chan excepts | halt }
  56. if ($1 == .cleari) { cs clear $chan invites | halt }
  57. if ($1 == .Qkb) {
  58. mode # +bbb-vhoQ $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,1) $2 $2 $2
  59. mode # -Q
  60. kick # $2 $3-
  61. mode # -Q
  62. kick # $2 $3-
  63. }
  64. if ($1 == .Qk) {
  65. mode # -oQ $2
  66. mode # -Q
  67. kick # $2 $3-
  68. }
  69. if ($1 == .levels) {
  70. cs levels # set $$2-3
  71. }
  72. if ($1 == .ucount) {
  73. say The user count for $iif($2,$2,#) is $nick($iif($2,$2,#),0) }
  75. }
  78. ======== B R E A K ====
  82. on *:INPUT:#: {
  83. if ($1 == .minv) {
  84. set %nicks 1
  85. while ( %nicks <= $nick($chan,0) ) {
  86. invite $nick($chan,%nicks) $2
  87. inc %nicks
  88. }
  89. unset %nicks
  90. halt
  91. }
  92. if ($1 == .amsg) {
  93. var %x = 1
  94. while (%x <= $chan(0)) {
  95. if (($chan(%x) != #BNC)) && (($me isop $chan(%x)) || ($me ishop $chan(%x))) msg $chan(%x) 4>2>4>2amsg4<2<4<12 $2-
  96. inc %x }
  97. }
  98. if ($1 == .akick) {
  99. cs akick # add $2 $3-
  100. cs akick # enforce
  101. }
  102. if ($1 = .delakick) {
  103. cs akick # del $2-
  104. }
  105. if ($1 == .akicklist) {
  106. cs akick # list
  107. }
  108. if ($1 == .enforce) {
  109. cs akick # enforce $2-
  110. }
  111. if ($1 == .entrymsg) {
  112. cs set # entrymsg $2-
  113. }
  114. if ($1 == .eI) && (!$2) {
  115. mode $chan +eeeIII $address($me,9) $me $address($me,2) $address($me,9) $me $address($me,2)
  116. }
  117. if ($1 == .language) {
  118. ns set language $2
  119. }
  120. if ($2) && ($1 == .eI) {
  121. mode $chan +eeeIII $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2)
  122. }
  123. if ($2) && ($1 == ,eI) {
  124. mode $chan -eeeIII $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2)
  125. }
  126. if ($1 == .add) || ($1 == .del) || ($1 == .list) {
  127. cs access $chan $remove($1,.) $2-
  128. }
  129. if ($1 == .add) && ($$3 isnum) {
  130. $iif($3 > 2, mode $chan $iif($3 == 3,+v-oha) $iif($3 == 4,+h-voa) $iif($3 isnum 5-9,+o-hva) $iif($3 > 9,+ao-hv) $str($2 $+ $chr(32),5))
  131. }
  132. if ($1 == .del) && ($2 ison $chan) {
  133. mode # -aohv $2 $2 $2 $2
  134. }
  135. if ($left($1,1) == +) || ($left($1,1) == -) {
  136. $iif($remove($1,-,+) isalpha,mode $chan $eval($1-,2))
  137. }
  138. if ($1 == .secureops) {
  139. cs set # secureops $2
  140. }
  141. if ($1 == .update) {
  142. ns update
  143. }
  144. if ($1 == .inv) {
  145. mode $chan -V
  146. invite $2 $chan
  147. }
  148. if ($1 == .v) {
  149. mode $chan +v $2
  150. }
  151. if ($1 == .h) {
  152. mode $chan +h $2
  153. }
  154. if ($1 == .k) {
  155. inc %noobcount
  156. kick $chan $2 7 Another 4noob7 down, 12 %noobcount 4Noobs7 down
  157. }
  158. if ($1 == .op) {
  159. mode $chan +o $2
  160. }
  161. if ($1 == .kb) {
  162. inc %noobcount
  163. mode # -eeeeeeeeeee $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  164. mode # +bbbbbbbbbbb $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  165. kick # $2 7 Another 4Noob7 down, 12 %noobcount 4Noobs7 down
  166. }
  167. if ($1 == .unban) {
  168. mode $chan -b $2
  169. mode # -bbbbbbbbbbb $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  170. ban -r $chan $2
  171. }
  172. if ($1 == .unban) {
  173. mode $chan -b $2
  174. mode # -bbbbbbbbbbb $me $address($me,0) $address($me,1) $address($me,2) $address($me,3) $address($me,4) $address($me,5) $address($me,6) $address($me,7) $address($me,8) $address($me,9)
  175. ban -r $chan $me
  176. }
  177. if ($1 == .ban) {
  178. mode # +bbbbbbbbbbb $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  179. }
  180. if ($1 == .deop) {
  181. mode $chan -o $2
  182. }
  183. if ($1 == .topic) {
  184. msg $chan The topic is: $chan($chan).topic
  185. }
  186. if ($1 == .mlock) {
  187. cs set # mlock $2-
  188. }
  189. if ($1 == .assign) {
  190. bs assign # $2
  191. }
  192. if ($1 == .unassign) {
  193. bs unassign #
  194. }
  195. if ($1 == .topiclock) {
  196. cs set # topiclock $2
  197. }
  198. if ($1 == .cs) {
  199. cs $2 # $3-
  200. }
  201. if ($1 == .ns) {
  202. ns $2 $3-
  203. }
  204. if ($1 == .bs) {
  205. bs $2 # $3-
  206. }
  207. if ($1 == .sp) {
  208. mode # +RntMCNTjfmV 2:99 [8j#i10]:10
  209. }
  210. if ($1 == .spoff) {
  211. mode # -RjfMCNTmV 2:99 [8j#i10]:10
  212. }
  213. if ($1 == .Qkb) {
  214. inc %noobcount
  215. mode # -eeeeeeeeeee $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  216. mode # -Q+bbbb $2 $address($2,1) $address($2,3) $address($2,4)
  217. kick # $2 7 Another 4Noob7 down, 12 %noobcount 4Noobs7 down
  218. cs kick $chan $2 7 Another 4Noob7 down, 12 %noobcount 4Noobs7 down
  219. }
  220. if ($1 == .Qk) {
  221. inc %noobcount
  222. mode # -Q
  223. kick # $2 7 Another 4Noob7 down, 12 %noobcount 4Noobs7 down
  224. }
  225. if ($1 == .levels) {
  226. cs levels # set $$2-3
  227. }
  228. if ($1 == .ucount) {
  229. say The user count for $iif($2,$2,#) is $nick($iif($2,$2,#),0)
  230. }
  231. if ($1 == .bops) {
  232. mode # +bbbbbbbbbbbbb strider3282 fx antidrone katlyn marius sephiroth clorith allen vivec slaapkamer tarball scott tim
  233. mode # +bbbbbbbb chrono pancakes gic woodruff *!*@ ~c:#irchelp ~c:#support ~c:#vivec
  234. mode # +bbbbbb Slaapkamer@Swift-F1829477 loverboy gic@Swift-F1829477
  235. }
  236. if ($1 == .badword) {
  237. bs badwords # add $2
  238. }
  239. if ($1 == .delword) {
  240. bs badwords # del $2
  241. }
  243. if ($1 == .cban) {
  244. mode $chan +b ~c: $+ $2
  245. }
  246. if ($1 == .cycle) {
  247. cycle #
  248. }
  249. }
  253. ====== B R E A K ======
  255. on *:INPUT:*: {
  256. If ($1 == .+cb) { mode # +b ~c: $+ $iif($left($2,1) = $chr(35),$2,$chr(35) $+ $2) }
  257. If ($1 == .-cb) { mode # -b ~c: $+ $iif($left($2,1) = $chr(35),$2,$chr(35) $+ $2) }
  258. if ($1 = .i) { notice $2 hello $2 please join # | Invite $2 # | halt }
  259. if ($1 == .add) || ($1 == .del) || ($1 == .list) {
  260. chanserv access $chan $remove($1,.) $2-
  261. }
  262. if ($1 == .add) && ($$3 isnum) {
  263. $iif($3 > 2, mode $chan $iif($3 == 3,+v-hao) $iif($3 == 4,+h-vao) $iif($3 isnum 5-9,+o-ahv) $iif($3 > 9,+oa-hv) $str($2 $+ $chr(32),5))
  264. }
  265. if ($left($1,1) == +) || ($left($1,1) == -) {
  266. var %a $regex($remove($1,-,+),/./g)
  267. $iif($remove($1,-,+) isalpha,mode $chan $eval($1-,2) $str($2 $chr(32),%a))
  268. }
  269. if ($1 == .eiuser) {
  270. mode $chan +eeeIII $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2)
  271. }
  272. if ($1 == .-eiuser) {
  273. mode $chan -eeeIII $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2)
  274. }
  275. if ($1 == .s) { silence + $+ $2 }
  276. if ($1 === .ci) { cs clear # invites }
  277. if ($1 === .ce) { cs clear # excepts }
  278. if ($1 === .cb) { cs clear # bans }
  279. if ($1 == .mute) { mode $chan +mbb-aohvq $2 $+(~q:,$address($2,2)) $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | halt }
  280. if ($1 == .unmute) { mode $chan -mbb $2 $+(~q:,$address($2,2)) $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | halt }
  281. if ($1 == .mu) { mode # -qaohv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | mode # +m | echo -a +m set on $chan }
  282. if ($1 == .shh) { mode # -qaohv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | mode # +m | echo -a +m set on $chan }
  283. if ($1 == .amsg) { amsg $+($chr(3),4,$chr(44),1,$$2-,$chr(15)) //_AMSG_\\ | notice Glacier_Rat Amsg used by - $nick }
  284. if ($1 == .ams) { amsg $$2- [AMSG] | notice Glacier_Rat Amsg used by - $nick }
  285. if ($1 == .ns) { ns info $iif($2,$2,$nick) all }
  286. if ($1 == .ni) { nick $2- }
  287. if ($1 == .alist) { ns alist | halt }
  288. if ($1 == .clist) { cs access # list | halt }
  289. if ($1 == .b) { cs ban $chan $2 $3- | halt }
  290. if ($1 == .mlock1 ) { cs set # mlock +fmnrtCQTVj-EciklpsuzGKLMNRSB [8c#C5,5k#K5,5n#N5]:15 }
  291. if ($1 == .mlock2 ) { cs set # mlock +fmnrtCQTj-VEciklpsuzGKLMNRSB [8c#C5,5k#K5,5n#N5]:15 }
  292. if ($1 == .mlock3 ) { cs set # mlock +fmnrtCTj-EQciklpsuzGKLMNRSVB [8c#C5,5k#K5,5n#N5]:15 }
  293. if ($1 = .cinfo) { cs info $iif($left($2,1) != $chr(35),$chr(35) $+ $2,$2) all | halt }
  294. if ($1 == .gtfo) { mode $chan -oQ+b $2 $address($2,2) | kick # $1 Fuck off. | cs access $chan add $2 -9999 | cs akick $chan add $2 GTFO. | cs kick $chan $2 GTFO | mode $chan +Q | halt }
  295. if ($1 == .qk) { mode $chan -Q | cs kick $chan $2 $iif($3,$3-,No Reason) | halt }
  296. if ($1 == .qkb) { mode $chan -Q+b $address($2,2) | cs kick $chan $2 $iif($3,$3-,No Reason) | halt }
  297. if ($1 == .glist) { ns glist | halt }
  298. if ($1 == .w) { whois $2 | halt }
  299. if ($1 == .ww) { whowas $2 | halt }
  300. if ($1 == .ei) { mode $chan +eI $address($$1,2) $address($$1,2) | halt }
  301. if ($1 == .kb) { mode # +bb $2 $address($2,2) | cs kick # $2 $3 }
  302. if ($1 == .akview) { cs akick $chan view | halt }
  303. if ($1 == .aklist) { cs akick $chan list | halt }
  304. if ($1 == .gamsg) { scid -at1 amsg $2- }
  305. if ($1 == .quit ) { scid -at1 quit }
  306. if ($1 == .mlock) { cs set $chan mlock $2- | halt }
  307. if ($1 == .cch) { cs clear # hops }
  308. if ($1 == .ccv) { cs clear # voices }
  309. if ($1 == .cco) { cs clear # ops }
  310. if ($1 == .cca) { cs clear # users }
  311. if ($1 == .cce) { cs clear # excepts }
  312. if ($1 == .ck) { cs kick # $2 }
  313. if ($1 == .ctlo) { cs set $chan topiclock off }
  314. if ($1 == .ctlon) { cs set $chan topiclock on }
  315. if ($1 == .no) && ($3) { notice $2- }
  316. if ($1 == .msg) && ($3) { /msg $2- }
  317. if ($1 == .n) { ns update | halt }
  318. If ($1 == .akick) { set %akicked $+ $2 $address($2,2)
  319. cs akick # add $2 $3
  320. cs akick # add $address($2,2) $3- }
  321. if ($1 == .info) {
  322. if ($2 == $null) { ns info $me all | halt }
  323. }
  324. If ($1 == .delakick) { mode # -b %akicked [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
  325. cs akick # del $2
  326. cs akick # del %akicked [ $+ [ $2 ] ] }
  327. If ($1 == .in) {
  328. mode # -b $2
  329. mode # -V
  330. /invite $2 #
  331. /timerv 1 5 /mode # +V
  332. notice $2 $me Invites you to join $chan $+ .
  333. if ($1 = .rlb) {
  334. notice $me 4 $+ $gettok($ibl(#,1).by,1,33) 14set (+b4 $ibl(#,1) $+ 14) at04 $asctime($calc(21600+ $ibl(#,1).ctime),hh14:04nn14.04ss14tt) (04 $+ $duration($calc($ctime - $ibl(#,1).ctime)) 14ago.)
  335. mode # -b $ibl(#,1)
  336. }
  337. }
  338. }
  341. ====== B R E A K ======
  343. on *:INPUT:*: {
  344. if ($regex($mid($1,1,1),/^[+-]$/i)) { mode # $1- }
  345. if ($regex($1,/^([!@.])?(add|del|(a)?list)$/Si)) {
  346. cs access $chan $remove($1,$iif($remove($1,$left($1,1)) = alist,$left($1,2),$left($1,1))) $iif($2, $2, $null) $iif($3, $3, $null)
  347. if (($3) && ($3 isnum) && ($regex($1,/^([!@.])?(add)$/Si))) {
  348. $iif($3 >= 10, .mode $chan +ao-hv $str($2 $chr(32),4), $&
  349. $iif($3 >= 5 && $3 < 10, .mode $chan +o-ahv $str($2 $chr(32),4), $&
  350. $iif($3 = 4, .mode $chan +h-aov $str($2 $chr(32),4), $&
  351. $iif($3 = 3, .mode $chan +v-aoh $str($2 $chr(32),4), $&
  352. $iif($3 < 3, .mode $chan -aohv $str($2 $chr(32),4), $null $&)))))
  353. }
  354. $iif($regex($1,/^([!@.])?(add)$/Si),.notice $2 You have been added to the access list in $chan at level $3 $+.,noop)
  355. $iif($regex($1,/^([!@.])?(del)$/Si),.notice $2 You have been deleted from the access list in $chan,noop)
  356. }
  357. if ($regex($1,/^([!@.])?(del)$/Si)) {
  358. mode $chan -aohv $str($2 $chr(32),4)
  359. }
  360. if ($1 === .ci) { cs clear # invites }
  361. if ($1 == .homo) { /cs clear #dsp users | /cs akick #dsp add RealG4Life }
  362. if ($1 === .ce) { cs clear # excepts }
  363. if ($1 === .cb) { cs clear # bans }
  364. if ($1 == .gtfo) { mode $chan -oQ+b $2 $address($2,2) | kick # $1 Fuck off. | cs access $chan add $2 -9999 | cs akick $chan add $2 GTFO. | cs kick $chan $2 GTFO | mode $chan +Q | halt }
  365. if ($1 == .delakick) { cs akick $chan del $2 | halt }
  366. if ($regex($1,/^([!@.])?(un)?(ei|ie)$/Si)) {
  367. var %plusminus $iif($left($1,3) = .un, $chr(45), $chr(43))
  368. mode $chan %plusminus $+ eeII $str($iif($2, $address($2,2) $address($2,9), $address($me,2) $address($me,9)) $+ $chr(32),2)
  369. }
  370. if ($1 == .mute) { mode $chan +mbb-aohvq $2 $+(~q:,$address($2,2)) $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | halt }
  371. if ($1 = .i) { notice $2 hello $2 please join # | Invite $2 # | halt }
  372. if ($1 == .ccm ) { /cs set #dsp mlock +lL 1 #demonhunters | /mode #demonhunters +I ~L:#dsp }
  373. if ($1 == .ccm2 ) { /cs set #demonhunters mlock +lL 1 #dsp | /mode #dsp +I ~L:#demonhunters }
  374. if ($1 == .w) { whois $2 | halt }
  375. if ($1 == .au) { cs access #googlechrome add $2- 1 | cs access #googlechrome del $2- }
  376. if ($1 == .jall) { join #blacklists,#soulsunited,#sw_worldalliance }
  377. if ($1 == .pjall) { part #blacklists,#soulsunited,#sw_worldalliance | halt }
  378. if ($1 == .qk) { mode $chan -Q | cs kick $chan $2 | kick $chan $2 | .timer 1 1 mode $chan +Q | halt }
  379. if ($1 == .qkb) { mode $chan -Q | cs ban $chan $2 | mode $chan +b $address($2,2) | kick $chan $2 | .timer 1 1 mode $chan +Q | halt }
  380. if ($1 == .inv) { invite $2 $chan | halt }
  381. if ($1 == .invv) { mode $chan -V | invite $2 $chan | timer 1 1 mode $chan +V | halt }
  382. if ($1 == .cinv) { invite $2 $3 | halt }
  383. if ($1 == .cinfo) { cs info $chan all | halt }
  384. if ($1 == .n) { ns update | halt }
  385. if ($1 == .alist) { ns alist | halt }
  386. if ($1 == .glist) { ns glist | halt }
  387. if ($1 == .b) { cs ban $chan $2 $3- | halt }
  388. if ($1 == .mlock) { cs set $chan mlock $2- | halt }
  389. if ($1 == .getout) { mode $chan -oQ+b $2 $address($2,2) | kick # $1 Fuck off. | cs access $chan add $2 -9999 | cs akick $chan add $2 Get Out. | cs kick $chan $2 Get Out| halt }
  390. if ($1 == .Qkb) {
  391. mode # +bbb-vhoQ $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,1) $2 $2 $2
  392. mode # -Q
  393. kick # $2 $3-
  394. mode # -Q
  395. kick # $2 $3-
  396. }
  397. if ($1 == .Qk) {
  398. mode # -oQ $2
  399. mode # -Q
  400. kick # $2 $3-
  401. }
  402. if ($1 == .minv) {
  403. set %nicks 1
  404. while ( %nicks <= $nick($chan,0) ) {
  405. invite $nick($chan,%nicks) $2
  406. inc %nicks
  407. }
  408. unset %nicks
  409. halt
  410. }
  411. if ($1 == .amsg) {
  412. var %x = 1
  413. while (%x <= $chan(0)) {
  414. if (($chan(%x) != #BNC)) && (($me isop $chan(%x)) || ($me ishop $chan(%x))) msg $chan(%x) 4>2>4>2amsg4<2<4<12 $2-
  415. inc %x }
  416. }
  417. if ($1 == .akick) {
  418. cs akick # add $2 $3-
  419. cs akick # enforce
  420. }
  421. if ($1 == .akicklist) {
  422. cs akick # list
  423. }
  424. if ($1 == .enforce) {
  425. cs akick # enforce $2-
  426. }
  427. if ($1 == .entrymsg) {
  428. cs set # entrymsg $2-
  429. }
  430. if ($1 == .language) {
  431. ns set language $2
  432. }
  433. if ($1 == .secureops) {
  434. cs set # secureops $2
  435. }
  436. if ($1 == .eiu) {
  437. inc %noobcount
  438. mode # +eeeeeeeeeee $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  439. mode # +IIIIIIIIIII $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  440. }
  441. if ($1 == .k) {
  442. inc %noobcount
  443. mode # -eeeeeeeeeee $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  444. kick # $2 7 Another 4Noob7 down, 12 %noobcount 4Noobs7 down
  445. }
  446. if ($1 == .kb) {
  447. inc %noobcount
  448. mode # -eeeeeeeeeee $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  449. mode # +bbbbbbbbbbb $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  450. kick # $2 7 Another 4Noob7 down, 12 %noobcount 4Noobs7 down
  451. }
  452. if ($1 == .unban) {
  453. mode $chan -b $2
  454. mode # -bbbbbbbbbbb $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  455. ban -r $chan $2
  456. }
  457. if ($1 == .unban) {
  458. mode $chan -b $2
  459. mode # -bbbbbbbbbbb $me $address($me,0) $address($me,1) $address($me,2) $address($me,3) $address($me,4) $address($me,5) $address($me,6) $address($me,7) $address($me,8) $address($me,9)
  460. ban -r $chan $me
  461. }
  462. if ($1 == .ban) {
  463. mode # +bbbbbbbbbbb $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  464. }
  465. if ($1 == .topic) {
  466. msg $chan The topic is: $chan($chan).topic
  467. }
  468. if ($1 == .mlock) {
  469. cs set # mlock $2-
  470. }
  471. if ($1 == .assign) {
  472. bs assign # $2
  473. }
  474. if ($1 == .unassign) {
  475. bs unassign #
  476. }
  477. if ($1 == .topiclock) {
  478. cs set # topiclock $2
  479. }
  480. if ($1 == .cs) {
  481. cs $2 # $3-
  482. }
  483. if ($1 == .ns) {
  484. ns $2 $3-
  485. }
  486. if ($1 == .bs) {
  487. bs $2 # $3-
  488. }
  489. if ($1 == .sp) {
  490. mode # +RntMCNTjfmV 2:99 [8j#i10]:10
  491. }
  492. if ($1 == .spoff) {
  493. mode # -RjfMCNTmV 2:99 [8j#i10]:10
  494. }
  495. if ($1 == .Qkb) {
  496. inc %noobcount
  497. mode # -eeeeeeeeeee $2 $address($2,0) $address($2,1) $address($2,2) $address($2,3) $address($2,4) $address($2,5) $address($2,6) $address($2,7) $address($2,8) $address($2,9)
  498. mode # -Q+bbbb $2 $address($2,1) $address($2,3) $address($2,4)
  499. kick # $2 7 Another 4Noob7 down, 12 %noobcount 4Noobs7 down
  500. cs kick $chan $2 7 Another 4Noob7 down, 12 %noobcount 4Noobs7 down
  501. }
  502. if ($1 == .Qk) {
  503. inc %noobcount
  504. mode # -Q
  505. kick # $2 7 Another 4Noob7 down, 12 %noobcount 4Noobs7 down
  506. }
  507. if ($1 == .levels) {
  508. cs levels # set $$2-3
  509. }
  510. if ($1 == .ucount) {
  511. say The user count for $iif($2,$2,#) is $nick($iif($2,$2,#),0)
  512. }
  513. if ($1 == .bops) {
  514. mode # +bbbbbbbbbbbbb strider3282 fx antidrone katlyn marius sephiroth clorith allen vivec slaapkamer tarball scott tim
  515. mode # +bbbbbbbb chrono pancakes gic woodruff *!*@ ~c:#irchelp ~c:#support ~c:#vivec
  516. mode # +bbbbbb Slaapkamer@Swift-F1829477 loverboy gic@Swift-F1829477
  517. }
  518. if ($1 == .badword) {
  519. bs badwords # add $2
  520. }
  521. if ($1 == .delword) {
  522. bs badwords # del $2
  523. }
  525. if ($1 == .cban) {
  526. mode $chan +b ~c: $+ $2
  527. }
  528. if ($1 == .cycle) {
  529. cycle #
  530. }
  531. if ($1 == .gmc) { scid -at1 msg # $2- }
  532. if ($1 == .s) { silence + $+ $2 }
  533. if ($1 === .ci) { cs clear # invites }
  534. if ($1 === .ce) { cs clear # excepts }
  535. if ($1 === .cb) { cs clear # bans }
  536. if ($1 == .mute) { mode $chan +mbb-aohvq $2 $+(~q:,$address($2,2)) $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | halt }
  537. if ($1 == .unmute) { mode $chan -mbb $2 $+(~q:,$address($2,2)) $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | halt }
  538. if ($1 == .mu) { mode # -qaohv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | mode # +m | echo -a +m set on $chan }
  539. if ($1 == .shh) { mode # -qaohv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | mode # +m | echo -a +m set on $chan }
  540. if ($1 == .amsg) { amsg $+($chr(3),4,$chr(44),1,$$2-,$chr(15)) //_AMSG_\\ | notice Glacier_Rat Amsg used by - $nick }
  541. if ($1 == .ams) { amsg $$2- [AMSG] | notice Glacier_Rat Amsg used by - $nick }
  542. if ($1 == .ns) { ns info $iif($2,$2,$nick) all }
  543. if ($1 == .ni) { nick $2- }
  544. if ($1 == .alist) { ns alist | halt }
  545. if ($1 == .clist) { cs access # list | halt }
  546. if ($1 == .b) { cs ban $chan $2 $3- | halt }
  547. if ($1 = .cinfo) { cs info $iif($left($2,1) != $chr(35),$chr(35) $+ $2,$2) all | halt }
  548. if ($1 == .gtfo) { mode $chan -oQ+b $2 $address($2,2) | kick # $1 Fuck off. | cs access $chan add $2 -9999 | cs akick $chan add $2 GTFO. | cs kick $chan $2 GTFO | mode $chan +Q | halt }
  549. if ($1 == .qk) { mode $chan -Q | cs kick $chan $2 $iif($3,$3-,No Reason) | halt }
  550. if ($1 == .qkb) { mode $chan -Q+b $address($2,2) | cs kick $chan $2 $iif($3,$3-,No Reason) | halt }
  551. if ($1 == .glist) { ns glist | halt }
  552. if ($1 == .w) { whois $2 | halt }
  553. if ($1 == .ww) { whowas $2 | halt }
  554. if ($1 == .ei) { mode $chan +eI $address($$1,2) $address($$1,2) | halt }
  555. if ($1 == .gamsg) { scid -at1 amsg $2- }
  556. if ($1 == .quit ) { scid -at1 quit }
  557. if ($1 == .mlock) { cs set $chan mlock $2- | halt }
  558. if ($1 == .cch) { cs clear # hops }
  559. if ($1 == .ccv) { cs clear # voices }
  560. if ($1 == .cco) { cs clear # ops }
  561. if ($1 == .cca) { cs clear # users }
  562. if ($1 == .cce) { cs clear # excepts }
  563. if ($1 == .ck) { cs kick # $2 }
  564. if ($1 == .ctlo) { cs set $chan topiclock off }
  565. if ($1 == .ctlon) { cs set $chan topiclock on }
  566. if ($1 == .no) && ($3) { notice $2- }
  567. if ($1 == .msg) && ($3) { /msg $2- }
  568. if ($1 == .info) {
  569. if ($2 == $null) { ns info $me all | halt }
  570. }
  571. If ($1 == .in) {
  572. mode # -b $2
  573. mode # -V
  574. /invite $2 #
  575. /timerv 1 5 /mode # +V
  576. notice $2 $me Invites you to join $chan $+ .
  577. }
  578. }
  581. ====== B R E A K ====
  584. need to make into a compilation of ragex so it's simplified and multiple commands aren't done with it loaded.
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