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- ;Wolfram|Alpha Script v1.0
- ;Made by nick1
- ;Last edit June 26 2012
- ;EDITS -- Initial version
- ;2DO -- Fix subpod titles, clean up text with colors, comparison queries, max length
- ;NOTE -- [[Unfinished Version]] I am aware this is a very rough script and needs a lot of work, but since it is working
- ;for the basic stuff I am just putting it up as is for now
- alias APIKey {
- ;Important you MUST put in your own API Key here, get one FREE from
- }
- alias -l urlencode {
- return $replacex($regsubex($$1-,/([^\w\s])/Sg,$+(%,$base($asc(\t),10,16,2))),$chr(32),+,$chr(43),%2B)
- }
- ;raw 408:*: msg $2 $remove($strip($13-),$chr(9))
- alias nohtml { return $regsubex($$1-,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,) }
- alias shorten {
- inc %shortens
- if ($1 isnum) {
- set %_bq.ticks $1
- set %_bq.wolfram $urlencode($2-)
- sockopen bq 80
- }
- elseif ($2) {
- set %_bq.nick $1
- set %_bq.msgtype $iif((!%_bq.msgtype),msg $active,%_bq.msgtype)
- set %_bq.url $2-
- sockopen bq 80
- }
- elseif ($2 == $null) {
- set %_bq.msgtype echo -ac info
- set %_bq.url $1-
- sockopen bq 80
- }
- }
- on *:sockopen:bq: {
- if (%_bq.lmgtfy) {
- sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/index.php?url=,%_bq.url,&alias=,%_bq.nick,-,G0,-,%shortens) HTTP/1.1
- }
- elseif (%_bq.wolfram) {
- sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/index.php?url=,%_bq.wolfram,&alias=,%_bq.ticks) HTTP/1.1
- }
- elseif (%_bq.url) {
- sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/index.php?url=,$urlencode(%_bq.url)) HTTP/1.1
- }
- sockwrite -nt $sockname Host:
- sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
- }
- on *:SOCKREAD:bq: {
- if ($sockerr) { echo -a SOCKET ERROR: $sockerr | halt }
- else {
- var %sockreader
- sockread %sockreader
- if (*Short URL:* iswm %sockreader) {
- if (%_bq.lmgtfy) {
- tokenize 32 $nohtml(%sockreader)
- %_bq.msgtype %_bq.nick $+ : 12[4Helpful Link12] $3
- unset %_bq.*
- sockclose $sockname
- halt
- }
- else {
- if (!%_bq.wolfram) {
- %_bq.msgtype 10 $+ Long URL: $iif($left(%_bq.url,7) == http://,%_bq.url,http:// $+ %_bq.url) ( $+ $len($iif($left(%_bq.url,7) == http://,%_bq.url,http:// $+ %_bq.url)) Characters) Is4 $nohtml(%sockreader)
- if (%_bq.msgtype == echo -ac info) {
- tokenize 32 $nohtml(%sockreader)
- clipboard $3
- }
- }
- }
- unset %_bq.*
- sockclose $sockname
- }
- }
- }
- alias wolf {
- if ($1 != $null) {
- var %ticks $ticks
- shorten %ticks $+(,$urlencode($1-))
- set $+(%,wa.,%ticks,.msgtype) echo @wolfram
- set $+(%,wa.,%ticks,.text) $1-
- set $+(%,wa.,%ticks,.input) $urlencode($1-)
- sockopen $+(wa.,%ticks) 80
- }
- else if ($1 == $null) {
- echo -ac info Incorrect Syntax: /wolf <search query>
- }
- }
- on $*:text:/^[!@](wolfram|wra|wolframalpha|alpha|wa|wolf|wfa|calc)/Si:*: {
- $iif($istok(%youtubefetch,$chan,44),halt,noop)
- $iif($istok(%nolinks,$nick,44),halt,noop)
- if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2)) {
- if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 50) {
- ignore -u60 $address($nick,0)
- msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) You Have Been Put On Ignore For 60secs For Abusing The Bot.
- halt
- }
- elseif ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 40) {
- msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) Please Do Not Abuse The Bot.
- inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 20
- halt
- }
- else {
- inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 25
- }
- }
- else {
- inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 25
- }
- var %ticks $ticks
- if ($2) {
- var %i $2-
- shorten %ticks $+(,$urlencode(%i))
- set $+(%,wa.,%ticks,.msgtype) $iif($left($strip($1),1) == @,msg $chan,notice $nick)
- set $+(%,wa.,%ticks,.text) %i
- set $+(%,wa.,%ticks,.input) $urlencode(%i)
- sockopen $+(wa.,%ticks) 80
- }
- elseif ($2 == $null) {
- $iif($left($strip($1),1) == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) $+(4,$nick,,$chr(44)) 10Incorrect Syntax: Try $+(4,$1,10) <search term>
- }
- }
- on *:input:*: {
- if ($left($1,1) != /) {
- if (($right($1,-1) == wolfram) || ($right($1,-1) == wa) || ($right($1,-1) == wra) || ($right($1,-1) == wolframalpha) || ($right($1,-1) == wolf) || ($right($1,-1) == wfa) || ($right($1,-1) == calc)) {
- if ($2) {
- var %ticks $ticks
- var %i $2-
- shorten %ticks $+(,$urlencode(%i))
- set $+(%,wa.,%ticks,.msgtype) msg $active
- set $+(%,wa.,%ticks,.text) %i
- set $+(%,wa.,%ticks,.input) $urlencode(%i)
- sockopen $+(wa.,%ticks) 80
- }
- elseif ($2 == $null) {
- halt
- }
- }
- }
- }
- on *:SOCKOPEN:wa*: {
- $iif(!$window(@Wolfram),window -evn @Wolfram,noop)
- sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/v2/query?input=,$($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.input),2),&appid=,$apikey,&format=plaintext) HTTP/1.1
- sockwrite -nt $sockname Host:
- sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
- }
- alias NotTextValues {
- return scanner,id,position,error,numsubpods,input,text,value,desc,current,valid,word,template,suggestion
- }
- on *:SOCKREAD:wa*: {
- if ($sockerr) { echo -a SOCKET ERROR: $sockerr | halt }
- sockread %sockreader
- if (*numpods='* iswm %sockreader) {
- tokenize 39 %sockreader
- set $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.pods) $2
- }
- elseif (*<subpod title='* iswm %sockreader) {
- tokenize 39 %sockreader
- if (($2 != $null) && ($2 != $chr(62))) {
- set $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.title.,$($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.titles),2)) 12 $+ $2
- }
- }
- elseif (*<pod title='* iswm %sockreader) {
- inc $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.titles)
- tokenize 39 %sockreader
- set $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.title.,$($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.titles),2)) 4 $+ $2
- }
- elseif (*<plaintext>* iswm %sockreader) {
- inc $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.texts)
- if ($nohtml(%sockreader) != $null) {
- if ($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.titles),2) == $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.texts),2)) {
- set $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.title.,$($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.titles),2)) $addtok($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.title.,$($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.titles),2)),2),$chr(32) $+ $replace($nohtml(%sockreader),','),58)
- set $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result) $addtok($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2),$($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.title.,$($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.titles),2)),2),32)
- }
- elseif ($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.titles),2) != $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.texts),2)) {
- set $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result) $addtok($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2),$chr(32) $replace($nohtml(%sockreader),','),124) $+ $chr(32)
- }
- }
- }
- elseif (($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.taxts),2) == $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.pods),2)) && ($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.pods),2) != $null)) {
- set $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result) $replace($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2),$chr(58),4 $+ $chr(58) $+ 10)
- $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.msgtype),2) 4Wolfram5|7Alpha $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2)
- unset $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),*)
- sockclose $sockname
- }
- elseif (($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.texts),2) >= 1) && ($mid(%sockreader,2,1) != $chr(60))) {
- tokenize 61 %sockreader
- if ((!$istok($NotTextValues,$1,44)) && ($left($1,1) != $chr(60))) {
- set $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result) $addtok($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2),$chr(32) $replace($nohtml(%sockreader),',') $+ $chr(32),124)
- }
- }
- elseif (*<queryresult success='false'* iswm %sockreader) {
- if ($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.msgtype),2) == echo @Wolfram) {
- echo -a 4Wolfram5|7Alpha10 Could not find an answer to this query (please try again!) or 4View5|7It10 $+(,$remove($sockname,wa.))
- }
- else {
- $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.msgtype),2) 4Wolfram5|7Alpha10 Could not find an answer to this query (please try again!) or 4View5|7It10 $+(,$remove($sockname,wa.))
- }
- unset $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),*)
- sockclose $sockname
- }
- }
- on *:SOCKCLOSE:wa*: {
- set $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result) $replace($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2),$chr(58),$chr(58) $+ 10,$chr(124),3 $+ $chr(124) $+ 10,",",<,<,>,>,&,&,^2,$chr(178),^3,$chr(179),theta,$chr(952),<=,≤,>=,≥,(script capital l),$chr(8467))
- if ($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2) != $null) {
- if ($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.msgtype),2) == echo @Wolfram) {
- echo -a 4Wolfram5|7Alpha $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2) 4View5|7It10 $+(,$remove($sockname,wa.))
- }
- else {
- $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.msgtype),2) 4Wolfram5|7Alpha $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2) 4View5|7It10 $+(,$remove($sockname,wa.))
- }
- }
- elseif ($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2) == $null) {
- if ($($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.msgtype),2) == echo @Wolfram) {
- echo -a 4Wolfram5|7Alpha10 Could not find an answer to this query (please try again!) or 4View5|7It10 $+(,$remove($sockname,wa.))
- }
- else {
- $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.msgtype),2) 4Wolfram5|7Alpha10 Could not find an answer to this query (please try again!) or 4View5|7It10 $+(,$remove($sockname,wa.))
- }
- }
- echo @Wolfram Query: $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.text),2) Request: $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.msgtype),2) 4Wolfram5|7Alpha $($+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),.result),2) 4View5|7It10 $+(,$remove($sockname,wa.))
- unset $+(%,wa.,$remove($sockname,wa.),*)
- sockclose $sockname
- }
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