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- Bend multiples curves randomly
- float seed = chf('seed');
- int points[] = primpoints(0, @primnum);
- matrix3 matrx = ident();
- float angle = radians( chf('angle') ) * rand(@ptnum+seed);
- vector axis = {1, 0, 0};
- vector init_pos = point(0, "P", points[0]);
- vector prev_pos = init_pos;
- for (int n=0; n<len(points); n++){
- vector curr_pos = point(0, "P", points[n]);
- rotate(matrx, angle, axis);
- // init_pos *= 0.01; // spiral
- vector new_pos = (curr_pos - init_pos)*matrx + prev_pos;
- init_pos = curr_pos;
- prev_pos = new_pos;
- setpointattrib(0, "P", points[n], new_pos);
- }
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Control emission direction
- if(!haspointattrib(0, 'id')) i@id = i@ptnum;
- vector src = getbbox_center(0);
- vector target = getbbox_center(1);
- //Get direction
- vector dir = `chs('change_dir')`1*normalize(target - src);
- //Get mmagnitude
- float mag = distance(src, target) * chf('magnitude_mult');
- //Set magnitude randomness
- float rand = fit01(rand(@ptnum), ch('rand_v_var_limitx'), ch('rand_v_var_limity'));
- int rndss = chi('randomness');
- vector condition = (rndss != 1) ? (v@v = dir * mag) : (v@v = dir * mag * rand);
- //Set directional randomness
- vector out = normalize(@P - src) * mag;
- int drndss = chi('directional_randomness');
- float bias = chf('bias');
- float dseed = chf('directional_seed');
- v@v = lerp(v@v, out, bias * rand(@ptnum+dseed));
- //Set initial random rotations
- float amount = radians(fit01(rand(@id), -ch('init_anglex'), ch('init_angley')));
- vector seed;
- seed.x = rand(@id+1);
- seed.y = rand(@id+2);
- seed.z = rand(@id+3);
- vector axis = fit01(rand(seed),{-1,-1,-1},{1,1,1});
- matrix rm=ident();
- rotate(rm, amount, axis);
- v@v = v@v * rm;
- v@w = vector(fit01(rand(@ptnum), ch('angular_w_varx'), ch('angular_w_vary'))) * length(v@v);
- p@orient = {0, 0, 0, 1};
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Xform matrix for volumes:
- float angle = chf('angle');
- vector axis = chv('axis');
- vector translate = chv('translate');
- vector scale = chv('scale');
- //store old position
- vector o_pos = @P;
- //extract matrix
- matrix m4 = primintrinsic(0, 'packedfulltransform', 0);
- //put to origin
- @P *= invert(m4);
- //make matrix for xforms
- matrix rm = ident();
- rotate(rm, angle, axis);
- translate(rm, translate);
- scale(rm, scale);
- setprimintrinsic(0, 'transform', i@primnum, rm, 'mult');
- //put it back
- @P = o_pos;
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Minpos ray:
- float d = chf('distance');
- int nearpoint = nearpoint(1, @P);
- vector nearpos = point(1, 'P', nearpoint);
- @P = minpos(1, nearpos, d);
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Matrix to origin:
- vector min = {0, 0, 0};
- vector max = {0, 0, 0};
- getpointbbox(0, min, max);
- vector centroid = (max + min)/2.0;
- // Build and apply transformation matrix
- vector translate = centroid;
- vector rotate = chv('rotation');
- vector scale = chv('scale');
- matrix xform = invert(maketransform(0, 0, translate, rotate, scale));
- @P *= xform;
- // Store transformation matrix in attribute
- 4@xform_matrix = xform;
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Facing ratio:
- vector cam_pt = -normalize(point(1, 'P', 0));
- vector N = normalize(@N);
- v@Cd = chramp("ramp", pow(dot(N, cam_pt), 1));
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lerp dent:
- float bias = chf('bias');
- float e_corr = chf('e_corr');
- vector primpos;
- float u, v;
- int nearpoint = nearpoint(1, v@P);
- //vector nearpos = normalize(v@P - point(1, 'P', nearpoint));
- vector orig = v@P;
- //vector dir = nearpos;
- vector dir = normalize(point(1, 'N', nearpoint));
- int prim_num = intersect(1, orig, dir, primpos, u, v);
- v@P += dir*e_corr;
- v@P = lerp(primpos, v@P, bias);
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Facing ratio:
- vector cam_pt = -normalize(point(1, 'P', 0));
- vector N = normalize(@N);
- v@Cd = chramp("ramp", pow(dot(N, cam_pt), 1));
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Create resampled line:
- int resample = chi('resample');
- int points[];
- resize(points, resample);
- vector p1 = getbbox_center(1);
- vector p2 = getbbox_center(2);
- float length = length(p2 - p1);
- vector dir = normalize(p2 - p1);
- float step = length/(resample-1);
- for(int i=0; i<resample; i++){
- vector pos = p1 + (dir * (step * i));
- int id = addpoint(0, pos);
- points[i] = id;
- }
- addprim(0, 'polyline', points);
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Calculate largest piece:
- float maxvol = 0;
- i@largest = -1;
- for (int i=0; i<@numprim; i++) {
- float bounds[] = primintrinsic(0, "bounds", i);
- float volume = (bounds[1]-bounds[0])*(bounds[3]-bounds[2])*(bounds[5]-bounds[4]);
- if (volume>maxvol) {
- maxvol = volume;
- @largest = i;
- }
- }
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Anim age:
- float af = fit01(rand(@id), chf('startframe'), chf('endframe'));
- float life = chf('life');
- f@af = af;
- float anim_value = fit(@Frame, af, af+life, 0, 1);
- f@age = ((af + anim_value))%1;
- f@norm_age = f@age / life;
- float ramp = chramp('grad_ramp', clamp(f@grad*f@age,0,1));
- //f@test = f@grad * f@age;
- if(@Frame < af || @Frame >af+life){
- v@Cd *= {0,0,0};
- }
- else{
- v@Cd *= ramp;
- // v@Cd = ramp * f@grad * f@age;
- }
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Copy pieces to points with rotations
- int seed = chi('seed');
- vector4 __orient = point(1, 'orient', i@ptnum);
- matrix3 __rm = qconvert(__orient);
- float __pscale = point(1, 'pscale', i@ptnum);
- //match position to points
- v@P = point(1, 'P', i@ptnum+seed);
- //make identity matrix for scaling
- matrix3 __im = ident();
- vector __scale = set(__pscale, __pscale, __pscale);
- scale(__im, __scale);
- __rm *= __im;
- //set transform matrix
- setprimintrinsic(geoself(), 'transform', i@primnum, __rm, 'mult');
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Create rotation matrix:
- ///Create local matrix
- v@pos = v@P;
- vector zero = point(0, 'P', 0);
- vector one = point(0, 'P', 1);
- vector two = point(0, 'P', 2);
- v@x = normalize(one - zero);
- v@y = normalize(cross(v@x, (two - zero)));
- v@z = normalize(cross(v@x, v@y));
- ///Create rotation matrix
- //Get vectors
- vector x = point(1, 'x', i@ptnum);
- vector y = point(1, 'y', i@ptnum);
- vector z = point(1, 'z', i@ptnum);
- //make 3x3 matrix current
- matrix3 m31 = set(v@x, v@y, v@z);
- //make 3x3 matrix destination
- matrix3 m32 = set(x, y, z);
- //matrix to extract
- matrix m4 = matrix(invert(m31) * m32);
- //extract rotation
- vector rotation = cracktransform(0, 0, 1, {0,0,0}, m4);
- vector pos1 = point(1, 'pos', i@ptnum);
- //get translation
- vector translate = pos1 - v@pos;
- //create rotation matrix
- 4@xform = maketransform(0, 0, translate, rotation, {1,1,1}, v@pos, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0});
- ///After use attribCopy to transfer rotation matrix attribute don't match P along with transform by attribute
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Color by bbox:
- float e = chf('e');
- v@Cd = {0,0,0};
- float value = pow(1-relbbox(v@P).`chs('axis')`, e);
- setcomp(v@Cd, value, atoi(chs('num_component')));
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Create lines by proximity:
- float maxdist = chf( 'maxdist' );
- // Create an array of points to be queried
- int nearpts[] = nearpoints( 0, v@P, maxdist );
- foreach( int pt; nearpts ){
- if( pt != i@ptnum ){
- int line = addprim( 0, 'polyline' );
- addvertex( 0, line, i@ptnum );
- addvertex( 0, line, pt );
- }
- }
- Create Lines:
- int i;
- int p1 = @opinput1_ptnum;
- for ( i = 0; i < i@numpt; i++ )
- {
- int line = addprim( geoself(), "polyline" );
- addvertex(geoself(), line, i);
- addvertex(geoself(), line, p1);
- }
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cull by frame duration:
- float start = chf( 'start' );
- float end = chf( 'end' );
- float duration = chf( 'duration' );
- if (@Frame < start || @Frame > end ) removepoint(0,@ptnum);
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Curve line in axes:
- float amp = chf( 'amp' );
- float pow = chf( 'pow' );
- float grad = pow( float( @ptnum ) / ( float( @numpt - 1 ) ), pow);
- // Cuve in axes
- int condition_x = ch( "axis" ) == 0;
- int condition_y = ch( "axis" ) == 1;
- int condition_z = ch( "axis" ) == 2;
- if ( condition_`chs( "axis" )` ) {
- @P.`chs( "axis" )` `chs( "sign" )`= chramp( "ramp", grad ) * amp;
- }
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Group by axis:
- vector min, max;
- getbbox( min, max );
- if ( @P.z <= min.z + chf( 'thresh' ) ) ( @group_left = 1 ); else( @group_right = 1 );
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Group name to attr:
- i@`chs("group_name")` = 1;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Iso by VolumeSample:
- float sdf = volumesample( s@OpInput2, 0, v@P );
- int condition_on = sdf > 0;
- int condition_off = sdf < 0;
- if ( condition_`chs("iso")` )
- {
- removepoint( 0, i@ptnum );
- }
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Iso pieces by dist:
- float maxdist = chf( "maxDist" );
- int maxpoints = chi( "maxPoints" );
- i@pts = pcfind( s@OpInput2, "P", v@P, maxdist, maxpoints )[1];
- f@dist = distance( v@P, point( 1, "P", i@pts ) );
- if ( f@dist <= chf( "thresh" ) )
- {
- @group_activeChunks = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- @group_inactiveChunks = 1;
- }
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lerp vecs:
- float i = chf( 'interpolation' );
- string sv = chs( 'sv' );
- vector vec1 = point( 1, sv, i@ptnum );
- v@v = lerp( v@v, vec1, i );
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Names by class:
- s@name = sprintf( "unique_name_&d", i@class );
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Particles rots:
- v@N = normalize(fit01(rand(@ptnum+1), (vector) -1, (vector) 1));
- f@rot_mag = fit01(rand(@ptnum+2), ch("rot_min"), ch("rot_max"));
- v@rot_axis = fit01(rand(@ptnum+3), (vector) 1, (vector) -1);
- v@rot_axis = normalize(v@rot_axis);
- f@pscale = fit01(chramp("pscaleRamp", rand(@ptnum+4)), ch("pscale_min"), ch("pscale_max"));
- v@v += v@N * 0.1;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Particles v variation:
- if (!hasattrib(0, 'point', 'id')) i@id = int(i@ptnum + @Frame);
- v@P += v@v * (@TimeInc * rand(@id) * ch("preoffset"));
- float amount = radians(fit01(rand(@id), -ch("angle"), ch("angle")));
- vector seed;
- seed.x = rand(@id+1);
- seed.y = rand(@id+2);
- seed.z = rand(@id+3);
- vector axis = fit01(rand(seed),{-1,-1,-1},{1,1,1});
- matrix rm=ident();
- rotate(rm, amount, axis);
- v@v = v@v * rm;
- v@v *= fit01(rand(@id),ch("min"),ch("max"));
- vector v_dir0 = normalize(v@v);
- vector v_dir1 = chv("dir1");
- vector v_dir2 = chv("dir2");
- if (ch("dir1_isRefPoint")) v_dir1 = normalize(v@P - v_dir1);
- if (ch("dir2_isRefPoint")) v_dir2 = normalize(v@P - v_dir2);
- vector v_dir = normalize(v_dir0*ch("dir0Weight") + v_dir1*ch("dir1Weight") + v_dir2*ch("dir2Weight"));
- float v_mag = clamp(length(v@v), 0, ch("maxvel"));
- v@v = v_dir * v_mag;
- v@P += v@v * (@TimeInc * rand(@id) * ch("postoffset"));
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pscale by age:
- float pow = chf( 'exponent' );
- float mult = chf( 'mult' );
- // Declare pscale
- f@pscale = fit01(pow(rand(@ptnum * chf( "seed" ) ),chf("pow")),chf("pscale1"),chf("pscale2"));
- //Mult pscale by age
- f@pscale *= pow( chramp( 'ageRamp', f@nage ), pow ) * mult;
- //Viz
- v@Cd = f@pscale;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pscale by camdist:
- float pow = chf( 'pow' );
- vector cp = point( 1, 'P', 0 );
- float dist = distance( v@P, cp );
- v@Cd = pow( chramp( 'ramp', dist ), pow );
- f@pscale *= pow( chramp( 'ramp', dist ), pow );
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Remove overlapping points:
- float @pscale = 0;
- vector @P;
- int @ptnum;
- float searchradius = @pscale * 2;
- if (len(pcfind(1, 'P', @P, searchradius, 1)))
- removepoint(geoself(), @ptnum);
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rotate vecs:
- float x_angle = chf( 'x_angle' );
- float y_angle = chf( 'y_angle' );
- float z_angle = chf( 'z_angle' );
- vector x_axis = chv( 'x_axis' );
- vector y_axis = chv( 'y_axis' );
- vector z_axis = chv( 'z_axis' );
- vector4 xquats = quaternion( x_angle, x_axis );
- vector4 yquats = quaternion( y_angle, y_axis );
- vector4 zquats = quaternion( z_angle, z_axis );
- matrix3 x_rotationMatrix = qconvert( xquats );
- matrix3 y_rotationMatrix = qconvert( yquats );
- matrix3 z_rotationMatrix = qconvert( zquats );
- v@v *= x_rotationMatrix;
- v@v *= y_rotationMatrix;
- v@v *= z_rotationMatrix;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sustain:
- float frame = @Frame;
- float fInterval1 = chf( "fInt1" );
- float fInterval2 = chf( "fInt2" );
- @i = fit01( sin (floor( @Frame ) ),$RFSTART,$RFEND );
- @u = fit01( rint( rand( i@ptnum ) ),1,50 ) * fit01( anoise( @Time ),0,1 );
- if ( @i <= chf( "iThresh" ) || @u>= chf( "uThresh" ) )
- {
- removepoint( 0, i@ptnum );
- }
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- POPS rots:
- matrix rm=ident();
- rotate(rm, radians(f@rot_mag), v@rot_axis);
- v@N = normalize(v@N * rm);
- v@w = (v@rot_axis * radians(f@rot_mag) * (1/@TimeInc));
- v@up = cross(v@N, v@rot_axis);
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sops rots:
- v@N = normalize(fit01(rand(@ptnum+1), (vector) -1, (vector) 1));
- f@rot_mag = fit01(rand(@ptnum+2), ch("rot_min"), ch("rot_max"));
- v@rot_axis = fit01(rand(@ptnum+3), (vector) 1, (vector) -1);
- v@rot_axis = normalize(v@rot_axis);
- f@pscale = fit01(chramp("pscaleRamp", rand(@ptnum+4)), ch("pscale_min"), ch("pscale_max"));
- v@v += v@N * 15;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Blur density by velocity:
- float fps = 1.0/ch("fps");
- vector vel = volumesamplev(1, "vel", v@P);
- float steps = max(float(ch("steps")), 2);
- float d_mult = 1.0/steps;
- float s_mult = -d_mult*0.5;
- float sum = 0.0;
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<steps; ++i)
- {
- float d = volumesample(0, "density", v@P - vel*fps*ch("length")*s_mult);
- sum += d * d_mult;
- s_mult += d_mult;
- }
- f@density = sum;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ***String concat****
- s@`chs('string_attribute')` = concat('`chs('name_value')`_', itoa(int(i@`chs('connectivity_attr')`)));
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ***Attrib expression***
- if(@`chs('attribute')``chs('condition')` chf('threshold')){
- `chs('operation')`;
- }
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ***Nearpoint grad conical***
- int nearpt = nearpoint(1, v@P);
- float grad = point(1, 'grad', nearpt);
- vector p2 = point(1, 'P', nearpt);
- float bias = chf('bias');
- v@P = lerp(v@P, p2, bias * grad);
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ***Stick primuv***
- i@sourceprim;
- v@sourceprimuv;
- float d = xyzdist(1, v@P, i@sourceprim, v@sourceprimuv);
- vector pos = primuv(1, 'P', i@sourceprim, v@sourceprimuv);
- v@P = pos;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ***Stretch along velocity***
- vector v = v@v * @TimeInc;
- float d = dot( normalize(v@v), normalize(v@N) );
- v@P += v*d * chf('mult');
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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