

Apr 19th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘What is the origin of the wolves?’
  2. High said: ‘A certain giantess lives east of Midgard in a forest
  3. called Ironwood. In that forest live trollwives called Iarnvidiur.
  4. The ancient giantess breeds as sons many giants and all in wolf
  5. shapes, and it is from them that these wolves are descended. And
  6. they say that from this clan will come a most mighty one called
  7. Moongarm. He will fill himself with the lifeblood of everyone that
  8. dies, and he will swallow heavenly bodies and spatter heaven and
  9. all the skies with blood. As a result the sun will lose its shine and
  10. winds will then be violent and will rage to and fro. Thus it says in
  11. Voluspa:
  13. In the east lives the old one, in Ironwood, and breeds there
  14. Fenrir’s kind. Out of them all comes one in particular, sun’s
  15. snatcher in troll’s guise.
  17. He gorges the life of doomed men, reddens gods’ halls with
  18. red gore. Dark is sunshine for summers after, all weathers
  19. hostile. Know you yet, or what?’
  21. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘What way is there to heaven from earth?’
  24. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
  26. ----------
  28. Then something will happen that will be thought a most signifi-
  29. cant event, the wolf will swallow the sun, and people will think
  30. this a great disaster. Then the other wolf will catch the moon, and
  31. he also will cause much mischief. The stars will disappear from
  32. the sky. Then there will take place another event, the whole earth
  33. and mountains will shake so much that trees will become up-
  34. rooted from the earth and the mountains will fall, and all fetters
  35. and bonds will snap and break. Then Fenriswolf will get free.
  36. Then the ocean will surge up on to the lands because the Midgard
  37. serpent will fly into a giant rage and make its way ashore. Then it
  38. will also happen that Naglfar will be loosed from its moorings, the
  39. ship of that name. It is made of dead people’s nails, and it is worth
  40. taking care lest anyone die with untrimmed nails, since such a
  41. person contributes much material to the ship Naglfar which gods
  42. and men wish would take a long time to finish. And in this flood
  43. Naglfar will be carried along. There is a giant called Hrym who
  44. will captain Naglfar.
  47. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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