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- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import time
- from IPython.display import Latex
- def my_time_(s):
- h = s // 3600
- time = s % 3600
- m = time // 60
- s = time % 60
- if h < 10:
- h = '0' + str(int(h))
- if m < 10:
- m = '0' + str(int(m))
- if s < 10:
- s = '0' + str(int(s))
- return fr'{h}:{m}:{s}'
- def phi(r, sigma=SIGMA, epsilon=EPSILON):
- sigma_r_pow_6 = (sigma / r) ** 6
- return 4 * epsilon * (sigma_r_pow_6 ** 2 - sigma_r_pow_6)
- def init_state(number_of_pieces=NUMBER_OF_PIECES, mass=1):
- pieces = np.zeros((number_of_pieces, 5))
- pieces[:, MASS] = np.full(number_of_pieces, mass) # mass
- pieces[:, X] = np.random.rand(number_of_pieces) * BOX_WIDTH # x
- pieces[:, Y] = np.random.rand(number_of_pieces) * BOX_HEIGHT # y
- pieces[:, VX] = (2 * np.random.rand(number_of_pieces) - 1) * V_MAX # vx
- pieces[:, VY] = (2 * np.random.rand(number_of_pieces) - 1) * V_MAX # vy
- pieces[:, VX] -= np.mean(pieces[:, VX])
- pieces[:, VY] -= np.mean(pieces[:, VY])
- while True:
- flag = False
- for i in range(0, number_of_pieces):
- for j in range(i + 1, number_of_pieces):
- rx = pieces[i, X] - pieces[j, X]
- ry = pieces[i, Y] - pieces[j, Y]
- r = (rx ** 2 + ry ** 2) ** 0.5
- if r < 1:
- pieces[j, X] = np.random.rand(1)[0] * BOX_WIDTH
- flag = True
- if not flag:
- break
- return pieces
- class FCalc:
- def __init__(self, number_of_pieces=NUMBER_OF_PIECES, epsilon=EPSILON, sigma=SIGMA):
- self.number_of_pieces = number_of_pieces
- self.epsilon = epsilon
- self.sigma = sigma
- self.cache = np.full((number_of_pieces, number_of_pieces), None)
- def get_from_cache(self, i, j):
- return self.cache[i][j]
- def save_to_cache(self, Fr, i, j):
- self.cache[i][j] = Fr
- def f(self, r):
- sigma_r = self.sigma / r
- sigma_r_pow_6 = sigma_r ** 6
- return 24 * self.epsilon * sigma_r * sigma_r_pow_6 * (2 * sigma_r_pow_6 - 1)
- def fi(self, i, state, axis):
- forces = np.zeros(self.number_of_pieces)
- for j in range(0, self.number_of_pieces):
- if i == j:
- Fr = 0
- else:
- x = state[i, X] - state[j, X]
- y = state[i, Y] - state[j, Y]
- r = (y ** 2 + x ** 2) ** 0.5
- Fr_from_cache = self.get_from_cache(i, j)
- if Fr_from_cache is not None:
- Fr = Fr_from_cache
- else:
- Fr = self.f(r)
- self.save_to_cache(Fr, i, j)
- if axis == X:
- Fr = x / r * Fr
- elif axis == Y:
- Fr = y / r * Fr
- forces[j] = Fr
- return np.sum(forces)
- def mean_kinetic_energy(state):
- mass = state[:, MASS]
- vx = state[:, VX]
- vy = state[:, VY]
- v2 = vx ** 2 + vy ** 2
- kinetic_energy = 0.5 * mass * v2
- return np.mean(kinetic_energy)
- def rt(t0_state, t_state):
- xt0 = t0_state[:, X]
- yt0 = t0_state[:, Y]
- xt = t_state[:, X]
- yt = t_state[:, Y]
- return np.hypot((xt - xt0), (yt - yt0))
- def mean_potential_energy(state):
- number_of_pieces = state.shape[0]
- counter = 0
- phis_count = int(number_of_pieces * (number_of_pieces + 1) / 2)
- phis = np.zeros(phis_count)
- for i in range(0, number_of_pieces):
- for j in range(i + 1, number_of_pieces):
- x = state[i, X] - state[j, X]
- y = state[i, Y] - state[j, Y]
- r = (y ** 2 + x ** 2) ** 0.5
- phis[counter] = phi(abs(r))
- counter += 1
- return np.sum(phis) / number_of_pieces
- def Rt2(state, t0_state):
- return np.mean(rt(state, t0_state) ** 2)
- def handle_corner_cases(x, y, vx, vy):
- if x < 0:
- x = -x
- vx = -vx
- elif x > BOX_WIDTH:
- x = BOX_WIDTH - (x - BOX_WIDTH)
- vx = -vx
- if y < 0:
- y = -y
- vy = -vy
- elif y > BOX_HEIGHT:
- vy = -vy
- return x, y, vx, vy
- # Ейлер
- def calc_next_state(state, epsilon=EPSILON, sigma=SIGMA):
- next_state = np.copy(state)
- f_calc = FCalc(NUMBER_OF_PIECES, epsilon, sigma)
- for i, piece_state in enumerate(state):
- Fix =, state, X)
- Fiy =, state, Y)
- axi = Fix / piece_state[MASS]
- ayi = Fiy / piece_state[MASS]
- vxi = piece_state[VX] + axi * DELTA_T
- vyi = piece_state[VY] + ayi * DELTA_T
- xi = piece_state[X] + vxi * DELTA_T
- yi = piece_state[Y] + vyi * DELTA_T
- xi, yi, vxi, vyi = handle_corner_cases(xi, yi, vxi, vyi)
- next_state[i][X] = xi
- next_state[i][Y] = yi
- next_state[i][VX] = vxi
- next_state[i][VY] = vyi
- return next_state
- SIGMA = 1
- BOX_WIDTH = 20
- WEGHT = 1
- DELTA_T = 0.001
- V_MAX = 1
- MASS, X, Y, VX, VY = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- start_time = time.time()
- initial_state = init_state()
- x_values = [initial_state[-1, X]]
- y_values = [initial_state[-1, Y]]
- current_state = initial_state
- current_time = 0
- total_time = 100
- while current_time < total_time:
- current_state = calc_next_state(current_state)
- print(f'current_time={current_time}\n')
- x_values.append(current_state[-1, X])
- y_values.append(current_state[-1, Y])
- current_time += DELTA_T
- plt.plot(x_values, y_values)
- plt.scatter(x_values[0], y_values[0], c='red', label=r'$start$')
- plt.scatter(x_values[-1], y_values[-1], c='blue', label=r'$finish$')
- plt.xlabel(r'$x$')
- plt.ylabel(r'$y$')
- plt.title(r'$Фазовий\ портрет\ частинки$')
- plt.legend()
- plt.grid(True)
- end_time = time.time()
- my_time = end_time - start_time
- display(Latex(fr'$Час\ моделювання: \quad {my_time_(round(my_time))}.$'))
- start_time = time.time()
- initial_state = init_state()
- current_state = initial_state
- kinetic_energies = []
- potential_energies = []
- total_energies = []
- plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
- current_time = 0
- while current_time < total_time:
- print(f'current_time={current_time}\n')
- kinetic_energy_value = mean_kinetic_energy(current_state)
- potential_energy_value = mean_potential_energy(current_state)
- total_energy_value = kinetic_energy_value + potential_energy_value
- kinetic_energies.append(kinetic_energy_value)
- potential_energies.append(potential_energy_value)
- total_energies.append(total_energy_value)
- current_state = calc_next_state(current_state)
- current_time += DELTA_T
- time_points = np.linspace(0, 100, len(kinetic_energies))
- plt.plot(time_points, kinetic_energies, label=r'$Kinetic\ Energy$')
- plt.plot(time_points, potential_energies, label=r'$Potential\ Energy$')
- plt.plot(time_points, total_energies, label=r'$Total\ Energy$')
- plt.xlabel(r'$Time$')
- plt.ylabel(r'$Energy$')
- plt.title(r'$Залежність\ середніх\ значень\ енергій\ від\ часу$')
- plt.legend()
- plt.grid(True)
- end_time = time.time()
- my_time = end_time - start_time
- display(Latex(fr'$Час\ моделювання: \quad {my_time_(round(my_time))}.$'))
- start_time = time.time()
- initial_state = init_state()
- current_state = initial_state
- displacements = []
- time_points = []
- current_time = 0
- while current_time < total_time:
- print(f'current_time={current_time}\n')
- rt2_value = Rt2(current_state, initial_state)
- displacements.append(rt2_value)
- time_points.append(current_time)
- current_state = calc_next_state(current_state)
- current_time += DELTA_T
- plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
- plt.loglog(time_points, displacements, c='red', marker='o', linestyle='', markersize=5)
- plt.xlabel(r'$Time$')
- plt.ylabel(r'$Mean\ Square\ Displacement$')
- plt.title(r'$Середньоквадратичне\ зміщення\ для\ всіх\ частинок$')
- plt.grid(True)
- end_time = time.time()
- my_time = end_time - start_time
- display(Latex(fr'$Час\ моделювання: \quad {my_time_(round(my_time))}.$'))
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