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- from copy import deepcopy
- # 1. Selection Sort
- def selection_sort(vector):
- vec = deepcopy(vector)
- LEN = len(vec)
- for i in range(LEN):
- min = i
- for j in range(i+1, LEN):
- if vec[j] < vec[min]:
- min = j
- vec[i], vec[min] = vec[min], vec[i]
- return vec
- # 2. Bubble Sort
- def bubble_sort(vector):
- vec = deepcopy(vector)
- LEN = len(vec)
- for i in range(LEN):
- for j in range(LEN-i-1):
- if vec[j] > vec[j+1]:
- vec[j], vec[j+1] = vec[j+1], vec[j]
- return vec
- # 3. Insertion Sort
- def insertion_sort(vector):
- vec = deepcopy(vector)
- LEN = len(vec)
- for i in range(1, LEN):
- key = vec[i]
- j = i-1
- while j >= 0 and key < vec[j]:
- vec[j+1], vec[j] = vec[j], vec[j+1]
- j -= 1
- return vec
- # 4. Quick Sort
- def quick_sort(vector):
- vec = deepcopy(vector)
- LEN = len(vec)
- if LEN <= 1:
- return vec
- pivot = vec[LEN//2]
- left = [x for x in vec if x < pivot]
- middle = [x for x in vec if x == pivot]
- right = [x for x in vec if x > pivot]
- return quick_sort(left) + middle + quick_sort(right)
- # Count Time Function
- def count_time(func, vector):
- start = time()
- sorted_vector = func(vector)
- end = time()
- return end - start
- from time import time
- from random import randrange
- array = [randrange(1000) for i in range(25)]
- start1 = time()
- array1 = selection_sort(array)
- end1 = time()
- time1 = end1 - start1
- start2 = time()
- array2 = bubble_sort(array)
- end2 = time()
- time2 = end2 - start2
- start3 = time()
- array3 = insertion_sort(array)
- end3 = time()
- time3 = end3 - start3
- start4 = time()
- array4 = quick_sort(array)
- end4 = time()
- time4 = end4 - start4
- print(f"Original Array: {array}\n\n")
- print(f"Selection Sort: {array1} ({1000*time1} ms)")
- print(f"Bubble Sort: {array2} ({1000*time2} ms)")
- print(f"Insertion Sort: {array3} ({1000*time3} ms)")
- print(f"Quick Sort: {array4} ({1000*time4} ms)")
- from random import randrange
- from time import time
- from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
- from copy import deepcopy
- # Comparison of algorithms and number of elements
- def run(num_elements, display_on=False):
- # Initialization
- vector = [randrange(10 * num_elements) for i in range(num_elements)]
- funcs = [selection_sort, bubble_sort, insertion_sort, quick_sort]
- times_elapsed = []
- # Compare the sorting algorithms
- print(100 * "-")
- print(f"Sorting a {len(vector)}-elements vector with:\n")
- for func in funcs:
- time_elapsed = count_time(func, vector)
- times_elapsed.append(time_elapsed)
- time_shown = f"{time_elapsed:.2f} seconds" if time_elapsed >= 0.1 else f"{1000*time_elapsed:.2f} ms"
- print(f"{func.__name__} ----> {time_shown}")
- # There is a choice to turn on the displays
- if display_on:
- print("\n")
- funcs_names = [func.__name__ for func in funcs]
-, times_elapsed)
- plt.title(f"{num_elements} ELEMENTS")
- plt.ylabel("Time [seconds]")
- print(100 * "-")
- print("\n\n")
- return times_elapsed
- # Examples for various numbers of elements
- # Initialization
- num_elements_list = [100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000]
- flags_list = len(num_elements_list) * [False]
- flags_list[3] = True
- funcs = [selection_sort, bubble_sort, insertion_sort, quick_sort]
- funcs_names = [func.__name__ for func in funcs]
- TIMES_MATRIX = [[0 for __ in range(len(funcs))] for _ in range(len(num_elements_list))]
- for i in range(len(num_elements_list)):
- num_elements = num_elements_list[i]
- display_on = flags_list[i]
- times_elapsed = run(num_elements, display_on)
- TIMES_MATRIX[i] = times_elapsed
- # Comparison of algorithms
- import seaborn as sns
- sns.set_style("darkgrid")
- for j in range(len(funcs)):
- trend = list()
- for i in range(len(num_elements_list)):
- trend.append(TIMES_MATRIX[i][j])
- sns.lineplot(x=num_elements_list, y=trend, label=funcs_names[j])
- plt.legend()
- plt.title("Comparison of algorithms")
- plt.xlabel("Number of elements")
- plt.ylabel("Time [seconds]")
- import pandas as pd
- df = pd.DataFrame(TIMES_MATRIX, index=num_elements_list, columns=funcs_names)
- print(df)
- [ROWS, COLS] = df.shape
- df2 = df.iloc[ROWS-2:ROWS]
- print(df2)
- sns.heatmap(df2, annot=True, cmap="Blues")
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