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- /*
- Working shamos-hoey algorithm in c++ - finds if any two line segments in set of segments intersects
- input:
- t - test cases,
- in each test case n - number of lines
- in n lines:
- start, end, a, b:
- start - x-cord of left endpoint
- end - xcord of right endpoint
- a, b are factors of line equation
- y = a*x + b
- prints TAK if intersection exists, NIE if not
- */
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <set>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <vector>
- #define ll long long
- using namespace std;
- ll globalX;
- struct point {
- ll x;
- ll y;
- bool left; //czy lewy
- int n; //do której lini należy
- point() {}
- point(const ll &x, const ll &y, bool l, const int &i) {
- this->x = x; this->y = y; left = l; n = i;
- }
- bool operator <(const point &p) const {
- return this->x < p.x;
- return this->y < p.y;
- }
- };
- struct segment {
- point A, B;
- ll a, b;
- segment() {}
- segment(const point &P, const point &K) {
- A = P; B = K;
- B.x - A.x == 0 ? a = 0 : a = (B.y - A.y) / (B.x - A.x);
- b = A.y - a*A.x;
- }
- bool operator <(const segment &s) const {
- return a*globalX + b < s.a*globalX + s.b;
- }
- };
- ll product(ll x1, ll y1, ll x2, ll y2, ll x3, ll y3) {
- return (((x2 - x1)*(y3 - y1)) - ((x3 - x1)*(y2 - y1)));
- }
- bool between(ll x1, ll y1, ll x2, ll y2, ll x3, ll y3) { //dla pokrywających się
- if (
- (min(x1, x2) <= x3) && (x3 <= max(x1, x2)) &&
- (min(y1, y2) <= y3) && (y3 <= max(y1, y2))
- ) return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool crossover(const segment &a, const segment &b) {
- ll p1 = product(a.A.x, a.A.y, b.A.x, b.A.y, a.B.x, a.B.y);
- ll p2 = product(a.A.x, a.A.y, b.B.x, b.B.y, a.B.x, a.B.y);
- ll p3 = product(b.A.x, b.A.y, a.A.x, a.A.y, b.B.x, b.B.y);
- ll p4 = product(b.A.x, b.A.y, a.B.x, a.B.y, b.B.x, b.B.y);
- if (((p1 > 0 && p2 < 0) || (p1 < 0 && p2 > 0))
- &&
- ((p3 < 0 && p4 > 0) || (p3 > 0 && p4 < 0))) return true;
- else if (p1 == 0 && between(a.A.x, a.A.y, a.B.x, a.B.y, b.A.x, b.A.y)) return true;
- else if (p2 == 0 && between(a.A.x, a.A.y, a.B.x, a.B.y, b.B.x, b.B.y)) return true;
- else if (p3 == 0 && between(b.A.x, b.A.y, b.B.x, b.B.y, a.A.x, a.A.y)) return true;
- else if (p4 == 0 && between(b.A.x, b.A.y, b.B.x, b.B.y, a.B.x, a.B.y)) return true;
- else return false;
- }
- bool f() {
- int n;
- scanf("%d", &n);
- vector<segment> S;
- S.resize(n);
- vector<point> points;
- points.resize(2 * n);
- ll start, end;
- ll a, b;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- scanf("%lld %lld %lld %lld", &start, &end, &a, &b);
- points[2 * i] = point(start, start*a + b, true, i);
- points[2 * i + 1] = point(end, end*a + b, false, i);
- S[i] = segment(points[2 * i], points[2 * i + 1]);
- }
- sort(points.begin(), points.end());
- multiset<segment> BST;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2 * n; i++) {
- globalX = points[i].x;
- if (points[i].left) {
- multiset<segment>::iterator it = BST.insert(segment(S[points[i].n].A, S[points[i].n].B));
- multiset<segment>::iterator above;
- multiset<segment>::iterator below;
- if (it != BST.begin()) {
- below = (--it)++;
- if (crossover(*it, *below)) return true;
- }
- if (++it != BST.end()) {
- above = it--;
- if (crossover(*it, *above)) return true;
- }
- }
- else {
- segment a = segment(S[points[i].n].A, S[points[i].n].B);
- multiset<segment>::iterator it = BST.find(a);
- if (it != BST.begin() && ++it != BST.end()) {
- multiset<segment>::iterator above = it;
- multiset<segment>::iterator below = --(--it);
- if (crossover(*above, *below)) return true;
- BST.erase(*(++it));
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- int main() {
- int z;
- scanf("%d", &z);
- while (z--) {
- if (f()) printf("TAK\n");
- else printf("NIE\n");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- 2
- 3
- 0 5 1 0
- 5 10 -1 5
- 10 15 0 0
- 4
- 0 5 0 0
- 0 5 0 1
- 0 3 -1 3
- 0 3 1 -1
- > NIE
- > TAK
- === OK
- 1
- 3
- 0 6 -1 5
- 3 5 -1 7
- 4 5 -5 26
- > TAK
- === OK
- 1
- 3
- 0 5 1 0
- 5 10 -1 10
- 10 15 0 0
- > TAK
- === OK
- 1
- 5
- 0 10 1 0
- 1 10 1 1
- 2 10 1 2
- 3 10 1 3
- 4 10 1 5
- > NIE
- == OK
- */
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