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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- #
- # Josh Yost
- # written: 07.14.06
- # updated: 03.20.07
- #
- # Use the output from SNMP walks to create warning/critical
- # signals to Nagios w/ Dell's SNMP Array/Storage Manager information.
- #
- # Tested using: Net-SNMP 5.2, Perl 5.8.8, Nagios 2.x
- #
- # NOTE: I have switched to using an absolute path for the snmpwalk
- # system call. Please adjust '$snmpwalk' as needed for your system.
- #
- # NOTE: SNMPv3 hasn't been heavily tested. I'm simply mirroring the
- # options for snmpwalk, so I would assume it works if you have SNMP
- # configured properly.
- #
- # I do very little sanity checking of input. I don't see this as
- # a problem because a) only authorized users should be able to run this
- # script, b) this script isn't SETUID, c) any options a user could pass to
- # corrupt the syscall, they could also just run on the cmdline themselves.
- #
- #
- # Distributed freely w/ no license & w/ absolutely no warranty of any kind.
- #
- # 1.0.4
- # - fixed system status handling (i'm lazy)
- # - fixed phys-3 (should be 'ONLINE')
- # - added SIG alarm check
- # - added most usable options for SNMP
- # - switched usage to exit UNKNOWN, all status errors to UNKNOWN
- # (I actually read the plugin guidelines ...)
- # - better error handling, a bit more sanity checking, etc.
- # - added more debugging output
- # - switched to Getopt::Long
- #
- # 1.0.3c
- # - fixed a couple of typos; added -l to force output to lowercase
- # - made BKGRND INIT. & INITIALIZING ok states; added a couple of
- # older, un-documented OID return values I've seen from our boxes
- # - fixed ret value for usage
- # 1.0.2
- # - using controller & physical disk names; fixed debug output a bit
- # - re-directing STDERR to STDOUT on syscalls
- # - added -n to always use numbers
- #
- # TODO
- # Don't use Net::SNMP - the execution time goes from around 0.050 -
- # 0.100 sec to around .180 - .220 sec on our box, mostly due to the
- # loading of the Net::SNMP module (as far as I can tell).
- #
- # mailto:
- use warnings;
- use strict;
- use Getopt::Long;
- use File::Basename;
- use lib '/usr/nagios/libexec';
- use utils qw ( %ERRORS $TIMEOUT );
- our $snmpwalk = '/usr/bin/snmpwalk';
- our $vers = '1.0.4';
- our $exe = basename $0;
- sub usage{
- print "Usage: $exe [-dhlnV] -D glob|phys|log|con -T sm|am -H <host>\n",
- ' ' x length("Usage: $exe "), "[-v 1|2c|3] -C <community> | -u <user>\n",
- ' ' x length("Usage: $exe "), "[-a MD5|SHA][-A <authpass>][-x DES|AES][-X <privpass>]\n",
- ' ' x length("Usage: $exe "), "[-e <secengine>][-E <conengine][-N <context>]\n";
- print "Try '--help' for more information.\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- sub VERS{
- print "$exe\t\t$vers\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
- }
- sub HELP{
- print "$exe\t\t$vers\n",
- "\n\tThis script will check your Dell hardware for problems. It\n",
- "can check the Controller State, PERC Global State, Logical Disk State,\n",
- "and Physical Disk State.\n",
- "\nPlease Note: these SNMPv3 options haven't been heavily tested, but\n",
- "since I am just mirroring snmpwalk's options, there shouldn't be any\n",
- "problems. If you have issues w/ the syscall, please let me know.\n",
- "\nOPTIONS\n",
- " -a,--authproto MD5|SHA\n", " Set the SNMPv3 auth protocol (defaults to MD5)\n",
- " -A,--authpass <arg>\n", " Set the SNMPv3 auth passphrase\n",
- " -C,--community <arg>\n", " Set the SNMP v1|v2c community string\n",
- " -d,--debug\n", " Show debugging output\n",
- " -D,--device glob|phys|log|con\n"," Set the device type that you want to check\n",
- " -e,--secengine <arg>\n", " Set the SNMPv3 security engine ID\n",
- " -E,--conengine <arg>\n", " Set the SNMPv3 context engine ID\n",
- " -h,--help\n", " Show this help information\n",
- " -H,--host <host[:port]>\n", " Set the target host (& port optionally)\n",
- " -l,--lower\n", " Force output to lowercase instead of uppercase\n",
- " -n,--numbers\n", " Always show numbers for controller & physical disk names\n",
- " -N,--context <arg>\n", " Set the SNMP context name\n",
- " -T,--type am|sm\n", " Set the OpenManage storage type used (Array or Storage Managment)\n",
- " -v,--snmpversion 1|2c|3\n", " Set the SNMP version (defaults to 1)\n",
- " -V,--version\n", " Show version information\n",
- " -u,--username <arg>\n", " Set the SNMPv3 username\n",
- " -x,--privproto DES|AES\n", " Set the SNMPv3 priv protocol (defaults to DES)\n",
- " -X,--privpass <arg>\n", " Set the SNMPv3 privacy passphrase\n",
- "\nCAVEATS\n",
- " - This script depends on having net-snmp's snmpwalk installed.\n",
- " - It also depends on having Dell's OpenManage software and either Dell's\n",
- " Array Manager or Storage Management installed on the target system.\n",
- " - The executable path is hard-coded to '/usr/bin/snmpwalk.' Please edit the\n",
- " '\$snmpwalk' variable near the top of the script for your environment.\n",
- " - You may also need to change the 'use lib' path to for your system.\n",
- "\nEXAMPLES\n",
- " \$ $exe -D glob -T sm -H host1 -C public\n",
- " \$ $exe -D phys -T am -H host2 -u MD5User -A \"My Passphrase\"\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
- }
- $SIG{ALRM} = sub { print "ERROR - Global timeout exceeded\n"; exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'} };
- #### Variables
- Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling");
- my %opts;
- GetOptions(\%opts, 'authproto|a=s','authpass|A=s', 'community|C=s','debug|d',
- 'device|D=s', 'secengine|e=s', 'conengine|E=s','help|h',
- 'host|H=s', 'lower|l', 'numbers|n', 'context|N=s',
- 'type|T=s', 'snmpversion|v=s','version|V', 'username|u=s',
- 'privproto|x=s','privpass|X=s') || &usage();
- &HELP() if defined($opts{help});
- &VERS() if defined($opts{version});
- my $aproto = ($opts{authproto} || 'MD5');
- my $aphrase = $opts{authpass} if defined ($opts{authpass});
- my $pass = $opts{community} if defined ($opts{community});
- my $DEBUG = defined ($opts{debug});
- my $dev = $opts{device} if defined ($opts{device});
- my $sengine = $opts{secengine} if defined ($opts{secengine});
- my $cengine = $opts{conengine} if defined ($opts{conengine});
- my $host = $opts{host} if defined ($opts{host});
- my $lower = defined ($opts{lower});
- my $numbers = defined ($opts{numbers});
- my $context = $opts{context} if defined ($opts{context});
- my $type = $opts{type} if defined ($opts{type});
- my $snmpvers = ($opts{snmpversion} || '1');
- my $user = $opts{username} if defined ($opts{username});
- my $pproto = ($opts{privproto} || 'DES');
- my $pphrase = $opts{privpass} if defined ($opts{privpass});
- my ($num,$exit,$id,$timeout) = (0,$ERRORS{'OK'},1,$TIMEOUT+5);
- my ($out,$oid);
- #### sanity checks - flesh out input errors
- if (!(defined($host) && defined($type) && defined($dev) && (defined($pass) || defined($user)))){
- print "ERROR - must define -D, -H, -T, and either -C or -u.\n";
- &usage();
- }
- if (! -x $snmpwalk){
- print "ERROR - $snmpwalk not found. Please edit the script for your environment.\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- &usage() if !($type eq 'sm' || $type eq 'am');
- &usage() if !($dev eq 'phys' || $dev eq 'log' || $dev eq 'con' || $dev eq 'glob');
- &usage() if !(($aproto eq 'MD5' || $aproto eq 'SHA') && ($pproto eq 'DES' || $pproto eq 'AES'));
- &usage() if !($snmpvers eq '1' || $snmpvers eq '2c' || $snmpvers eq '3');
- &usage() if (@ARGV);
- if (defined($user)) { $snmpvers = '3' }
- #### initialize SNMP output hash
- my @names;
- # log-50 was seen on OpenManage 2.1
- # phys-44, con-43 was seen on OpenManage 1.8
- my %perc = ('log-0' => 'UNKNOWN', 'phys-0' => 'UNKNOWN', 'con-0' => 'UNKNOWN',
- 'log-1' => 'READY', 'phys-1' => 'READY', 'con-1' => 'READY',
- 'log-2' => 'FAILED', 'phys-2' => 'FAILED', 'con-2' => 'FAILED',
- 'log-3' => 'ONLINE', 'phys-3' => 'ONLINE', 'con-3' => 'ONLINE',
- 'log-4' => 'OFFLINE', 'phys-4' => 'OFFLINE', 'con-4' => 'OFFLINE',
- 'log-6' => 'DEGRADED', 'phys-6' => 'DEGRADED', 'con-6' => 'DEGRADED',
- 'log-7' => 'VERIFYING', 'phys-7' => 'RECOVERING', 'con-43' => 'UNKNOWN',
- 'log-15' => 'RESYNCHING', 'phys-11' => 'REMOVED', 'glob-1' => 'CRITICAL',
- 'log-24' => 'REBUILDING', 'phys-15' => 'RESYNCHING', 'glob-2' => 'WARNING',
- 'log-26' => 'FORMATTING', 'phys-24' => 'REBUILDING', 'glob-3' => 'NORMAL',
- 'log-32' => 'RECONSTRUCTING', 'phys-25' => 'NO MEDIA', 'glob-4' => 'UNKNOWN',
- 'log-35' => 'INITIALIZING', 'phys-26' => 'FORMATTING',
- 'log-36' => 'BKGRND INIT.', 'phys-28' => 'DIAGNOSTICS',
- 'log-50' => 'BKGRND INIT.', 'phys-35' => 'INITIALIZING',
- 'phys-44' => 'PRED. FAILURE');
- # set oid param
- $id = 20 if $type eq 'sm';
- # set out and oid string
- if ($dev eq 'phys'){
- $out = 'Physical Disks -';
- $oid = ".${id}.";
- }
- elsif ($dev eq 'log'){
- $out = 'Logical Disk(s) -';
- $oid = ".${id}.";
- }
- elsif ($dev eq 'con') {
- $out = 'Controller(s) -';
- $oid = ".${id}.";
- }
- else{
- $out = 'PERC Global State -';
- $oid = ".${id}.2";
- }
- #### Prepare System Call
- my $syscall;
- if ($snmpvers eq '3' && defined($user)){
- if (defined($pphrase)){
- if (!defined($aphrase)){
- print "ERROR - auth passphrase is not defined.\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- print "debug >> using SNMPv3 authPriv\n" if $DEBUG;
- $syscall = "$snmpwalk -v${snmpvers} -u $user -a $aproto -A \"$aphrase\" -x $pproto -X \"$pphrase\" -l authPriv";
- }
- elsif (defined($aphrase)){
- print "debug >> using SNMPv3 authNoPriv\n" if $DEBUG;
- $syscall = "$snmpwalk -v${snmpvers} -u $user -a $aproto -A \"$aphrase\" -l authNoPriv";
- }
- else{
- print "debug >> using SNMPv3 noAuthNoPriv\n" if $DEBUG;
- $syscall = "$snmpwalk -v${snmpvers} -u $user -l noAuthNoPriv";
- }
- $syscall .= " -n \"$context\"" if defined($context);
- $syscall .= " -e $sengine" if defined($sengine);
- $syscall .= " -E $cengine" if defined($cengine);
- }
- elsif ($snmpvers eq '1' || $snmpvers eq '2c'){
- print "debug >> using SNMPv$snmpvers\n" if $DEBUG;
- $syscall = "$snmpwalk -v${snmpvers} -c \"$pass\"";
- }
- else{
- print "ERROR - SNMPv3 requires at least the '-u' option.\n";
- &usage();
- }
- print "debug >> syscall - $syscall $host $oid 2>&1\n" if $DEBUG;
- #### actual initial system call
- alarm $timeout;
- my @output = `$syscall $host $oid 2>&1`;
- my $state = $?;
- print "debug >> exit status - $state\n" if $DEBUG;
- if ($state != 0){
- print @output;
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- else{
- # test for non-existent OID
- # SNMPv1 will return no lines, v2c & v3 return an error
- if (!@output || $output[0] =~ /No Such Object available/){
- if ($DEBUG){
- print "debug >> @output";
- print "\n" if !@output; # for cleaner debug output
- }
- print "ERROR - OID is not available on this server (wrong -T opt?).\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- # grab names of devices
- if (!$numbers && ($dev eq 'phys' || $dev eq 'con')){
- chop $oid; $oid .= '2';
- print "debug >> names syscall - $syscall $host $oid 2>&1\n" if $DEBUG;
- my @tmp = `$syscall $host $oid 2>&1`;
- if ($? != 0){
- print "Error running snmpwalk on oid: $oid\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- for (@tmp){
- print "debug >> output - $_" if $DEBUG;
- chomp;
- my $name;
- if (/STRING: (.*)/){
- $name = $1;
- # I'm sure there's a prettier way to do this, but whatever...
- if ($name =~ /.* (\d+:\d+)/ || $name =~ /^"?(.*? .*?)[ \"]/){
- print "debug >> name - $1\n" if $DEBUG;
- push @names,$1;
- }
- else{
- print "debug >> name - $name\n" if $DEBUG;
- push @names,$name;
- }
- }
- else{
- print "SNMP returned unknown output: $_\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- }
- }
- for (@output){
- $num++;
- print "debug >> output - $_" if $DEBUG;
- my $s; # state of device
- if (/INTEGER:\s+(\d+)/){
- $s = $1;
- print "debug >> num - |$s|\n" if $DEBUG;
- }
- else{
- print "SNMP returned unknown output: $_\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- my $key = "$dev-$s";
- if ($DEBUG){
- print "debug >> key - $key\tvalue - ",
- (defined($perc{$key})) ? $perc{$key} : 'UNDEFINED VALUE',"\n"
- }
- # handle global status separately
- if ($dev eq 'glob'){
- (defined($perc{$key})) ? ($out .= " $perc{$key}")
- : ($out .= " UNKNOWN VALUE");
- if (!defined($perc{$key})) { $exit = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'} }
- elsif ($perc{$key} eq 'CRITICAL') { $exit = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'} }
- elsif ($perc{$key} eq 'WARNING') { $exit = $ERRORS{'WARNING'} }
- elsif ($perc{$key} ne 'NORMAL' ) { $exit = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'} }
- next;
- }
- # handle other devices - only display state for physical disks if
- # state is anything other than ready or online
- if (($dev eq 'phys' && (!defined($perc{$key}) || !($perc{$key} eq 'READY' || $perc{$key} eq 'ONLINE')))
- || $dev ne 'phys'){
- (defined($names[$num-1])) ? ($out .= ' ' . $names[$num-1] . ': ')
- : ($out .= " #$num: ");
- (defined($perc{$key})) ? ($out .= "$perc{$key},")
- : ($out .= 'UNKNOWN VALUE,');
- }
- # set exit status; make sure you don't downgrade status
- if (!defined($perc{$key}) || $perc{$key} eq 'UNKNOWN'){
- $exit = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'} if ($exit != $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'})
- }
- elsif ($perc{$key} eq 'FAILED' || $perc{$key} eq 'OFFLINE'){
- $exit = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}
- }
- elsif (!($perc{$key} eq 'READY' || $perc{$key} eq 'ONLINE' ||
- $perc{$key} eq 'BKGRND INIT.' || $perc{$key} eq 'INITIALIZING')){
- $exit = $ERRORS{'WARNING'} if ($exit != $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'})
- }
- }
- #### output
- # check physical disk output
- if ($dev eq 'phys' && $out eq 'Physical Disks -'){
- $out .= ' OK';
- }
- else { chop $out if $dev ne 'glob' } # chop trailing comma
- alarm 0;
- ($lower) ? print "\L$out\n" : print $out,"\n";
- exit $exit;
- }
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