
Help Geirhild

Mar 23rd, 2023
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  1. There was a king called Alrek who lived at Alreksstadir. He ruled over Hordaland. He married Signy, the daughter of a king from Vors. Alrek had a retainer called Koll, and Koll went north with the king to Sogn and he spoke a great deal to the king about the beauty of Geirhild Drif's daughter--he'd seen her brewing ale, you see--and he told the king he thought they'd make a good match.
  3. As Geirhild was dressing, Hood (who was really Odin) came to her. He made a bargain with her, that King Alrek would marry her, but she must call on Hood in all things. The king saw her on his way home, and they were wed that same autumn.
  5. The king rewarded Koll well for his loyalty and made him a jarl and a gave him a residence at Kollsey, south of the Hard Sea, and that's a well populated district.
  7. King Alrek couldn't keep both wives, because of their squabbles, and so he said he'd keep the one who made the best ale for him when he came home from his summer's raiding. They competed at the brewing. Signy prayed to Freyja, and Geirhild to Hood. He spat on the yeast and said he'd be back for what was between the tub and her. And that proved good ale. Then Alrek said:
  9. “Geirhild, girl,
  10. good is this ale,
  11. I can't complain
  12. unless there's a catch.
  13. I see hanging
  14. on high gallows
  15. your son, woman,
  16. sold to Odin.”
  18. Within the year, Vikar was born, the son of Alrek and Geirhild.
  21. - The Saga of Half & His Heroes (Hálfs saga ok Hálfsrekka), Chapter 1
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