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- return {
- -- TODO: get vs-tasks working for C# debugging in godot
- 'jamesonBradfield/vs-tasks.nvim',
- lazy = false,
- dependencies = {
- 'nvim-lua/popup.nvim',
- 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim',
- 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim',
- { 'akinsho/toggleterm.nvim', config = true },
- },
- keys = {
- {
- '<leader>Tt',
- mode = { 'n', 'x', 'o' },
- function()
- require('telescope').extensions.vstask.tasks()
- end,
- desc = '[t]asks',
- },
- {
- '<leader>Ti',
- mode = { 'n', 'x', 'o' },
- function()
- require('telescope').extensions.vstask.inputs()
- end,
- desc = '[i]nputs',
- },
- {
- '<leader>Th',
- mode = { 'n', 'x', 'o' },
- function()
- require('telescope').extensions.vstask.history()
- end,
- desc = '[h]istory',
- },
- {
- '<leader>Tl',
- mode = { 'n', 'x', 'o' },
- function()
- require('telescope').extensions.vstask.launch()
- end,
- desc = '[l]aunch',
- },
- },
- config = function()
- require('vstask').setup {
- cache_json_conf = true, -- don't read the json conf every time a task is ran
- cache_strategy = 'last', -- can be "most" or "last" (most used / last used)
- config_dir = '.vscode', -- directory to look for tasks.json and launch.json
- use_harpoon = true, -- use harpoon to auto cache terminals
- telescope_keys = { -- change the telescope bindings used to launch tasks
- vertical = '<C-v>',
- split = '<C-p>',
- tab = '<C-t>',
- current = '<CR>',
- },
- autodetect = { -- auto load scripts
- npm = 'on',
- },
- terminal = 'toggleterm',
- term_opts = {
- vertical = {
- direction = 'vertical',
- size = '80',
- },
- horizontal = {
- direction = 'horizontal',
- size = '10',
- },
- current = {
- direction = 'float',
- },
- tab = {
- direction = 'tab',
- },
- },
- json_parser = 'vim.fn.json.decode',
- }
- end,
- }
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