
Skull island journal

Dec 24th, 2024
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  1. I knew those notebooks well. My father ordered them by the gross, filling them with his drawings and story plots. When he was making films, he wrote in them ideas and entire scenarios. I had inherited a dozen of them, none about King Kong, but crammed with the stories and first-draft scripts of his early films. I held this one in my hands, and opening it in the light of one of the lamps, I read the words “Kong of Skull Island, by Carl Denham. The story as told to me by the Pendonjira, Ishara, Storyteller of the Tagatu people.
  2. That is the story you have just read, told almost completely in Carl Denham’s own words. He was a storyteller himself, a filmmaker. The drama and spectacle of the fantastic history of the Tagatu was clear and he wrote what might have been the rough scenario for one of his motion pictures.
  5. King Kong of Skull Island: Skull Island Journal, Afterword
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