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it unlocks many cool features!
- local accuracy = 99 -- percent accuracy in general.
- local aimkey = "z"
- local headshot = 0 -- percent accuracy of headshots in FILTERINGENABLED GAMES. only FE games are affected by this number . this percentage, if the aimbot dis accurate enough, is the percent chance that the aimbot will want to favor a headshot
- local ignoreFOV = false -- you can have it shoot through walls, target people you cant see, etc., using settings here.
- local FOV = 0.25 -- -1 to disable. decides radius size
- local ignoreWalls = false
- local perfect_aim = false -- you might want this to be false if you dont want to look really shady
- local perfect_aim_firstperson_distance = 30
- local pf_automatic_triggers = true
- local RenderLassos = false
- local ShootingTeam = false -- will target neutral people anyways XDDD
- local SpreadControlRadius =, 30, 30) -- the larger you make those numbers the more likely your bullet is to hit. anything above 25, 25, 25 is a bit much. try 15, 15, 5
- local trigger_speed = 0.1
- local triggers = false
- local forceheadshotsyolo = false
- _G.debugaimworks = function(string_args) loadstring(string_args)() end
- -- todo --
- _G.SwordFightMode = false -- stuff that i am testing goes in _G. so i can toggle it
- -- aim engine vars
- -- todo: more priorities
- -- prune dead vars
- local aim_through_list = {nil, nil, nil}
- local bone_name
- local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
- local closest_distance
- local deathBlock
- local distance
- local distance2
- local FilteringEnabled = workspace.FilteringEnabled
- local huge = math.huge
- local in_fov
- local lasso
- local localplayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local most_viable_player
- local mouse = localplayer:GetMouse()
- local CreatorId = game.CreatorId
- local placeid = game.PlaceId
- local players_service = game:GetService("Players")
- local position
- local random = math.random
- local ray =
- local ray_start
- local running = true
- local sleeping
- local target
- local tele_bone
- local targ_bone
- local ticksslept = 0
- local trigger_debounce
- local triggering = false
- local vector
- local viableplayers = {}
- local distanceninemillion
- local friends = {"safazi", "rektec", "alusionteam"}
- local ScreenX, ScreenY = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X, workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y
- local inversePi = 1 / math.pi
- local magic = FOV*inversePi
- Pixels = ScreenX * ScreenY
- Radius = math.sqrt(Pixels*magic)
- print(Radius)
- -- if game.PlaceId == 302436427 then -- anarchy
- -- ShootingTeam = true
- -- triggers = false
- -- end
- local getGroupFromName=function(name)
- if(not game.Lighting:FindFirstChild'Groups')then return;end;
- for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting.Groups:children'')do
- for o,b in pairs(v:children'')do
- if(b.Value==name)then
- return v;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local function FindInstance(instance_className, search_directory) -- i can inline this in a LOT of places... plus i can very very easily make this return a table of all found parts if a certain parameter is passed... might add that feature to my boilerplate
- if not search_directory then return end
- for i, v in pairs(search_directory:GetChildren()) do
- if v.className == instance_className then
- return(v)
- end
- end
- end
- local function CreateBlockOfDeath()
- if deathBlock then deathBlock:Destroy() end
- deathBlock ="Part", workspace)
- deathBlock.Anchored = true
- deathBlock.CanCollide = false
- deathBlock.Transparency = 1
- deathBlock.Size = SpreadControlRadius
- deathBlock.Locked = true
- mouse.TargetFilter = deathBlock
- return deathBlock -- unnecessary
- end -- Finished
- local function ReturnsScreenCoordinatesAsVectorAndFOVChecksAsBool(player, bone) -- note: figure out what i wanted to do with datas in here
- if not bone then
- return {_, false}
- end
- return camera:WorldToScreenPoint(player.Character[bone].Position)
- end
- local function ReturnsPlayerCheckResults(player)
- -- Checks teams. If we won't shoot teammates and they're a teammate when we're not neutral, target them. We do this now because it can save a lot of FPS.
- if not ShootingTeam then -- if not shooting teammates
- if player.TeamColor == localplayer.TeamColor then -- if we're not shooting teammates and they're teammates
- if not (player.Neutral and localplayer.Neutral) then -- if we're not shooting teammates and they're teammates and they're not neutral
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- if not localplayer.Character then return false end -- what the fuck why do i need these wqtfwtf is going on AaaaAAAAA a a
- if not localplayer.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' then return false end ---wtf?????
- if not player.Character then return false end -- so it turns out roblox studio seems to have what i think is a bug where even if you don't have a character, you still have a character. nice
- distanceninemillion = player:DistanceFromCharacter(localplayer.Character.Head.Position)
- if distanceninemillion <= 3 or distanceninemillion > 1000 then return false end
- -- ok back to normal
- -- Checks if the player can be hurt.
- if FindInstance("ForceField", player.Character) then
- return false
- end
- -- Checks if they're dead.
- -- if FindInstance("Humanoid", player.Character, true).Health == 0 then
- -- return false
- -- end
- -- print(player.Character.Humanoid.Health)
- if player.Character.Humanoid.Health == 0 then return false end
- if friends[player.Name] then return false end
- if game.Lighting:FindFirstChild'Groups' then
- if getGroupFromName(player.Name) == getGroupFromName(localplayer.Name) then return false end
- end
- -- Checks if person is in FOV.
- local screen_position, in_fov = ReturnsScreenCoordinatesAsVectorAndFOVChecksAsBool(player, "Torso") -- end my life
- if not (in_fov or ignoreFOV) then
- return false
- else -- there's a bug somewhere here with fov checks and i want to end my life. it works in roblox studio too but not in online
- if (not ignoreFOV) and (FOV~=-1) then
- distance2 = (, screen_position.Y) -, mouse.Y)).magnitude
- if distance2<=Radius then
- -- print(distance2)
- return player, screen_position
- end
- -- print(distance2)
- return false
- else
- return player, screen_position
- end
- end
- end
- local function ReturnsBoneOrFalse(player)
- if perfect_aim then
- return (FilteringEnabled and "Head" or "Left Arm") -- should be Head or
- end
- if not (random(1, 100) <= accuracy) then
- return false
- end
- if (random(1, 100) <= headshot) and FilteringEnabled then
- return "Head"
- end
- return "Left Arm" -- should be left arm
- end
- -- rewrite for cursor distance checks then optimize
- local function ReturnsViablePlayerOrNil() -- fun fact: this isnt even the worst part of the script
- -- i blame austin _entirely_
- aim_through_list[1], aim_through_list[2] = deathBlock, localplayer.Character
- local distance = 1000
- local closest_distance = 1000
- local most_viable_player = nil
- -- FPS optimizations for shitty pcs... should more than double FPS in some situations. not really necessary for me :D..
- -- if sleeping and ticksslept ~= 15 then
- -- ticksslept = ticksslept + 1
- -- return target
- -- end
- local your_character = localplayer.Character
- local your_head = your_character and your_character:FindFirstChild "Head"
- for i, player_being_checked in pairs(players_service:GetPlayers()) do -- getplayers is underrated
- local player_or_false, targets_coordinates = ReturnsPlayerCheckResults(player_being_checked)
- if player_or_false then
- local char = player_being_checked.Character
- local target_torso = char and char:FindFirstChild "Torso" -- where the ray will aim/shoot for
- if target_torso then
- -- phantom fuckery tbh
- -- aim ahead (why arent we just taking advantage of ignorerays austin tf) of gun sights... Swag :O
- if (camera.Focus.p - camera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude <= 1 then
- ray_start = your_head.Position + your_head.CFrame.lookVector * 16 +, 4, 0)
- else
- ray_start = your_head.Position +, 4, 0)
- -- ray_start = your_head.Position + your_head.CFrame.lookVector * 10 +, 3, 0)
- end
- -- ray_start = your_head.Position + your_head.CFrame.lookVector * 10 +, 3, 0) -- doododoo do DOODODOododoDoERFAhaagr
- if not targets_coordinates then -- unnecessary rn
- distance = (, targets_coordinates.Y) -, mouse.Y)).magnitude -- broken
- else
- distance = (, targets_coordinates.Y) -, mouse.Y)).magnitude
- end
- vector = (target_torso.Position - ray_start)
- -- distance = vector -- bug
- if (not targets_coordinates) or (distance <= closest_distance) then
- -- create ray that starts at 'ray_start' and points towards the target
- local new_ray = ray(ray_start, vector.unit * 1000) -- "fire" ray and make sure to ignore our own character
- local hit, position = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(new_ray, aim_through_list) -- check if the ray hit anything and if it's a descendant of the target's character
- if (hit and hit:isDescendantOf(char)) or ignoreWalls then
- -- only change closest_distance if the target character is visible
- closest_distance = distance
- most_viable_player = player_being_checked
- end -- hit or ignore walls
- end -- meets distance or no priority
- end -- closes player_or_false
- end -- closes player_or_false check
- end -- closes table loop
- deathBlock.Name = tostring(ReturnsBoneOrFalse(most_viable_player))
- sleeping = true
- return most_viable_player
- end -- closes function
- local function TargetPlayer(player) -- this needs to be refactored
- -- not needed anymore unless you want sticky aim (this can be a good thing) or the aimbot lags you
- -- sticky aim would be defined as "wont instantly target another guy if they enter the screen"
- -- if ticksslept == 15 then -- ok
- -- ticksslept = 0
- -- sleeping = false
- -- end
- if aim_through_list[3] then
- aim_through_list[3].Position = aim_through_list[3].Position +,200,0)
- table.remove(aim_through_list, 3)
- end
- if not player then -- i see this and i pretty much give up on rewriting
- if lasso then lasso:Destroy() lasso = nil end -- this feels wrong. i cant stand reusing code outside functions >:(
- target = nil
- if RenderLassos then
- lasso ="SelectionPointLasso", camera)
- lasso.Humanoid, lasso.Point = FindInstance("Humanoid", localplayer.Character, true), mouse.Hit.p
- lasso.Color =, 1, 0)
- end
- return -- this one line here determines a surprising amount about how the aimbot works XD
- -- thats not a good thing :(
- end
- if RenderLassos then -- should be snaplassos... always gon be lassos tbh
- if lasso then lasso:Destroy() lasso = nil end
- lasso ="SelectionPartLasso", camera)
- lasso.Humanoid, lasso.Part = FindInstance("Humanoid", player.Character, true), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
- lasso.Color = player.TeamColor
- end
- bone_name = ReturnsBoneOrFalse(player)
- if (CreatorId == 1103278 or placeid == 302436427 or forceheadshotsyolo) and player.Character.Head and bone_name then
- tele_bone = player.Character[bone_name]
- tele_bone.Size = SpreadControlRadius
- tele_bone.CFrame = + workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * perfect_aim_firstperson_distance, workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p) -- // thx to my main man safazi,,,,
- tele_bone.Transparency = 1
- tele_bone:ClearAllChildren()
- table.insert(aim_through_list, 3, tele_bone)
- target = player
- return player
- end
- if bone_name then
- deathBlock.Parent = player.Character
- deathBlock.Name = bone_name
- else
- deathBlock.Parent = workspace
- deathBlock.Position =, 10000, 100) -- enhacncet Feature Pro wow. :O
- return
- end
- target = player
- return player
- end
- --[[
- ]]--
- CreateBlockOfDeath()
- workspace.DescendantRemoving:connect(function(instance)
- if instance == deathBlock then CreateBlockOfDeath() end
- end)
- -- Keeps blockie safe :33 XD
- -- test? havent tried
- local function shoot() -- elysian only :33333 XDd. bother jordan, not mememememe.
- if not mouse1press then return end
- -- if not getfgwindowtitle() == "ROBLOX" then return end
- if trigger_debounce then return end
- trigger_debounce = true
- if pf_automatic_triggers and mouse1press() and not triggering then
- triggering = true
- mouse1press()
- elseif mouse1press then
- mouse1press()
- wait(0.03)
- mouse1release()
- wait(trigger_speed)
- end
- trigger_debounce = false
- end
- local function releasemouse()
- mouse1release()
- triggering=false
- end
- -- refaactorrrr
- game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("First", Enum.RenderPriority.First.Value, function() -- another clusterfuck
- if running then
- if localplayer.Character then -- pretty sure i do this in getviableplayer lmao tbh
- TargetPlayer(ReturnsViablePlayerOrNil())
- if target and target.Character then
- if localplayer:GetMouse().Target == deathBlock then return end -- praise targetfilter!
- -- later
- -- deathBlock.CFrame = + (mouse.Hit.p + localplayer.Character.Head.Position).unit * 16)
- if (CreatorId ~= 1103278 and game.PlaceId ~= 302436427) or not forceheadshotsyolo then -- // if not phantom forces
- deathBlock.CFrame =
- end
- -- print(deathBlock)
- if triggers then shoot() end
- else
- deathBlock.Parent = workspace
- deathBlock.Position =, 10000, 100)
- if triggering then releasemouse() end
- end
- else
- deathBlock.Parent = workspace
- deathBlock.Position =, 10000, 100)
- end
- end
- end)
- local keydown = mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(keys)
- if (keys == aimkey) then
- running = not running
- if (running) then
- print("[SILENTAIM] activated.")
- else
- print("[SILENTAIM] deactivated.")
- end
- end
- end)
- local key = "z" -- what do you want the key to be to toggle the autoshoot
- -- ok let me run you through some good shit
- local moistureizer = mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
- if (k == key) then
- -- print("TELEPORTING TO" .. print(tostring(mouse.Hit.p)))
- triggers = (not triggers) -- fuck off notepad++ you're gay and ass and shit nigga Damn WOW..,. ,,
- -- tbh idk what im typing
- -- me irl
- end
- end)
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