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- @echo off
- cls
- title MiniAdventure
- goto misc
- :misc
- set comp1=No
- set comp2=No
- set invslot1=
- set invslot2=
- set b1=No
- set b2=No
- set b3=No
- set vis1=
- set vis2=No
- set vis3=No
- set /a money+=15
- goto menu
- :menu
- color 00
- cls
- echo MiniAdv v1
- echo Type "play" to play
- set /p op=
- if %op% equ play goto select
- :select
- cls
- echo Select a place to go to.
- echo Type in a place's name to go to it.
- echo ------------------------
- echo Town
- echo Completed:%comp1%
- echo ------------------------
- set /p place=
- if %place% equ town goto town
- :town
- cls
- echo Welcome to the town!
- pause
- cls
- set /p name=What is your name?
- cls
- echo Well, %name%, come to my shop!
- pause
- cls
- goto shop
- :shop
- cls
- set vis2=Yes
- echo ----
- echo SHOP
- echo ----
- echo Money: $%money%
- echo Type "exit" to exit store
- echo ----
- echo Bottle of Water [Cost: $1, Bought: %b1%]
- echo Type "water" to buy this item
- echo ----
- echo Apple [Cost: $1, Bought: %b2%]
- echo Type "apple" to buy this item
- echo ----
- set /p storeop=Item to buy:
- if %storeop% equ water goto buybottle
- if %storeop% equ apple goto buyapple
- if %storeop% equ exit goto townrest
- :buybottle
- set invslot1=Water Bottle
- set /a money-=1
- set b1=Yes
- goto shop
- :buyapple
- set /a money-=1
- set b2=Yes
- goto shop
- :townrest
- cls
- echo NAME: %name% ^| MONEY: $%money%
- echo Where would you like to go next?
- echo --------------------------------
- echo Type in a place's name to go to it
- echo --------------------------------
- echo Shop
- echo Visited: %vis2%
- echo --------------------------------
- echo Bar
- echo Visited: %vis3%
- echo --------------------------------
- set /p place2=
- if %place2% equ shop goto shop
- if %place2% equ bar goto bar
- :bar
- cls
- echo Hello! You must be %name%, right?
- pause
- cls
- echo Well then, what would you like?
- pause
- goto barop
- :barop
- cls
- echo ---
- echo BAR
- echo ---
- echo Money: $%money%
- echo Type "exit" to exit
- echo ---
- echo Vodka [Cost: $5, Bought: %b3%]
- echo Type "vodka" to buy this item
- echo ---
- echo Beer [Cost: $10, Bought: UNAVAILIBLE]
- echo ---
- set /p op3=
- if %op3% equ vodka goto buyvodka
- if %op3% equ exit goto win
- :buyvodka
- cls
- set /a money-=5
- set b3=Yes
- goto barop
- :win
- cls
- color 2a
- echo YOU WIN
- echo GAME 100% COMPLETE
- set comp1=Yes
- echo Type "return" to return to the menu.
- set /p ret=
- if %ret% equ return goto menu
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