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- #include-once
- ; #INDEX# ============================================================================================================
- ; Title .........: GUIFrame
- ; AutoIt Version : 3.3 +
- ; Language ......: English
- ; Description ...: Splits a GUI into slideable and resizable 2 part frames which can be further split if required
- ; Remarks .......: - The UDF uses OnAutoItExitRegister to call _GUIFrame_Exit to delete subclassed separator bars
- ; using the UDF created WndProc and to release the Callback on exit
- ; - If the script already has a WM_SIZE handler then do NOT use _GUIFrame_ResizeReg,
- ; but call _GUIFrame_SIZE_Handler from within the existing handler
- ; Author ........: Original UDF by Kip
- ; Modified ......; This version by Melba23 - using x64 compatible code drawn from Yashied's WinAPIEx library
- ; ====================================================================================================================
- ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7
- ; #INCLUDES# =========================================================================================================
- #include <WinAPI.au3>
- ; #GLOBAL VARIABLES# =================================================================================================
- ; Array to hold handles for each frame set
- Global $aGF_HandleIndex[1][7] = [[0, 0, 0]]
- ; [0][0] = 0 ; Count of frames [0][1] = Move registered flag
- ; [n][0] = Parent GUI handle [n][4] = Original GUI handle
- ; [n][1] = First frame handle [n][5] = Indices of first frame internal frames
- ; [n][2] = Second frame handle [n][6] = Indices of second frame internal frames
- ; [n][3] = Separator bar handle
- ; Array to hold sizing percentages for each frame set
- Global $aGF_SizingIndex[1][8]
- ; [n][0] = First frame min [n][2] = X coord [n][4] = Width [n][6] = Seperator percentage position
- ; [n][1] = Second frame min [n][3] = Y coord [n][5] = Height [n][7] = Resize type (0/1/2)
- ; Array to hold other settings for each frame set
- Global $aGF_SettingsIndex[1][3]
- ; [n][0] = Separator orientation (vert/horz = 0/1)
- ; [n][1] = Resizable frame flag (0/1)
- ; [n][2] = Separator size (default = 5)
- ; Array to hold WinProc handles for each separator
- Global $aGF_SepProcIndex[1][2] = [[0, 0]]
- ; Store registered Callback handle
- Global $hGF_RegCallBack = DllCallbackRegister("_GUIFrame_SepWndProc", "lresult", "hwnd;uint;wparam;lparam")
- $aGF_SepProcIndex[0][1] = DllCallbackGetPtr($hGF_RegCallBack)
- ; #ONAUTOITEXIT FUNCTIONS# ===========================================================================================
- OnAutoItExitRegister("_GUIFrame_Exit")
- ; #CURRENT# ==========================================================================================================
- ; _GUIFrame_Create: Splits a GUI into 2 frames
- ; _GUIFrame_SetMin: Sets minimum sizes for each frame
- ; _GUIFrame_ResizeSet: Sets resizing flag for all or specified frame sets
- ; _GUIFrame_GetHandle: Returns the handle of a frame element (required for further splitting)
- ; _GUIFrame_Switch: Sets a frame element as current GUI
- ; _GUIFrame_GetSepPos: Returns the current position of the separator
- ; _GUIFrame_SetSepPos: Moves the separator bar to adjust frame sizes
- ; _GUIFrame_ResizeReg: Registers WM_SIZE message for resizing
- ; _GUIFrame_SIZE_Handler: Called from a WM_SIZE message handler to resize frames using _GUIFrame_Move
- ; ====================================================================================================================
- ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#=================================================================================================
- ; _GUIFrame_SepSubClass: Sets new WndProc for frame separator bar
- ; _GUIFrame_SepWndProc: New WndProc for frame separator bar
- ; _GUIFrame_SepPassMsg: Passes Msg to original frame WndProc for action
- ; _GUIFrame_Move: Moves and resizes frame elements and separator bars
- ; _GUIFrame_Exit: Deletes all subclassed separator bars to free UDF WndProc and frees registered callback handle
- ; ====================================================================================================================
- ; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_Create
- ; Description ...: Splits a GUI into 2 frames
- ; Syntax.........: _GUIFrame_Create($hWnd, $iSepOrient = 0, $iSepPos = 0, $iSepSize = 5, $iX = 0, $iY = 0, $iWidth = 0, $iHeight = 0, $iStyle = 0, $iExStyle = 0)
- ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle of GUI to split
- ; $iSepOrient - Orientation of separator bar: 0 = Vertical (default), 1 = Horizontal
- ; $iSepPos - Required initial position of separator (default = centre of frame GUI)
- ; $iSepSize - Size of separator bar (default = 5, min = 3, max = 9)
- ; $iX - Left of frame area (default = 0)
- ; $iY - Top of frame area (default = 0)
- ; $iWidth - Width of frame area (default = full width)
- ; $iHeight - Height of frame area (default = full height)
- ; SiStyle - Required style value for frame elements
- ; SiExStyle - Required extended style value for frame elements
- ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 +
- ; Return values .: Success: Returns index number of frame/separator set
- ; Failure: Returns 0 and sets @error as follows:
- ; 1 = Child limit exceeded
- ; 2 = GUI creation failed
- ; 2 = Separator subclassing failed
- ; Author ........: Kip
- ; Modified ......: Melba23
- ; Remarks .......:
- ; Example........: Yes
- ;=====================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_Create($hWnd, $iSepOrient = 0, $iSepPos = 0, $iSepSize = 5, $iX = 0, $iY = 0, $iOrg_Width = 0, $iOrg_Height = 0, $iStyle = 0, $iExStyle = 0)
- Local $iSeperator_Pos, $hSeparator, $hFirstFrame, $hSecondFrame, $nSepPercent
- ; Set separator size
- Local $iSeparatorSize = 5
- Switch $iSepSize
- Case 3 To 9
- $iSeparatorSize = $iSepSize
- EndSwitch
- ; Set default sizing if no parameters set
- Local $iWidth = $iOrg_Width
- Local $iHeight = $iOrg_Height
- Local $aFullSize = WinGetClientSize($hWnd)
- If Not $iOrg_Width Then $iWidth = $aFullSize[0]
- If Not $iOrg_Height Then $iHeight = $aFullSize[1]
- ; Create parent GUI within client area
- Local $hParent = GUICreate("FrameParent", $iWidth, $iHeight, $iX, $iY, BitOR(0x40000000, $iStyle), $iExStyle, $hWnd) ; $WS_CHILD
- GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hParent)
- ; Confirm size of frame parent client area
- Local $aSize = WinGetClientSize($hParent)
- $iWidth = $aSize[0]
- $iHeight = $aSize[1]
- If $iSepOrient = 0 Then
- ; Set initial separator position
- $iSeperator_Pos = $iSepPos
- ; Adjust position if not within GUI or default set (=0)
- If $iSepPos > $iWidth Or $iSepPos < 1 Then
- $iSeperator_Pos = Round(($iWidth / 2) - ($iSeparatorSize / 2))
- EndIf
- ; Create separator bar and force cursor change over separator
- $hSeparator = GUICreate("", $iSeparatorSize, $iHeight, $iSeperator_Pos, 0, 0x40000000, -1, $hParent) ;$WS_CHILD
- GUISetCursor(13, 1, $hSeparator)
- GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $iSeparatorSize, $iHeight, -1, 0x00000001) ; $WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME
- GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hSeparator)
- ; Create the sizable frames
- $hFirstFrame = GUICreate("", $iSeperator_Pos, $iHeight, 0, 0, 0x40000000, -1, $hParent) ;$WS_CHILD
- GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hFirstFrame)
- $hSecondFrame = GUICreate("", $iWidth - ($iSeperator_Pos + $iSeparatorSize), $iHeight, $iSeperator_Pos + $iSeparatorSize, 0, 0x40000000, -1, $hParent) ;$WS_CHILD
- GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hSecondFrame)
- ; Set seperator position percentage
- $nSepPercent = $iSeperator_Pos / $iWidth
- Else
- $iSeperator_Pos = $iSepPos
- If $iSepPos > $iHeight Or $iSepPos < 1 Then
- $iSeperator_Pos = Round(($iHeight / 2) - ($iSeparatorSize / 2))
- EndIf
- $hSeparator = GUICreate("", $iWidth, $iSeparatorSize, 0, $iSeperator_Pos, 0x40000000, -1, $hParent) ;$WS_CHILD
- GUISetCursor(11, 1, $hSeparator)
- GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $iWidth, $iSeparatorSize, -1, 0x01) ; $WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME
- GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hSeparator)
- $hFirstFrame = GUICreate("", $iWidth, $iSeperator_Pos, 0, 0, 0x40000000, -1, $hParent) ;$WS_CHILD
- GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hFirstFrame)
- $hSecondFrame = GUICreate("", $iWidth, $iHeight - ($iSeperator_Pos + $iSeparatorSize), 0, $iSeperator_Pos + $iSeparatorSize, 0x40000000, -1, $hParent) ;$WS_CHILD
- GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hSecondFrame)
- $nSepPercent = $iSeperator_Pos / $iHeight
- EndIf
- ; Check for error creating GUIs
- If $hParent = 0 Or $hSeparator = 0 Or $hFirstFrame = 0 Or $hSecondFrame = 0 Then
- ; Delete all GUIs and return error
- GUIDelete($hParent)
- GUIDelete($hSeparator)
- GUIDelete($hFirstFrame)
- GUIDelete($hSecondFrame)
- Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- ; Subclass the separator
- If _GUIFrame_SepSubClass($hSeparator) = 0 Then
- ; If Subclassing failed then delete all GUIs and return error
- GUIDelete($hParent)
- GUIDelete($hSeparator)
- GUIDelete($hFirstFrame)
- GUIDelete($hSecondFrame)
- Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- ; Create new lines in the storage arrays for this frame set
- Local $iIndex = $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] + 1
- ReDim $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex + 1][7]
- ReDim $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex + 1][8]
- ReDim $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iIndex + 1][3]
- ; Store this frame set handles/variables/defaults in the new lines
- $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] = $iIndex
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][0] = $hParent
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][1] = $hFirstFrame
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][2] = $hSecondFrame
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][3] = $hSeparator
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][4] = $hWnd
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][5] = 0
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][6] = 0
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][0] = 0
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][1] = 0
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][6] = $nSepPercent
- $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iIndex][0] = $iSepOrient
- $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iIndex][1] = 0
- $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iIndex][2] = $iSeparatorSize
- ; Store this frame index in parent line if parent is an existing frame
- For $i = 1 To $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] - 1
- If $aGF_HandleIndex[$i][1] = $hWnd Then
- If $aGF_HandleIndex[$i][5] = 0 Then
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$i][5] = $iIndex
- Else
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$i][5] &= "|" & $iIndex
- EndIf
- ExitLoop
- EndIf
- If $aGF_HandleIndex[$i][2] = $hWnd Then
- If $aGF_HandleIndex[$i][6] = 0 Then
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$i][6] = $iIndex
- Else
- $aGF_HandleIndex[$i][6] &= "|" & $iIndex
- EndIf
- ExitLoop
- EndIf
- Next
- ; Store coordinate and size fractions
- If $iX Then
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][2] = $iX / $aFullSize[0]
- Else
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][2] = 0
- EndIf
- If $iY Then
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][3] = $iY / $aFullSize[1]
- Else
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][3] = 0
- EndIf
- If $iOrg_Width Then
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][4] = $iOrg_Width / $aFullSize[0]
- Else
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][4] = 1
- EndIf
- If $iOrg_Height Then
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][5] = $iOrg_Height / $aFullSize[1]
- Else
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][5] = 1
- EndIf
- ; Switch back to main GUI
- GUISwitch($hWnd)
- ; Return the index for this frame
- Return $iIndex
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_Create
- ; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_SetMin
- ; Description ...: Sets minimum sizes for frames
- ; Syntax.........: _GUIFrame_SetMin($iFrame, $iFirstMin = 0, $iSecondMin = 0, $fAbsolute = False)
- ; Parameters ....: $iFrame - Index of frame set as returned by _GUIFrame_Create
- ; $iFirstMin - Min size of first (left/top) frame - max half size
- ; $iSecondMin - Min Size of second (right/bottom) frame - max half size
- ; $fAbsolute - True = Minima fixed when GUI resized
- ; - False = Minima adjusted on resize to equivalent percentage of new GUI size (default)
- ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 +
- ; Return values .: None
- ; Author ........: Melba23 based on some original code by Kip
- ; Modified ......:
- ; Remarks .......: If the frame is resized, these minima are adjusted accordingly unless $fAbsolute is set
- ; Example........: Yes
- ;=====================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_SetMin($iFrame, $iFirstMin = 0, $iSecondMin = 0, $fAbsolute = False)
- ; Check for valid frame index
- If $iFrame < 1 Or $iFrame > $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] Then Return 0
- ; Get size of parent
- Local $aSize = WinGetClientSize($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][0])
- ; Now check orientation and determine
- Local $iMax, $iFullSize
- If $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][0] = 0 Then
- $iMax = Floor(($aSize[0] / 2) - $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2])
- $iFullSize = $aSize[0]
- Else
- $iMax = Floor(($aSize[1] / 2) - $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2])
- $iFullSize = $aSize[1]
- EndIf
- ; Set minimums
- If $fAbsolute Then
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][0] = Int($iFirstMin)
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][1] = Int($iSecondMin)
- Else
- If $iFirstMin > $iMax Then
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][0] = $iMax / $iFullSize
- Else
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][0] = $iFirstMin / $iFullSize
- EndIf
- If $iSecondMin > $iMax Then
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][1] = $iMax / $iFullSize
- Else
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][1] = $iSecondMin / $iFullSize
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_SetMin
- ; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_ResizeSet
- ; Description ...: Sets resizing flag for frames
- ; Syntax.........: _GUIFrame_ResizeSet($iFrame = 0[, $iType = 0])
- ; Parameters ....: $iFrame - Index of frame set as returned by _GUIFrame_Create (Default - 0 = all existing frames)
- ; $iType - Separator behaviour on GUI resize
- ; 0 = Frames retain percentage size (default)
- ; 1 = Top/left frame fixed size
- ; 2 = Bottom/right frame fixed size
- ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 +
- ; Return values .: Success: 2 - All existing frame flags set
- ; 1 - Specified flag set
- ; Failure: 0 with @error set to:
- ; 1 - Invalid frame specified
- ; 2 - Invalid type parameter
- ; Author ........: Melba23
- ; Modified ......:
- ; Remarks .......:
- ; Example........: Yes
- ;=====================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_ResizeSet($iFrame = 0, $iType = 0)
- Switch $iType
- Case 0, 1, 2
- ; Valid
- Case Else
- Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- EndSwitch
- Switch $iFrame
- Case 0 ; Set all frames
- For $i = 1 To $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0]
- $aGF_SettingsIndex[$i][1] = 1
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$i][7] = $iType
- Next
- Return 2
- Case 1 To $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] ; Only valid frames accepted
- $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][1] = 1
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][7] = $iType
- Return 1
- Case Else ; Error
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_ResizeSet
- ; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_GetHandle
- ; Description ...: Returns the handle of a frame element (required for further splitting)
- ; Syntax.........: _GUIFrame_GetHandle($iFrame, $iElement)
- ; Parameters ....: $iFrame - Index of frame set as returned by _GUIFrame_Create
- ; $iElement - 1 = first (left/top) frame, 2 = second (right/bottom) frame
- ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 +
- ; Return values .: Success: Handle of frame
- ; Failure: 0 with @error set as follows
- ; 1 - Invalid frame specified
- ; 2 - Invalid element specified
- ; Author ........: Kip
- ; Modified ......: Melba23
- ; Remarks .......: _GUIFrame_Create requires a GUI handle as a parameter
- ; Example........: Yes
- ;=====================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_GetHandle($iFrame, $iElement)
- ; Check valid frame index and element
- Switch $iFrame
- Case 1 To $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0]
- Switch $iElement
- Case 1, 2
- ; Return handle
- Return $aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][$iElement]
- EndSwitch
- Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- EndSwitch
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_GetHandle
- ; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_Switch
- ; Description ...: Sets a frame element as current GUI
- ; Syntax.........: _GUIFrame_Switch($iFrame, $iElement)
- ; Parameters ....: $iFrame - Index of frame set as returned by _GUIFrame_Create
- ; $iElement - 1 = first (left/top) frame, 2 = second (right/bottom) frame
- ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 +
- ; Return values .: None
- ; Author ........: Kip
- ; Modified ......: Melba23
- ; Remarks .......: Subsequent controls are created in the specified frame element
- ; Example........: Yes
- ;=====================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_Switch($iFrame, $iElement)
- ; Check valid frame index and element
- Switch $iFrame
- Case 1 To $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0]
- Switch $iElement
- Case 1, 2
- ; Switch to specified element
- Return GUISwitch($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][$iElement])
- EndSwitch
- Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- EndSwitch
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_Switch
- ; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_GetSepPos()
- ; Description ...: Returns the current position of the separator
- ; Syntax.........: _GUIFrame_GetSepPos($iFrame)
- ; Parameters ....: $iFrame - Index of frame set as returned by _GUIFrame_Create
- ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 +
- ; Return values .: Success: Position of separator
- ; Failure: -1 = Invalid frame specified
- ; Author ........: Melba23
- ; Remarks .......: This value can be stored and used as the initial separator position parameter in _GUIFrame_Create
- ; to restore exit position on restart
- ; Example........: Yes
- ;=====================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_GetSepPos($iFrame)
- Local $iSepPos
- ; Check for valid frame index
- If $iFrame < 1 Or $iFrame > $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] Then Return -1
- ; Get position of first frame
- Local $aFrame_Pos = WinGetPos($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][1])
- ; Get position of separator
- Local $aSep_Pos = WinGetPos($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][3])
- ; Check on separator orientation
- If $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][0] Then
- $iSepPos = $aSep_Pos[1] - $aFrame_Pos[1]
- Else
- $iSepPos = $aSep_Pos[0] - $aFrame_Pos[0]
- EndIf
- Return $iSepPos
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_GetSepPos
- ; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_SetSepPos()
- ; Description ...: Moves the separator bar to adjust frame sizes
- ; Syntax.........: _GUIFrame_SetSepPos($iFrame, $iSepPos)
- ; Parameters ....: $iFrame - Index of frame set as returned by _GUIFrame_Create
- ; $iSepos - Position of separator bar within frame
- ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 +
- ; Return values .: Success: 1
- ; Failure: 0 with @error set as follows
- ; 1 - Invalid frame specified
- ; 2 - Invalid separator position (outside frame)
- ; 3 - Invalid separator position (below frame minimum size)
- ; Author ........: Melba23
- ; Remarks .......: This value can be stored and used as the initial separator position parameter in _GUIFrame_Create
- ; to restore exit position on restart
- ; Example........: Yes
- ;=====================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_SetSepPos($iFrame, $iSepPos)
- Local $iFirstMin, $iSecondMin
- ; Check for valid frame index
- If $iFrame < 1 Or $iFrame > $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- ; Check separator actually needs to move
- If $iSepPos = _GUIFrame_GetSepPos($iFrame) Then Return 1
- ; Get frame GUI size
- Local $aWinPos = WinGetPos($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][0])
- ; Depending on separator orientation
- If $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][0] Then
- ; Check sep position is valid
- If $iSepPos < 0 Or $iSepPos > $aWinPos[3] Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- ; Determine minima for frames
- $iFirstMin = $aWinPos[3] * $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][0]
- $iSecondMin = ($aWinPos[3] * (1 - $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][1])) - $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2]
- ; Check required value is valid
- If $iSepPos < $iFirstMin Or $iSepPos > $iSecondMin Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
- ; Move frames and seperator
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][1], "", 0, 0, $aWinPos[2], $iSepPos)
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][2], "", 0, $iSepPos + $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2], $aWinPos[2], $aWinPos[3] - ($iSepPos + $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2]))
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][3], "", 0, $iSepPos, $aWinPos[2], $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2])
- Else
- If $iSepPos < 0 Or $iSepPos > $aWinPos[2] Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- $iFirstMin = $aWinPos[2] * $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][0]
- $iSecondMin = ($aWinPos[2] * (1 - $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][1])) - $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2]
- If $iSepPos < $iFirstMin Or $iSepPos > $iSecondMin Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][1], "", 0, 0, $iSepPos, $aWinPos[3])
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][2], "", $iSepPos + $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2], 0, $aWinPos[2] - ($iSepPos + $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2]), $aWinPos[3])
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][3], "", $iSepPos, 0, $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2], $aWinPos[3])
- EndIf
- Return 1
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_SetSepPos
- ; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_ResizeReg
- ; Description ...: Registers WM_SIZE message for resizing
- ; Syntax.........: _GUIFrame_ResizeReg()
- ; Parameters ....: None
- ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 +
- ; Return values .: Success: 1 - Message handler registered
- ; Failure: 0 with @error set to 1 - Message handler already registered
- ; Author ........: Melba23
- ; Modified ......:
- ; Remarks .......:
- ; Example........: Yes
- ;=====================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_ResizeReg()
- ; Register the WM_SIZE message
- If $aGF_HandleIndex[0][1] = 0 Then
- Local $iRet = GUIRegisterMsg(0x05, "_GUIFrame_SIZE_Handler") ; $WM_SIZE
- If $iRet Then
- $aGF_HandleIndex[0][1] = 1
- Return 1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_ResizeReg
- ; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_SIZE_Handler
- ; Description ...: Used to resize frames when resizing of holding GUI occurs
- ; Syntax.........: _GUIFrame_SIZE_Handler($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
- ; Parameters ....: None
- ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 +
- ; Return values .: None
- ; Author ........: Melba23
- ; Modified ......:
- ; Remarks .......: If the script already has a WM_SIZE handler, then just call this function from within it
- ; and do NOT use the _GUIFrame_ResizeReg function
- ; Example........: Yes
- ;=====================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_SIZE_Handler($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
- #forceref $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam
- Local $iIndex
- ; Get index of base frame GUI
- For $iIndex = 1 To $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0]
- If $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][4] = $hWnd Then ExitLoop
- Next
- ; If handle not found
- If $iIndex > $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] Then Return "GUI_RUNDEFMSG"
- ; Check if we should resize this set
- If $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iIndex][1] = 1 Then
- ; Get new base GUI size
- Local $aSize = WinGetClientSize($hWnd)
- ; Resize frames
- _GUIFrame_Move($iIndex, $aSize[0] * $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][2], $aSize[1] * $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][3], $aSize[0] * $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][4], $aSize[1] * $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][5])
- ; Adjust any resizeable internal frames - array elements are adjacent for ease of coding
- For $i = 0 To 1
- ; Adjust internal frames of first/second frame if any exist
- If $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][5 + $i] <> 0 Then
- ; StringSplit the element content on "|"
- Local $aInternal = StringSplit($aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][5 + $i], "|")
- ; Then loop though the Number(values) found
- For $j = 1 To $aInternal[0]
- Local $iIntIndex = Number($aInternal[$j])
- ; Check if internal frame is resizable
- If $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iIntIndex][1] = 1 Then
- ; And change if so
- _GUIFrame_SIZE_Handler($aGF_HandleIndex[$iIntIndex][4], $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
- EndIf
- Next
- EndIf
- Next
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_SIZE_Handler
- ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_SepSubClass
- ; Description ...: Sets new WndProc for frame separator bar
- ; Author ........: Kip
- ; Modified.......: Melba23, using SetWindowLongPtr x64 compatible code drawn from Yashied's WinAPIEx library
- ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _GUIFrame_Create
- ; ===============================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_SepSubClass($hWnd)
- Local $aRet
- ; Check separator has not already been used
- For $i = 1 To $aGF_SepProcIndex[0][0]
- If $aGF_SepProcIndex[$i][0] = $hWnd Then Return 0
- Next
- ; Store current WinProc handle in new array line
- Local $iIndex = $aGF_SepProcIndex[0][0] + 1
- ReDim $aGF_SepProcIndex[$iIndex + 1][2]
- $aGF_SepProcIndex[0][0] = $iIndex
- $aGF_SepProcIndex[$iIndex][0] = $hWnd
- ; Subclass separator bar
- If @AutoItX64 Then
- $aRet = DllCall('user32.dll', 'long_ptr', 'SetWindowLongPtrW', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'int', -4, 'long_ptr', $aGF_SepProcIndex[0][1]) ; $GWL_WNDPROC
- Else
- $aRet = DllCall('user32.dll', 'long', 'SetWindowLongW', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'int', -4, 'long', $aGF_SepProcIndex[0][1]) ; $GWL_WNDPROC
- EndIf
- ; Check for subclassing error
- If @error Or $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return 0
- ; Return success
- $aGF_SepProcIndex[$iIndex][1] = $aRet[0]
- Return 1
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_SepSubClass
- ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_SepWndProc
- ; Description ...: New WndProc for frame separator bar
- ; Author ........: Kip
- ; Modified.......: Melba23
- ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _GUIFrame_SepSubClass
- ; ===============================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_SepWndProc($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
- Local $iSubtract, $fAbsolute = False
- If $iMsg = 0x0111 Then ; WM_COMMAND
- ; Check if hWnd is a Separator bar
- For $iIndex = 1 To $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0]
- If $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][3] = $hWnd Then ExitLoop
- Next
- ; If not then pass message on to org WndProc
- If $iIndex > $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] Then Return _GUIFrame_SepPassMsg($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
- ; Extract values from array
- Local $hParent = $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][0]
- Local $hFirstFrame = $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][1]
- Local $hSecondFrame = $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][2]
- Local $hSeparator = $aGF_HandleIndex[$iIndex][3]
- Local $iFirstMin = $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][0]
- Local $iSecondMin = $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][1]
- If $iFirstMin > 1 Or $iSecondMin > 1 Then
- $fAbsolute = True
- EndIf
- Local $iSeparatorSize = $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iIndex][2]
- ; Get client size of the parent
- Local $aClientSize = WinGetClientSize($hParent)
- Local $iWidth = $aClientSize[0]
- Local $iHeight = $aClientSize[1]
- ; Get cursor info for the Separator
- Local $aCInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($hSeparator)
- ; Depending on separator orientation
- If $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iIndex][0] = 0 Then
- ; Get Separator X-coord
- $iSubtract = $aCInfo[0]
- ; GUISetCursor(13, 1, $hFirstFrame)
- ; GUISetCursor(13, 1, $hSecondFrame)
- GUISetCursor(13, 1, $hParent)
- Do
- Sleep(10)
- ; Get parent X-coord
- $aCInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($hParent)
- ; Determine width of first frame
- Local $iFirstWidth = $aCInfo[0] - $iSubtract
- ; And ensure it is at least minimum
- If $fAbsolute Then
- If $iFirstWidth < $iFirstMin Then $iFirstWidth = $iFirstMin
- If $iWidth - $iFirstWidth - $iSeparatorSize < $iSecondMin Then $iFirstWidth = $iWidth - $iSeparatorSize - $iSecondMin
- Else
- If $iFirstWidth < $iWidth * $iFirstMin Then $iFirstWidth = $iWidth * $iFirstMin
- If $iWidth - ($iFirstWidth + $iSeparatorSize) < $iWidth * $iSecondMin Then $iFirstWidth = $iWidth - ($iWidth * $iSecondMin) - $iSeparatorSize
- EndIf
- ; Move the GUIs to the correct places
- WinMove($hFirstFrame, "", 0, 0, $iFirstWidth, $iHeight)
- WinMove($hSecondFrame, "", $iFirstWidth + $iSeparatorSize, 0, $iWidth - ($iFirstWidth + $iSeparatorSize), $iHeight)
- WinMove($hSeparator, "", $iFirstWidth, 0, $iSeparatorSize, $iHeight)
- ; Do until the mouse button is released
- ; Until Not _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState(0x01)
- Until Not $aCInfo[2]
- ; GUISetCursor(2, 0, $hFirstFrame)
- ; GUISetCursor(2, 0, $hSecondFrame)
- GUISetCursor(2, 0, $hParent)
- ; Store current separator percentage position
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][6] = $iFirstWidth / $iWidth
- ElseIf $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iIndex][0] = 1 Then
- $iSubtract = $aCInfo[1]
- ; GUISetCursor(11, 1, $hFirstFrame)
- ; GUISetCursor(11, 1, $hSecondFrame)
- GUISetCursor(11, 1, $hParent)
- Do
- Sleep(10)
- $aCInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($hParent)
- Local $iCursorY = $aCInfo[1]
- Local $iFirstHeight = $iCursorY - $iSubtract
- If $fAbsolute Then
- If $iFirstHeight < $iFirstMin Then $iFirstHeight = $iFirstMin
- If $iHeight - $iFirstHeight - $iSeparatorSize < $iSecondMin Then $iFirstHeight = $iHeight - $iSeparatorSize - $iSecondMin
- Else
- If $iFirstHeight < $iHeight * $iFirstMin Then $iFirstHeight = $iHeight * $iFirstMin
- If $iHeight - ($iFirstHeight + $iSeparatorSize) < $iHeight * $iSecondMin Then $iFirstHeight = $iHeight - ($iHeight * $iSecondMin) - $iSeparatorSize
- EndIf
- WinMove($hFirstFrame, "", 0, 0, $iWidth, $iFirstHeight)
- WinMove($hSecondFrame, "", 0, $iFirstHeight + $iSeparatorSize, $iWidth, $iHeight - ($iFirstHeight + $iSeparatorSize))
- WinMove($hSeparator, "", 0, $iFirstHeight, $iWidth, $iSeparatorSize)
- Until Not $aCInfo[2]
- ; GUISetCursor(2, 0, $hFirstFrame)
- ; GUISetCursor(2, 0, $hSecondFrame)
- GUISetCursor(2, 0, $hParent)
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iIndex][6] = $iFirstHeight / $iHeight
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ; Pass the message on to org WndProc
- Return _GUIFrame_SepPassMsg($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_SepWndProc
- ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_SepPassMsg
- ; Description ...: Passes Msg to frame parent WndProc for action
- ; Author ........: Kip
- ; Modified.......: Melba23
- ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _GUIFrame_SepWndProc
- ; ===============================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_SepPassMsg($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
- For $i = 1 To $aGF_SepProcIndex[0][0]
- If $aGF_SepProcIndex[$i][0] = $hWnd Then Return _WinAPI_CallWindowProc($aGF_SepProcIndex[$i][1], $hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
- Next
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_SepPassMsg
- ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_Move
- ; Description ...: Moves and resizes frame elements and separator bars
- ; Author ........: Kip
- ; Modified.......: Melba23
- ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _GUIFrame_SIZE_Handler
- ; ===============================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_Move($iFrame, $iX, $iY, $iWidth = 0, $iHeight = 0)
- If $iFrame < 1 Or $iFrame > $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] Then Return 0
- Local $fAbsolute = False, $iDimension, $iActual_Size_1, $iActual_Size_2, $iSize
- Local $iOrientation = $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][0]
- Local $iSeparatorSize = $aGF_SettingsIndex[$iFrame][2]
- ; Set size if not specified
- If Not $iWidth Then $iWidth = _WinAPI_GetWindowWidth($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][0])
- If Not $iHeight Then $iHeight = _WinAPI_GetWindowHeight($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][0])
- ; Move parent
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][0], "", $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight)
- ; Depending on separator orientation get required width/height values
- If $iOrientation = 1 Then
- $iDimension = $iHeight
- $iActual_Size_1 = _WinAPI_GetWindowHeight($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][1])
- $iActual_Size_2 = _WinAPI_GetWindowHeight($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][2])
- Else
- $iDimension = $iWidth
- $iActual_Size_1 = _WinAPI_GetWindowWidth($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][1])
- $iActual_Size_2 = _WinAPI_GetWindowWidth($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][2])
- EndIf
- ; Check resize type required
- Switch $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][7]
- Case 0
- ; Determine new size for first frame using separator position percentage
- $iSize = Int($iDimension * $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][6])
- Case 1
- ; Get current fixed first frame size
- $iSize = $iActual_Size_1
- Case 2
- ; Determine new first frame size with fixed second frame size
- $iSize = $iDimension - $iSeparatorSize - $iActual_Size_2
- EndSwitch
- ; Set frame min percentages
- Local $iFirstMin = $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][0]
- Local $iSecondMin = $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][1]
- If $iFirstMin > 1 Or $iSecondMin > 1 Then
- $fAbsolute = True
- EndIf
- ; Check for minimum size of first frame
- Local $iAdjust_Other = True
- Local $fSep_Adjusted = False
- ; Adjust first frame size
- If $fAbsolute Then
- If $iSize < $iFirstMin Then
- $iSize = $iFirstMin
- $iAdjust_Other = False
- $fSep_Adjusted = True
- EndIf
- Else
- If $iSize < $iDimension * $iFirstMin Then
- $iSize = $iDimension * $iFirstMin
- $iAdjust_Other = False
- $fSep_Adjusted = True
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ; Now adjust second frame if first not adjusted
- If $iAdjust_Other Then
- ; Find max available size for this frame
- Local $iSecondMax = $iDimension - $iFirstMin - $iSeparatorSize
- If $iSecondMax < $iSecondMin Then
- $iSecondMin = $iSecondMax
- EndIf
- ; Adjust second frame size
- If $fAbsolute Then
- If $iActual_Size_2 < $iSecondMin Then
- $iSize = $iDimension - $iSecondMin - $iSeparatorSize
- $fSep_Adjusted = True
- EndIf
- Else
- If $iActual_Size_2 < $iDimension * $iSecondMin Then
- $iSize = $iDimension - ($iDimension * $iSecondMin) - $iSeparatorSize
- $fSep_Adjusted = True
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ; If the separator has been moved programatically then reset percentage size of first frame
- If $fSep_Adjusted Then
- $aGF_SizingIndex[$iFrame][6] = $iSize / $iDimension
- EndIf
- ; Move and resize GUIs according to orientation
- If $iOrientation = 1 Then
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][1], "", 0, 0, $iWidth, $iSize)
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][2], "", 0, $iSize + $iSeparatorSize, $iWidth, $iHeight - $iSize - $iSeparatorSize)
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][3], "", 0, $iSize, $iWidth, $iSeparatorSize)
- Else
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][1], "", 0, 0, $iSize, $iHeight)
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][2], "", $iSize + $iSeparatorSize, 0, $iWidth - $iSize - $iSeparatorSize, $iHeight)
- WinMove($aGF_HandleIndex[$iFrame][3], "", $iSize, 0, $iSeparatorSize, $iHeight)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_Move
- ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================
- ; Name...........: _GUIFrame_Exit()
- ; Description ...: Deletes all subclassed separator bars to free UDF WndProc and frees registered callback handle
- ; Author ........: Melba23
- ; Remarks .......: Called by OnAutoItExitRegister to delete all subclassed separator bars and to free the UDF created WndProc.
- ; Example........: Yes
- ;================================================================================================================================
- Func _GUIFrame_Exit()
- ; Delete all subclassed separator bars
- For $i = $aGF_HandleIndex[0][0] To 1 Step -1
- GUIDelete($aGF_HandleIndex[$i][3])
- Next
- ; Free registered Callback handle
- DllCallbackFree($hGF_RegCallBack)
- EndFunc ;==>_GUIFrame_Exit
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