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- .include "hardware.s"
- .macpack generic
- .macpack longbranch
- .segment "ZEROPAGE"
- Pointer: .res 2 ; Temporary variable for pointers
- DrawX: .res 1 ; X pixel coordinate
- DrawY: .res 1 ; Y poxel coordinate
- TextIdx: .res 1 ; Index used when filling TextBuf
- CursorX: .res 1 ; Which digit is selected
- ; Port monitor stuff
- ViewAddress: .res 2 ; 32-byte preview pointer
- Address: .res 2 ; Address entered by the user, in big endian
- WriteValue: .res 1 ; Value to write when pressing action
- ReadValue: .res 1 ; Value read by pressing menu
- .segment "BSS"
- keydown: .res 2 ; Keys pressed
- keylast: .res 2 ; Keys pressed last frame
- keynew: .res 2 ; Keys pressed that weren't pressed last frame
- TextBuf: .res 24 ; Buffer for the current line of text that will go out
- .code
- start:
- jsr init_lcd
- jsr UpdateKeys
- DrawImage:
- lda #<Picture ; Init pointer to the picture
- sta Pointer+0
- lda #>Picture
- sta Pointer+1
- DrawImageLoop: ; Output byte by byte to send the entire picture
- lda (Pointer)
- sta $8001
- inc Pointer+0 ; Increment pointer
- bne :+
- inc Pointer+1
- :
- lda Pointer+0 ; Stop if the end of the picture is reached
- cmp #<PictureEnd
- bne DrawImageLoop
- lda Pointer+1
- cmp #>PictureEnd
- bne DrawImageLoop
- WaitLoop: ; Wait for Menu to be pressed
- jsr UpdateKeys
- lda keynew
- and #KEY_MENU
- beq :+
- jmp MoveTest
- :
- jmp WaitLoop
- ; ----------------------------------------
- MoveTest: ; Memory explorer
- lda #0 ; Init variables
- sta CursorX
- sta ViewAddress+0
- sta ViewAddress+1
- lda #$80
- sta Address
- Forever:
- jsr StartScreen
- ; Display 32 bytes starting at the view address
- ldy #0
- ViewLoop:
- lda (ViewAddress),y
- jsr PutHex
- iny
- tya
- and #7
- bne :+
- phy
- jsr PutNewline ; New line every 8 bytes
- ply
- :
- cpy #$20 ; Stop at 32 bytes
- bne ViewLoop
- ; Write actual menu
- jsr PutNewline
- ; Display the current values for address and write/read bytes
- lda Address+0
- jsr PutHex
- lda Address+1
- jsr PutHex
- lda #16
- jsr PutChar
- lda WriteValue
- jsr PutHex
- lda #16
- jsr PutChar
- lda ReadValue
- jsr PutHex
- jsr PutNewline
- ; ---
- ; Select different digits
- lda keynew
- and #KEY_LEFT
- beq :+
- dec CursorX
- :
- lda keynew
- and #KEY_RIGHT
- beq :+
- inc CursorX
- :
- ; Modify current digit
- lda keynew
- and #KEY_DOWN
- beq NotDown
- lda CursorX
- lsr
- bcs DownOnes
- DownTens:
- tax
- lda Address,x
- sub #$10
- sta Address,x
- bra NotDown
- DownOnes:
- tax
- dec Address,x
- NotDown:
- lda keynew
- and #KEY_UP
- beq NotUp
- lda CursorX
- lsr
- bcs UpOnes
- UpTens:
- tax
- lda Address,x
- add #$10
- sta Address,x
- bra NotUp
- UpOnes:
- tax
- inc Address,x
- bra NotUp
- NotUp:
- ; Menu = read a byte
- lda keynew
- and #KEY_MENU
- beq :+
- lda Address+0
- sta Pointer+1
- lda Address+1
- sta Pointer+0
- ; Read value
- lda (Pointer)
- sta ReadValue
- :
- ; Action = write a byte
- lda keynew+1
- beq :+
- lda Address+0
- sta Pointer+1
- lda Address+1
- sta Pointer+0
- ; Write value
- lda WriteValue
- sta (Pointer)
- :
- ; Mute = switch the bank in Address into BRR
- lda keynew+1
- and #KEY_MUTE
- beq :+
- lda Address+1
- sta BRRL
- lda Address+0
- sta BRRH
- :
- ; Power = move the 32 byte preview to a new spot
- lda keynew
- and #KEY_POWER
- beq :+
- lda Address+1
- sta ViewAddress+0
- lda Address+0
- sta ViewAddress+1
- :
- ; Stay within the 8 selectable columns
- lda CursorX
- and #7
- sta CursorX
- ; ---
- ; Draw cursor
- ldx CursorX
- ldy CursorXOffsets,x
- lda #17
- sta TextBuf,y
- jsr PutNewline
- jsr FinishScreen
- jsr UpdateKeys
- jmp Forever
- ; --------------------------------------
- CursorXOffsets:
- .byt 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9
- ; Start the text screen and init stuff
- StartScreen:
- lda #0
- sta DrawX
- sta DrawY
- jmp ClearTextBuf
- ; Finish the text screen and send out any remaining pixels
- FinishScreen:
- ; Draw screen row
- lda TextIdx
- beq :+
- jsr DrawTextRow
- :
- ; Send green for as many pixels are left
- : lda #$00
- sta $8001
- lda #$f0
- sta $8001
- inc DrawX
- lda DrawX
- cmp #WIDTH
- bne :-
- lda #0
- sta DrawX
- inc DrawY
- lda DrawY
- cmp #HEIGHT
- bne :-
- rts
- ; --------------------------------------
- ; Send current row, move onto the next row
- PutNewline:
- jsr DrawTextRow
- jmp ClearTextBuf
- ; Print the byte in A in hexadecimal
- PutHex:
- pha
- lsr
- lsr
- lsr
- lsr
- jsr PutChar
- pla
- and #15
- ; Print one character
- PutChar:
- phx
- ldx TextIdx
- sta TextBuf,x
- inc TextIdx
- plx
- rts
- ; Clear the text buffer
- ClearTextBuf:
- ldx #23
- lda #0
- sta TextIdx
- lda #16
- : sta TextBuf,x
- dex
- bpl :-
- rts
- ; Draw a row of text
- DrawTextRow:
- jsr DrawTextRow1
- jsr DrawTextRow2
- jsr DrawTextRow2
- jsr DrawTextRow3
- jsr DrawTextRow4
- jsr DrawTextRow4
- jsr DrawTextRow5
- ; Add a row of white as a spacer
- ldx #WIDTH
- : jsr WhitePixel
- dex
- bne :-
- inc DrawY
- rts
- DrawTextRow1:
- ldx #0
- : ldy TextBuf,x
- lda Font1,y
- jsr DrawCharRow
- inx
- cpx #24
- bne :-
- bra DrawTextRowCommon
- DrawTextRow2:
- ldx #0
- : ldy TextBuf,x
- lda Font2,y
- jsr DrawCharRow
- inx
- cpx #24
- bne :-
- bra DrawTextRowCommon
- DrawTextRow3:
- ldx #0
- : ldy TextBuf,x
- lda Font3,y
- jsr DrawCharRow
- inx
- cpx #24
- bne :-
- bra DrawTextRowCommon
- DrawTextRow4:
- ldx #0
- : ldy TextBuf,x
- lda Font4,y
- jsr DrawCharRow
- inx
- cpx #24
- bne :-
- bra DrawTextRowCommon
- DrawTextRow5:
- ldx #0
- : ldy TextBuf,x
- lda Font5,y
- jsr DrawCharRow
- inx
- cpx #24
- bne :-
- bra DrawTextRowCommon
- DrawTextRowCommon:
- ; Round out the 96 pixels of text with 2 more
- jsr WhitePixel
- jsr WhitePixel
- inc DrawY
- rts
- DrawCharRow: ; Draw a whole character row
- jsr DrawCharRowOne
- jsr DrawCharRowOne
- jsr DrawCharRowOne
- DrawCharRowOne: ; Draw one pixel from the row
- and #%1111
- asl
- cmp #%10000
- bcs BlackPixel
- WhitePixel:
- pha
- lda #$0f
- sta $8001
- lda #$ff
- sta $8001
- pla
- rts
- BlackPixel:
- pha
- lda #$00
- sta $8001
- sta $8001
- pla
- rts
- ; --------------------------------------
- UpdateKeys:
- ; Set 1
- lda keydown+0
- sta keylast+0
- lda PA
- eor #255 ; Make 1=pressed, 0=unpressed
- sta keydown+0
- lda keylast+0
- eor #255
- and keydown+0
- sta keynew+0
- ; Set 2
- lda keydown+1
- sta keylast+1
- lda PB
- eor #255 ; Make 1=pressed, 0=unpressed
- sta keydown+1
- lda keylast+1
- eor #255
- and keydown+1
- sta keynew+1
- rts
- init_lcd:
- lda #$a7 ;colors
- sta $8000
- lda #$5c
- sta $8000
- rts
- Picture:
- .incbin "picture.bin"
- PictureEnd:
- Font1:
- .byt %111 ;0
- .byt %010 ;1
- .byt %010 ;2
- .byt %110 ;3
- .byt %101 ;4
- .byt %111 ;5
- .byt %011 ;6
- .byt %111 ;7
- .byt %010 ;8
- .byt %111 ;9
- .byt %010 ;A
- .byt %110 ;B
- .byt %011 ;C
- .byt %110 ;D
- .byt %111 ;E
- .byt %111 ;F
- .byt %000 ;
- .byt %111 ;
- Font2:
- .byt %101 ;0
- .byt %110 ;1
- .byt %101 ;2
- .byt %001 ;3
- .byt %101 ;4
- .byt %100 ;5
- .byt %100 ;6
- .byt %001 ;7
- .byt %101 ;8
- .byt %101 ;9
- .byt %101 ;A
- .byt %101 ;B
- .byt %100 ;C
- .byt %101 ;D
- .byt %100 ;E
- .byt %100 ;F
- .byt %000 ;
- .byt %111 ;
- Font3:
- .byt %101 ;0
- .byt %010 ;1
- .byt %001 ;2
- .byt %110 ;3
- .byt %111 ;4
- .byt %111 ;5
- .byt %111 ;6
- .byt %010 ;7
- .byt %010 ;8
- .byt %111 ;9
- .byt %111 ;A
- .byt %110 ;B
- .byt %100 ;C
- .byt %101 ;D
- .byt %111 ;E
- .byt %111 ;F
- .byt %000 ;
- .byt %111 ;
- Font4:
- .byt %101 ;0
- .byt %010 ;1
- .byt %010 ;2
- .byt %001 ;3
- .byt %001 ;4
- .byt %001 ;5
- .byt %101 ;6
- .byt %010 ;7
- .byt %101 ;8
- .byt %001 ;9
- .byt %101 ;A
- .byt %101 ;B
- .byt %100 ;C
- .byt %101 ;D
- .byt %100 ;E
- .byt %100 ;F
- .byt %000 ;
- .byt %111 ;
- Font5:
- .byt %111 ;0
- .byt %111 ;1
- .byt %111 ;2
- .byt %110 ;3
- .byt %001 ;4
- .byt %110 ;5
- .byt %111 ;6
- .byt %100 ;7
- .byt %010 ;8
- .byt %110 ;9
- .byt %101 ;A
- .byt %110 ;B
- .byt %011 ;C
- .byt %110 ;D
- .byt %111 ;E
- .byt %100 ;F
- .byt %000 ;
- .byt %111 ;
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