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- if peripheral.getType "back" ~= "neuralInterface" then error "for neural interfaces with kinetic augments and stuff, silly potato" end
- local user = "gollark"
- if settings.get "flight_user" then user = flight_user end
- if potatOS and potatOS.registry then
- user = potatOS.registry.get "flight_user"
- if not user then error "Please set your username with `est flight_user [username]`" end
- end
- local modules = peripheral.wrap "back"
- local function length(x, y, z)
- return math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
- end
- local function round(num, dp)
- local mult = 10^(dp or 0)
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
- end
- local canvas = modules.canvas()
- -- Backported from Opus Neural ElytraFly since it has a nicer implementation than I do
- local function display(meta)
- if canvas then
- local w, h = canvas.getSize()
- if not then
- = canvas.addGroup({ w - 80, 15 })
-, 0, 60, 30, 0x00000033)
- canvas.pitch ={ 4, 5 }, '') -- , 0x202020FF)
- canvas.pitch.setShadow(true)
- canvas.pitch.setScale(.75)
- canvas.group2 = canvas.addGroup({ w - 10, 15 })
- canvas.group2.addLines(
- { 0, 0 },
- { 0, 180 },
- { 5, 180 },
- { 5, 0 },
- 0x202020FF,
- 2)
- canvas.meter = canvas.group2.addRectangle(0, 0, 5, 1)
- end
- local size = math.abs(meta.pitch) -- math.ceil(math.abs(meta.pitch) / 9)
- local y = 0
- local color = 0x202020FF
- if meta.pitch < 0 then
- y = size
- color = 0x808080FF
- end
- canvas.meter.setPosition(0, 90 - y)
- canvas.meter.setSize(5, size)
- canvas.meter.setColor(color)
- canvas.pitch.setText(string.format('Pitch: %s\nMotion Y: %s\nSpeed: %s',
- math.floor(-meta.pitch),
- round(meta.motionY, 2),
- round(length(meta.motionX, meta.motionY, meta.motionZ), 2)))
- end
- end
- --[[
- local function pad(s, i)
- return ("%s %s%.1f"):format(s, i >= 0 and "+" or "", i)
- end
- local overlay = {
- function(meta) return pad("X:", meta.motionX) end,
- function(meta) return pad("Y:", meta.motionY) end,
- function(meta) return pad("Z:", meta.motionZ) end,
- function(meta) return pad(" ", length(meta.motionX, meta.motionY, meta.motionZ)) end,
- function(meta) return pad("P:", meta.power) end
- }
- local objects
- local function draw_overlay(meta)
- if not objects then
- objects = {}
- local w, h = canv.getSize()
- for ix in pairs(overlay) do
- objects[ix] = canv.addText({w - 40, ix * 10 + 5}, "")
- objects[ix].setColor(0xFFFFFFFF)
- end
- end
- for ix, f in pairs(overlay) do
- objects[ix].setText(f(meta))
- end
- end
- ]]
- local function get_power(meta)
- local power = 4
- if meta.isElytraFlying or meta.isFlying then power = 1 end
- if meta.isSneaking then power = 4 end
- if _G.tps then
- power = power * (20 / _G.tps)
- end
- return math.min(power, 4)
- end
- local function get_meta()
- local meta = modules.getMetaByName(user)
- meta.power = get_power(meta)
- display(meta)
- return meta
- end
- while true do
- local meta = get_meta()
- while (not _G.stop_flight) and (meta.isSneaking or meta.isFlying or meta.isElytraFlying) do
- modules.launch(meta.yaw, meta.pitch, meta.power)
- sleep(0.1)
- meta = get_meta()
- end
- if meta.motionY < -0.8 then
- modules.launch(0, 270, meta.power / 2)
- end
- sleep(0.4)
- end
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