
Magi-Nation Stop 'n' Swop Credits Warp

Aug 24th, 2016
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  1. Magi-Nation is an RPG for the Game Boy Color, based on the card game of the same name. Its gameplay is similar to Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh.
  3. Using a glitch discovered by SolidifiedGaming called text-hop, it is possible to open two text boxes at once. This can cause some very glitchy effects, including the game reading script data from the wrong regions of RAM. This is the sort of thing we would expect to give credits warp, but things are not that easy - Mabi-Nation doesn't actually give us any method to setup a payload in RAM.
  5. However, a solution still exists. Some of the RAM that is possible to reach using text-hop is never actually initialized by the game. This means that on a real Game Boy, we can set up a payload from a DIFFERENT GAME ENTIRELY, then quickly swap out the cartridges and have it still reside in RAM when playing Mabi-Nation. The game I use to set up the payload is Pokemon Blue, which has very powerful memory manipulation glitches accessible immediately after starting the game.
  7. Timing for this speedrun includes both the game actually being run (Mabi-Nation) as well as the one used to set up the payload (Pokemon). Doing otherwise would trivialize this run as well as many other credits warps.
  9. This run is being done on a modified version of Bizhawk that does not reset WRAM to a default state when switching between different Game Boy games. The run has NOT YET been verified to work on a real Game Boy, but I have every reason to believe it should.
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