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- package reductions
- import org.scalameter._
- import common._
- import scala.collection.par.Conc.Prepend
- object LineOfSightRunner {
- val standardConfig = config(
- Key.exec.minWarmupRuns -> 40,
- Key.exec.maxWarmupRuns -> 80,
- Key.exec.benchRuns -> 100,
- Key.verbose -> true) withWarmer (new Warmer.Default)
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- val length = 10000000
- val input = (0 until length).map(_ % 100 * 1.0f).toArray
- val output = new Array[Float](length + 1)
- val seqtime = standardConfig measure {
- LineOfSight.lineOfSight(input, output)
- }
- println(s"sequential time: $seqtime ms")
- val partime = standardConfig measure {
- LineOfSight.parLineOfSight(input, output, 10000)
- }
- println(s"parallel time: $partime ms")
- println(s"speedup: ${seqtime / partime}")
- }
- }
- object LineOfSight {
- def max(a: Float, b: Float): Float = if (a > b) a else b
- def lineOfSight(input: Array[Float], output: Array[Float]): Unit = {
- /*Using scanLeft
- val out = input.scanLeft(0f)((a, b) => max(a, b / max(1, (input.indexOf(b)))))
- var i = 0
- var j = 0
- while (i < input.length) {
- output.update(i, out(j + 1))
- i += 1
- j += 1
- }
- */
- /*or re-implementing scanLeft*/
- output(0) = 0f
- var a = 0f
- var i = 0
- while (i < input.length - 1) {
- a = max(a, input(i + 1) / max(1, (input.indexOf(input(i + 1)))))
- println(a)
- i += 1
- output(i) = a
- }
- /* elegant solution from Tom Lou thanks
- * input.zipWithIndex.foreach{
- case (xs, 0) => output(0) = 0
- case (xs, i) => output(i) = Math.max(xs / i, output(i-1))
- }
- */
- }
- sealed abstract class Tree {
- def maxPrevious: Float
- }
- case class Node(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree {
- val maxPrevious = max(left.maxPrevious, right.maxPrevious)
- }
- case class Leaf(from: Int, until: Int, maxPrevious: Float) extends Tree
- /**
- * Traverses the specified part of the array and returns the maximum angle.
- */
- def upsweepSequential(input: Array[Float], from: Int, until: Int): Float = {
- /* elegant solution thanks Tom Lou */
- (from until until).foldLeft(0f)((currentMax, i) => max(input(i) / i, currentMax))
- }
- /**
- * Traverses the part of the array starting at `from` and until `end`, and
- * returns the reduction tree for that part of the array.
- *
- * The reduction tree is a `Leaf` if the length of the specified part of the
- * array is smaller or equal to `threshold`, and a `Node` otherwise.
- * If the specified part of the array is longer than `threshold`, then the
- * work is divided and done recursively in parallel.
- */
- def upsweep(input: Array[Float], from: Int, end: Int, threshold: Int): Tree = {
- if (end - from <= threshold)
- Leaf(from, end, upsweepSequential(input, from, end))
- else {
- val mid = from + (end - from) / 2
- val (left, right) = parallel(
- upsweep(input, from, mid, threshold),
- upsweep(input, mid, end, threshold))
- Node(left, right)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Traverses the part of the `input` array starting at `from` and until
- * `until`, and computes the maximum angle for each entry of the output array,
- * given the `startingAngle`.
- */
- def downsweepSequential(input: Array[Float], output: Array[Float], startingAngle: Float,
- from: Int, until: Int): Unit = {
- // thanks Tom Lou
- def maxAngle(start: Int, end: Int, previousMax: Float) {
- if (start < end) {
- output(start) = max(previousMax, input(start) / start)
- maxAngle(start + 1, end, output(start))
- }
- }
- maxAngle(from, until, startingAngle)
- }
- /**
- * Pushes the maximum angle in the prefix of the array to each leaf of the
- * reduction `tree` in parallel, and then calls `downsweepSequential` to write
- * the `output` angles.
- */
- def downsweep(input: Array[Float], output: Array[Float], startingAngle: Float, tree: Tree): Unit = {
- tree match {
- case Leaf(from, until, _) => downsweepSequential(input, output, startingAngle, from, until)
- case Node(left, right) => {
- parallel(
- downsweep(input, output, startingAngle, left),
- downsweep(input, output, max(startingAngle, left.maxPrevious), right))
- }
- }
- }
- /** Compute the line-of-sight in parallel. */
- def parLineOfSight(input: Array[Float], output: Array[Float], threshold: Int): Unit = {
- val tree = upsweep(input, 0, input.length, threshold)
- downsweep(input, output, 0f, tree)
- }
- }
- /* FYI AUTO GRADER OUTPUT. Your solution achieved a testing score of 137 out of 150.
- [Test Description] parLineOfSight should invoke the parallel construct 30 times (15 times during upsweep and 15 times during downsweep) for an array of size 17, with threshold 1
- [Observed Error] 32 did not equal 30 (The number of parallel calls should be 30)
- [Lost Points] 3
- [Test Description] parLineOfSight should correctly compute the output for threshold 3
- [Observed Error] List(NaN, 9.0, 9.0, 9.0, 9.0, 9.0) did not equal List(0.0, 9.0, 9.0, 9.0, 9.0, 9.0)
- [Lost Points] 2
- [Test Description] parLineOfSight should call parallel constuct 6 times, where the last two parallel constructs should update the 4 sections of the array (1 until 5), (5 until 9), (9 until 13), (13 until 17), respectively
- [Observed Error] success was false [During the execution of first part of 5th call to parallel construct, the indices 1 until 5 of the output array was not correctly updated]
- [Lost Points] 6
- [Test Description] parLineOfSight should correctly compute the output for threshold 2
- [Observed Error] List(NaN, 7.0, 7.0, 11.0, 12.0) did not equal List(0.0, 7.0, 7.0, 11.0, 12.0)
- [Lost Points] 2
- */
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