
Moto X4 Android Stock Clean up

Jul 4th, 2020
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  1. #The Following can be removed from /system/app
  2. CalculatorGoogle
  3. CalendarGoogle
  4. Chrome
  5. Drive
  6. Duo
  7. EditorsDocs
  8. EditorsSheets
  9. EditorsSlides
  10. FMPlayer
  11. FMRadioService
  12. Gmail2
  13. GoogleContacts
  14. GoogleContactsSyncAdapter
  15. GooglePinyinIME
  16. GoogleWallpapers
  17. Hangouts
  18. JapaneseIME
  19. KoreanIME
  20. LatinImeGoogle
  21. Music2
  22. Photos
  23. Translate
  24. Videos
  25. YouTube
  26. ZhuyinIME
  27. BasicDreams
  28. GuideMe
  29. MotoPhotoEditor
  30. TimeWeather
  31. WallpaperBackup
  32. DeskClockGoogle
  33. MotoDemoModeFWProxy
  34. VirtualUiccPayment
  35. talkback
  37. #remove the following from /system/priv-app
  38. #3c_ota is probably needed for OTA
  39. MotoAlexaStub
  40. MotoAppPremium
  41. MotoActions
  42. MotoCare
  43. MotoCareInt
  44. ChromeHomePageProvider
  45. Launcher3QuickStep
  46. 3c_checkin
  47. 3c_devicemanagement
  48. 3c_notification
  49. 3c_ota
  50. MotoDisplay
  51. MotoHide
  52. MotoKey
  53. GoogleBackupTransport
  54. GoogleFeedback
  55. GoogleOneTimeInitializer
  56. GooglePartnerSetup
  57. GoogleRestore
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