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- -------------------------------------------------
- --- *** BitLibEmu for Lua *** ---
- -------------------------------------------------
- --- Author: Martin Huesser ---
- --- Date: 2008-06-16 ---
- --- License: You may use this code in your ---
- --- projects as long as this header ---
- --- stays intact. ---
- -------------------------------------------------
- local mod = math.fmod
- local floor = math.floor
- bit = {}
- ----------------------------------------
- local function cap(x)
- return mod(x,4294967296)
- end
- ----------------------------------------
- function bit.bnot(x)
- return 4294967295-cap(x)
- end
- ----------------------------------------
- function bit.lshift(x,n)
- return cap(cap(x)*2^n)
- end
- ----------------------------------------
- function bit.rshift(x,n)
- return floor(cap(x)/2^n)
- end
- ----------------------------------------
- function,y)
- local z,i,j = 0,1
- for j = 0,31 do
- if (mod(x,2)==1 and mod(y,2)==1) then
- z = z + i
- end
- x = bit.rshift(x,1)
- y = bit.rshift(y,1)
- i = i*2
- end
- return z
- end
- ----------------------------------------
- function bit.bor(x,y)
- local z,i,j = 0,1
- for j = 0,31 do
- if (mod(x,2)==1 or mod(y,2)==1) then
- z = z + i
- end
- x = bit.rshift(x,1)
- y = bit.rshift(y,1)
- i = i*2
- end
- return z
- end
- ----------------------------------------
- function bit.bxor(x,y)
- local z,i,j = 0,1
- for j = 0,31 do
- if (mod(x,2)~=mod(y,2)) then
- z = z + i
- end
- x = bit.rshift(x,1)
- y = bit.rshift(y,1)
- i = i*2
- end
- return z
- end
- -------------------------------------------------
- --- *** BigInteger for Lua *** ---
- -------------------------------------------------
- --- Author: Martin Huesser ---
- --- Date: 2008-06-16 ---
- --- License: You may use this code in your ---
- --- projects as long as this header ---
- --- stays intact. ---
- -------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- --- Lua 5.0/5.1/WoW Header ------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local strlen = string.len
- local strchar = string.char
- local strbyte = string.byte
- local strsub = string.sub
- local max = math.max
- local min = math.min
- local floor = math.floor
- local ceil = math.ceil
- local mod = math.fmod
- local getn = function(t) return #t end
- local setn = function() end
- local tinsert = table.insert
- ---------------------------------------
- --- Helper Functions ------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local function Digit(x,i) --returns i-th digit or zero
- local d = x[i] --if out of bounds
- if (d==nil) then
- return 0
- end
- return d
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- local function Clean(x) --remove leading zeros
- local i = getn(x)
- while (i>1 and x[i]==0) do
- x[i] = nil
- i = i-1
- end
- setn(x,i)
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- --- String Conversion -----------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local function Hex(i) --convert number to ascii
- if (i>-1 and i<10) then
- return strchar(48+i)
- end
- if (i>9 and i<16) then
- return strchar(55+i)
- end
- return strchar(48)
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- local function Dec(i) --convert ascii to number
- if (i==nil) then
- return 0
- end
- if (i>47 and i<58) then
- return i-48
- end
- if (i>64 and i<71) then
- return i-55
- end
- if (i>96 and i<103) then
- return i-87
- end
- return 0
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- function BigInt_NumToHex(x) --convert number to hexstring
- local s,i,j,c = ""
- for i = 1,getn(x) do
- c = x[i]
- for j = 1,6 do
- s = Hex(mod(c,16))..s
- c = floor(c/16)
- end
- end
- i = 1
- while (i<strlen(s) and strbyte(s,i)==48) do
- i = i+1
- end
- return strsub(s,i)
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- function BigInt_HexToNum(h) --convert hexstring to number
- local x,i,j = {}
- for i = 1,ceil(strlen(h)/6) do
- x[i] = 0
- for j = 1,6 do
- x[i] = 16*x[i]+Dec(strbyte(h,max(strlen(h)-6*i+j,0)))
- end
- end
- Clean(x)
- return x
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- --- Math Functions --------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- function BigInt_Add(x,y) --add numbers
- local z,l,i,r = {},max(getn(x),getn(y))
- z[1] = 0
- for i = 1,l do
- r = Digit(x,i)+Digit(y,i)+z[i]
- if (r>16777215) then
- z[i] = r-16777216
- z[i+1] = 1
- else
- z[i] = r
- z[i+1] = 0
- end
- end
- Clean(z)
- return z
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- function BigInt_Sub(x,y) --subtract numbers
- local z,l,i,r = {},max(getn(x),getn(y))
- z[1] = 0
- for i = 1,l do
- r = Digit(x,i)-Digit(y,i)-z[i]
- if (r<0) then
- z[i] = r+16777216
- z[i+1] = 1
- else
- z[i] = r
- z[i+1] = 0
- end
- end
- if (z[l+1]==1) then
- return nil
- end
- Clean(z)
- return z
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- function BigInt_Mul(x,y) --multiply numbers
- local z,t,i,j,r = {},{}
- for i = getn(y),1,-1 do
- t[1] = 0
- for j = 1,getn(x) do
- r = x[j]*y[i]+t[j]
- t[j+1] = floor(r/16777216)
- t[j] = r-t[j+1]*16777216
- end
- tinsert(z,1,0)
- z = BigInt_Add(z,t)
- end
- Clean(z)
- return z
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- local function Div2(x) --divide number by 2, (modifies
- local u,v,i = 0 --passed number and returns
- for i = getn(x),1,-1 do --remainder)
- v = x[i]
- if (u==1) then
- x[i] = floor(v/2)+8388608
- else
- x[i] = floor(v/2)
- end
- u = mod(v,2)
- end
- Clean(x)
- return u
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- local function SimpleDiv(x,y) --divide numbers, result
- local z,u,v,i,j = {},0 --must fit into 1 digit!
- j = 16777216
- for i = 1,getn(y) do --This function is costly and
- z[i+1] = y[i] --may benefit most from an
- end --optimized algorithm!
- z[1] = 0
- for i = 23,0,-1 do
- j = j/2
- Div2(z)
- v = BigInt_Sub(x,z)
- if (v~=nil) then
- u = u+j
- x = v
- end
- end
- return u,x
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- function BigInt_Div(x,y) --divide numbers
- local z,u,i,v = {},{},getn(x)
- for v = 1,min(getn(x),getn(y))-1 do
- tinsert(u,1,x[i])
- i = i - 1
- end
- while (i>0) do
- tinsert(u,1,x[i])
- i = i - 1
- v,u = SimpleDiv(u,y)
- tinsert(z,1,v)
- end
- Clean(z)
- return z,u
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- function BigInt_ModPower(b,e,m) --calculate b^e mod m
- local t,s,r = {},{1}
- for r = 1,getn(e) do
- t[r] = e[r]
- end
- repeat
- r = Div2(t)
- --print(getn(t))
- if (r==1) then
- r,s = BigInt_Div(BigInt_Mul(s,b),m)
- end
- r,b = BigInt_Div(BigInt_Mul(b,b),m)
- until (getn(t)==1 and t[1]==0)
- return s
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- --- ModPower Step Functions -----------
- ---------------------------------------
- function BigInt_MP_StepInit(b,e,m) --initialize nonblocking ModPower,
- local x,i = {b,{},m,{1},1} --pass resulting table to StepExec!
- for i = 1,getn(e) do
- x[2][i] = e[i]
- end
- return x
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- function BigInt_MP_StepExec(x) --execute next calculation step,
- local r --finished if result~=nil.
- if (x[5]==1) then
- x[5] = 2
- r = Div2(x[2])
- if (r==1) then
- r,x[4] = BigInt_Div(BigInt_Mul(x[4],x[1]),x[3])
- end
- return nil
- end
- if (x[5]==2) then
- x[5] = 1
- r,x[1] = BigInt_Div(BigInt_Mul(x[1],x[1]),x[3])
- if (getn(x[2])==1 and x[2][1]==0) then
- x[5] = 0
- return x[4]
- end
- return nil
- end
- return nil
- end
- -------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------
- --- *** SHA-1 algorithm for Lua *** ---
- -------------------------------------------------
- --- Author: Martin Huesser ---
- --- Date: 2008-06-16 ---
- --- License: You may use this code in your ---
- --- projects as long as this header ---
- --- stays intact. ---
- -------------------------------------------------
- local strlen = string.len
- local strchar = string.char
- local strbyte = string.byte
- local strsub = string.sub
- local floor = math.floor
- local bnot = bit.bnot
- local band =
- local bor = bit.bor
- local bxor = bit.bxor
- local shl = bit.lshift
- local shr = bit.rshift
- local h0, h1, h2, h3, h4
- -------------------------------------------------
- local function LeftRotate(val, nr)
- return shl(val, nr) + shr(val, 32 - nr)
- end
- -------------------------------------------------
- local function ToHex(num)
- local i, d
- local str = ""
- for i = 1, 8 do
- d = band(num, 15)
- if (d < 10) then
- str = strchar(d + 48) .. str
- else
- str = strchar(d + 87) .. str
- end
- num = floor(num / 16)
- end
- return str
- end
- -------------------------------------------------
- local function PreProcess(str)
- local bitlen, i
- local str2 = ""
- bitlen = strlen(str) * 8
- str = str .. strchar(128)
- i = 56 - band(strlen(str), 63)
- if (i < 0) then
- i = i + 64
- end
- for i = 1, i do
- str = str .. strchar(0)
- end
- for i = 1, 8 do
- str2 = strchar(band(bitlen, 255)) .. str2
- bitlen = floor(bitlen / 256)
- end
- return str .. str2
- end
- -------------------------------------------------
- local function MainLoop(str)
- local a, b, c, d, e, f, k, t
- local i, j
- local w = {}
- while (str ~= "") do
- for i = 0, 15 do
- w[i] = 0
- for j = 1, 4 do
- w[i] = w[i] * 256 + strbyte(str, i * 4 + j)
- end
- end
- for i = 16, 79 do
- w[i] = LeftRotate(bxor(bxor(w[i - 3], w[i - 8]), bxor(w[i - 14], w[i - 16])), 1)
- end
- a = h0
- b = h1
- c = h2
- d = h3
- e = h4
- for i = 0, 79 do
- if (i < 20) then
- f = bor(band(b, c), band(bnot(b), d))
- k = 1518500249
- elseif (i < 40) then
- f = bxor(bxor(b, c), d)
- k = 1859775393
- elseif (i < 60) then
- f = bor(bor(band(b, c), band(b, d)), band(c, d))
- k = 2400959708
- else
- f = bxor(bxor(b, c), d)
- k = 3395469782
- end
- t = LeftRotate(a, 5) + f + e + k + w[i]
- e = d
- d = c
- c = LeftRotate(b, 30)
- b = a
- a = t
- end
- h0 = band(h0 + a, 4294967295)
- h1 = band(h1 + b, 4294967295)
- h2 = band(h2 + c, 4294967295)
- h3 = band(h3 + d, 4294967295)
- h4 = band(h4 + e, 4294967295)
- str = strsub(str, 65)
- end
- end
- -------------------------------------------------
- function Sha1(str)
- str = PreProcess(str)
- h0 = 1732584193
- h1 = 4023233417
- h2 = 2562383102
- h3 = 0271733878
- h4 = 3285377520
- MainLoop(str)
- return ToHex(h0) ..
- ToHex(h1) ..
- ToHex(h2) ..
- ToHex(h3) ..
- ToHex(h4)
- end
- -------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------
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