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- //BCD Add Sub
- module BCD_Add_Sub(output[3:0] sum_diff,output carry_borrow,input[3:0] a,b,input Mode);
- wire[3:0] b_comp;
- wire[3:0] mux_output;
- Nines_Complement m0(b_comp,b);
- quad_mux21 m1(mux_output,b,b_comp,Mode);
- BCD_Adder m2(sum_diff,carry_borrow,a,mux_output,Mode);
- endmodule
- //4_54 9's
- module Nines_Complement(output reg[3:0]comp,input[3:0]bcd);
- always @(bcd)
- case (bcd)
- 4'd0:comp=4'd9;
- 4'd1:comp=4'd8;
- 4'd2:comp=4'd7;
- 4'd3:comp=4'd6;
- 4'd4:comp=4'd5;
- 4'd5:comp=4'd4;
- 4'd6:comp=4'd3;
- 4'd7:comp=4'd2;
- 4'd8:comp=4'd1;
- 4'd9:comp=4'd0;
- default: comp=4'b1111;
- endcase
- endmodule
- //4.38
- module quad_mux21(output[3:0]Y,input[3:0] A,B,input Select);
- //多工
- assign Y=Select ? B:A;
- endmodule
- module BCD_Adder(output[3:0] sum,output carry_out,input[3:0]a,b,input c_in);
- wire[3:0] z;
- wire c_out1,c_out2,w1,w2;
- wire[3:0] y;
- supply0 gnd;
- //For fix (when value is over 1001)
- //CarryOut=cout+z3z2+z3z1;
- and g0(w1,z[3],z[2]);
- and g1(w2,z[3],z[1]);
- or g2(carry_out,c_out1,w1,w2);
- assign y={1'b0,carry_out,carry_out,1'b0}; //Detect i f the value need fix
- //可用cla_4bit;
- Add_4bit m0(z,c_out1,a,b,c_in);
- Add_4bit m1(sum,c_out2,z,y,gnd); //For fix
- endmodule
- module Add_4bit(output[3:0]s,output c4,input[3:0] a,b,input c0);
- assign {c4,s}=a+b+c0;
- endmodule
- //前瞻
- module cla_4bit(output[3:0]s,output c4,input[3:0]a,b,input c0);
- wire[3:0]p,g;
- HalfAdder M0(p[0],g[0],a[0],b[0]);
- HalfAdder M1(p[1],g[1],a[1],b[1]);
- HalfAdder M2(p[2],g[2],a[2],b[2]);
- HalfAdder M3(p[3],g[3],a[3],b[3]);
- assign c1=g[0]|(p[0]&c0);
- assign c2=g[1]|(p[1]&g[0])|(p[1]&p[0]&c0);
- assign c3=g[2]|(p[2]&g[1])|(p[2]&p[1]&g[0])|(p[2]&p[1]&p[0]&c0);
- assign c4=g[3]|(p[3]&g[2])|(p[3]&p[2]&g[1])|(p[3]&p[2]&p[1]&g[0]) | (p[3]&p[2]&g[1]&g[0]&c0);
- assign s[3]=c3^p[3];
- assign s[2]=c2^p[2];
- assign s[1]=c1^p[1];
- assign s[0]=c0^p[0];
- endmodule
- module HalfAdder(output s,c,input a,b);
- xor G0(s,a,b);
- and G1(c,a,b);
- endmodule
- module FullAdder(output s,co,input a,b,ci);
- wire s1,c1,c2;
- HalfAdder M0(s1,c1,a,b);
- HalfAdder M1(s,c2,s1,ci);
- or G0(co,c1,c2);
- endmodule
- //TestBench;
- module t_BCD_Add_Sub();
- reg[3:0] a,b;
- reg Mode;
- wire[3:0] sum;
- wire c_out;
- BCD_Add_Sub m0(sum,c_out,a,b,Mode);
- //BCD_Adder m0(sum,c_out,a,b,Mode);
- initial fork
- Mode=0;
- a=4'b1001;
- b=4'd0101;
- #20
- a=4'b0100;
- #40
- a=4'b0011;
- Mode=1;
- #60
- a=4'b0111;
- #80 $finish;
- join
- endmodule
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