

Nov 16th, 2011
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  1. // generated by Call of Duty, do not modify
  2. unbindall
  3. bind TAB "+scores"
  4. bind ENTER "chatmodepublic"
  5. bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
  6. bind SPACE "+gostand"
  7. bind 0 "openscriptmenu quickpromod demolitions"
  8. bind 1 "weapnext"
  9. bind 2 "weapnext"
  10. bind 5 "say yuo mad bro^6???"
  11. bind ` "toggleconsole"
  12. bind A "+moveleft"
  13. bind B "mp_QuickMessage"
  14. bind C "gocrouch"
  15. bind D "+moveright"
  16. bind E "+leanright"
  17. bind F "+activate"
  18. bind M "toggle snd_volume 0.1 0.6525"
  19. bind N "+actionslot 1"
  20. bind Q "+leanleft"
  21. bind R "+reload"
  22. bind S "+back"
  23. bind T "chatmodepublic"
  24. bind V "+melee"
  25. bind W "+forward"
  26. bind Y "chatmodeteam"
  27. bind Z "openscriptmenu quickpromod 2"
  28. bind ~ "toggleconsole"
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  32. bind RIGHTARROW "openscriptmenu quickpromod sniper"
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  37. bind F3 "^0Citystreets^1!;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakContrast 1.5;r_filmtweakLighttint 1.3 1.25 1.05;r_filmtweakDarktint 0.7 0.85 0.95;r_filmtweakDesaturation 0;r_gamma 1;r_filmtweakbrightness 0.255"
  38. bind F4 "^0Strike^1!;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakContrast 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 1.6 1.6 1.8;r_filmtweakDarktint 1.7 1.7 2;r_filmtweakDesaturation 0;r_gamma 1;r_filmtweakbrightness 0"
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  51. bind MOUSE2 "+toggleads_throw"
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  923. seta voice_localEcho "0"
  924. seta winvoice_mic_mute "1"
  925. seta winvoice_mic_reclevel "65535"
  926. seta winvoice_mic_scaler "1"
  927. seta winvoice_save_voice "0"
  928. con_hidechannel *; con_showchannel dontfilter error gamenotify boldgame subtitle obituary logfile_only console_only gfx sound files devgui profile ui client server system playerweap ai anim physics fx leaderboards parserscript script
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