
Tarot skills.

Apr 19th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. <b>00 The Fool:</b>
  2. Chaos effect, sow discord among foes by tossing this card in the center causing enemies to act irrationally and do random acts or attack each other turning brother against brother.<br><br>
  3. <b>01 The Magician:</b>
  4. Tossing this card creates a burst on the ground doing damage in an area.<br><br>
  5. <b>02 The High Priestess:</b>
  6. When thrown in the air this card heals her allies of some damage and boosts their defense.<br><br>
  7. <b>03 The Empress:</b>
  8. When thrown into an ally this card boosts their defense and moral allowing them to keep fighting longer.<br><br>
  9. <b>04 The Emperor: </b>
  10. When this card hits an ally it boosts their attack and moral allowing them to hit harder and longer.<br><br>
  11. <b>05 The Hierophant:</b>
  12. One of Queen’s strongest cards, when this card is thrown it does massive damage to all those she sees as an enemy and heals her allies granting them bolstered defense and a regeneration factor for a short time.<br><br>
  13. <b>06 The Lovers:</b>
  14. When thrown Queen bonds with the target foe making it so they share damage allowing her to harm herself to bring down enemies or heal herself to heal allies.<br><br>
  15. <b>07 The Chariot:</b>
  16. When activated it creates a chariot of light to charge down the foes knocking them away and creating some breathing room for Queen and her allies.<br><br>
  17. <b>08 Justice:</b>
  18. When activated a sword of light falls down and does massive damage to a single foe.<br><br>
  19. <b>09 The Hermit:</b>
  20. When activated a light heal is applied to a single ally.<br><br>
  21. <b>10 Wheel of Fortune:</b>
  22. When activated a wheel is spun and Queen or her ally gets one of six random buffs (Strength boost, Speed boost, Arcane attack, Minion, Defense boost, or a Shield.)<br><br>
  23. <b>11 Strength:</b>
  24. Grants one ally a boost in physical strength<br><br>
  25. <b>13 Death:</b>
  26. This card when it strikes a foe does a massive damage over time as the foe is followed around by a reaper to sap their energy. (3 turns.)<br><br>
  27. <b>14 Temperance:</b>
  28. An angel comes down and defends the target from three attacks.<br><br>
  29. <b>15 The Devil:</b>
  30. Summons a large demon to fight for and protect Queen spouting fiery AOE’s and streams of flame.<br><br>
  31. <b>16 The Tower:</b>
  32. After some charge time (4-5 turns.) This ability changes the entire battle field into a large tower boosting her allies moral and defense along with creating stone guardians within it.<br><br>
  33. <b>17 The Star:</b>
  34. This card causes magic stars to fall doing damage to foes, these stars fall six at a time in random patterns.<br><br>
  35. <b>18 The Moon:</b>
  36. This slows enemies in the area and speeds up Queen’s allies.<br><br>
  37. <b>19 The Sun:</b>
  38. After three turns this card calls down a massive fire ball to damage foes and allies alike with a large explosion.<br><br>
  39. <b>20 Judgment:</b>
  40. One of her two strongest cards this card calls the archangel Michael down with his fiery sword and with a swing burning swords fall down on all her foes like a Justice strike.<br><br>
  41. <b>21 The World:</b>
  42. The other of her strongest cards creates a massive AOE where plants rise up rooting, stunning and harming all foes in the area as well as healing her allies.<br><br>
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