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- #include ""
- #include ""
- #include ""
- #include "win\"
- dim shared as LPDIRECTDRAW DD7
- extern fbCTX alias "__fb_ctx" as ulong
- dim shared as handle hOldScreen,pMiniBuff
- dim shared as string sMyTitle
- sMyTitle = "Mysoft Console"
- #define CharColor(_CH, _CF, _CB) clng(((_CF and 15) shl 16) or ((_CB and 15) shl 20)) or (cshort(_CH))
- sub MsgBox( sMsg as string , iMode as integer = MB_ICONERROR)
- MessageBox( null , sMsg , sMyTitle , iMode or MB_TASKMODAL )
- end sub
- function Console_Create(iWidth as integer = 80, iHeight as integer = 25) as handle
- if iWidth <= 8 or iHeight <= 4 then
- MsgBox("ConsoleCreate: Bad console size selected")
- return null
- end if
- width iWidth,iHeight
- hOldScreen = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE )
- var hCon = hOldScreen
- if SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( hCon ) = false then
- MsgBox("ConsoleCreate: Failed to SetActiveScreenBuffer")
- CloseHandle(hCon): return null
- end if
- var pTemp = cast(any ptr,@fbCTX)
- var pOldCtx = allocate(4096)
- memcpy( pOldCtx , pTemp , 4096 )
- screenres iWidth,iHeight,32,,fb.gfx_null
- memcpy( pTemp , pOldCtx , 4096 )
- deallocate(pOldCtx)
- return hCon
- end function
- function Console_ImageCreate( iWidth as integer , iHeight as integer ) as fb.image ptr
- if iWidth <= 1 or iHeight <= 1 then
- MsgBox("Console_ImageCreate: Bad console size selected")
- return null
- end if
- dim as fb.image ptr pImg = callocate( iWidth*iHeight*4 + sizeof(fb.image) )
- if pImg = null then
- MsgBox("Console_ImageCreate: Failed to create image (no memory?)")
- return null
- end if
- pImg->Type = 7
- pImg->Width = iWidth: pImg->Height = iHeight
- pImg->Bpp = 4: pImg->Pitch = iWidth*pImg->Bpp
- return pImg
- end function
- sub Console_ImageDestroy( pImage as fb.image ptr )
- if pImage = 0 orelse IsBadWritePtr( pImage , sizeof(fb.image) ) orelse pImage->Type<>7 then
- MsgBox("Console_ImageDestroy: Bad Image handle.")
- exit sub
- end if
- end sub
- sub Console_Update()
- var iXY = width(), ConWid = LoWord(iXY), ConHei = HiWord(iXY)
- WriteConsoleOutput( hOldScreen, cptr( CHAR_INFO ptr , screenptr ) , _
- type(ConWid,ConHei) , type(0,0) , @type<SMALL_RECT>(0,0,ConWid-1,ConHei-1) )
- end sub
- sub Console_SyncedUpdate()
- do
- static as double TMR
- var dwOldPri = GetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread() )
- SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread() , THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL )
- SwitchToThread()
- Console_Update()
- if abs(timer-TMR) > 1/2 then TMR = timer
- while (timer-TMR) < 1/60
- SleepEx 1,1
- wend
- TMR += 1/60
- SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread() , dwOldPri )
- SwitchToThread()
- exit sub
- end if
- if DD7 = null then
- if DirectDrawCreate(cast(any ptr,DDCREATE_HARDWAREONLY),@DD7,null) <> DD_OK then
- DD7 = cast(any ptr,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- continue do
- end if
- end if
- exit do
- loop
- var dwOldPri = GetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread() )
- SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread() , THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL )
- SwitchToThread()
- var iXY = width(), ConWid = LoWord(iXY), ConHei = HiWord(iXY)
- var hConWnd = GetConsoleWindow(), iCellHei = 0
- dim RcDesk as rect, RcScr as rect, tPt as point, iScan as integer
- GetWindowRect( GetDesktopWindow(), @RcDesk )
- GetClientRect( hConWnd, @RcScr )
- do
- DD7->lpVtbl->GetScanLine(DD7,@iScan)
- if iScan > (RcDesk.bottom shr 1) then exit do
- SleepEx(1,1)
- loop
- var hStart = cptr( CHAR_INFO ptr , screenptr ), iStart = 0
- tPt = type(0,(RcDesk.bottom shr 1)): iCellHei = RcScr.Bottom\ConHei
- if ScreenToClient( hConWnd , @tPt ) = 0 then exit sub
- if cshort(tPt.y) >= 0 and cshort(tPt.y) < RcDesk.Bottom then
- iStart = (cshort(tPt.y)\iCellHei)+1
- WriteConsoleOutput( hOldScreen, hStart , type(ConWid,iStart) , _
- type(0,0) , @type<SMALL_RECT>(0,0,ConWid-1,iStart-1) )
- hStart += iStart*ConWid
- end if
- do
- DD7->lpVtbl->GetScanLine(DD7,@iScan)
- if iScan <= (RcDesk.bottom shr 1) then exit do
- SleepEx(1,1)
- loop
- if iStart < RcDesk.Bottom then
- var iHeight = ConHei-iStart
- WriteConsoleOutput( hOldScreen, hStart , type(ConWid,iHeight) , _
- type(0,0) , @type<SMALL_RECT>(0,iStart,ConWid-1,iStart+iHeight-1) )
- end if
- SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread() , dwOldPri )
- SwitchToThread()
- end sub
- const ConWid = 80, ConHei = 50
- const CenX = ConWid\2, CenY = ConHei\2
- const PI = atn(1)/(ConWid/4)
- var hConsole = Console_Create(ConWid,ConHei)
- 'var fbBuff = Console_ImageCreate(ConWid,ConHei)
- do
- static as integer iBase : iBase += 1
- select case ((iBase shr 8) and 3)
- case 0
- for CNT as integer = ConWid to 0 step -1
- circle(CenX,CenY),CNT,CharColor(177,CNT+iBase,((CNT+iBase) shr 4)),,,.66,f
- next CNT
- case 1
- for CNT as integer = ConWid to 0 step -1
- var pYM = CenY-CNT, pYP = CenY+CNT,pXM = CenX-CNT, pXP = CenX+CNT
- line(pXM,CenY)-(CenX,pYM),CharColor(177,CNT+iBase,((CNT+iBase) shr 4))
- line -(pXP,CenY),CharColor(177,CNT+iBase,((CNT+iBase) shr 4))
- line -(CenX,pYP),CharColor(177,CNT+iBase,((CNT+iBase) shr 4))
- line -(pXM,CenY),CharColor(177,CNT+iBase,((CNT+iBase) shr 4))
- next CNT
- case 2
- for CNT as integer = ConHei to 0 step -1
- line(CenX-CNT,CenY-CNT*.66)-(CenX+CNT,CenY+CNT*.66),CharColor(177,CNT+iBase,((CNT+iBase) shr 4)),b
- next CNT
- case 3
- for CNT as integer = ConWid to 0 step -1
- line(CNT,0)-(ConWid-CNT,ConHei),CharColor(177,CNT+iBase,((CNT+iBase) shr 4))
- line(ConWid,CNT)-(0,ConHei-CNT),CharColor(177,CNT+iBase,((CNT+iBase) shr 4))
- next CNT
- end select
- var iOX = int(sin(iBase*PI)*(CenX-14))
- var iOY = cint(sin(iBase*PI+timer)*(CenY-3))
- for iY as integer = -1 to 1
- for iX as integer = -1 to 1
- draw string (CenX-14+iOX+iX,CenY-3+iOY+iY),"Hi!!",CharColor( asc(" ") , 0 , 0 )
- next iX
- next iY
- draw string (CenX-14+iOX,CenY-3+iOY),"Hi!!",CharColor( iBase , 15 , 0 )
- Console_SyncedUpdate()
- loop until len(inkey$)
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