

Mar 11th, 2022
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  1. // !!! Remember that your changes GOES AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS FILE right before the last #endif !!!
  3. // -- Time - Start Daylight Saving Time and timezone offset from UTC in minutes
  5. #define TIME_DST_HEMISPHERE North // [TimeDst] Hemisphere (0 or North, 1 or South)
  6. #undef TIME_DST_WEEK
  7. #define TIME_DST_WEEK Last        // Week of month (0 or Last, 1 or First, 2 or Second, 3 or Third, 4 or Fourth)
  8. #undef TIME_DST_DAY
  9. #define TIME_DST_DAY Sun          // Day of week (1 or Sun, 2 or Mon, 3 or Tue, 4 or Wed, 5 or Thu, 6 or Fri, 7 or Sat)
  10. #undef TIME_DST_MONTH
  11. #define TIME_DST_MONTH Mar        // Month (1 or Jan, 2 or Feb, 3 or Mar, 4 or Apr, 5 or May, 6 or Jun, 7 or Jul, 8 or Aug, 9 or Sep, 10 or Oct, 11 or Nov, 12 or Dec)
  12. #undef TIME_DST_HOUR
  13. #define TIME_DST_HOUR 2           // Hour (0 to 23)
  14. #undef TIME_DST_OFFSET
  15. #define TIME_DST_OFFSET -300 // Offset from UTC in minutes (-780 to +780)
  17. // -- Time - Start Standard Time and timezone offset from UTC in minutes
  19. #define TIME_STD_HEMISPHERE North // [TimeStd] Hemisphere (0 or North, 1 or South)
  20. #undef TIME_STD_WEEK
  21. #define TIME_STD_WEEK Last        // Week of month (0 or Last, 1 or First, 2 or Second, 3 or Third, 4 or Fourth)
  22. #undef TIME_STD_DAY
  23. #define TIME_STD_DAY Sun          // Day of week (1 or Sun, 2 or Mon, 3 or Tue, 4 or Wed, 5 or Thu, 6 or Fri, 7 or Sat)
  24. #undef TIME_STD_MONTH
  25. #define TIME_STD_MONTH Oct        // Month (1 or Jan, 2 or Feb, 3 or Mar, 4 or Apr, 5 or May, 6 or Jun, 7 or Jul, 8 or Aug, 9 or Sep, 10 or Oct, 11 or Nov, 12 or Dec)
  26. #undef TIME_STD_HOUR
  27. #define TIME_STD_HOUR 3            // Hour (0 to 23)
  28. #undef TIME_STD_OFFSET
  29. #define TIME_STD_OFFSET -360 // Offset from UTC in minutes (-780 to +780)
  31. // -- Location ------------------------------------
  32. #undef LATITUDE
  33. #define LATITUDE 35.30       // [Latitude] Your location to be used with sunrise and sunset
  34. #undef LONGITUDE
  35. #define LONGITUDE -97.73     // [Longitude] Your location to be used with sunrise and sunset
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