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- cbuffer InputDimensions : register(b0)
- {
- uint3 dimensions;
- }
- cbuffer InputMiplevels : register(b1)
- {
- uint srcMiplevel;
- uint miplevels;
- float texelSize;
- }
- SamplerState srcSampler : register(s0);
- Texture3D<float4> srcLevel : register(t0);
- RWTexture3D<float4> mipLevel1 : register(u0);
- RWTexture3D<float4> mipLevel2 : register(u1);
- RWTexture3D<float4> mipLevel3 : register(u2);
- groupshared float4 tmp[512];
- void StoreColor(uint idx, float4 color)
- {
- tmp[idx] = color;
- }
- float4 LoadColor(uint idx)
- {
- return tmp[idx];
- }
- float HasVoxel(float4 color)
- {
- return color.a > 0.0f ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
- }
- // Naive version to generate two mipmap levels at most from the source one
- //
- // Runs in 4x4x4 workgroup
- [numthreads(8, 8, 8)]
- void GenerateMipmaps(uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
- {
- // Each thread in workgroup loads single voxel and stores it on groupshared memory
- float4 src0;
- float4 src1;
- float4 src2;
- float4 src3;
- float4 src4;
- float4 src5;
- float4 src6;
- float4 src7;
- float3 uvw = ( + 0.5f) * texelSize;
- src0 = srcLevel.SampleLevel(srcSampler, uvw, (float)srcMiplevel);
- StoreColor(GI, src0);
- GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync();
- // 001001001b
- if ((GI & 0x49) == 0)
- {
- src1 = LoadColor(GI + 0x01);
- src2 = LoadColor(GI + 0x08);
- src3 = LoadColor(GI + 0x09);
- src4 = LoadColor(GI + 0x40);
- src5 = LoadColor(GI + 0x41);
- src6 = LoadColor(GI + 0x48);
- src7 = LoadColor(GI + 0x49);
- // Perform mipmapping function
- float div = HasVoxel(src0) + HasVoxel(src1) + HasVoxel(src2) + HasVoxel(src3) + HasVoxel(src4) + HasVoxel(src5) + HasVoxel(src6) + HasVoxel(src7);
- if (div == 0.0f)
- {
- src0 = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- src0 = (src0 + src1 + src2 + src3 + src4 + src5 + src6 + src7) / div;
- }
- // Store value + write into shared memory
- mipLevel1[DTid / 2] = src0;
- StoreColor(GI, src0);
- }
- // If we are going to generate just 1 mipmap, return here
- if (miplevels == 1)
- {
- return;
- }
- GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync();
- // 011011011b
- if ((GI & 0xDB) == 0)
- {
- // Load all 8 colors from shared memory
- src1 = LoadColor(GI + 0x02);
- src2 = LoadColor(GI + 0x10);
- src3 = LoadColor(GI + 0x12);
- src4 = LoadColor(GI + 0x80);
- src5 = LoadColor(GI + 0x82);
- src6 = LoadColor(GI + 0x90);
- src7 = LoadColor(GI + 0x92);
- // Perform mipmapping function
- float div = HasVoxel(src0) + HasVoxel(src1) + HasVoxel(src2) + HasVoxel(src3) + HasVoxel(src4) + HasVoxel(src5) + HasVoxel(src6) + HasVoxel(src7);
- if (div == 0.0f)
- {
- src0 = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- src0 = (src0 + src1 + src2 + src3 + src4 + src5 + src6 + src7) / div;
- }
- // Store value + write into shared memory
- mipLevel2[DTid / 4] = src0;
- StoreColor(GI, src0);
- }
- // If we are going to generate just 1 mipmap, return here
- if (miplevels == 2)
- {
- return;
- }
- GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync();
- // For first thread in workgroup only
- if (GI == 0)
- {
- // Load all 8 colors from shared memory
- src1 = LoadColor(GI + 0x04);
- src2 = LoadColor(GI + 0x20);
- src3 = LoadColor(GI + 0x24);
- src4 = LoadColor(GI + 0x100);
- src5 = LoadColor(GI + 0x104);
- src6 = LoadColor(GI + 0x120);
- src7 = LoadColor(GI + 0x124);
- // Perform mipmapping function
- float div = HasVoxel(src0) + HasVoxel(src1) + HasVoxel(src2) + HasVoxel(src3) + HasVoxel(src4) + HasVoxel(src5) + HasVoxel(src6) + HasVoxel(src7);
- if (div == 0.0f)
- {
- src0 = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- src0 = (src0 + src1 + src2 + src3 + src4 + src5 + src6 + src7) / div;
- }
- // Store value
- mipLevel3[DTid / 8] = src0;
- }
- }
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