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- --rbxsig%AjN++di77v686DuwPvgvEYyOzcI+8jhhnSkv+ty78ijehgxP22S4ZpoYhyI8Qt8OMs+VtzlJk70nekX2GUrUzpRO3qhIuTb2fi6339vaDMmWYLB2ZOoXXx6IjxOPJxyHCkJ4Y8f6x5+aXlQhQj2PtkrwBuOWB3fCT1dH8DSIIUA=%
- -- Start Game Script Arguments
- local placeId, port, gameId, sleeptime, access, deprecated, timeout, machineAddress, gsmInterval, baseUrl, maxPlayers, maxGameInstances, injectScriptAssetID, apiKey, libraryRegistrationScriptAssetID, deprecated_pingTimesReportInterval, gameCode, universeId, preferredPlayerCapacity, matchmakingContextId, placeVisitAccessKey, assetGameSubdomain, protocol = ...
- -----------------------------------"CUSTOM" SHARED CODE----------------------------------
- pcall(function() settings().Network.UseInstancePacketCache = true end)
- pcall(function() settings().Network.UsePhysicsPacketCache = true end)
- pcall(function() settings()["Task Scheduler"].PriorityMethod = Enum.PriorityMethod.AccumulatedError end)
- settings().Network.PhysicsSend = Enum.PhysicsSendMethod.TopNErrors
- settings().Network.ExperimentalPhysicsEnabled = true
- settings().Network.WaitingForCharacterLogRate = 100
- pcall(function() settings().Diagnostics:LegacyScriptMode() end)
- -----------------------------------START GAME SHARED SCRIPT------------------------------
- placeId = 1818
- local assetId = placeId -- might be able to remove this now
- local url = nil
- local assetGameUrl = nil
- if baseUrl~=nil and protocol ~= nil then
- url = protocol .. "www." .. baseUrl --baseUrl is actually the domain, no leading .
- assetGameUrl = protocol .. assetGameSubdomain .. "." .. baseUrl
- end
- local scriptContext = game:GetService('ScriptContext')
- pcall(function() scriptContext:AddStarterScript(libraryRegistrationScriptAssetID) end)
- scriptContext.ScriptsDisabled = true
- game:SetPlaceID(assetId, false)
- pcall(function () if universeId ~= nil then game:SetUniverseId(universeId) end end)
- game:GetService("ChangeHistoryService"):SetEnabled(false)
- -- establish this peer as the Server
- local ns = game:GetService("NetworkServer")
- -- Detect cloud edit mode by checking for the dedicated cloud edit matchmaking context
- local isCloudEdit = matchmakingContextId == 3
- if isCloudEdit then
- print("Configuring as cloud edit server!")
- game:SetServerSaveUrl(url .. "/ide/publish/UploadFromCloudEdit")
- ns:ConfigureAsCloudEditServer()
- end
- if matchmakingContextId == 4 then
- print("Configuring as team test server!")
- local success, message = pcall(function() ns:ConfigureAsTeamTestServer() end)
- if not success then
- print("Failed to start team test server: ", message)
- end
- end
- local badgeUrlFlagExists, badgeUrlFlagValue = pcall(function () return settings():GetFFlag("NewBadgeServiceUrlEnabled") end)
- local newBadgeUrlEnabled = badgeUrlFlagExists and badgeUrlFlagValue
- if url~=nil then
- local apiProxyUrl = "https://api." .. baseUrl -- baseUrl is really the domain
- pcall(function() game:GetService("Players"):SetAbuseReportUrl(url .. "/AbuseReport/InGameChatHandler.ashx") end)
- pcall(function() game:GetService("ScriptInformationProvider"):SetAssetUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Asset/") end)
- pcall(function() game:GetService("ContentProvider"):SetBaseUrl(url .. "/") end)
- pcall(function() game:GetService("Players"):SetChatFilterUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/ChatFilter.ashx") end)
- if gameCode then
- game:SetVIPServerId(tostring(gameCode))
- end
- game:GetService("BadgeService"):SetPlaceId(placeId)
- if newBadgeUrlEnabled then
- game:GetService("BadgeService"):SetAwardBadgeUrl(apiProxyUrl .. "/assets/award-badge?userId=%d&badgeId=%d&placeId=%d")
- end
- if access ~= nil then
- if not newBadgeUrlEnabled then
- game:GetService("BadgeService"):SetAwardBadgeUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/Badge/AwardBadge.ashx?UserID=%d&BadgeID=%d&PlaceID=%d")
- end
- game:GetService("BadgeService"):SetHasBadgeUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/Badge/HasBadge.ashx?UserID=%d&BadgeID=%d")
- game:GetService("BadgeService"):SetIsBadgeDisabledUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/Badge/IsBadgeDisabled.ashx?BadgeID=%d&PlaceID=%d")
- game:GetService("FriendService"):SetMakeFriendUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/CreateFriend?firstUserId=%d&secondUserId=%d")
- game:GetService("FriendService"):SetBreakFriendUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/BreakFriend?firstUserId=%d&secondUserId=%d")
- game:GetService("FriendService"):SetGetFriendsUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/AreFriends?userId=%d")
- end
- game:GetService("BadgeService"):SetIsBadgeLegalUrl("")
- game:GetService("InsertService"):SetBaseSetsUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/Tools/InsertAsset.ashx?nsets=10&type=base")
- game:GetService("InsertService"):SetUserSetsUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/Tools/InsertAsset.ashx?nsets=20&type=user&userid=%d")
- game:GetService("InsertService"):SetCollectionUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/Tools/InsertAsset.ashx?sid=%d")
- game:GetService("InsertService"):SetAssetUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Asset/?id=%d")
- game:GetService("InsertService"):SetAssetVersionUrl(assetGameUrl .. "/Asset/?assetversionid=%d")
- if gameCode then
- pcall(function() loadfile(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/LoadPlaceInfo.ashx?PlaceId=" .. placeId .. "&gameCode=" .. tostring(gameCode))() end)
- else
- pcall(function() loadfile(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/LoadPlaceInfo.ashx?PlaceId=" .. placeId)() end)
- end
- pcall(function()
- if access then
- loadfile(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/PlaceSpecificScript.ashx?PlaceId=" .. placeId)()
- end
- end)
- end
- pcall(function() game:GetService("NetworkServer"):SetIsPlayerAuthenticationRequired(true) end)
- settings().Diagnostics.LuaRamLimit = 0
- game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(function(player)
- print("Player " .. player.userId .. " added")
- if assetGameUrl and access and placeId and player and player.userId then
- local didTeleportIn = "False"
- if player.TeleportedIn then didTeleportIn = "True" end
- game:HttpGet(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/ClientPresence.ashx?action=connect&PlaceID=" .. placeId .. "&UserID=" .. player.userId)
- if not isCloudEdit then
- game:HttpPost(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/PlaceVisit.ashx?UserID=" .. player.userId .. "&AssociatedPlaceID=" .. placeId .. "&placeVisitAccessKey=" .. placeVisitAccessKey .. "&IsTeleport=" .. didTeleportIn, "")
- end
- end
- end)
- game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player)
- print("Player " .. player.userId .. " leaving")
- local isTeleportingOut = "False"
- if player.Teleported then isTeleportingOut = "True" end
- if assetGameUrl and access and placeId and player and player.userId then
- game:HttpGet(assetGameUrl .. "/Game/ClientPresence.ashx?action=disconnect&PlaceID=" .. placeId .. "&UserID=" .. player.userId .. "&IsTeleport=" .. isTeleportingOut)
- end
- end)
- local onlyCallGameLoadWhenInRccWithAccessKey = newBadgeUrlEnabled
- if placeId ~= nil and assetGameUrl ~= nil and ((not onlyCallGameLoadWhenInRccWithAccessKey) or access ~= nil) then
- -- yield so that file load happens in the heartbeat thread
- wait()
- -- load the game
- game:Load(assetGameUrl .. "/asset/?id=" .. placeId)
- end
- -- Configure CloudEdit saving after place has been loaded
- if isCloudEdit then
- local doPeriodicSaves = true
- local delayBetweenSavesSeconds = 5 * 60 -- 5 minutes
- local function periodicSave()
- if doPeriodicSaves then
- game:ServerSave()
- delay(delayBetweenSavesSeconds, periodicSave)
- end
- end
- -- Spawn thread to save in the future
- delay(delayBetweenSavesSeconds, periodicSave)
- -- Hook into OnClose to save on shutdown
- game.OnClose = function()
- doPeriodicSaves = false
- game:ServerSave()
- end
- end
- -- Now start the connection
- ns:Start(port, sleeptime)
- if timeout then
- scriptContext:SetTimeout(timeout)
- end
- scriptContext.ScriptsDisabled = false
- -- StartGame --
- if not isCloudEdit then
- if injectScriptAssetID and (injectScriptAssetID < 0) then
- pcall(function() Game:LoadGame(injectScriptAssetID * -1) end)
- else
- pcall(function() Game:GetService("ScriptContext"):AddStarterScript(injectScriptAssetID) end)
- end
- Game:GetService("RunService"):Run()
- end
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