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- --[[
- ]]
- --- shortcuts
- v3 =
- cn =
- ca2 = CFrame.Angles
- mceil = math.ceil mc = mceil
- mran = math.random rn=mran
- mrad = math.rad rd=mrad
- mdeg = math.deg dg=mdeg
- mabs = math.abs abs=mabs
- ud =
- ca = function(x,y,z) return ca2(mrad(x),mrad(y),mrad(z)) end
- mran2 = function(a,b) return mran(a*1000,b*1000)/1000 end
- bn = bc=bn
- c3 =
- deb = game:GetService("Debris")
- -----
- Player = game:service("Players").LocalPlayer
- Char = Player.Character
- Torso = Char.Torso
- Head = Char.Head
- Humanoid = Char.Humanoid
- RootPart = Char.HumanoidRootPart
- Root = RootPart.RootJoint
- LA=Char["Left Arm"]
- RA=Char["Right Arm"]
- LL=Char["Left Leg"]
- RL=Char["Right Leg"]
- LAM=Torso["Left Shoulder"]
- RAM=Torso["Right Shoulder"]
- LLM=Torso["Left Hip"]
- RLM=Torso["Right Hip"]
- Neck=Torso.Neck
- Neck.C0=cn(0,1.5,0)
- Neck.C1=cn(0,0,0)
- name="3DMG"
- pcall(function() Char["Pack"]:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Player.PlayerGui[name]:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Char[name]:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Char.Block:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Char.Animate:Destroy() end)
- script.Name = name
- as = {}
- so = {"Block","QuickSlash","Slash1","Slash2","Hit","Shoot","Footstep1","Footstep2","Footstep3","Disconnect"}
- as.Cone = "1033714"
- as.Bevel = "rbxasset://fonts/leftarm.mesh"
- as.Block = "rbxasset://sounds\\metal.ogg"
- as.QuickSlash = "161006221" -- quick succession
- as.Slash1 = "161006195" -- high pitched
- as.Slash2 = "161006212" -- low pitched
- as.Hit = "10209583"
- as.Shoot = "130849509"
- as.Footstep1 = "142548001"
- as.Footstep2 = "142548009"
- as.Footstep3 = "142548015"
- as.Disconnect = "10209268"
- as.Draw = "130785405"
- as.Somersault = "161006221"
- as.HealthBar = "35238053" -- decal
- as.Wedge = "146643893" -- decal
- for i,v in pairs(as) do
- if type(tonumber(v:sub(1,3)))=="number" then
- as[i]=""..v
- game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload(as[i])
- end
- end
- Slashes = {as.Slash1,as.Slash2}
- iNew=function(tab)
- local[1])
- for Ind,Val in pairs(tab) do
- if Ind~=1 and Ind~=2 then
- v[Ind] = Val
- end
- end
- v.Parent=tab[2]==0 and LastMade or tab[2]
- LastMade=v
- return v
- end
- iPart=function(tab)
- local or "Part")
- if tab.type~="CornerWedgePart" then v.formFactor="Custom" end
- v.CanCollide=false
- v.TopSurface=10 v.BottomSurface=10 v.RightSurface=10 v.LeftSurface=10 v.FrontSurface=10 v.BackSurface=10
- v.Size=v3(tab[2],tab[3],tab[4])
- --v.Material="SmoothPlastic"
- if then v.BrickColor=bn( end
- if then end
- if tab.rf then v.Reflectance=tab.rf end
- if then end
- if then end
- if then end
- if then end
- v.Parent=tab[1]
- LastMade=v
- return v
- end
- function Raycast(Pos,Dir,Dist,tab)
- return workspace:FindPartOnRay(, Dir.unit *Dist),tab)
- end
- Block=iNew{"NumberValue",Char,Name="Block",Value=0}
- Root.C0=cn(0,0,0)
- Root.C1=cn(0,0,0)
- for _,mesh in pairs(Char:GetChildren()) do if mesh:IsA("CharacterMesh") then mesh:Destroy() end end
- for _,force in pairs(Torso:GetChildren()) do if force:IsA("BodyForce") or force:IsA("BodyGyro") or force:IsA("RocketPropulsion") then force:Destroy() end end
- pcall(function() Torso.LAW:Remove() Torso.RAW:Remove() Torso.LLW:Remove() Torso.RLW:Remove() end)
- LAW=iNew{"Weld",Torso,Name="LAW",Part0=Torso,C0=cn(-1.5,0.5,0),C1=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- RAW=iNew{"Weld",Torso,Name="RAW",Part0=Torso,C0=cn( 1.5,0.5,0),C1=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- LLW=iNew{"Weld",Torso,Name="LLW",Part0=Torso,C0=cn(-0.5, -1,0),C1=cn(0, 1,0)}
- RLW=iNew{"Weld",Torso,Name="RLW",Part0=Torso,C0=cn( 0.5, -1,0),C1=cn(0, 1,0)}
- function Arms(on)
- LAM.Parent=Torso LAM.Part0=Torso
- RAM.Parent=Torso RAM.Part0=Torso
- LAM.Part1=on and nil or LA
- RAM.Part1=on and nil or RA
- LAW.Part1=on and LA or nil
- RAW.Part1=on and RA or nil
- end
- function Legs(on)
- LLM.Parent=Torso LLM.Part0=Torso
- RLM.Parent=Torso RLM.Part0=Torso
- LLM.Part1=on and nil or LL
- RLM.Part1=on and nil or RL
- LLW.Part1=on and LL or nil
- RLW.Part1=on and RL or nil
- end
- function GetWeld(weld)
- if not weld:FindFirstChild("Angle") then
- local a ="Vector3Value", weld)
- a.Name = "Angle"
- local x,y,z=weld.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- a.Value=v3(mdeg(x),mdeg(y),mdeg(z))
- end
- return weld.C0.p,weld.Angle.Value
- end
- function ClearWeld(weld)
- if weld:FindFirstChild"Angle" then
- weld.Angle:Remove()
- end
- end
- function SetWeld(weld,CC,i, loops, origpos,origangle, nextpos,nextangle,smooth)
- local CO="C"..CC
- smooth = smooth or 1
- if not weld:FindFirstChild("Angle") then
- local a ="Vector3Value", weld)
- a.Name = "Angle"
- local x,y,z=weld.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- a.Value=v3(mdeg(x),mdeg(y),mdeg(z))
- end
- local perc
- if smooth == 1 then
- perc = math.sin((math.pi/2)/loops*i)
- else
- perc = i/loops
- end
- local tox,toy,toz = 0,0,0
- if origangle.x > nextangle.x then
- tox = -mabs(origangle.x - nextangle.x) *perc
- else
- tox = mabs(origangle.x - nextangle.x) *perc
- end
- if origangle.y > nextangle.y then
- toy = -mabs(origangle.y - nextangle.y) *perc
- else
- toy = mabs(origangle.y - nextangle.y) *perc
- end
- if origangle.z > nextangle.z then
- toz = -mabs(origangle.z - nextangle.z) *perc
- else
- toz = mabs(origangle.z - nextangle.z) *perc
- end
- local tox2,toy2,toz2 = 0,0,0
- if origpos.x > nextpos.x then
- tox2 = -mabs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) *perc
- else
- tox2 = mabs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) *perc
- end
- if origpos.y > nextpos.y then
- toy2 = -mabs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) *perc
- else
- toy2 = mabs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) *perc
- end
- if origpos.z > nextpos.z then
- toz2 = -mabs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) *perc
- else
- toz2 = mabs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) *perc
- end
- weld.Angle.Value = v3(origangle.x + tox,origangle.y + toy,origangle.z + toz)
- weld[CO] = cn(origpos.x + tox2,origpos.y + toy2,origpos.z + toz2)*ca(origangle.x + tox,origangle.y + toy,origangle.z + toz)
- end
- function PlaySound(sound,pitch,volume,parent)
- local newSound = iNew{"Sound",parent or Torso,Pitch=pitch,Volume=volume,Name=sound,SoundId=sound}
- newSound:Play()
- deb:AddItem(newSound,6)
- return newSound
- end
- function MeshEffect(par,cf,x,y,z,inc,col,sha,adj)
- local adj = adj or cn(0,0,0)
- local mp=iPart{par,1,1,1,co=col,tr=0.3,ca=false,an=true} mp.CFrame=cf mp.Name="unray"
- local ms
- if sha:sub(1,4)=="http" then
- ms=iNew{"SpecialMesh",mp,MeshId=sha}
- elseif sha=="Block" then
- ms=iNew{"BlockMesh",mp}
- elseif sha=="Cylinder" then
- ms=iNew{"CylinderMesh",mp}
- elseif sha=="Head" or sha=="Sphere" then
- ms=iNew{"SpecialMesh",mp,MeshType=sha}
- end
- deb:AddItem(mp,0.7)
- Spawn(function()
- for i=0,1,inc do
- mp.Transparency=0.3+(1*i)
- mp.CFrame=mp.CFrame*adj
- ms.Scale=v3(x,y,z)*(0.3+(1*i))
- if i>=1 or mp.Transparency >= 1 then mp:Destroy() end
- wait(0)
- end
- end)
- end
- Dmg=false
- Dmgv={12,18}
- HitDebounce={}
- Debounce = 0.4
- CritChance = 5
- Sharpness = 1
- Gas = 1
- Damage=function(Hum,Mult)
- if not Hum.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") then return end
- local HName = Hum.Parent.Name
- if HitDebounce[HName] and HitDebounce[HName]>tick() then return end
- HitDebounce[HName] = tick()+Debounce
- local Dealt = mceil(((mran(Dmgv[1],Dmgv[2])+(Torso.Velocity.magnitude/4))*Sharpness)*Mult)
- local col = ""
- local Crit = false
- local RNG = mran(1,100)
- if RNG<=CritChance then Crit=true Dealt=Dealt*1.75 end
- if Hum.Parent:findFirstChild("Block") and Hum.Parent.Block.Value>0 then
- Hum.Parent.Block.Value=Hum.Parent.Block.Value-1
- col="Bright blue"
- PlaySound(as.Block,1,1,Torso)
- else
- Hum:TakeDamage(Dealt)
- col=not Crit and "Bright red" or "Really red"
- PlaySound(as.Hit,1,1,Torso)
- end
- Sharpness = Sharpness - 0.02
- local dmgTxt = iNew{"TextLabel",Gui,Name="dmgText",BackgroundTransparency=1,TextStrokeTransparency=0,Rotation=mran(-35,35)}
- if col == "Bright blue" then
- dmgTxt.Text = "Block!"
- elseif col == "Bright red" then
- dmgTxt.Text = Dealt.."!"
- elseif col == "Really red" then
- dmgTxt.Text = Dealt.."!!!"
- end
- dmgTxt.TextColor3 = bn(col).Color
- dmgTxt.TextStrokeColor3 = col == "Really red" and bn("Really red").Color or bn("White").Color
- dmgTxt.FontSize = col == "Bright blue" and "Size24" or col == "Bright red" and "Size36" or col == "Really red" and "Size48"
- dmgTxt.Position = ud(mran(4,6)/10,0,mran(40,60)/100,0)
- dmgTxt:TweenPosition(ud(dmgTxt.Position.X.Scale,0,dmgTxt.Position.Y.Scale,-250),"Out","Quad",1.5,false)
- deb:AddItem(dmgTxt,1.5)
- end
- -- weapon
- Pack = iNew{"Model",Char,Name="Pack"}
- p=Pack
- -- blade func
- function newBlade(part0,c0,wName,half)
- local Blade = iPart{p,0.2,3.3,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"} Blade.Name = "Blade"..wName
- local wBlade = iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=part0,Part1=Blade,C0=c0,Name = wName}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",Blade,Scale=v3(0.25,1,1)}
- local bpx = iPart{p,0.2,3.5,0.2} bpx.Name = "Blade"..wName
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=Blade,Part1=bpx,C0=cn(0,0.1,-0.15)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",bpx,Scale=v3(0.25,1,0.5)}
- if not half then
- local bp = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"} bp.Name = "Blade"..wName
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=Blade,Part1=bp,C0=cn(0,3.5/2,0)*ca(0,180,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",bp,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(0.25,1,1)}
- local tp = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.2} bp.Name = "Blade"..wName
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=bpx,Part1=tp,C0=cn(0,3.6/2,0)*ca(0,180,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",tp,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(0.25,0.5,0.5)}
- for i=1,5 do
- local bp = iPart{p,0.2,1,0.45,co="Really black"} bp.Name = "Blade"..wName
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=Blade,Part1=bp,C0=cn(0,-3.7/2+0.6*i,-0.05)*ca(45,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",bp,Scale=v3(0.3,0.02,1)}
- end
- end
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- local ba = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"} ba.Name="Blade"..wName
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=Blade,Part1=ba,C0=cn(0,-3.5/2,-0.05-0.075*i)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",ba,Scale=v3(0.25,1,0.25)}
- end
- return Blade,wBlade,tp
- end
- --belt
- belt = iPart{p,2.1,0.2,1.05,co="Black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=Torso,Part1=belt,C0=cn(0,-0.65,0)}
- --[[bp = iPart{p,0.4,0.2,1,co="Dark stone grey"} -- idk why i do this with the unneccessary details :Q
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=belt,Part1=bp,C0=cn(0,0,-1.05/2)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",bp,Scale=v3(1,1,0.01)}
- bp = iPart{p,1,1,1,co="Black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=belt,Part1=bp,C0=cn(0,0,-1.06/2)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",bp,Scale=v3(0.35,0.15,0.01)}
- bp = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,1,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=belt,Part1=bp,C0=cn(0.425,0,-1.05/2)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",bp,Scale=v3(1,1,0.01)}
- bp = iPart{p,1,1,1,co="Black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=belt,Part1=bp,C0=cn(0.425,0,-1.06/2)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",bp,Scale=v3(0.15,0.15,0.01)}
- bp = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,1,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=belt,Part1=bp,C0=cn(-0.425,0,-1.05/2)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",bp,Scale=v3(1,1,0.01)}
- bp = iPart{p,1,1,1,co="Black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=belt,Part1=bp,C0=cn(-0.425,0,-1.06/2)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",bp,Scale=v3(0.15,0.15,0.01)}]]
- qBarrel = iPart{p,0.3,1.5,0.3}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=belt,Part1=qBarrel,C0=cn(-1.15,0.1,0)*ca(100,0,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",qBarrel}
- bb = iPart{p,0.3,1.5,0.3}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=qBarrel,Part1=bb,C0=cn(0,0,0.15)}
- qbb = iPart{p,0.2,1,0.2,co="Really black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=qBarrel,Part1=qbb,C0=cn(0,-0.75,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",qbb,Scale=v3(1,0.01,1)}
- eBarrel = iPart{p,0.3,1.5,0.3}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=belt,Part1=eBarrel,C0=cn(1.15,0.1,0)*ca(100,0,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",eBarrel}
- bb = iPart{p,0.3,1.5,0.3}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=eBarrel,Part1=bb,C0=cn(0,0,0.15)}
- ebb = iPart{p,0.2,1,0.2,co="Really black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=eBarrel,Part1=ebb,C0=cn(0,-0.75,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ebb,Scale=v3(1,0.01,1)}
- -- leg bandages
- for i=0,1 do
- lb = iPart{p,1,1,1,co="Black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=LL,Part1=lb,C0=cn(0,0.5+0.125*i,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",lb,MeshId=as.Bevel,Scale=v3(1.1,0.03,1.1)}
- end
- for i=0,1 do
- lb = iPart{p,1,1,1,co="Black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=RL,Part1=lb,C0=cn(0,0.5+0.125*i,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",lb,MeshId=as.Bevel,Scale=v3(1.1,0.03,1.1)}
- end
- -- left sheath
- qSheath = iPart{p,0,0,0,tr=0}
- wqSheath = iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=LL,Part1=qSheath,C0=cn(-0.5,0.4,0)*ca(10,0,0)}
- qBody = iPart{p,0.45,0.7,3.5,co="Brown",mt="Wood"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=qSheath,Part1=qBody,C0=cn(-qBody.Size.X/2,0,0.75)}
- for i=1,7,2 do
- sp = iPart{p,1,0.6,1,co="Really black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=qBody,Part1=sp,C0=cn(-qBody.Size.X/2+(qBody.Size.X/9)/2+((qBody.Size.X/9)*i),0,-1.75)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp,Scale=v3((qBody.Size.X/9),1,0.01)}
- newBlade(sp,cn(0,0,1.5)*ca(90,0,0),"LeftBlade"..i,false) -- blade is 1
- end
- tank = iPart{p,0.4,2.8,0.4}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=qBody,Part1=tank,C0=cn(0,0.55,0.15)*ca(-90,0,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",tank}
- for i=0,2,1 do
- sp = iPart{p,qBody.Size.X*1.1,1.1*1.1,0.3,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=qBody,Part1=sp,C0=cn(0,0.2,3.5/2-0.5-i)}
- end
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- bl = iPart{p,0.4,0.4,0.4}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=tank,Part1=bl,C0=cn(0,1.4*i,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",bl,MeshType="Sphere"}
- end
- blp = iPart{p,0.2,0.3,0.2}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=bl,Part1=blp,C0=cn(0,0.2,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",blp}
- blap = iPart{p,0.25,0.5,0.25,co="Black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=blp,Part1=blap,C0=cn(0,0.2,0)*ca(0,0,90)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",blap}
- blp = iPart{p,0.3,0.2,0.3}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=blap,Part1=blp}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",blp}
- -- right sheath
- eSheath = iPart{p,0,0,0,tr=0}
- weSheath = iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=RL,Part1=eSheath,C0=cn(0.5,0.4,0)*ca(10,0,0)}
- eBody = iPart{p,0.45,0.7,3.5,co="Brown",mt="Wood"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=eSheath,Part1=eBody,C0=cn(eBody.Size.X/2,0,0.75)}
- for i=1,7,2 do
- sp = iPart{p,1,0.6,1,co="Really black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=eBody,Part1=sp,C0=cn(-eBody.Size.X/2+(eBody.Size.X/9)/2+((eBody.Size.X/9)*i),0,-1.75)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp,Scale=v3((eBody.Size.X/9),1,0.01)}
- newBlade(sp,cn(0,0,1.5)*ca(90,0,0),"RightBlade"..i,false) -- blade is 7
- end
- tank = iPart{p,0.4,2.8,0.4}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=eBody,Part1=tank,C0=cn(0,0.55,0.15)*ca(-90,0,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",tank}
- for i=0,2,1 do
- sp = iPart{p,eBody.Size.X*1.1,1.1*1.1,0.3,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=eBody,Part1=sp,C0=cn(0,0.2,3.5/2-0.5-i)}
- end
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- bl = iPart{p,0.4,0.4,0.4}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=tank,Part1=bl,C0=cn(0,1.4*i,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",bl,MeshType="Sphere"}
- end
- blp = iPart{p,0.2,0.3,0.2}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=bl,Part1=blp,C0=cn(0,0.2,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",blp}
- blap = iPart{p,0.25,0.5,0.25,co="Black"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=blp,Part1=blap,C0=cn(0,0.2,0)*ca(0,0,90)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",blap}
- blp = iPart{p,0.3,0.2,0.3}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=blap,Part1=blp}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",blp}
- -- air compression
- hpart = iPart{p,0.8,0.4,0.8}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=belt,Part1=hpart,C0=cn(0,-0.1,0.9)*ca(15,0,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",hpart}
- hp = iPart{p,0.3,0.2,0.4}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=hpart,Part1=hp,C0=cn(0,-0.1,0.6)}
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- wp = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.8}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=hp,Part1=wp,C0=cn(0.25*i,0,-0.2)*ca(0,180,90*i)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",wp,MeshType="Wedge"}
- end
- hp2 = iPart{p,0.3,0.2,0.3}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=hpart,Part1=hp2,C0=cn(0,0.1,0.5)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",hp2,Scale=v3(0.5,0.5,1)}
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- wp = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.8}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=hp2,Part1=wp,C0=cn(0.175*i,0,-0.25)*ca(0,180,90*i)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",wp,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(0.5,1,1)}
- end
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- cy = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.2}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=hpart,Part1=cy,C0=cn(-0.35*i,-0.075,0.175)*ca(0,0,-90*i)*ca(-25,0,-30*i)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",cy}
- spi = iPart{p,0,0,0}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=cy,Part1=spi,C0=cn(0,-0.2,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",spi,MeshId=as.Cone,Scale=v3(0.3,0.5,0.3)}
- cyl = iPart{p,0.7,0.2,0.7}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=spi,Part1=cyl,C0=cn(0,-0.3,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",cyl}
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- cylp = iPart{p,0.75,1,0.75,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=cyl,Part1=cylp,C0=cn(0,0.1*i,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",cylp,Scale=v3(1,0.01,1)}
- end
- for i=360/10,360,360/10 do
- cylp = iPart{p,1,0.2,1,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=cyl,Part1=cylp,C0=ca(0,i,0)*cn(0,0,-0.35)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",cylp,Scale=v3(0.025,1,0.05)}
- end
- end
- -- right sword
- RSword = iPart{p,0.2,0.5,0.35,co="Dark stone grey"}
- wRSword = iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=RA,Part1=RSword,C0=cn(0,-0.95,-0.25)*ca(-90,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",RSword,Scale=v3(0.5,1,1)}
- sp = iPart{p,0.2,0.5,0.35,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=RSword,Part1=sp,C0=cn(0,-0.25,-0.35/2)*ca(-10,0,0)*cn(0,-0.25,0.35/2)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp,Scale=v3(0.5,1,1)}
- sp2 = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.35,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp,Part1=sp2,C0=cn(0,-0.35,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp2,Scale=v3(1,1,1)}
- sp3 = iPart{p,0.2,0.5,0.3,co="Reddish brown"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=RSword,Part1=sp3,C0=cn(0,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp3,Scale=v3(0.75,1,1)}
- sp4 = iPart{p,0.2,0.5,0.3,co="Reddish brown"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp,Part1=sp4,C0=cn(0,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp4,Scale=v3(0.75,1,1)}
- sp5 = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.6,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=RSword,Part1=sp5,C0=cn(0,0.35,-0.3+0.35/2)}
- trg = iPart{p,0.2,1,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=RSword,Part1=trg,C0=cn(0,0.05,-0.35/2-0.1)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",trg,Scale=v3(0.5,0.05,1)}
- trg2 = iPart{p,0.2,1,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=trg,Part1=trg2,C0=cn(0,0.1,-0.1+0.025)*ca(-90,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",trg2,Scale=v3(0.5,0.05,1)}
- trg3 = iPart{p,0.2,1,1,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=RSword,Part1=trg3,C0=cn(0,-0.15,-0.35/2-0.09)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",trg3,Scale=v3(0.5,0.05,0.18)}
- trg4 = iPart{p,0.2,1,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=trg3,Part1=trg4,C0=cn(0,0.1,-0.09+0.025)*ca(-90,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",trg4,Scale=v3(0.5,0.05,1)}
- sp6 = iPart{p,0.2,0.3,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp5,Part1=sp6,C0=cn(0,0,0.45)*ca(90,180,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",sp6,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(1,1,1)}
- sp7 = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp5,Part1=sp7,C0=cn(0,0,-0.4)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",sp7,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(1,1,1)}
- sp8 = iPart{p,0.2,0.5,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp7,Part1=sp8,C0=cn(0,-0.1,-0.1)*ca(-5,0,0)*cn(0,-0.25,0.05)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp8,Scale=v3(1,1,0.5)}
- sp9 = iPart{p,0.2,0.7,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp8,Part1=sp9,C0=cn(0,-0.3,-0.1)*ca(-10,0,0)*cn(0,-0.3,0.1)*ca(0,0,180)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",sp9,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(1,1,0.5)}
- RConnect = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.3,co="Dark stone grey"} RConnect.Name="RConnect"
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp5,Part1=RConnect,C0=cn(0,0.2,0.1)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",RConnect,Scale=v3(0.75,1,1)}
- -- left sword
- LSword = iPart{p,0.2,0.5,0.35,co="Dark stone grey"}
- wLSword = iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=LA,Part1=LSword,C0=cn(0,-0.95,-0.25)*ca(-90,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",LSword,Scale=v3(0.5,1,1)}
- sp = iPart{p,0.2,0.5,0.35,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=LSword,Part1=sp,C0=cn(0,-0.25,-0.35/2)*ca(-10,0,0)*cn(0,-0.25,0.35/2)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp,Scale=v3(0.5,1,1)}
- sp2 = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.35,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp,Part1=sp2,C0=cn(0,-0.35,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp2,Scale=v3(1,1,1)}
- sp3 = iPart{p,0.2,0.5,0.3,co="Reddish brown"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=LSword,Part1=sp3,C0=cn(0,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp3,Scale=v3(0.75,1,1)}
- sp4 = iPart{p,0.2,0.5,0.3,co="Reddish brown"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp,Part1=sp4,C0=cn(0,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp4,Scale=v3(0.75,1,1)}
- sp5 = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.6,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=LSword,Part1=sp5,C0=cn(0,0.35,-0.3+0.35/2)}
- trg = iPart{p,0.2,1,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=LSword,Part1=trg,C0=cn(0,0.05,-0.35/2-0.1)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",trg,Scale=v3(0.5,0.05,1)}
- trg2 = iPart{p,0.2,1,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=trg,Part1=trg2,C0=cn(0,0.1,-0.1+0.025)*ca(-90,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",trg2,Scale=v3(0.5,0.05,1)}
- trg3 = iPart{p,0.2,1,1,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=LSword,Part1=trg3,C0=cn(0,-0.15,-0.35/2-0.09)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",trg3,Scale=v3(0.5,0.05,0.18)}
- trg4 = iPart{p,0.2,1,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=trg3,Part1=trg4,C0=cn(0,0.1,-0.09+0.025)*ca(-90,0,0)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",trg4,Scale=v3(0.5,0.05,1)}
- sp6 = iPart{p,0.2,0.3,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp5,Part1=sp6,C0=cn(0,0,0.45)*ca(90,180,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",sp6,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(1,1,1)}
- sp7 = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp5,Part1=sp7,C0=cn(0,0,-0.4)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",sp7,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(1,1,1)}
- sp8 = iPart{p,0.2,0.5,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp7,Part1=sp8,C0=cn(0,-0.1,-0.1)*ca(-5,0,0)*cn(0,-0.25,0.05)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",sp8,Scale=v3(1,1,0.5)}
- sp9 = iPart{p,0.2,0.7,0.2,co="Dark stone grey"}
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp8,Part1=sp9,C0=cn(0,-0.3,-0.1)*ca(-10,0,0)*cn(0,-0.3,0.1)*ca(0,0,180)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",sp9,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(1,1,0.5)}
- LConnect = iPart{p,0.2,0.2,0.3,co="Dark stone grey"} LConnect.Name="LConnect"
- iNew{"Weld",p,Part0=sp5,Part1=LConnect,C0=cn(0,0.2,0.1)}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",LConnect,Scale=v3(0.75,1,1)}
- -- gui
- Gui = iNew{"ScreenGui",Player.PlayerGui,Name=name}
- SwordFrame = iNew{"Frame",Gui,BackgroundColor3=bn("Really black").Color,BorderColor3=bn("Really black").Color,Size=ud(0,170,0,18),Position=ud(0.5,85+8,1,-22),ClipsDescendants=true,Name="SwordFrame"}
- SwordBar = iNew{"ImageLabel",SwordFrame,Image=as.HealthBar,BackgroundTransparency=1,Size=ud(1,0,1,0),Name="SwordBar"}
- SwordLabel = iNew{"TextLabel",SwordFrame,BackgroundTransparency=1,Text="Sharpness ",Size=ud(1,0,1,0),Font="SourceSansBold",FontSize="Size14",TextColor3=bn("White").Color,TextStrokeColor3=bn("Really black").Color,TextStrokeTransparency=0,TextXAlignment="Right",Name="SwordLabel"}
- GasFrame = iNew{"Frame",Gui,BackgroundColor3=bn("Really black").Color,BorderColor3=bn("Really black").Color,Size=ud(0,170,0,18),Position=ud(0.5,85*3+16,1,-22),ClipsDescendants=true,Name="GasFrame"}
- GasBar = iNew{"ImageLabel",GasFrame,Image=as.HealthBar,BackgroundTransparency=1,Size=ud(1,0,1,0),Name="GasBar"}
- GasLabel = iNew{"TextLabel",GasFrame,BackgroundTransparency=1,Text="Gas ",Size=ud(1,0,1,0),Font="SourceSansBold",FontSize="Size14",TextColor3=bn("White").Color,TextStrokeColor3=bn("Really black").Color,TextStrokeTransparency=0,TextXAlignment="Right",Name="GasLabel"}
- function Touched(hit)
- if not Dmg then return end
- if hit.Parent:IsDescendantOf(Char) then return end
- if not hit.Parent then return end
- if not hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") then return end
- if not CurrentBlades[1] and not CurrentBlades[2] then return end
- if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- local Hum=hit.Parent.Humanoid
- Damage(Hum,1)
- local HMT=Hum.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso")
- if HMT then
- local bodyVelo = iNew{"BodyVelocity",HMT,P=1250,maxForce=v3(1,1,1)/0,velocity=RootPart.CFrame.lookVector*Torso.Velocity.magnitude}
- deb:AddItem(bodyVelo,0.15)
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Pack:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Name:find("Blade") then
- v.Touched:connect(Touched)
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Torso:children()) do
- if v:IsA("Sound") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Head:children()) do
- if v:IsA("Sound") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- function ReturnPose(legs)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,PoseLA,PoseLA2,1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,PoseRA,PoseRA2,1)
- if legs then
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed,wLL,wLL2,PoseLL,PoseLL2,1)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed,wRL,wRL2,PoseRL,PoseRL2,1)
- end
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,PoseRT2,1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE2,PoseNE,PoseNE2,1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed,wLS,wLS2,PoseLS,PoseLS2,1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed,wRS,wRS2,PoseRS,PoseRS2,1)
- wait(0)
- end
- end
- function RePose()
- local a,b=GetWeld(LAW)
- local c,d=GetWeld(RAW)
- local e,f=GetWeld(LLW)
- local g,h=GetWeld(RLW)
- local i,j=GetWeld(Root)
- local k,l=GetWeld(Neck)
- local m,n=GetWeld(wLSword)
- local o,p=GetWeld(wRSword)
- wLA=a wLA2=b
- wRA=c wRA2=d
- wLL=e wLL2=f
- wRL=g wRL2=h
- wRT=i wRT2=j
- wNE=k wNE2=l
- wLS=m wLS2=n
- wRS=o wRS2=p
- end
- Force = iNew{"BodyForce",Torso} -- force
- keys={}
- WalkMode = "Walk"
- CanGrapple = true
- qProp=nil
- qPart=nil
- qRope=nil
- qOffset=nil
- qHit = nil
- qLastGrapple = tick()
- eProp=nil
- ePart=nil
- eRope=nil
- eOffset=nil
- eHit=nil
- eLastGrapple = tick()
- qePart=nil
- qeProp=nil
- function GrappleStance()
- Humanoid.PlatformStand=true
- SetWeld(LLW,0,1,1,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),v3(-0.5,-1,-1),v3(-25,12,-12),0)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,1,1,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),v3(0.5,-1,-1),v3(-25,-12,12),0)
- end
- MaxSpeed = 300
- ThrustP = 5
- MaxThrust1 = 16000
- MaxThrust2 = 21000
- function AddRP(target,name,maxThrust)
- local newProp = iNew{"RocketPropulsion",RootPart}
- newProp.Name = target.Name:gsub("Part","Prop")
- newProp.Target = target
- newProp.CartoonFactor = 0.5
- newProp.MaxSpeed = MaxSpeed
- newProp.MaxThrust = maxThrust
- newProp.MaxTorque = v3(1/0,1/0,1/0)
- newProp.TurnD = 0
- newProp.TurnP = 0
- newProp.ThrustD = 0.001
- newProp.ThrustP = ThrustP
- newProp.TargetRadius = 8
- newProp.ReachedTarget:connect(function()
- end)
- return newProp
- end
- function UpdatePropulsions()
- for i,v in pairs(RootPart:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("RocketPropulsion") then
- v.MaxSpeed = MaxSpeed
- v.ThrustP = ThrustP
- end
- end
- end
- function Grapple(side,to,spd)
- if not CanGrapple then return end
- PlaySound(as.Shoot,mran2(4.5,5.5),1,Torso)
- local MouseCF = to
- local hit,hitpos
- local Drop = 0.1
- if side == "q" then
- if qPart then qPart:Destroy() qPart=nil end
- if qProp then qProp:Destroy() qProp=nil end
- qPart = iPart{Pack,1,2,1,an=true,co="Black",cf=cn(qbb.CFrame.p,MouseCF.p)*ca(-90,0,0)} qPart.Name = "qPart"
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",qPart,MeshId=as.Cone,Scale=v3(0.4,2,0.4)}
- qRope = iPart{qPart,1,1,1,an=true,co="Black"}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",qRope}
- for i=1,10000 do
- if not qPart then return end
- hit,hitpos = Raycast(qPart.Position,qPart.Position - (qPart.CFrame *cn(0,-1,0)).p,spd,Char)
- qPart.CFrame=qPart.CFrame*cn(0,spd,0)*ca(-Drop,0,0)
- if hit and hitpos and hit.Name~="unray" then
- PlaySound(as.Block,1,1,Torso)
- local pa,pb,pc=qPart.CFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- qPart.CFrame=cn(hitpos)*ca2(pa,pb,pc)
- qHit = hit
- qOffset = hit.CFrame:toObjectSpace(qPart.CFrame)
- if ePart and eHit then
- if qePart then qePart:Destroy() qePart=nil end
- if eProp then eProp:Destroy() eProp=nil end
- if qProp then qProp:Destroy() qProp=nil end
- if qeProp then qeProp:Destroy() qeProp=nil end
- qePart=iPart{Pack,1,1,1,tr=1,an=true,cf=cn(qPart.CFrame.p:Lerp(ePart.CFrame.p,0.5))}
- qeProp = AddRP(qePart,"qeProp",MaxThrust2)
- qeProp:Fire()
- elseif (ePart or not ePart) and not eHit then -- fixed glitch where trying to grapple and firing one
- qProp=AddRP(qPart,"qProp",MaxThrust1)
- qProp:Fire()
- end
- end
- if hit and hitpos then break end
- wait(0)
- end
- elseif side == "e" then
- if ePart then ePart:Destroy() ePart=nil end
- if eProp then eProp:Destroy() eProp=nil end
- ePart = iPart{Pack,1,2,1,an=true,co="Black",cf=cn(ebb.CFrame.p,MouseCF.p)*ca(-90,0,0)} ePart.Name = "ePart"
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",ePart,MeshId=as.Cone,Scale=v3(0.4,2,0.4)}
- eRope = iPart{ePart,1,1,1,an=true,co="Black"}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",eRope}
- for i=1,10000 do
- if not ePart then return end
- hit,hitpos = Raycast(ePart.Position,ePart.Position - (ePart.CFrame *cn(0,-1,0)).p,spd,Char)
- ePart.CFrame=ePart.CFrame*cn(0,spd,0)*ca(-Drop,0,0)
- if hit and hitpos and hit.Name~="unray" then
- PlaySound(as.Block,1,1,Torso,Torso)
- local pa,pb,pc=ePart.CFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- ePart.CFrame=cn(hitpos)*ca2(pa,pb,pc)
- eHit = hit
- eOffset = hit.CFrame:toObjectSpace(ePart.CFrame)
- if qPart and qHit then
- if qePart then qePart:Destroy() qePart=nil end
- if eProp then eProp:Destroy() eProp=nil end
- if qProp then qProp:Destroy() qProp=nil end
- if qeProp then qeProp:Destroy() qeProp=nil end
- qePart=iPart{Pack,1,1,1,tr=1,an=true,cf=cn(ePart.CFrame.p:Lerp(qPart.CFrame.p,0.5))}
- qeProp = AddRP(qePart,"qeProp",MaxThrust2)
- qeProp:Fire()
- elseif (qPart or not qPart) and not qHit then
- eProp=AddRP(ePart,"eProp",MaxThrust1)
- eProp:Fire()
- end
- end
- if hit and hitpos then break end
- wait(0)
- end
- end
- Humanoid.Jump=true
- Grappling=true
- ReturnPose()
- GrappleStance()
- end
- function ThrowBlade(index)
- local pos = Mouse.Hit.p
- local weld = CurrentBlades[index]
- local sword = weld.Part1
- local hitted = false
- local dist = (sword.Position-pos).magnitude
- local dir = cn(sword.Position,pos)
- local hit,hitpos = Raycast(sword.CFrame.p,(pos-sword.CFrame.p),999,Char)
- bodyPart = iPart{Pack,1,1,1,tr=1,an=true,ca=false,cf=not hit and dir*cn(0,0,-200) or cn(hitpos)}
- PlaySound(as.Disconnect,1,0.5,Torso)
- PlaySound(as.QuickSlash,1,1,Torso)
- sword.CanCollide = true
- CurrentBlades[index].Part0 = nil
- CurrentBlades[index] = nil
- local bodyPos = iNew{"BodyPosition",sword,maxForce=v3(1,1,1)/0,D=15*(sword.Position-bodyPart.Position).magnitude,P=3500}
- local bodyGyro = iNew{"BodyGyro",sword,cframe=dir*ca(-90,0,0),D=15,maxTorque=v3(1,1,1)/0}
- bodyPos.position=bodyPart.CFrame.p
- sword.Touched:connect(function(hit)
- if not hit:IsDescendantOf(Char) and not hitted then
- hitted = true
- if bodyPos then bodyPos:Destroy() end
- if bodyGyro then bodyGyro:Destroy() end
- local hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if hum then
- Damage(hum,2)
- end
- end
- end)
- Spawn(function()
- times = 0
- repeat wait(0) times = times+1 until (sword.Position-Mouse.Hit.p).magnitude<8 or times>=200 or hitted
- if bodyPos then bodyPos:Destroy() end
- if bodyGyro then bodyGyro:Destroy() end
- for i,v in pairs(Pack:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name == "Blade"..weld.Name then
- deb:AddItem(v,3)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- do
- Mouse=Player:GetMouse()
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- keys[key]=true
- if Mouse and Mouse.Hit then
- -- Grapple
- if key == "q" then
- if not keys["g"] then
- Grapple("q",Mouse.Hit,18)
- end
- end
- if key == "e" then
- if not keys["g"] then
- Grapple("e",Mouse.Hit,18)
- end
- end
- -- Jump
- if key == " " then
- Humanoid.PlatformStand=false
- Grappling=false
- if qPart then qPart:Destroy() qPart=nil qRope=nil qHit=nil end
- if ePart then ePart:Destroy() ePart=nil eRope=nil eHit=nil end
- if qePart then qePart:Destroy() qePart=nil end
- if qProp then qProp:Destroy() qProp=nil end
- if eProp then eProp:Destroy() eProp=nil end
- if qeProp then qeProp:Destroy() qeProp=nil end
- end
- -- Toggle Walk/Run
- if key == "0" then
- if WalkMode == "Walk" then
- WalkMode = "Run"
- elseif WalkMode == "Run" then
- WalkMode = "Walk"
- end
- end
- -- Blade Reload
- if key == "r" then
- if Anim == "" and not Grappling and not Humanoid.PlatformStand and not Humanoid.Jump and WalkMode == "Walk" then
- Anim = "Blade Switch"
- CanGrapple = false
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
- if not CurrentBlades[1] and not CurrentBlades[2] then
- local newRBlade,newLBlade
- if Pack["RightBlade1"].Part0 and Pack["LeftBlade7"].Part0 then
- newRBlade = Pack["RightBlade1"]
- newLBlade = Pack["LeftBlade7"]
- elseif Pack["RightBlade3"].Part0 and Pack["LeftBlade5"].Part0 then
- newRBlade = Pack["RightBlade3"]
- newLBlade = Pack["LeftBlade5"]
- elseif Pack["RightBlade5"].Part0 and Pack["LeftBlade3"].Part0 then
- newRBlade = Pack["RightBlade5"]
- newLBlade = Pack["LeftBlade3"]
- elseif Pack["RightBlade7"].Part0 and Pack["LeftBlade1"].Part0 then
- newRBlade = Pack["RightBlade7"]
- newLBlade = Pack["LeftBlade1"]
- else
- print("No more Blades in stock")
- CanGrapple = true
- Anim = ""
- return
- end
- Sharpness = 1
- -- anims
- local num = 3
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*num do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLA,wLA2,v3(0,-0.5,-0.8),v3(0,-180,-60),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRA,wRA2,v3(0,-0.5,-0.8),v3(15,180,60),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed*num,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,-0.2),v3(-30,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,-0.2,0),v3(-15,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-0.8,0),v3(15,0,-5),1)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-0.8,0),v3(15,0,5),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-90,-60,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-90,60,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- newRBlade.Part0 = RConnect
- newRBlade.C0 = cn(0,3.5/2,0.05)
- CurrentBlades[1] = newRBlade
- newLBlade.Part0 = LConnect
- newLBlade.C0 = cn(0,3.5/2,0.05)
- CurrentBlades[2] = newLBlade
- PlaySound(as.Draw,1,1,Torso)
- local num = 1.5
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*num do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLA,wLA2,v3(0,0.1,-1.5),v3(70,-180,-60),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRA,wRA2,v3(0,0.1,-1.5),v3(85,180,60),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed*num,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(15,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLL,wLL2,PoseLL,PoseLL2,1)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRL,wRL2,PoseRL,PoseRL2,1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-90,-60,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,1,i,ASpeed*num,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),v3(-50,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-90,60,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,1,i,ASpeed*num,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),v3(-50,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*num do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLA,wLA2,PoseLA,PoseLA2,1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRA,wRA2,PoseRA,PoseRA2,1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed*num,wNE,wNE2,PoseNE,PoseNE2,1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLS,wLS2,PoseLS,PoseLS2,1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,1,i,ASpeed*num,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRS,wRS2,PoseRS,PoseRS2,1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,1,i,ASpeed*num,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Anim = ""
- CanGrapple = true
- elseif CurrentBlades[1] and CurrentBlades[2] then
- PlaySound(as.Disconnect,1,1,Torso)
- CurrentBlades[1].Part0 = nil
- CurrentBlades[1].Part1.CanCollide = true
- CurrentBlades[1] = nil
- CurrentBlades[2].Part0 = nil
- CurrentBlades[2].Part1.CanCollide = true
- CurrentBlades[2] = nil
- end
- Anim = ""
- CanGrapple = true
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = WalkMode == "Walk" and 10 or WalkMode == "Run" and 28
- end
- end
- -- Spin Attack
- if key == "t" then
- if not CurrentBlades[1] and not CurrentBlades[2] then return end
- if Anim == "" then
- Anim = "Spin"
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(180,0,-90),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(0,0,90),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,80,5),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-180,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-180,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Dmg=true
- RePose()
- local num = 2
- PlaySound(as.QuickSlash,0.95,1,Torso)
- for i=1,ASpeed*num do
- if i%4==0 then
- MeshEffect(Pack,Torso.CFrame*cn(0,0.5,0),16,0.5,16,0.07,"Dark grey","Cylinder")
- end
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(-15,-360-270,0),1)
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(180,0,-90),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(0,0,90),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-180,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-180,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Dmg=false
- ClearWeld(Root)
- ReturnPose()
- Anim=""
- end
- end
- -- Block
- if key == "f" then
- if WalkMode == "Run" then return end
- if not CurrentBlades[1] and not CurrentBlades[2] then return end
- if Anim == "" then
- Anim = "Blocking"
- Block.Value = 1
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(73,-45,0),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(65,38,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-90,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-90,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- PlaySound(as.Block,1,1,Torso)
- Anim = "Block"
- repeat wait() until Block.Value<=0 or not keys["f"] or Anim ~= "Block"
- if Anim == "Block" then
- Anim = "Unblocking"
- Block.Value = 0
- ReturnPose(not Walking)
- Anim = ""
- end
- end
- end
- -- Double Grapple
- if key == "g" then
- if not keys["q"] and not keys["e"] then
- Spawn(function() Grapple("q",Mouse.Hit*cn(-(RootPart.Position-Mouse.Hit.p).magnitude/5,0,0),18) end)
- Spawn(function() Grapple("e",Mouse.Hit*cn((RootPart.Position-Mouse.Hit.p).magnitude/5,0,0),18) end)
- end
- end
- -- Choke Kill
- if key == "z" then
- if not CurrentBlades[1] and not CurrentBlades[2] then return end
- if Anim == "" and not Grappling and not Humanoid.PlatformStand and WalkMode == "Walk" then
- hit,hitpos = Raycast(RootPart.Position-v3(0,1,0),RootPart.Position-v3(0,1,0) - (RootPart.CFrame *cn(0,0,5)).p,10,Char)
- if not hit or not hitpos then return end
- if not hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") and not hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then return end
- if not hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") and not hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") then return end
- hitHum = not hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") and (not hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")and nil or hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")) or hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- hitTorso = not hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") and (not hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") and nil or hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso")) or hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso")
- -- Check for titans
- if hitTorso:GetMass() > 4 then print("OMG U TRIED TO CHOKE A TITAN") return end
- if hitHum and hitTorso then
- Anim = "Choke"
- hitHum.PlatformStand=false
- RootPart.CFrame=hitTorso.CFrame*cn(0,0,1)
- wHitTorso = iNew{"Weld",Pack,Part0=RootPart,Part1=hitTorso,C0=cn(0,-0.2,-1)*ca(-10,0,0)}
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(0,-75,-100),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(0,75,100),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- end
- local prevSpeed = Humanoid.WalkSpeed
- repeat wait(0.3)
- if hitHum then
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = prevSpeed / 5
- pcall(function()
- hitHum.PlatformStand=true
- end)
- end
- until not keys["z"] or not hitHum or not hitTorso or hitHum.Health <= 0 or Grappling or Humanoid.PlatformStand or Humanoid.Sit or WalkMode~="Walk" or Humanoid.Jump or Anim~="Choke"
- if Anim == "Choke" then
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed=prevSpeed
- pcall(function() wHitTorso:Destroy() end)
- ReturnPose()
- Anim = ""
- else
- PlaySound(Slashes.Slash2,1,1,Torso)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(0,-25,-100),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(0,25,100),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-90+50,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-90+50,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- pcall(function() wHitTorso:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Damage(hitHum,3) end)
- wait(0.3)
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed=prevSpeed
- ReturnPose()
- Anim = ""
- end
- end
- end
- -- Flip Slash
- if key == "x" then
- if not CurrentBlades[1] and not CurrentBlades[2] then return end
- if Anim == "" then
- Anim = "Flip Slash"
- if not Humanoid.PlatformStand then Force.force = v3(0,16000,0) end
- Legs(0)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(210,0,20),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(210,0,-20),1)
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed,wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-1,0),v3(-60,0,-15),0)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed,wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-1,0),v3(-60,0,15),0)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(55,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(30,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Force.force = v3(0,0,0)
- PlaySound(as.QuickSlash,1,1,Torso)
- Dmg=true
- RePose()
- Spawn(function()
- for i=1,ASpeed/1.2 do
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed/1.2,wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-1,0),v3(-15,0,-15),0)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed/1.2,wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-1,0),v3(-15,0,15),0)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed/1.2,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(30,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed/1.2,wLS,wLS2,PoseLS,v3(-130,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed/1.2,wRS,wRS2,PoseRS,v3(-130,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- end)
- for i=1,ASpeed/0.6 do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed/0.6,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(20,0,20),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed/0.6,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(20,0,-20),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed/0.6,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(-360-30,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- RePose()
- ClearWeld(Root)
- SetWeld(Root,0,1,1,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(-30,0,0),0)
- Dmg=false
- ReturnPose()
- Anim = ""
- end
- end
- -- Blade Throw
- if key == "c" then
- if Anim == "" and CurrentBlades[1] and CurrentBlades[2] then
- Anim = "Blade Throw"
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,PoseLA,PoseLA2,1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(200,-15,20),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(15,-20,0),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,-15,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- ThrowBlade(1)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,PoseLA,PoseLA2,1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,PoseRA,PoseRA2,1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(5,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(200,15,-20),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,PoseRA,PoseRA2,1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(15,20,0),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,15,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- ThrowBlade(2)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,PoseLA,PoseLA2,1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,PoseRA,PoseRA2,1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(5,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Anim = ""
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
- keys[key]=false
- if key == "q" then
- if keys["g"] then return end
- if not keys["e"] then Grappling=false end
- if qPart then qPart:Destroy() qPart=nil qRope = nil qHit=nil end
- if qePart then qePart:Destroy() qePart=nil end
- if qProp then qProp:Destroy() qProp=nil end
- if qeProp then qeProp:Destroy() qeProp=nil end
- if keys["e"] then
- if ePart and not eProp and eHit then
- eProp=AddRP(ePart,"eProp",MaxThrust1)
- eProp:Fire()
- end
- end
- end
- if key == "e" then
- if keys["g"] then return end
- if not keys["q"] then Grappling=false end
- if ePart then ePart:Destroy() ePart=nil eRope = nil eHit=nil end
- if qePart then qePart:Destroy() qePart=nil end
- if eProp then eProp:Destroy() eProp=nil end
- if qeProp then qeProp:Destroy() qeProp=nil end
- if keys["q"] then
- if qPart and not qProp and qHit then
- qProp=AddRP(qPart,"qProp",MaxThrust1)
- qProp:Fire()
- end
- end
- end
- if key == "g" then
- if keys["q"] or keys["e"] then return end
- Grappling=false
- if qPart then qPart:Destroy() qPart=nil qRope = nil qHit=nil end
- if ePart then ePart:Destroy() ePart=nil eRope = nil eHit=nil end
- if qePart then qePart:Destroy() qePart=nil end
- if qProp then qProp:Destroy() qProp=nil end
- if eProp then eProp:Destroy() eProp=nil end
- if qeProp then qeProp:Destroy() qeProp=nil end
- end
- end)
- Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- if Anim == "" then
- if not CurrentBlades[1] and not CurrentBlades[2] then return end
- if Attack == 1 then
- Anim = "Attack1"
- RePose()
- local torsoA,torsoB,torsoC = Root.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.3,0.5,-0.25),v3(90,0,20),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.3,0.5,-0.25),v3(90,0,20),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(math.deg(torsoA),50,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed,wLS,wLS2,PoseLS,v3(-90,0,90),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed,wRS,wRS2,PoseRS,v3(-90,0,90),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Dmg=true
- PlaySound(Slashes[mran(1,#Slashes)],1,1,Torso)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed/1.3 do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.3,0.5,-0.25),v3(90,0,70),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.3,0.5,-0.25),v3(90,0,70),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(math.deg(torsoA),-70,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wLS,wLS2,PoseLS,v3(-90,-60,90),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRS,wRS2,PoseRS,v3(-90,-60,90),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Dmg=false
- ReturnPose(not Walking)
- Anim = ""
- Attack = 2
- elseif Attack == 2 then
- Anim = "Attack2"
- RePose()
- local torsoA,torsoB,torsoC = Root.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.3,0.5,-0.25),v3(90,0,-20),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.3,0.5,-0.25),v3(90,0,-20),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(math.deg(torsoA),-50,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed,wLS,wLS2,PoseLS,v3(-90,0,-90),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed,wRS,wRS2,PoseRS,v3(-90,0,-90),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Dmg=true
- PlaySound(Slashes[mran(1,#Slashes)],1,1,Torso)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed/1.3 do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.3,0.5,-0.25),v3(90,0,-70),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.3,0.5,-0.25),v3(90,0,-70),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(math.deg(torsoA),70,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wLS,wLS2,PoseLS,v3(-90,60,-90),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRS,wRS2,PoseRS,v3(-90,60,-90),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Dmg=false
- ReturnPose(not Walking)
- Anim = ""
- Attack = 3
- elseif Attack == 3 then
- if not CurrentBlades[1] and not CurrentBlades[2] then return end
- if Anim == "" then
- Anim = "Dual Plunge"
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.4,0.5,0),v3(0,-105,-75),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.4,0.5,0),v3(0,105,75),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(-15,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-180,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-180,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Dmg=true
- wait(0.1)
- PlaySound(Slashes[mran(1,#Slashes)],1,1,Torso)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed/1.3 do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.4,0.5,0),v3(0,25,-75),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.4,0.5,0),v3(0,-25,75),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(-15,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-180,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-180,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Dmg=false
- ReturnPose()
- Anim=""
- end
- Attack = 1
- end
- end
- if Anim == "Block" and keys["f"] then
- if not CurrentBlades[1] and not CurrentBlades[2] then return end
- Anim = "Block Counter"
- Block.Value = 0
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(103,-40,15),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(95,40,-15),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(5,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-90,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-90,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- PlaySound(Slashes[mran(1,#Slashes)],1,1,Torso)
- Dmg = true
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed/1.3 do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(-88,-25,-40),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(-80,25,40),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(-20,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-130,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed/1.3,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-130,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Dmg = false
- ReturnPose(not Walking)
- Anim = ""
- end
- if Anim == "Choke" and keys["z"] then
- if not CurrentBlades[1] and not CurrentBlades[2] then return end
- Anim = "Assassinate"
- end
- end)
- end
- Anim = ""
- Footsteps = {as.Footstep1,as.Footstep2,as.Footstep3}
- Grappling = false
- ASpeed = 9
- Attack = 1
- CurrentBlades = {nil,nil}
- PoseLA=v3(-1.5,0.5,0) PoseLA2=v3(-10,15,-20)
- PoseRA=v3(1.5,0.5,0) PoseRA2=v3(-10,-15,20)
- PoseLL=v3(-0.5,-1,0) PoseLL2=v3(0,12,-12)
- PoseRL=v3(0.5,-1,0) PoseRL2=v3(0,-12,12)
- PoseRT=v3(0,0,0) PoseRT2=v3(0,0,0)
- PoseNE=v3(0,1.5,0) PoseNE2=v3(0,0,0)
- PoseLS=v3(0,-0.95,-0.25) PoseLS2=v3(-90,0,0)
- PoseRS=v3(0,-0.95,-0.25) PoseRS2=v3(-90,0,0)
- Arms() Legs()
- ReturnPose()
- Arms(0) Legs(0)
- Walking=false
- Humanoid.Running:connect(function(Walk) Walking=Walk>0 and true or false end)
- Humanoid.Changed:connect(function() if Anim ~= "" then Humanoid.Jump = false end end)
- Humanoid.Jumping:connect(function()
- if Anim == "" then
- if WalkMode == "Run" then
- if not qPart and not ePart then
- Anim = "Jump"
- local torsoVector = RootPart.CFrame.lookVector
- local forz = v3(torsoVector.x,0,torsoVector.z)
- RePose()
- Force.force=forz*12000
- CanGrapple = false
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(205,-15,15),0)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(205,15,-15),0)
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed,wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-1,0),v3(15,0,-5),0)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed,wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-1,0),v3(15,0,5),0)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(10,0,0),0)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(-65,0,0),0)
- SetWeld(wLSword,0,i,ASpeed,wLS,wLS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-270,40,0),0)
- SetWeld(wRSword,0,i,ASpeed,wRS,wRS2,v3(0,-0.95,0),v3(-270,-40,0),0)
- wait(0)
- end
- Dmg=true
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*1.8 do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*1.8,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(155,-15,15),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*1.8,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(155,15,-15),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed*1.8,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(10,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*1.8,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,-1.5,0),v3(-360-75,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- RePose()
- ClearWeld(Root)
- SetWeld(Root,0,1,1,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,-1.5,0),v3(-75,0,0),0)
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
- repeat wait(0)
- hit,hitpos = Raycast(Torso.Position,Torso.Position - (Torso.CFrame*cn(0,0,1)).p,6,Char)
- until (hit and hitpos) or Grappling
- Force.force=v3(0,0,0)
- wait(0.2)
- Dmg=false
- ReturnPose()
- CanGrapple = true
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 28
- Anim = ""
- end
- elseif WalkMode == "Walk" then
- if not qPart and not ePart then
- Anim = "Jump"
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(135,-15,-15),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(135,15,15),1)
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed,wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-1,0),v3(-15,0,-5),1)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed,wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-1,0),v3(-15,0,5),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(-5,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(-15,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- repeat wait()
- hit,hitpos = Raycast(Torso.Position,Torso.Position - (Torso.CFrame*cn(0,3,0)).p,6,Char)
- until hit and hitpos
- PlaySound(Footsteps[mran(1,#Footsteps)],1,1,Torso)
- ReturnPose()
- Anim = ""
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Humanoid.Died:connect(function() Pack:Destroy() script:Destroy() end)
- -- Walk / Run / Idle animations
- Idling = true
- Spawn(function()
- while wait(0) do
- if not Grappling and not Humanoid.PlatformStand and not Humanoid.Sit then
- if Torso.Velocity.magnitude > 2 then
- Idling = false
- Arms(0)
- Legs(0)
- if WalkMode == "Walk" then -- walk anims
- local num=1
- if not Humanoid.Jump and Anim ~= "Flip Slash" and Anim ~= "Jump" then
- PlaySound(Footsteps[mran(1,#Footsteps)],1,1,Torso)
- end
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*num do
- if Anim ~= "Flip Slash" and Anim ~= "Jump" then
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-1,0),v3(-20,0,-3),0)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-1,0),v3(20,0,3),0)
- end
- if Anim == "" then
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(20,-8,-10),0)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(-20,8,10),0)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),0)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed*num,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(-5,0,0),0)
- end
- wait(0)
- if Torso.Velocity.magnitude<2 or Grappling then -- break
- if Anim=="" then
- Anim="Return"
- ReturnPose()
- Anim=""
- end
- break
- end
- end
- if not Humanoid.Jump and Anim ~= "Flip Slash" and Anim ~= "Jump" then
- PlaySound(Footsteps[mran(1,#Footsteps)],1,1,Torso)
- end
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*num do
- if Anim ~= "Flip Slash" and Anim ~= "Jump" then
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-1,0),v3(20,0,-3),0)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-1,0),v3(-20,0,3),0)
- end
- if Anim == "" then
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(-20,-8,-10),0)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(20,8,10),0)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),0)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed*num,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,0),v3(-5,0,0),0)
- end
- wait(0)
- if Torso.Velocity.magnitude<2 or Grappling or WalkMode~="Walk" then -- break
- if Anim=="" then
- Anim="Return"
- ReturnPose()
- Anim=""
- end
- break
- end
- end
- elseif WalkMode == "Run" then -- run anims
- local num = 0.8
- local ang = 50
- if not Humanoid.Jump and Anim ~= "Flip Slash" and Anim ~= "Jump" then
- PlaySound(Footsteps[mran(1,#Footsteps)],1,1,Torso)
- end
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*num do
- if Anim ~= "Flip Slash" and Anim ~= "Jump" then
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-1,0),v3(-ang,0,-3),0)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-1,0),v3(ang,0,3),0)
- end
- if Anim == "" then
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(-90+15,90,0),0)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(-90+15,-90,0),0)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(-15,0,0),0)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed*num,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,-0.2),v3(-15,0,0),0)
- end
- wait(0)
- if Torso.Velocity.magnitude<2 or Grappling or WalkMode~="Run" then -- break
- if Anim=="" then
- Anim="Return"
- ReturnPose()
- Anim=""
- end
- break
- end
- end
- if not Humanoid.Jump and Anim ~= "Flip Slash" and Anim ~= "Jump" then
- PlaySound(Footsteps[mran(1,#Footsteps)],1,1,Torso)
- end
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*num do
- if Anim ~= "Flip Slash" and Anim ~= "Jump" then
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-1,0),v3(ang,0,-3),0)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-1,0),v3(-ang,0,-3),0)
- end
- if Anim == "" then
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(-90+25,90,0),0)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(-90+25,-90,0),0)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(-25,0,0),0)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed*num,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,-0.2),v3(-25,0,0),0)
- end
- wait(0)
- if Torso.Velocity.magnitude<2 or Grappling or WalkMode~="Run" then -- break
- if Anim=="" then
- Anim="Return"
- ReturnPose()
- Anim=""
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end
- elseif Torso.Velocity.magnitude < 2 then -- idle anims
- Idling = true
- if Anim == "" then
- --ReturnPose()
- local num=WalkMode=="Walk" and 6.5 or 5
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*num do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(0,15,-20),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(0,-15,20),1)
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-1,0),v3(0,12,-12),1)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-1,0),v3(0,-12,12),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*num,wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed*num,wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,-0.1),v3(3,0,0),1)
- if Torso.Velocity.magnitude>2 or Anim~="" or Grappling then -- break
- break
- end
- wait(0)
- end
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*(num-1.5) do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,ASpeed*(num-1.5),wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),v3(0,-4,-15),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,ASpeed*(num-1.5),wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),v3(0,4,15),1)
- SetWeld(LLW,0,i,ASpeed*(num-1.5),wLL,wLL2,v3(-0.5,-1,0),v3(0,4,-4),1)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,i,ASpeed*(num-1.5),wRL,wRL2,v3(0.5,-1,0),v3(0,-4,4),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*(num-1.5),wRT,wRT2,v3(0,0,0),v3(0,0,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,i,ASpeed*(num-1.5),wNE,wNE2,v3(0,1.5,-0.1),v3(-8,0,0),1)
- if Torso.Velocity.magnitude>2 or Anim~="" or Grappling then -- break
- break
- end
- wait(0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- -- Main loop
- Count = 0
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
- Count = Count + 1
- if Pack.Parent then
- -- Grapple sticking
- if qOffset and qHit and qPart then
- qPart.CFrame = qHit.CFrame * qOffset
- end
- if eOffset and eHit and ePart then
- ePart.CFrame = eHit.CFrame * eOffset
- end
- if qPart and ePart and qePart then
- qePart.CFrame = cn(qPart.CFrame.p,ePart.CFrame.p)*cn(0,0,-(qPart.CFrame.p-ePart.CFrame.p).magnitude/2)
- end
- -- Rope
- if qRope then
- qRope.Mesh.Scale = v3(0.25,(qbb.CFrame.p-qPart.CFrame.p).magnitude,0.25)
- qRope.CFrame = cn(qbb.CFrame.p,qPart.CFrame.p)*ca(-90,0,0)*cn(0,(qbb.CFrame.p-qPart.CFrame.p).magnitude/2,0)
- end
- if eRope then
- eRope.Mesh.Scale = v3(0.25,(ebb.CFrame.p-ePart.CFrame.p).magnitude,0.25)
- eRope.CFrame = cn(ebb.CFrame.p,ePart.CFrame.p)*ca(-90,0,0)*cn(0,(ebb.CFrame.p-ePart.CFrame.p).magnitude/2,0)
- end
- -- Mouse gyro, force, and boosting
- if (qHit and qProp) or (eHit and eProp) or (qePart and qeProp) then
- if qProp then qProp:Fire() end
- if eProp then eProp:Fire() end
- if qeProp then qeProp:Fire() end
- RootPart.CFrame = cn(RootPart.CFrame.p,Mouse.Hit.p)
- if keys["4"] and Gas>0 then
- if Count%10==0 then
- iNew{"Smoke",hp2,Color=bc("Medium stone grey").Color,Opacity=0.5,RiseVelocity=7,Size=2}
- deb:AddItem(LastMade,1)
- Gas = Gas - 0.005
- end
- Force.force=RootPart.CFrame.lookVector*3000
- MaxSpeed = 400
- ThrustP = 5
- UpdatePropulsions()
- elseif not keys["4"] then
- Force.force=RootPart.CFrame.lookVector*0
- MaxSpeed = 300
- ThrustP = 5
- UpdatePropulsions()
- end
- elseif not qProp and not eProp and not qeProp then
- if not Anim == "Jump" and not Anim == "Flip Slash" then
- Force.force = v3(0,0,0)
- end
- end
- -- Walkspeed
- if WalkMode == "Walk" and Anim == "" then
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 10
- elseif WalkMode == "Run" and Anim == "" then
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 28
- end
- -- PlatformStand
- if Grappling and not Humanoid.PlatformStand then
- GrappleStance()
- end
- -- Sharpness and Gas
- if Sharpness <= 0 then
- Sharpness = 0
- if CurrentBlades[1] and CurrentBlades[2] then
- PlaySound(as.Disconnect,1,1,Torso)
- CurrentBlades[1].Part0 = nil
- CurrentBlades[1].Part1.CanCollide = true
- CurrentBlades[1] = nil
- CurrentBlades[2].Part0 = nil
- CurrentBlades[2].Part1.CanCollide = true
- CurrentBlades[2] = nil
- end
- end
- if Gas <= 0 then
- Gas = 0
- end
- if Gui then
- SwordBar.Size = ud(Sharpness,0,1,0)
- GasBar.Size = ud(Gas,0,1,0)
- end
- end
- end)
- --[[
- -- props (only really useful for when there is no map)
- for _,prop in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if prop.Name=="prop" and prop:IsA("BasePart") then
- prop:Destroy()
- end
- end
- tp=iPart{workspace,80,5,700,cf=cn(0,200,600)*ca(15,0,0),an=true,ca=true} tp.Name="prop"
- for i=1,10 do
- local sizeY = mran(25,250)
- tp=iPart{workspace,15,sizeY,15,cf=cn(mran(-300,300),sizeY/2.5,mran(-300,300))*ca(mran(-15,15),0,mran(-15,15)),an=true,ca=true} tp.Name="prop"
- end
- for i=1,100 do
- local tp = iPart{workspace,i==100 and 80 or mran(40,60),6,i==100 and 80 or mran(15,30),an=true,ca=true,co=i==100 and "Black" or "Medium stone grey",
- cf=cn(mran(-150,150),250+(i*mran(80,120)),mran(-100,100))*ca(mran(-15,15),mran(-360,360),mran(-15,15))
- }
- tp.Name="prop"
- end]]
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