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- #dynamic 0x8000F5
- #org @start
- lockall
- playsong 0x012E 0x0
- applymovement 2 @WalkFast
- waitmovement 0x0
- applymovement 2 @WalkSlow
- waitmovement 0x0
- message @DangerWarning 0x6
- givepokemon 0x1 5 0x8B 0x0 0x0 0x0
- fanfare 0x13E
- msgbox @Receive 0x4
- waitfanfare
- closeonkeypress
- setflag 0x828
- msgbox @Nickname 0x5
- compare 0x800D 0x1
- if 0x1 goto @GiveNick
- compare 0x800D 0x0
- if 0x1 goto @ContinueNick
- release
- end
- #org @WalkFast
- #raw 0x1E
- #raw 0x1E
- #raw 0x1E
- #raw 0x1E
- #raw 0x1E
- #raw 0x1E
- #raw 0x1E
- #raw 0x1E
- #raw 0xFE
- #org @WalkSlow
- #raw 0x11
- #raw 0x11
- #raw 0x11
- #raw 0x11
- #raw 0x13
- #raw 0x11
- #raw 0x11
- #raw 0xFE
- #org @WalkSlow2
- #raw 0x10
- #raw 0x10
- #raw 0x10
- #raw 0x10
- #raw 0x12
- #raw 0x10
- #raw 0x10
- #raw 0xFE
- #org @WalkFast2
- #raw 0x1D
- #raw 0x1D
- #raw 0x1D
- #raw 0x1D
- #raw 0x1D
- #raw 0x1D
- #raw 0x1D
- #raw 0x1D
- #raw 0xFE
- #org @DangerWarning
- = Stop! It's dangerous!\nWild Pokemon live in tall grass.\pYou will need your own\nPokemon for protection.\pI know!\nHave this Bulbasaur!
- #org @Receive
- = [black_fr]\v\h01 received a Bulbasaur from the\nOld Man.
- #org @Nickname
- = [black_fr]Would you like to give your\nBulbasaur a nickname?
- #org @AllWell
- = Now you're safe!
- #org @GiveNick
- setvar 0x8004 0x0
- call @Nickname2
- goto @Done
- #org @ContinueNick
- closeonkeypress
- goto @Done
- #org @Nickname2
- fadescreen 0x1
- special 0x9E
- waitstate
- return
- #org @Done
- msgbox @AllWell 0x6
- applymovement 2 @WalkSlow2
- waitmovement 0x0
- applymovement 2 @WalkFast2
- waitmovement 0x0
- playsong 0x012C 0x0
- setvar 0x6000 0x0001
- release
- end
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