
Zorro Saves A Friend - Duel Two

Feb 9th, 2023
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  1. Zorro slipped to the kitchen door and through it, waited until the landlord entered for more wine, thrust the man aside, and strode into the big room.
  3. "I have come to finish my letter!" he said.
  5. Marcos Lopez and the capitán sprang to their feet, whipping out their blades. Don Carlos Cassara stirred and looked up with sudden interest.
  7. "The both of you – and no pistol this time," Zorro said. "Let us have an end of it."
  9. Together they advanced upon him, while Zorro took station in a corner of the room near the end of the big fireplace. Then began swift swordplay. Advancing, retreating, lunging, cutting, panting with heavy breath, they fought, while the others rushed across the plaza to where the natives were conducting their disconcerting demonstration.
  11. Capitán Torello thought he saw an opportunity, and went in, and went out again with blood gushing from a wound in his right shoulder. His sword clattered to the floor, and the capitán sank upon one of the benches, groaning with the pain of his wound.
  13. Marcos Lopez, fear suddenly heavy upon him, now that he fought alone, retreated, with Zorro following. The gambler's face was gray save where it was inflamed by the wound Zorro had made at the presidio.
  15. "I finish the letter!" Zorro cried, and his blade darted in like the tongue of a serpent, brought a streak of fire to the gambler's cheek. "’Tis finished! You bear my brand, Señor Cheat!"
  17. Now Lopez became as a madman. He retreated to the wall, still fighting, almost stumbling over the feet of Don Carlos Cassara, whom he seemed to see for the first time.
  19. "At the rogue, Don Carlos!" he cried. "Get him for me! There is a reward for this highwayman! Get him – and I hand you back all your promises to pay!"
  21. Don Carlos lurched to his feet, his blade coming from its scabbard. What was in his mind, he scarcely knew, save that he yearned to fight. He engaged furiously, as Lopez fell back and gave him room.
  23. Don Carlos was good with the blade, as Señor Zorro knew well, having fenced with him on a thousand occasions. And Zorro knew also that Don Carlos was not himself now, did not realize what he was doing, and certainly did not recognize him.
  25. Zorro retreated in front of the fireplace, backing toward the kitchen door. Torello remained on his bench, Lopez kept in the background, and the fat landlord cringed against a wall, shivering with fright.
  27. And so Zorro, pretending to retreat before the furious onslaught of Don Carlos, got some distance from them, where he could speak without being overheard.
  29. He advanced as though to an attack, and for an instant the swords were locked to the hilt.
  31. "Carlos, my friend! Easy! Do you not know me? It is Diego!" he hissed.
  33. The light of understanding came into the face of Don Carlos Cassara and an appreciation of the situation.
  35. "Lopez lied! I have your papers. I got them from him in the presidio. Fight on – pretend!"
  37. "Disarm me," Carlos whispered, as they clashed again.
  39. An instant later, Don Carlos's sword went spinning through the air and crashed to the floor in a far corner of the room, and Don Carlos reeled back against the wall. And Señor Zorro laughed loudly and waved his blade at them, and darted into the kitchen.
  41. Capitán Torello was on his feet instantly, shouting. The landlord rushed to the front door and out into the night, screeching for men to come. Marcos Lopez, holding hand to bloody cheek, added his cries to the din. Don Carlos Cassara lurched in front of the kitchen door, to deter any who would pursue.
  44. - Zorro Saves A Friend, Chapter 5
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