

Dec 17th, 2019
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  1. Rarity: Unique
  2. Leer Cast
  3. Festival Mask
  4. --------
  5. Evasion Rating: 77
  6. Energy Shield: 16
  7. --------
  8. Requirements:
  9. Level: 28
  10. Dex: 33
  11. Int: 33
  12. --------
  13. Sockets: G
  14. --------
  15. Item Level: 56
  16. --------
  17. +27 to Dexterity
  18. 30% reduced Damage
  19. +27 to maximum Life
  20. +26 to maximum Mana
  21. You and nearby allies gain 15% increased Damage
  22. --------
  23. For none of us are as cruel as all of us.
  26. Rarity: Unique
  27. Wurm's Molt
  28. Leather Belt
  29. --------
  30. Requirements:
  31. Level: 8
  32. --------
  33. Item Level: 50
  34. --------
  35. +35 to maximum Life (implicit)
  36. --------
  37. +30 to Strength
  38. +23 to Intelligence
  39. +19% to Cold Resistance
  40. 0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
  41. 0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
  42. --------
  43. They say a lifetime of wisdom is carried
  44. in every skin the great beasts shed.
  48. Rarity: Unique
  49. Stone of Lazhwar
  50. Lapis Amulet
  51. --------
  52. Requirements:
  53. Level: 5
  54. --------
  55. Item Level: 52
  56. --------
  57. +23 to Intelligence (implicit)
  58. --------
  59. 13% Chance to Block Spell Damage
  60. 10% increased Cast Speed
  61. +30 to maximum Mana
  62. --------
  63. You are slow, foolish and ignorant.
  64. I am not.
  68. Rarity: Unique
  69. Growing Agony
  70. Viridian Jewel
  71. --------
  72. Limited to: 1
  73. Radius: Medium
  74. --------
  75. Item Level: 54
  76. --------
  77. 8% increased Damage over Time
  78. With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Viper Strike deals 2% increased Damage with Hits and Poison for each Poison on the Enemy
  79. With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Viper Strike has a 10% chance per Poison on Enemy to grant Unholy Might for 4 seconds on Hit
  80. --------
  81. Maligaro understood that devotion to science,
  82. Means devotion to trial and error.
  83. For Maligaro's errors, death was slow,
  84. And very painful.
  85. --------
  86. Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
  89. Rarity: Unique
  90. Araku Tiki
  91. Coral Amulet
  92. --------
  93. Item Level: 55
  94. --------
  95. Regenerate 2.8 Life per second (implicit)
  96. --------
  97. +100 to Evasion Rating while on Low Life
  98. +46 to maximum Life
  99. +24% to Fire Resistance
  100. Regenerate 1% of Life per second while on Low Life
  101. --------
  102. It is said to make you invisible when the Great
  103. Spirit comes to take you on your final journey.
  107. Rarity: Unique
  108. Goredrill
  109. Skinning Knife
  110. --------
  111. Dagger
  112. Physical Damage: 10-37 (augmented)
  113. Critical Strike Chance: 7.80% (augmented)
  114. Attacks per Second: 1.45
  115. Weapon Range: 10
  116. --------
  117. Requirements:
  118. Level: 5
  119. Dex: 16
  120. --------
  121. Sockets: B-B-G
  122. --------
  123. Item Level: 59
  124. --------
  125. 30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance (implicit)
  126. --------
  127. +10 to Dexterity
  128. 70% increased Physical Damage
  129. Adds 2 to 5 Physical Damage
  130. 30% increased Critical Strike Chance
  131. 40% increased Attack Damage against Bleeding Enemies
  132. 50% chance to cause Bleeding on Critical Strike
  133. --------
  134. A tap on the shoulder
  135. A peck on the cheek
  136. A sip of your wine
  137. So red and so sleek
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