

Aug 5th, 2023
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  1. [ 45%] Building CUDA object CMakeFiles/onnxruntime_providers_cuda_obj.dir....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  2. /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -DCPUINFO_SUPPORTED_PLATFORM=1 -DEIGEN_MPL2_ONLY -DEIGEN_USE_THREADS -DENABLE_CPU_FP16_TRAINING_OPS -DNSYNC_ATOMIC_CPP11 -DONNX_ML=1 -DONNX_NAMESPACE=onnx -DONNX_USE_LITE_PROTO=1 -DORT_ENABLE_STREAM -DPLATFORM_POSIX -DUSE_CUDA=1 -DUSE_FLASH_ATTENTION=1 -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__ONNX_NO_DOC_STRINGS --options-file CMakeFiles/onnxruntime_providers_cuda_obj.dir/includes_CUDA.rsp -gencode=arch=compute_52,code=sm_52 -gencode=arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 -gencode=arch=compute_70,code=sm_70 -gencode=arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 -gencode=arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 -gencode=arch=compute_90,code=sm_90 --expt-relaxed-constexpr --Werror default-stream-launch -Xcudafe "--diag_suppress=bad_friend_decl" -Xcudafe "--diag_suppress=unsigned_compare_with_zero" -Xcudafe "--diag_suppress=expr_has_no_effect" -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -Xcompiler=-fPIC -Xcudafe --diag_suppress=conversion_function_not_usable --compiler-options -Wall --compiler-options -Wno-deprecated-copy --compiler-options -Wno-nonnull-compare -Xcompiler -Wno-nonnull-compare --threads "" -Xcompiler -Wno-reorder -Xcompiler -Wno-error=sign-compare -Werror all-warnings -MD -MT CMakeFiles/onnxruntime_providers_cuda_obj.dir....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ -MF CMakeFiles/onnxruntime_providers_cuda_obj.dir....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ -x cu -c ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ -o CMakeFiles/onnxruntime_providers_cuda_obj.dir....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  3. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(80): error: more than one operator "+" matches these operands:
  4. function "operator+(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 606 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  5. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator+(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 23)
  6. operand types are: const __half + const __half
  7. r.x = lh.x + rh.x;
  8. ^
  10. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(81): error: more than one operator "+" matches these operands:
  11. function "operator+(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 606 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  12. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator+(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 23)
  13. operand types are: const __half + const __half
  14. r.y = lh.y + rh.y;
  15. ^
  17. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(87): error: more than one operator "-" matches these operands:
  18. function "operator-(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 612 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  19. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator-(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 24)
  20. operand types are: const __half - const __half
  21. r.x = lh.x - rh.x;
  22. ^
  24. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(88): error: more than one operator "-" matches these operands:
  25. function "operator-(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 612 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  26. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator-(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 24)
  27. operand types are: const __half - const __half
  28. r.y = lh.y - rh.y;
  29. ^
  31. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(94): error: more than one operator "*" matches these operands:
  32. function "operator*(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 618 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  33. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator*(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 25)
  34. operand types are: const __half * const __half
  35. r.x = lh.x * rh.x;
  36. ^
  38. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(95): error: more than one operator "*" matches these operands:
  39. function "operator*(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 618 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  40. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator*(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 25)
  41. operand types are: const __half * const __half
  42. r.y = lh.y * rh.y;
  43. ^
  45. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(101): error: more than one operator "/" matches these operands:
  46. function "operator/(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 624 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  47. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator/(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 26)
  48. operand types are: const __half / const __half
  49. r.x = lh.x / rh.x;
  50. ^
  52. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(102): error: more than one operator "/" matches these operands:
  53. function "operator/(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 624 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  54. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator/(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 26)
  55. operand types are: const __half / const __half
  56. r.y = lh.y / rh.y;
  57. ^
  59. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(390): error: more than one operator "*" matches these operands:
  60. function "operator*(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 618 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  61. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator*(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 25)
  62. operand types are: half * const half
  63. return a * kHalf * (kOne + _Erf(kAlpha * a));
  64. ^
  66. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(390): error: more than one operator "*" matches these operands:
  67. function "operator*(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 618 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  68. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator*(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 25)
  69. operand types are: const half * half
  70. return a * kHalf * (kOne + _Erf(kAlpha * a));
  71. ^
  73. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator ">" matches these operands:
  74. function "operator>(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 720 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  75. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator>(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 72 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  76. operand types are: const half > half
  77. return a > (T)0 ? a : (T)alpha * (_Exp(a) - (T)1);
  78. ^
  79. detected during:
  80. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Elu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  81. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Elu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  82. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Elu<half>]" at line 119
  83. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Elu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxElu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  85. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator "-" matches these operands:
  86. function "operator-(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 612 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  87. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator-(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 24 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  88. operand types are: half - half
  89. return a > (T)0 ? a : (T)alpha * (_Exp(a) - (T)1);
  90. ^
  91. detected during:
  92. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Elu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  93. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Elu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  94. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Elu<half>]" at line 119
  95. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Elu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxElu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  97. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: ambiguous "?" operation: second operand of type "const half" can be converted to third operand type "<error-type>", and vice versa
  98. return a > (T)0 ? a : (T)alpha * (_Exp(a) - (T)1);
  99. ^
  100. detected during:
  101. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Elu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  102. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Elu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  103. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Elu<half>]" at line 119
  104. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Elu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxElu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  106. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator "*" matches these operands:
  107. function "operator*(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 618 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  108. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator*(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 25 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  109. operand types are: half * const half
  110. return _Max(_Min((T)alpha * a + (T)beta, (T)1), (T)0);
  111. ^
  112. detected during:
  113. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_HardSigmoid<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  114. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_HardSigmoid<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  115. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_HardSigmoid<half>]" at line 119
  116. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_HardSigmoid(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxHardSigmoid *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  118. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: no instance of function template "onnxruntime::cuda::_Min" matches the argument list
  119. argument types are: (<error-type>, half)
  120. return _Max(_Min((T)alpha * a + (T)beta, (T)1), (T)0);
  121. ^
  122. detected during:
  123. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_HardSigmoid<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  124. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_HardSigmoid<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  125. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_HardSigmoid<half>]" at line 119
  126. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_HardSigmoid(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxHardSigmoid *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  128. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: no instance of function template "onnxruntime::cuda::_Max" matches the argument list
  129. argument types are: (<error-type>, half)
  130. return _Max(_Min((T)alpha * a + (T)beta, (T)1), (T)0);
  131. ^
  132. detected during:
  133. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_HardSigmoid<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  134. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_HardSigmoid<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  135. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_HardSigmoid<half>]" at line 119
  136. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_HardSigmoid(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxHardSigmoid *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  138. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator ">" matches these operands:
  139. function "operator>(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 720 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  140. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator>(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 72 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  141. operand types are: const half > half
  142. return a > (T)0 ? a : (T)alpha * a;
  143. ^
  144. detected during:
  145. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_LeakyRelu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  146. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_LeakyRelu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  147. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_LeakyRelu<half>]" at line 119
  148. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_LeakyRelu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxLeakyRelu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  150. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator "*" matches these operands:
  151. function "operator*(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 618 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  152. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator*(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 25 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  153. operand types are: half * const half
  154. return a > (T)0 ? a : (T)alpha * a;
  155. ^
  156. detected during:
  157. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_LeakyRelu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  158. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_LeakyRelu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  159. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_LeakyRelu<half>]" at line 119
  160. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_LeakyRelu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxLeakyRelu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  162. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: ambiguous "?" operation: second operand of type "const half" can be converted to third operand type "<error-type>", and vice versa
  163. return a > (T)0 ? a : (T)alpha * a;
  164. ^
  165. detected during:
  166. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_LeakyRelu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  167. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_LeakyRelu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  168. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_LeakyRelu<half>]" at line 119
  169. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_LeakyRelu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxLeakyRelu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  171. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(348): error: more than one operator ">" matches these operands:
  172. function "operator>(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 720 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  173. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator>(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 72)
  174. operand types are: half > half
  175. __attribute__((device)) __inline__ T _Max(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
  176. ^
  177. detected during:
  178. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::_Max(T, T) [with T=half]" at line 36 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  179. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Relu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  180. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Relu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  181. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Relu<half>]" at line 119 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  182. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Relu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxRelu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  184. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator ">" matches these operands:
  185. function "operator>(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 720 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  186. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator>(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 72 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  187. operand types are: const half > half
  188. return a > (T)0 ? (T)gamma * a : (T)gamma * (T)alpha * (_Exp(a) - (T)1);
  189. ^
  190. detected during:
  191. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  192. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  193. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<half>]" at line 119
  194. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Selu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSelu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  196. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator "*" matches these operands:
  197. function "operator*(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 618 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  198. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator*(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 25 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  199. operand types are: half * const half
  200. return a > (T)0 ? (T)gamma * a : (T)gamma * (T)alpha * (_Exp(a) - (T)1);
  201. ^
  202. detected during:
  203. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  204. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  205. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<half>]" at line 119
  206. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Selu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSelu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  208. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator "*" matches these operands:
  209. function "operator*(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 618 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  210. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator*(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 25 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  211. operand types are: half * half
  212. return a > (T)0 ? (T)gamma * a : (T)gamma * (T)alpha * (_Exp(a) - (T)1);
  213. ^
  214. detected during:
  215. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  216. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  217. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<half>]" at line 119
  218. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Selu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSelu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  220. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator "-" matches these operands:
  221. function "operator-(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 612 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  222. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator-(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 24 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  223. operand types are: half - half
  224. return a > (T)0 ? (T)gamma * a : (T)gamma * (T)alpha * (_Exp(a) - (T)1);
  225. ^
  226. detected during:
  227. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  228. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  229. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Selu<half>]" at line 119
  230. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Selu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSelu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  232. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator ">" matches these operands:
  233. function "operator>(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 720 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  234. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator>(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 72 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  235. operand types are: const half > half
  236. if (a > (T)0)
  237. ^
  238. detected during:
  239. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softplus<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  240. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softplus<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  241. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softplus<half>]" at line 119
  242. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Softplus(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSoftplus *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  244. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator "-" matches these operands:
  245. function "operator-(const __half &)" (declared at line 700 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  246. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator-(const half &)" (declared at line 67 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  247. operand types are: - const half
  248. return a + _Log(_Exp(-a) + (T)1);
  249. ^
  250. detected during:
  251. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softplus<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  252. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softplus<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  253. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softplus<half>]" at line 119
  254. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Softplus(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSoftplus *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  256. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator "+" matches these operands:
  257. function "operator+(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 606 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  258. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator+(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 23 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  259. operand types are: half + half
  260. return _Log(_Exp(a) + (T)1);
  261. ^
  262. detected during:
  263. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softplus<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  264. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softplus<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  265. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softplus<half>]" at line 119
  266. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Softplus(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSoftplus *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  268. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(351): error: more than one operator ">" matches these operands:
  269. function "operator>(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 720 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  270. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator>(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 72)
  271. operand types are: half > half
  272. __attribute__((device)) __inline__ T _Abs(T a) { return a > (T)0 ? a : -a; }
  273. ^
  274. detected during:
  275. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::_Abs(T) [with T=half]" at line 78 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  276. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  277. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  278. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<half>]" at line 119 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  279. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Softsign(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSoftsign *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  281. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(351): error: more than one operator "-" matches these operands:
  282. function "operator-(const __half &)" (declared at line 700 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  283. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator-(const half &)" (declared at line 67)
  284. operand types are: - half
  285. __attribute__((device)) __inline__ T _Abs(T a) { return a > (T)0 ? a : -a; }
  286. ^
  287. detected during:
  288. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::_Abs(T) [with T=half]" at line 78 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  289. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  290. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  291. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<half>]" at line 119 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  292. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Softsign(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSoftsign *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  294. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh(351): error: ambiguous "?" operation: second operand of type "half" can be converted to third operand type "<error-type>", and vice versa
  295. __attribute__((device)) __inline__ T _Abs(T a) { return a > (T)0 ? a : -a; }
  296. ^
  297. detected during:
  298. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::_Abs(T) [with T=half]" at line 78 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  299. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  300. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  301. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<half>]" at line 119 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  302. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Softsign(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSoftsign *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/
  304. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator "+" matches these operands:
  305. function "operator+(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 606 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  306. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator+(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 23 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  307. operand types are: half + half
  308. return a / ((T)1. + _Abs(a));
  309. ^
  310. detected during:
  311. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  312. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  313. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_Softsign<half>]" at line 119
  314. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_Softsign(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxSoftsign *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  316. ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/ error: more than one operator ">" matches these operands:
  317. function "operator>(const __half &, const __half &)" (declared at line 720 of /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/cuda_fp16.hpp)
  318. function "onnxruntime::cuda::operator>(const half &, const half &)" (declared at line 72 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/common.cuh)
  319. operand types are: const half > half
  320. return a > (T)alpha ? a : (T)0;
  321. ^
  322. detected during:
  323. instantiation of "T onnxruntime::cuda::OP_ThresholdedRelu<T>::operator()(const T &) const [with T=half]" at line 34 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  324. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::_UnaryElementWise<InT,OutT,FuncT,NumThreadsPerBlock,NumElementsPerThread>(const InT *, OutT *, FuncT, int32_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_ThresholdedRelu<half>, NumThreadsPerBlock=256, NumElementsPerThread=4]" at line 57 of ....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/cu_inc/unary_elementwise_impl.cuh
  325. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::UnaryElementWiseImpl(cudaStream_t, const InT *, OutT *, const FuncT &, size_t) [with InT=half, OutT=half, FuncT=onnxruntime::cuda::OP_ThresholdedRelu<half>]" at line 119
  326. instantiation of "void onnxruntime::cuda::Impl_ThresholdedRelu(cudaStream_t, const T *, T *, const onnxruntime::cuda::CtxThresholdedRelu *, size_t) [with T=half]" at line 119
  328. 32 errors detected in the compilation of "....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/".
  329. make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/onnxruntime_providers_cuda_obj.dir/build.make:1340: CMakeFiles/onnxruntime_providers_cuda_obj.dir....../onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/activation/] Error 255
  330. make[2]: Leaving directory '....../cmake/build'
  331. make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1879: CMakeFiles/onnxruntime_providers_cuda_obj.dir/all] Error 2
  332. make[1]: Leaving directory '....../cmake/build'
  333. make: *** [Makefile:149: all] Error 2
Tags: onnxruntime
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