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- # %%
- import numpy as np
- import pandas as pd
- import seaborn as sns
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
- from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
- from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
- # %%
- # Load the credit data.
- df = pd.read_csv('credit.csv')
- df.head()
- # %%
- # The response variable will be 'Balance.'
- x = df.drop('Balance', axis=1)
- y = df['Balance']
- x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
- # %%
- # Trying to fit on all features in their current representation throws an error.
- try:
- test_model = LinearRegression().fit(x_train, y_train)
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error!:', e)
- # %% [markdown]
- # ⏸️ Given this error and what you've seen of the data so far, what do you think the problem is?
- #
- # A. We are trying to fit on too many features/columns\
- # B. Some columns are strings\
- # C. The column names contain capital letters\
- # D. The features are on different scales
- # %%
- ### edTest(test_chow1) ###
- # Submit an answer choice as a string below.
- answer1 = 'B'
- # %%
- # Inspect the data types of the DataFrame's columns.
- df.dtypes
- # %%
- ### edTest(test_model1) ###
- # Fit a linear model using only the numeric features in the dataframe.
- numeric_features = df.drop(df.columns[-5:], axis=1).columns
- model1 = LinearRegression().fit(x_train[numeric_features], y_train)
- # Report train and test R2 scores.
- train_score = model1.score(x_train[numeric_features], y_train)
- test_score = model1.score(x_test[numeric_features], y_test)
- print('Train R2:', train_score)
- print('Test R2:', test_score)
- # %%
- # Look at unique values of Ethnicity feature.
- print('In the train data, Ethnicity takes on the values:', list(x_train['Ethnicity'].unique()))
- # %% [markdown]
- # ⏸️ From the output above, how many binary variables will be required to encode the `Ethnicity` feature?
- #
- # A. 1\
- # B. 2\
- # C. 3\
- # D. 4
- # %%
- ### edTest(test_chow2) ###
- # Submit an answer choice as a string below.
- answer2 = 'B'
- # %%
- ### edTest(test_design) ###
- # Create x train and test design matrices creating dummy variables for the categorical.
- # hint: use pd.get_dummies() with the drop_first hyperparameter for this
- x_train_design = pd.get_dummies(x_train, drop_first=True)
- x_test_design = pd.get_dummies(x_test, drop_first=True)
- x_train_design.head()
- # %%
- # Confirm that all data types are now numeric.
- x_train_design.dtypes
- # %%
- ### edTest(test_model2) ###
- # Fit model2 on design matrix
- model2 = LinearRegression().fit(x_train_design, y_train)
- # Report train and test R2 scores
- train_score = model2.score(x_train_design, y_train)
- test_score = model2.score(x_test_design, y_test)
- print('Train R2:', train_score)
- print('Test R2:', test_score)
- # %% [markdown]
- # ⏸️ How do the $R^2$ scores of the two models compare?
- #
- # A. numeric only model performs better on both train and test.\
- # B. numeric only model performs better on train but worse on test.\
- # C. full model performs better on both train and test.\
- # D. full model performs better on train but worse on test.
- # %%
- ### edTest(test_chow3) ###
- # Submit an answer choice as a string below.
- answer3 = 'C'
- # %%
- # Note that the intercept is not a part of .coef_ but is instead stored in .intercept_.
- coefs = pd.DataFrame(model2.coef_, index=x_train_design.columns, columns=['beta_value'])
- coefs
- # %%
- # Visualize crude measure of feature importance.
- sns.barplot(data=coefs.T, orient='h').set(title='Model Coefficients');
- # %% [markdown]
- # ⏸️ Base, on the plot above, which categorical feature has the strongest relationship with `Balance`?
- #
- # A. Cards\
- # B. Gender_Female\
- # C. Student_Yes\
- # D. Ethnicity_Caucasian
- # %%
- ### edTest(test_chow4) ###
- # Submit an answer choice as a string below.
- answer4 = 'C'
- # %% [markdown]
- # Fit a model to predict `Balance` from 2 predictors: `Income` and the best categorical feature from your answer.
- # %%
- ### edTest(test_model3) ###
- # Specify best categorical feature
- best_cat_feature ='Student_Yes'
- # Define the model.
- features = ['Income', best_cat_feature]
- model3 = LinearRegression()
-[features], y_train)
- # Collect betas from fitted model.
- beta0 = model3.intercept_
- beta1 = model3.coef_[features.index('Income')]
- beta2 = model3.coef_[features.index(best_cat_feature)]
- # Display betas in a DataFrame.
- coefs = pd.DataFrame([beta0, beta1, beta2], index=['Intercept']+features, columns=['beta_value'])
- coefs
- # %%
- # Visualize crude measure of feature importance.
- sns.barplot(data=coefs.T, orient='h').set(title='Model Coefficients');
- # %%
- ### edTest(test_prediction_lines) ###
- # Create space of x values to predict on.
- x_space = np.linspace(x['Income'].min(), x['Income'].max(), 1000)
- # Generate 2 sets of predictions based on best categorical feature value.
- # When categorical feature is true/present (1)
- y_hat_yes = beta0 + beta1 * x_space + beta2 * 1
- # When categorical feature is false/absent (0)
- y_hat_no = beta0 + beta1 * x_space
- # Plot the 2 prediction lines for students and non-students.
- ax = sns.scatterplot(data=pd.concat([x_train_design, y_train], axis=1), x='Income', y='Balance', hue=best_cat_feature, alpha=0.8)
- ax.plot(x_space, y_hat_no)
- ax.plot(x_space, y_hat_yes);
- # %% [markdown]
- # ⏸️ What is the effect of student status on the regression line?
- #
- # A. Non-students' balances increase faster with raising income (i.e., steeper slope)\
- # B. Students' balances increase faster with raising income (i.e., steeper slope)\
- # C. Non-students' higher balances on average (i.e., higher intercept)\
- # D. students' higher balances on average (i.e., higher intercept)
- # %%
- ### edTest(test_chow5) ###
- # Submit an answer choice as a string below.
- answer5 = 'D'
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