
TDA7297 Audio Amplifier

Apr 3rd, 2023
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  1. /*
  2. This code demonstrates how to use the TDA7297 Audio Amplifier to control the volume of an audio signal using a potentiometer. The TDA7297 library is used to control the volume of the amplifier.
  4. To use this code, connect the TDA7297 Audio Amplifier to your audio source and speakers according to the wiring diagram provided in the product documentation. Connect the output of the potentiometer to an analog input pin of your Arduino board (usually A0 for most Arduino boards), and connect the mute and standby pins of the TDA7297 amplifier to digital output pins of your Arduino board (in this case, pins 2 and 3). The amplifier should be powered with a suitable power source (usually 12-24V DC). The code reads the analog value from the volume potentiometer using the analogRead() function, and converts it to volume within the range of 0-255 using the map() function. The volume is then set using the setVolume() function of the TDA7297 library. You can adjust the volume range and increment in the map() function to suit your needs.
  6. Note that the output power and quality of the TDA7297 Audio Amplifier may vary depending on the type and specifications of your speakers, and the quality of your audio source. You may need to adjust the gain and other settings of the amplifier to optimize the audio performance.
  7. */
  10. const int volume_pin = A0; // Pin connected to the volume potentiometer output
  11. const int mute_pin = 2; // Pin connected to the mute button input of the TDA7297 amplifier
  12. const int standby_pin = 3; // Pin connected to the standby input of the TDA7297 amplifier
  14. void setup() {
  15.   pinMode(mute_pin, OUTPUT);
  16.   digitalWrite(mute_pin, HIGH); // Set the mute pin to high to disable mute
  17.   pinMode(standby_pin, OUTPUT);
  18.   digitalWrite(standby_pin, HIGH); // Set the standby pin to high to enable the amplifier
  19. }
  21. void loop() {
  22.   // Read the analog value from the volume potentiometer
  23.   int volume_value = analogRead(volume_pin);
  25.   // Convert the analog value to volume (0-255)
  26.   int volume = map(volume_value, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
  28.   // Set the volume using the TDA7297 amplifier's digital volume control
  29.   TDA7297.setVolume(volume);
  31.   // Wait for 10 milliseconds before taking the next reading
  32.   delay(10);
  33. }
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