

Jan 26th, 2018
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  1. --------------------------This is an Official script from Duelist--------------------------
  2. ---{-------------------- -------------------}---
  3. ---{-------------------- / \ -------------------}---
  4. ---{-------------------- II -------------------}---
  5. ---{-------------------- II -------------------}---
  6. ---{-------------------- II -------------------}---
  7. ---{-------------------- A========A -------------------}---
  8. ---{-------------------- II -------------------}---
  9. ---{-------------------- II -------------------}---
  10. ---{-------------------- W -------------------}---
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. ---Partially Modified By Memo1332
  13. do
  14. local filteredMessages = { ['___'] = '___' };
  15. local onPropertyChanged = function (obj)
  16. if (obj:isDescendantOf (workspace)) then
  17. local objText = obj.Text;
  19. if (objText ~= '___' and objText:find '(%S)') then
  20. if (filteredMessages [objText] and filteredMessages [objText] ~= objText) then
  21. obj.Text = filteredMessages [objText];
  22. elseif (not filteredMessages [objText]) then
  23. obj.Text = '___';
  25. local filtered = game:service 'Chat':FilterStringForBroadcast (objText, game:service 'Players'.localPlayer);
  27. filteredMessages [objText] = filtered;
  28. filteredMessages [filtered] = filtered;
  30. obj.Text = filtered;
  31. end;
  32. end;
  33. end;
  34. end;
  36. local newInstance =;
  37. Instance = {
  38. new = function (class, parent)
  39. local obj = newInstance (class, parent);
  41. if (pcall (function()return obj.Text;end)) then
  42. obj:getPropertyChangedSignal ('Parent'):connect (function () onPropertyChanged (obj) end);
  43. obj:getPropertyChangedSignal ('Text'):connect (function() onPropertyChanged (obj) end);
  44. end;
  46. return obj;
  47. end;
  48. };
  49. end;
  51. --i used stravants Beautifier so it might look a bit wonky
  52. Meshes = {
  53. Blast = '20329976',
  54. Crown = '1323306',
  55. Ring = '3270017',
  56. Claw = '10681506',
  57. Crystal = '9756362',
  58. Coil = '9753878',
  59. Cloud = '1095708',
  60. }
  61. clangsounds = {
  62. '199149119',
  63. '199149109',
  64. '199149072',
  65. '199149025',
  66. '199148971'
  67. }
  68. hitsounds = {
  69. '199149137',
  70. '199149186',
  71. '199149221',
  72. '199149235',
  73. '199149269',
  74. '199149297'
  75. }
  76. blocksounds = {
  77. '199148933',
  78. '199148947'
  79. }
  80. armorsounds = {
  81. '199149321',
  82. '199149338',
  83. '199149367',
  84. '199149409',
  85. '199149452'
  86. }
  87. woosh = {
  88. Heavy1 = '320557353',
  89. Heavy2 = '320557382',
  90. Heavy3 = '320557453',
  91. Heavy4 = '199144226',
  92. Heavy5 = '203691447',
  93. Heavy6 = '203691467',
  94. Heavy7 = '203691492',
  95. Light1 = '320557413',
  96. Light2 = '320557487',
  97. Light3 = '199145095',
  98. Light4 = '199145146',
  99. Light5 = '199145887',
  100. Light6 = '199145913',
  101. Light7 = '199145841',
  102. Medium1 = '320557518',
  103. Medium2 = '320557537',
  104. Medium3 = '320557563',
  105. Medium4 = '199145204'
  106. }
  107. music = {--i like music a lot
  108. Breaking = '179281636',
  109. FinalReckoning = '357375770',
  110. NotDeadYet = '346175829',
  111. Intense = '151514610',
  112. JumpP1 = '160536628',
  113. JumpP2 = '60536666',
  114. SonsOfWar = '158929777',
  115. WrathOfSea = '165520893',
  116. ProtecTorsofEarth = '160542922',
  117. SkyTitans = '179282324',
  118. ArchAngel = '144043274',
  119. Anticipation = '168614529',
  120. TheMartyred = '186849544',
  121. AwakeP1 = '335631255',
  122. AwakeP2 = '335631297',
  123. ReadyAimFireP1 = '342455387',
  124. ReadyAimFireP2 = '342455399',
  125. DarkLordP1 = '209567483',
  126. DarkLordP2 = '209567529',
  127. BloodDrainP1 = '162914123',
  128. BloodDrainP2 = '162914203',
  129. DanceOfSwords = '320473062',
  130. Opal = '286415112',
  131. Calamity = '190454307',
  132. Hypnotica = '155968128',
  133. Nemisis = '160453802',
  134. Breathe = '276963903',
  135. GateToTheRift = '270655227',
  136. InfernalBeserking = '244143404',
  137. Trust = '246184492',
  138. AwakeningTheProject = '245121821',
  139. BloodPain = '242545577',
  140. Chaos = '247241693',
  141. NightmareFictionHighStake = '248062278',
  142. TheWhiteWeapon = '247236446',
  143. Gale = '256851659',
  144. ImperialCode = '256848383',
  145. Blitzkrieg = '306431437',
  146. RhapsodyRage = '348690251',
  147. TheGodFist = '348541501',
  148. BattleForSoul = '321185592',
  149. TheDarkColossus = '305976780',
  150. EmpireOfAngels = '302580452',
  151. Kronos = '302205297',
  152. Exorcist = '299796054',
  153. CrimsonFlames = '297799220',
  154. UltimatePower = '295753229',
  155. DrivingInTheDark = '295753229',
  156. AscendToPower = '293860654',
  157. GodOfTheSun = '293612495',
  158. DarkRider = '293861765',
  159. Vengeance = '293375555',
  160. SoundOfWar = '293376196',
  161. HellsCrusaders = '293012202',
  162. Legend = '293011823',
  163. RisingSouls = '290524959'
  164. }
  165. misc = {
  166. GroundSlam = '199145477',
  167. LaserSlash = '199145497',
  168. RailGunFire = '199145534',
  169. Charge1 = '199145659',
  170. Charge2 = '169380469',
  171. Charge3 = '169380479',
  172. EmptyGun = '203691822',
  173. GunShoot = '203691837',
  174. Stomp1 = '200632875',
  175. Stomp2 = '200632561',
  176. TelsaCannonCharge = '169445572',
  177. TelsaCannonShoot = '169445602',
  178. AncientHymm = '245313442'
  179. }
  180. wait(1 / 60)
  181. local Player = game.Players.localPlayer
  182. local Character = Player.Character
  183. local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
  184. local mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  185. local m ='Model', Character)
  186. m.Name = "WeaponModel"
  187. local LeftArm = Character["Left Arm"]
  188. local RightArm = Character["Right Arm"]
  189. local LeftLeg = Character["Left Leg"]
  190. local RightLeg = Character["Right Leg"]
  191. local Head = Character.Head
  192. local Torso = Character.Torso
  193. local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  194. local RootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart
  195. local RootJoint = RootPart.RootJoint
  196. --cam.CameraSubject = Head
  197. local equipped = false
  198. local attack = false
  199. local Anim = 'Idle'
  200. local idle = 0
  201. local sprint = false
  202. local battlestance = false
  203. local attacktype = 1
  204. local state = 'none'
  205. local Torsovelocity = (RootPart.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude
  206. local velocity = RootPart.Velocity.y
  207. local sine = 0
  208. local change = 1
  209. local on = false
  210. local grabbed = false
  211. local skill1 = false
  212. local skill2 = false
  213. local skill3 = false
  214. local skill4 = false
  215. local cooldown1 = 0
  216. local cooldown2 = 0
  217. local cooldown3 = 0
  218. local cooldown4 = 0
  219. local co1 = 10--how long it will take for skill to cooldown
  220. local co2 = 15
  221. local co3 = 15
  222. local co4 = 25
  223. local inputserv = game:GetService('UserInputService')
  224. local typing = false
  225. local crit = false
  226. local critchance = 2--critical chance percentage
  227. local critdamageaddmin = 3--minimum amount of critical damage being added to regular damage
  228. local critdamageaddmax = 7--maximum amount
  229. local maxstamina = 100--max amount of stamina
  230. local stamina = 0--stamina you start out with
  231. local skill1stam = 10--how much stamina is needed for a skill
  232. local skill2stam = 10
  233. local skill3stam = 20
  234. local skill4stam = 30
  235. local recovermana = 3--how much mana per second
  236. local defensevalue = 1--how much defense this character has
  237. local speedvalue = 1--how much speed this character has
  238. --speed is 16*speedvalue
  239. local mindamage = 5--self explanatory
  240. local maxdamage = 7--self explanatory
  241. local damagevalue = 1--how much damage this character has
  242. --damage is math.random(mindamage,maxdamage)*damagevalue
  243. --damage(hit, mindamage, maxdamage, 1, 1, RootPart)
  244. --asd
  245. local cn = make things easier :)
  246. local mr = math.rad
  247. local angles = CFrame.Angles
  248. local ud =
  249. local c3 =
  250. local skillcolorscheme = c3(1, 1, 1)--color scheme for skills lol
  251. --asd
  252. local NeckCF = cn(0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  253. Humanoid.Animator:Destroy()
  255. --Angles For RootJoint `~`
  256. local RootCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-1.57, 0, 3.14)
  257. --Save Shoulders/Hips
  258. RSH, LSH = nil, nil
  259. RHS, LHS = nil, nil
  260. --Shoulders
  261. RW ="Weld")
  262. LW ="Weld")
  263. --Hips
  264. RH ="Weld")
  265. LH ="Weld")
  266. --
  267. Player = Player
  268. ch = Character
  269. LHS = Torso["Left Hip"]
  270. RHS = Torso["Right Hip"]
  271. RSH = ch.Torso["Right Shoulder"]
  272. LSH = ch.Torso["Left Shoulder"]
  273. --
  274. RSH.Parent = nil
  275. LSH.Parent = nil
  276. --
  277. LHS.Parent = nil
  278. RHS.Parent = nil
  279. --
  280. RW.Name = "RW"
  281. RW.Part0 = ch.Torso
  282. RW.C0 = cn(1.5, 0.5, 0)
  283. RW.C1 = cn(0, 0.5, 0)
  284. RW.Part1 = ch["Right Arm"]
  285. RW.Parent = ch.Torso
  286. --
  287. LW.Name = "LW"
  288. LW.Part0 = ch.Torso
  289. LW.C0 = cn(-1.5, 0.5, 0)
  290. LW.C1 = cn(0, 0.5, 0)
  291. LW.Part1 = ch["Left Arm"]
  292. LW.Parent = ch.Torso
  293. --
  294. LH.Name = "LH"
  295. LH.Part0 = ch.Torso
  296. LH.C0 = cn(-0.5, -2, 0)
  297. LH.Part1 = ch["Left Leg"]
  298. LH.Parent = ch.Torso
  299. --
  300. RH.Name = "RH"
  301. RH.Part0 = ch.Torso
  302. RH.C0 = cn(0.5, -2, 0)
  303. RH.Part1 = ch["Right Leg"]
  304. RH.Parent = ch.Torso
  306. local Flying = false
  308. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Changed:connect(function(jump)
  309. if Flying == true then
  310. if jump == "Jump" then
  311. Humanoid.Jump = false
  312. end
  313. end
  314. end)
  316. Humanoid.CameraOffset =, -2, 0)
  318. Torso.Transparency = 1
  319. Head.Transparency = 1
  320. LeftLeg.Transparency = 1
  321. RightLeg.Transparency = 1
  322. LeftArm.Transparency = 1
  323. RightArm.Transparency = 1
  325. for i,v in pairs (Character:GetChildren()) do
  326. if v.ClassName == "Hat"
  327. then v:Destroy()
  328. end
  329. end
  331. for i,v in pairs (Character.Head:GetChildren()) do
  332. if v.ClassName == "Decal"
  333. then v:Destroy()
  334. end
  335. end
  337. Character.Animate:Destroy()
  339. local scrn ='ScreenGui')
  340. scrn.Parent = nil
  342. function makeframe(par, trans, pos, size, color)
  343. local frame ='Frame', par)
  344. frame.BackgroundTransparency = trans
  345. frame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  346. frame.Position = pos
  347. frame.Size = size
  348. frame.BackgroundColor3 = color
  349. return frame
  350. end
  351. function makelabel(par, text)
  352. local label ='TextLabel', par)
  353. label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  354. label.Size = ud(1, 0, 1, 0)
  355. label.Position = ud(0, 0, 0, 0)
  356. label.TextColor3 = c3(255, 255, 255)
  357. label.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  358. label.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size32
  359. label.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
  360. label.BorderSizePixel = 0
  361. label.TextScaled = true
  362. label.Text = text
  363. end
  364. framesk1 = makeframe(scrn, .5, ud(.23, 0, .93, 0), ud(.26, 0, .06, 0), skillcolorscheme)
  365. framesk2 = makeframe(scrn, .5, ud(.5, 0, .93, 0), ud(.26, 0, .06, 0), skillcolorscheme)
  366. framesk3 = makeframe(scrn, .5, ud(.5, 0, .86, 0), ud(.26, 0, .06, 0), skillcolorscheme)
  367. framesk4 = makeframe(scrn, .5, ud(.23, 0, .86, 0), ud(.26, 0, .06, 0), skillcolorscheme)
  368. bar1 = makeframe(framesk1, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), skillcolorscheme)
  369. bar2 = makeframe(framesk2, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), skillcolorscheme)
  370. bar3 = makeframe(framesk3, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), skillcolorscheme)
  371. bar4 = makeframe(framesk4, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), skillcolorscheme)
  372. text1 = makelabel(framesk1, '[3] Skill3')
  373. text2 = makelabel(framesk2, '[4] Skill4')
  374. text3 = makelabel(framesk3, "[2] Skill2")
  375. text4 = makelabel(framesk4, '[1] Skill1')
  376. staminabar = makeframe(scrn, .5, ud(.23, 0, .82, 0), ud(.26, 0, .03, 0), c3(61 / 255, 171 / 255, 1))
  377. staminacover = makeframe(staminabar, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(61 / 255, 171 / 255, 1))
  378. staminatext = makelabel(staminabar, 'Mana')
  379. healthbar = makeframe(scrn, .5, ud(.5, 0, .82, 0), ud(.26, 0, .03, 0), c3(1, 1, 0))
  380. healthcover = makeframe(healthbar, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(1, 46 / 255, 49 / 255))
  381. healthtext = makelabel(healthbar, 'Health')
  383. local stats ='Folder', Character)
  384. stats.Name = 'Stats'
  385. local block ='BoolValue', stats)
  386. block.Name = 'Block'
  387. block.Value = false
  388. local stun ='BoolValue', stats)
  389. stun.Name = 'Stun'
  390. stun.Value = false
  391. local defense ='NumberValue', stats)
  392. defense.Name = 'Defence'
  393. defense.Value = defensevalue
  394. local speed ='NumberValue', stats)
  395. speed.Name = 'Speed'
  396. speed.Value = speedvalue
  397. local damagea ='NumberValue', stats)
  398. damagea.Name = 'Damage'
  399. damagea.Value = damagevalue
  401. function atktype(s, e)
  402. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  403. attacktype = e
  404. wait(1.5)
  405. attacktype = s
  406. end))
  407. end
  409. function turncrit()
  410. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  411. print'CRITICAL!'
  412. crit = true
  413. wait(.25)
  414. crit = false
  415. end))
  416. end
  418. function subtractstamina(k)
  419. if stamina >= k then
  420. stamina = stamina - k
  421. end
  422. end
  424. function clerp(a, b, t)
  425. return a:lerp(b, t)
  426. end
  428. function randomizer(percent)
  429. local randomized = math.random(0, 100)
  430. if randomized <= percent then
  431. return true
  432. elseif randomized >= percent then
  433. return false
  434. end
  435. end
  437. local RbxUtility = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility")
  438. local Create = RbxUtility.Create
  440. function RemoveOutlines(part)
  441. part.TopSurface, part.BottomSurface, part.LeftSurface, part.RightSurface, part.FrontSurface, part.BackSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
  442. end
  444. function CreatePart(FormFactor, Parent, Material, Reflectance, Transparency, BColor, Name, Size)
  445. local Part = Create("Part"){
  446. formFactor = FormFactor,
  447. Parent = Parent,
  448. Reflectance = Reflectance,
  449. Transparency = Transparency,
  450. CanCollide = false,
  451. Locked = true,
  452. BrickColor =,
  453. Name = Name,
  454. Size = Size,
  455. Material = Material,
  456. }
  457. RemoveOutlines(Part)
  458. return Part
  459. end
  461. function CreateMesh(Mesh, Part, MeshType, MeshId, OffSet, Scale)
  462. local Msh = Create(Mesh){
  463. Parent = Part,
  464. Offset = OffSet,
  465. Scale = Scale,
  466. }
  467. if Mesh == "SpecialMesh" then
  468. Msh.MeshType = MeshType
  469. Msh.MeshId = MeshId
  470. end
  471. return Msh
  472. end
  474. function CreateWeld(Parent, Part0, Part1, C0, C1)
  475. local Weld = Create("Weld"){
  476. Parent = Parent,
  477. Part0 = Part0,
  478. Part1 = Part1,
  479. C0 = C0,
  480. C1 = C1,
  481. }
  482. return Weld
  483. end
  485. function rayCast(pos, dir, maxl, ignore)
  486. return game:service("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(, dir.unit * (maxl or 999.999)), ignore)
  487. end
  488. --Effects
  489. function makeeffect(par, size, pos1, trans, trans1, howmuch, delay1, id, type)
  490. local p ='Part', par or workspace)
  491. p.CFrame = pos1
  492. p.Anchored = true
  493. p.Material = 'SmoothPlastic'
  494. p.CanCollide = false
  495. p.TopSurface = 0
  496. p.Size =, 1, 1)
  497. p.BottomSurface = 0
  498. p.Transparency = trans
  499. p.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  500. RemoveOutlines(p)
  501. local mesh ='SpecialMesh', p)
  502. mesh.Scale = size
  503. if id ~= nil and type == nil then
  504. mesh.MeshId = 'rbxassetid://'
  505. elseif id == nil and type ~= nil then
  506. mesh.MeshType = type
  507. elseif id == nil and type == nil then
  508. mesh.MeshType = 'Brick'
  509. end
  510. coroutine.wrap(function()
  511. for i = 0, delay1, .1 do
  512. wait(1 / 60)
  513. p.CFrame = p.CFrame
  514. mesh.Scale = mesh.Scale + howmuch
  515. p.Transparency = p.Transparency + trans1
  516. end
  517. p:Destroy()
  518. end)()
  519. return p
  520. end
  521. function clangy(cframe)
  522. wait(1 / 60)
  523. local clang = {}
  524. local dis = 0
  525. local part ='Part', nil)
  526. part.CFrame = cframe
  527. part.Anchored = true
  528. part.CanCollide = false
  529. part.BrickColor ='New Yeller')
  530. part.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  531. part.Name = 'clanger'
  532. part.Size =, .2, .2)
  533. part.TopSurface = 10
  534. part.BottomSurface = 10
  535. part.RightSurface = 10
  536. part.LeftSurface = 10
  537. part.BackSurface = 10
  538. part.FrontSurface = 10
  539. --part.Material='Neon'
  540. part:BreakJoints()
  541. local mesh ='BlockMesh', part)
  542. coroutine.wrap(function()
  543. for i = 1, 7 do
  544. wait(1 / 60)
  545. dis = dis + .2
  546. local partc = part:clone()
  547. partc.Parent = workspace
  548. partc.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(dis, 0, 0)
  549. partc.CFrame = partc.CFrame *, dis, 0)
  550. table.insert(clang, partc)
  551. end
  552. for i, v in pairs(clang) do
  553. coroutine.wrap(function()
  554. for i = 1, 10 do
  555. wait(.01)
  556. v.Transparency = v.Transparency + .1
  557. end
  558. v:destroy()
  559. end)()
  560. end
  561. end)()
  562. end
  563. --damage effects
  564. function circle(color, pos1)
  565. local p ='Part', m)
  566. p.BrickColor =
  567. p.CFrame = pos1
  568. p.Anchored = true
  569. p.Material = 'Plastic'
  570. p.CanCollide = false
  571. p.TopSurface = 0
  572. p.Size =, 1, 1)
  573. p.BottomSurface = 0
  574. p.Transparency = 0.35
  575. p.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  576. local mesh ='CylinderMesh', p)
  577. mesh.Scale =, 0, 0)
  578. coroutine.wrap(function()
  579. for i = 0, 5, .1 do
  580. wait(1 / 60)
  581. p.CFrame = p.CFrame
  582. mesh.Scale = mesh.Scale +, 0, .5)
  583. p.Transparency = p.Transparency + .025
  584. end
  585. p:Destroy()
  586. end)()
  587. end
  588. function firespaz1(color, pos1)
  589. local p ='Part', m)
  590. p.BrickColor =
  591. p.CFrame = pos1
  592. p.Anchored = true
  593. p.Material = 'Plastic'
  594. p.CanCollide = false
  595. p.TopSurface = 0
  596. p.Size =, 1, 1)
  597. p.BottomSurface = 0
  598. p.Transparency = 0.5
  599. p.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  600. local mesh ='BlockMesh', p)
  601. mesh.Scale =, 1, 1)
  602. coroutine.wrap(function()
  603. for i = 0, 15, .1 do
  604. wait(1 / 30)
  605. p.CFrame = p.CFrame *, .1, 0)
  606. mesh.Scale = mesh.Scale -, .1, .1)
  607. p.Transparency = p.Transparency + .025
  608. end
  609. p:Destroy()
  610. end)()
  611. end
  613. function pickrandom(tablesa)
  614. local randomized = tablesa[math.random(1, #tablesa)]
  615. return randomized
  616. end
  617. function sound(id, pitch, volume, par, last)
  618. local s ='Sound', par or Torso)
  619. s.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://'
  620. s.Pitch = pitch or 1
  621. s.Volume = volume or 1
  622. wait()
  623. s:play()
  624. game.Debris:AddItem(s, last or 120)
  625. end
  626. function clangy(cframe)
  627. wait(1 / 60)
  628. local clang = {}
  629. local dis = 0
  630. local part ='Part', nil)
  631. part.CFrame = cframe
  632. part.Anchored = true
  633. part.CanCollide = false
  634. part.BrickColor ='New Yeller')
  635. part.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  636. part.Name = 'clanger'
  637. part.Size =, .2, .2)
  638. part.TopSurface = 10
  639. part.BottomSurface = 10
  640. part.RightSurface = 10
  641. part.LeftSurface = 10
  642. part.BackSurface = 10
  643. part.FrontSurface = 10
  644. --part.Material='Neon'
  645. part:BreakJoints()
  646. local mesh ='BlockMesh', part)
  647. coroutine.wrap(function()
  648. for i = 1, 7 do
  649. wait(1 / 60)
  650. dis = dis + .2
  651. local partc = part:clone()
  652. partc.Parent = workspace
  653. partc.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(dis, 0, 0)
  654. partc.CFrame = partc.CFrame *, dis, 0)
  655. table.insert(clang, partc)
  656. end
  657. for i, v in pairs(clang) do
  658. coroutine.wrap(function()
  659. for i = 1, 10 do
  660. wait(.01)
  661. v.Transparency = v.Transparency + .1
  662. end
  663. v:destroy()
  664. end)()
  665. end
  666. end)()
  667. end
  668. --damage effects
  669. --Effects
  670. so = function(id, par, vol, pit)
  671. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  672. local sou ="Sound", par or workspace)
  673. sou.Volume = vol
  674. sou.Pitch = pit or 1
  675. sou.SoundId = id
  676. wait()
  677. sou:play()
  678. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(sou, 6)
  679. end))
  680. end
  682. local function getclosest(obj, distance)
  683. local last, lastx = distance + 1
  684. for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  685. if v:IsA'Model' and v ~= Character and v:findFirstChild('Humanoid') and v:findFirstChild('Torso') and v:findFirstChild('Humanoid').Health > 0 then
  686. local t = v.Torso
  687. local dist = (t.Position - obj.Position).magnitude
  688. if dist <= distance then
  689. if dist < last then
  690. last = dist
  691. lastx = v
  692. end
  693. end
  694. end
  695. end
  696. return lastx
  697. end
  699. function makegui(cframe, text)
  700. local a = math.random(-10, 10) / 100
  701. local c ="Part")
  702. c.Transparency = 1
  703."BodyGyro").Parent = c
  704. c.Parent = m
  705. c.CFrame = +, 1.5, 0))
  706. local f ="BodyPosition")
  707. f.P = 2000
  708. f.D = 100
  709. f.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  710. f.position = c.Position +, 3, 0)
  711. f.Parent = c
  712. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(c, .5 + 6)
  713. c.CanCollide = false
  714. m.Parent = workspace
  715. c.CanCollide = false
  716. local bg ='BillboardGui', m)
  717. bg.Adornee = c
  718. bg.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  719. bg.StudsOffset =, 0, 0)
  720. bg.AlwaysOnTop = false
  721. local tl ='TextLabel', bg)
  722. tl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  723. tl.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  724. tl.Text = text
  725. tl.Font = 'SourceSansBold'
  726. tl.FontSize = 'Size42'
  727. if crit == true then
  728. tl.TextColor3 = / 255, 0, 0)
  729. else
  730. tl.TextColor3 =, 180 / 255, 51 / 255)
  731. end
  732. tl.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  733. tl.TextScaled = true
  734. tl.TextWrapped = true
  735. coroutine.wrap(function()
  736. wait(2)
  737. for i = 1, 10 do
  738. wait()
  739. tl.TextTransparency = tl.TextTransparency + .1
  740. end
  741. end)()
  742. end
  744. function tag(hum, Player)
  745. local creator ='ObjectValue', hum)
  746. creator.Value = Player
  747. creator.Name = 'creator'
  748. end
  749. function untag(hum)
  750. if hum ~= nil then
  751. local tag = hum:findFirstChild("creator")
  752. if tag ~= nil then
  753. tag.Parent = nil
  754. end
  755. end
  756. end
  758. function tagPlayer(h)
  759. coroutine.wrap(function()
  760. tag(h, Player)
  761. wait(1)
  762. untag(h)
  763. end)()
  764. end
  765. function damage(hit, mind, maxd, knock, type, prop)
  766. --[[
  767. to apply it to a Player directly, make the first arg go to the Players Torso
  768. 1 - normal type(damage and knockback)
  769. 2 - drain type(damage no knockback)
  770. 3 - lifesteal(absorbs hp) crit does not have an effect on how much life is absorbed
  771. 4 - heal(heals target)
  772. 5 - subtracts enemies defense
  773. 6 - subtracts enemies speed
  774. 7 -
  775. ]]
  776. if hit.Name:lower() == 'Hitbox' then
  777. local pos =, 1, -1)
  778. sound(pickrandom(clangsounds), math.random(100, 150) / 100, 1, Torso, 6)
  779. coroutine.wrap(function()
  780. for i = 1, 4 do
  781. clangy(Torso.CFrame * pos * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(math.random(0, 360)), 0))
  782. end
  783. end)()
  784. end
  785. if hit.Parent == nil then
  786. return
  787. end
  788. local h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  789. for i, v in pairs(hit.Parent:children()) do
  790. if v:IsA("Humanoid") then
  791. h = v
  792. end
  793. end
  794. if hit.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild('Torso') ~= nil then
  795. h = hit.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
  796. end
  797. if hit.Parent:IsA('Hat') then
  798. hit = hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild('Head')
  799. end
  800. local D = math.random(mind, maxd) * damagea.Value
  801. if h.Parent:FindFirstChild('Stats') then
  802. D = D / h.Parent:FindFirstChild('Stats').Defence.Value
  803. elseif not h.Parent:FindFirstChild('Stats') then
  804. D = D
  805. end
  806. if h then
  807. makegui(h.Parent.Head.CFrame, tostring(math.floor(D + .5)))
  808. end
  809. if h ~= nil and hit.Parent.Name ~= Character.Name and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  810. if type == 1 then
  811. tagPlayer(h)
  812. local asd = randomizer(critchance)
  813. if asd == true then
  814. turncrit()
  815. end
  816. if crit == false then
  817. h.Health = h.Health - D
  818. else
  819. h.Health = h.Health - (D + math.random(critdamageaddmin, critdamageaddmax))
  820. end
  821. so("", hit, 1, math.random(150, 200) / 100)
  822. local vp ='BodyVelocity')
  823. vp.P = 500
  824. vp.maxForce =, 0, math.huge)
  825. vp.velocity = prop.CFrame.lookVector * knock + prop.Velocity / 1.05
  826. if knock > 0 then
  827. vp.Parent = hit.Parent.Torso
  828. end
  829. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(vp, .5)
  830. elseif type == 2 then
  831. so("", hit, 1, math.random(150, 200) / 100)
  832. local asd = randomizer(critchance)
  833. if asd == true then
  834. turncrit()
  835. end
  836. if crit == false then
  837. h.Health = h.Health - D
  838. else
  839. h.Health = h.Health - (D + math.random(critdamageaddmin, critdamageaddmax))
  840. end
  841. tagPlayer(h)
  842. elseif type == 3 then
  843. tagPlayer(h)
  844. local asd = randomizer(critchance)
  845. if asd == true then
  846. turncrit()
  847. end
  848. if crit == false then
  849. h.Health = h.Health - D
  850. else
  851. h.Health = h.Health - (D + math.random(critdamageaddmin, critdamageaddmax))
  852. end
  853. Character.Humanoid.Health = Character.Humanoid.Health + D / 2
  854. so("", hit, 1, 1.5)
  855. for i = 1, 10 do
  856. firespaz1('Bright red', hit.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.random(0, 3), math.random(0, 3), math.random(0, 3)))
  857. end
  858. elseif type == 4 then
  859. h.Health = h.Health + D
  860. so("", hit, 1, 1)
  861. circle('Dark green', h.Parent.Torso.CFrame *, -2.5, 0))
  862. end
  863. end
  864. end
  866. function subtrackstamina(k)
  867. if stamina >= k then
  868. stamina = stamina - k
  869. end
  870. end
  872. Handle=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Handle",, 0.600000025, 0.69999999))
  873. Handleweld=CreateWeld(m,Torso,Handle,, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5),, 1.02842116, -7.62939455e-6, -1.66893006e-6, 2.55182386e-7, -0.50000036, 3.7252903e-7, 0.499995053, 2.61515379e-6, 0.499996424, 5.51342965e-7, -1.49011612e-6))
  874. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Handle,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 0.5, 0.5))
  875. LLeg1Connector=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Black","LLeg1Connector",, 0.300000012, 0.300000012))
  876. LLeg1Connectorweld=CreateWeld(m,Handle,LLeg1Connector,, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5),, 0.161630631, 0.277280808, 0.476939261, 0.118971482, 0.091506839, -0.135436043, 0.472520143, 0.0915109665, -0.06470488, -0.112073838, 0.482954473))
  877. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",LLeg1Connector,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 0.5, 0.5))
  878. LLeg2Connector=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Black","LLeg2Connector",, 0.300000012, 0.300000012))
  879. LLeg2Connectorweld=CreateWeld(m,Handle,LLeg2Connector,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.549964905, 0.383785248, 0.87001282, -0.368683487, -0.327339649, 0.475172013, 0.804078519, 0.357260257, 0.131499231, -0.466358542, 0.874748588))
  880. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",LLeg2Connector,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  881. NeckHandleConnector=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","NeckHandleConnector",, 0.800000012, 0.99999994))
  882. NeckHandleConnectorweld=CreateWeld(m,Handle,NeckHandleConnector,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 2.2649765e-006, -1.52587891e-005, 1.00000143, -4.71995372e-006, -3.57601493e-007, -4.71995372e-006, 0.999980211, 1.84771216e-006, -3.57601493e-007, 1.84771216e-006, 0.999985695))
  883. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",NeckHandleConnector,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  884. RLeg2Connector=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","RLeg2Connector",, 0.600000024, 0.600000024))
  885. RLeg2Connectorweld=CreateWeld(m,Handle,RLeg2Connector,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.502339363, -0.511051178, 0.866028607, -0.433008194, 0.249994621, 0.482959986, 0.853833973, -0.194110557, -0.12941049, 0.288845479, 0.948575199))
  886. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",RLeg2Connector,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  887. RLeg1Connector=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","RLeg1Connector",, 0.600000024, 0.600000024))
  888. RLeg1Connectorweld=CreateWeld(m,Handle,RLeg1Connector,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.261667252, -0.51184082, 0.953878462, 0.277202159, 0.115192153, -0.270872086, 0.960207343, -0.0678096935, -0.129410967, 0.0334844999, 0.991011441))
  889. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",RLeg1Connector,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  890. TailHandleConnector=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","TailHandleConnector",, 0.800000012, 0.99999994))
  891. TailHandleConnectorweld=CreateWeld(m,Handle,TailHandleConnector,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -4.17232513e-006, -1.14440918e-005, 1.00000143, -4.71995372e-006, -3.57601493e-007, -4.71995372e-006, 0.999980211, 1.84771216e-006, -3.57601493e-007, 1.84771216e-006, 0.999985695))
  892. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",TailHandleConnector,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  893. Wings=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Pink","Wings",, 0.600000024, 0.400000006))
  894. Wingsweld=CreateWeld(m,Handle,Wings,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -1.35054588, -0.870742798, -3.57603994e-007, 1.84772534e-006, 0.999992847, 0.707109332, 0.707094491, -2.27373675e-013, -0.707105219, 0.707105219, 0))
  895. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Wings,Enum.MeshType.FileMesh," ",, 0, 0),, 0.600000024, 0.928000093))
  896. HeadHandleConnector=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","HeadHandleConnector",, 0.800000012, 1.19999993))
  897. HeadHandleConnectorweld=CreateWeld(m, NeckHandleConnector, HeadHandleConnector,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -1.22878647, -4.95910645e-005, 0.965921879, -0.258816749, -8.3394184e-007, 0.258814901, 0.965910494, 1.70232727e-006, 7.33734851e-009, -1.24428539e-008, 0.999992847))
  898. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",HeadHandleConnector,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  899. HeadHandle=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Black","HeadHandle",, 0.800000012, 1.19999993))
  900. HeadHandleweld=CreateWeld(m,HeadHandleConnector,HeadHandle,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),,.3,0))
  901. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",HeadHandle,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  902. BlinkPartL=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Black","BlinkPartL",, 0.349999994, 0.209999993))
  903. BlinkPartLweld=CreateWeld(m,HeadHandle,BlinkPartL,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -0.15424633, 0.675392151, 0.965920627, 3.52720974e-007, 0.258818448, -3.27823614e-007, 0.999994576, -4.27638327e-007, -0.258816987, 3.32397349e-007, 0.965925992))
  904. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",BlinkPartL,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  905. BlinkPartR=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Black","BlinkPartR",, 0.349999994, 0.209999919))
  906. BlinkPartRweld=CreateWeld(m,HeadHandle,BlinkPartR,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.0254650116, 0.6536026, 0.963257611, 0.166627169, -0.210616693, 0.170450777, -0.985360563, 7.06354513e-007, -0.207533255, -0.035900455, -0.977568686))
  907. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",BlinkPartR,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  908. Head=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Head",, 1, 1.19999993))
  909. Headweld=CreateWeld(m,HeadHandle,Head,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -0.100018501, -3.81469727e-006, 0.999994338, -7.45053441e-008, 0, 4.59620352e-013, 0.999994516, 5.40012479e-013, -6.82121026e-013, -1.62003744e-012, 1))
  910. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Head,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  911. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"White","Part",, 1.39999998, 0.200000003))
  912. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,HeadHandle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.0147666931, 0.492343903, 0.266456544, 0.961500287, -0.0669870079, -0.937416613, 0.24235782, -0.249999925, -0.22414504, 0.129409671, 0.965918422))
  913. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  914. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Pink","Part",, 1.39999998, 0.400000006))
  915. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,HeadHandle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -0.0811252594, -0.392364502, 0.499998569, 0.866011322, 1.38495011e-007, -0.836511791, 0.482955486, 0.258817196, 0.224141717, -0.129405871, 0.965918958))
  916. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  917. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Pink","Part",, 1.39999998, 0.400000006))
  918. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,HeadHandle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -0.0811347961, 0.392364502, 0.500002265, 0.866017759, 4.3843329e-009, -0.836509109, 0.48296532, -0.25881812, -0.224141061, 0.129409656, 0.965926051))
  919. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  920. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"White","Part",, 1.39999998, 0.200000003))
  921. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,HeadHandle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.0147647858, -0.492359161, 0.266456187, 0.961500764, 0.066986382, -0.937418401, 0.242359444, 0.249994203, 0.224138066, -0.129404321, 0.965920031))
  922. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  923. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"White","Part",, 0.400000006, 0.399999917))
  924. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,HeadHandle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -0.148231506, -0.399997711, 0.999991596, -8.94065053e-008, -6.82121026e-013, -4.47030253e-008, 0.999991894, -1.00897068e-012, -4.54747351e-013, -1.05160325e-012, 1))
  925. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  926. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"White","Part",, 0.400000006, 0.399999917))
  927. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,HeadHandle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -0.148216248, 0.399990082, 0.999985158, -5.96041865e-008, -1.13686838e-012, -8.94065053e-008, 0.999985576, -1.15107923e-012, -6.82121026e-013, -1.44950718e-012, 1))
  928. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  929. LLeg1Handle=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","LLeg1Handle",, 0.600000024, 0.600000024))
  930. LLeg1Handleweld=CreateWeld(m,LLeg1Connector,LLeg1Handle,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.0366020203, 0.193164825, 0.999997556, -8.96677375e-006, -5.36441803e-007, -8.96677375e-006, 0.999984801, 3.7252903e-006, -5.36441803e-007, 3.7252903e-006, 0.999984503))
  931. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",LLeg1Handle,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  932. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Part",, 1.20000005, 0.600000024))
  933. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,LLeg1Handle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.299993515, 7.62939453e-006, 0.999997556, -8.96677375e-006, -5.36441803e-007, -8.96677375e-006, 0.999984801, 3.7252903e-006, -5.36441803e-007, 3.7252903e-006, 0.999984503))
  934. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  935. LLeg2Handle=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","LLeg2Handle",, 0.600000024, 0.600000024))
  936. LLeg2Handleweld=CreateWeld(m,LLeg2Connector,LLeg2Handle,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.0714416504, 0.174942017, 1.0000006, 4.96953726e-006, 2.38418579e-006, 4.96953726e-006, 0.999982536, 4.35113907e-006, 2.38418579e-006, 4.35113907e-006, 0.999983668))
  937. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",LLeg2Handle,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  938. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Part",, 1.20000005, 0.600000024))
  939. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,LLeg2Handle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.300003052, 0, 1.0000006, 4.96953726e-006, 2.38418579e-006, 4.96953726e-006, 0.999982536, 4.35113907e-006, 2.38418579e-006, 4.35113907e-006, 0.999983668))
  940. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  941. RLeg1Handle=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","RLeg1Handle",, 0.600000024, 0.600000024))
  942. RLeg1Handleweld=CreateWeld(m,RLeg1Connector,RLeg1Handle,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0, 0, 0.999997318, -9.39005986e-006, -1.82539225e-006, -9.39005986e-006, 0.999983907, 2.83867121e-006, -1.82539225e-006, 2.83867121e-006, 0.999985874))
  943. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",RLeg1Handle,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  944. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Part",, 1.20000005, 0.600000024))
  945. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,RLeg1Handle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.299995422, 7.62939453e-006, 0.999997318, -9.39005986e-006, -1.82539225e-006, -9.39005986e-006, 0.999983907, 2.83867121e-006, -1.82539225e-006, 2.83867121e-006, 0.999985874))
  946. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  947. RLeg2Handle=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","RLeg2Handle",, 0.600000024, 0.600000024))
  948. RLeg2Handleweld=CreateWeld(m,RLeg2Connector,RLeg2Handle,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.038819313, -0.189697266, 0.999999583, 6.79865479e-006, -3.51667404e-006, 6.79865479e-006, 0.999980748, -1.23679638e-006, -3.51667404e-006, -1.23679638e-006, 0.999986768))
  949. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",RLeg2Handle,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  950. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Part",, 1.20000005, 0.600000024))
  951. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,RLeg2Handle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.299996376, -7.62939453e-006, 0.999999583, 6.79865479e-006, -3.51667404e-006, 6.79865479e-006, 0.999980748, -1.23679638e-006, -3.51667404e-006, -1.23679638e-006, 0.999986768))
  952. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  953. NeckHandle=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","NeckHandle",, 0.800000012, 0.99999994))
  954. NeckHandleweld=CreateWeld(m,NeckHandleConnector,NeckHandle,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0, 0, 1.00000143, -4.71995372e-006, -3.57601493e-007, -4.71995372e-006, 0.999980211, 1.84771216e-006, -3.57601493e-007, 1.84771216e-006, 0.999985695))
  955. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",NeckHandle,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  956. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Part",, 0.800000012, 0.99999994))
  957. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,NeckHandle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.315284729, 1.14440918e-005, 0.499996573, 0.866005898, 1.41687553e-006, -0.866028965, 0.499994099, 1.24860276e-006, -3.57601493e-007, 1.84771216e-006, 0.999985695))
  958. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  959. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Part",, 1, 1.39999998))
  960. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,NeckHandle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -0.000812530518, 1.52587891e-005, 0.707109332, 0.707094491, 1.05421987e-006, -0.707105219, 0.707105219, 1.56317299e-006, 2.27782948e-009, -3.0485694e-009, 0.999992847))
  961. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  962. TailHandle=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","TailHandle",, 0.800000012, 0.99999994))
  963. TailHandleweld=CreateWeld(m,TailHandleConnector,TailHandle,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -1.90734863e-006, 0, 1.00000143, -4.71995372e-006, -3.57601493e-007, -4.71995372e-006, 0.999980211, 1.84771216e-006, -3.57601493e-007, 1.84771216e-006, 0.999985695))
  964. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",TailHandle,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  965. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Part",, 0.800000012, 0.99999994))
  966. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,TailHandle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 3.57627869e-007, 0, 1.00000143, -4.71995372e-006, -3.57601493e-007, -4.71995372e-006, 0.999980211, 1.84771216e-006, -3.57601493e-007, 1.84771216e-006, 0.999985695))
  967. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  968. Tail2HandleConnector=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","Tail2HandleConnector",, 0.800000012, 0.799999952))
  969. Tail2HandleConnectorweld=CreateWeld(m,TailHandle,Tail2HandleConnector,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -0.0147686005, -0.00961303711, 0.999255121, 0.0334871411, -0.0192402583, -0.0341572762, 0.998781741, -0.0350642987, 0.0180421956, 0.0356986672, 0.999185622))
  970. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Tail2HandleConnector,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  971. Tail2Handle=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","Tail2Handle",, 0.800000012, 0.799999952))
  972. Tail2Handleweld=CreateWeld(m,Tail2HandleConnector,Tail2Handle,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0, 0, 1.00000131, -5.39020402e-006, -1.95577741e-007, -5.39020402e-006, 0.999980748, 1.59069896e-006, -1.95577741e-007, 1.59069896e-006, 0.999985993))
  973. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Tail2Handle,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  974. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Part",, 0.800000012, 0.799999952))
  975. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,Tail2Handle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -2.86102295e-006, 3.81469727e-006, 1.00000131, -5.39020402e-006, -1.95577741e-007, -5.39020402e-006, 0.999980748, 1.59069896e-006, -1.95577741e-007, 1.59069896e-006, 0.999985993))
  976. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  977. Tail3HandleConnector=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","Tail3HandleConnector",, 0.800000012, 0.799999952))
  978. Tail3HandleConnectorweld=CreateWeld(m,Tail2Handle,Tail3HandleConnector,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.152185202, 0.0128250122, 0.989802122, -0.139427915, 0.0292246509, 0.138289496, 0.989660025, 0.0377997532, -0.0341934189, -0.0333709307, 0.998850942))
  979. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Tail3HandleConnector,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  980. Tail3Handle=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,1,"Carnation pink","Tail3Handle",, 0.800000012, 0.799999952))
  981. Tail3Handleweld=CreateWeld(m,Tail3HandleConnector,Tail3Handle,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0, 0, 1, 2.3010216e-009, 0, 2.3010216e-009, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.00000012))
  982. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Tail3Handle,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  983. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"White","Part",, 0.800000012, 0.200000003))
  984. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,Tail3Handle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.064440012, -0.0208930969, 1, 2.3010216e-009, 0, 2.3010216e-009, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.00000012))
  985. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  986. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"White","Part",, 0.600000024, 0.200000003))
  987. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,Tail3Handle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.0611591339, 0.00499725342, 0.965926647, -0.258816153, -5.12227416e-008, 0.258816123, 0.965926647, -1.83936208e-007, 9.68575478e-008, 1.64000085e-007, 1))
  988. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  989. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"White","Part",, 0.600000024, 0.200000003))
  990. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,Tail3Handle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, 0.0849123001, -0.020816803, 0.965926468, 0.258816481, 2.40281224e-007, -0.258821636, 0.965915978, -1.06403604e-006, -1.3038516e-006, 2.83645932e-006, 0.999992907))
  991. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  992. Part=CreatePart(Enum.FormFactor.Custom,m,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,0,"Carnation pink","Part",, 0.800000012, 0.799999952))
  993. Partweld=CreateWeld(m,Tail3Handle,Part,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),, -2.14576721e-006, -3.81469727e-006, 1, 2.3010216e-009, 0, 2.3010216e-009, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.00000012))
  994. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh",Part,Enum.MeshType.Sphere,"",, 0, 0),, 1, 1))
  996. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  997. end)
  999. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
  1000. k = k:lower()
  1001. if k == "f" and attack == false and Flying == false then
  1002. Humanoid.CameraOffset =, -1, 0)
  1003. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 63
  1004. Flying = true
  1005. elseif k == "f" and attack == false and Flying == true then
  1006. Humanoid.CameraOffset =, -2, 0)
  1007. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  1008. Flying = false
  1009. end
  1010. end)
  1013. inputserv.InputBegan:connect(function(k)
  1014. if k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.One and typing == false and cooldown3 >= co1 and stamina >= skill1stam then
  1015. elseif k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Two and typing == false and cooldown3 >= co2 and stamina >= skill2stam then
  1016. elseif k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Three and typing == false and cooldown3 >= co3 and stamina >= skill3stam then
  1017. elseif k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Four and typing == false and cooldown3 >= co4 and stamina >= skill4stam then
  1018. end
  1019. end)
  1021. inputserv.InputBegan:connect(function(k)
  1022. if k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Slash then
  1023. local fin = nil
  1024. typing = true
  1025. fin = inputserv.InputBegan:connect(function(k)
  1026. if k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Return or k.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
  1027. typing = false
  1028. fin:disconnect()
  1029. end
  1030. end)
  1031. end
  1032. end)
  1034. function updateskills()
  1035. if cooldown1 <= co1 then
  1036. cooldown1 = cooldown1 + 1 / 30
  1037. end
  1038. if cooldown2 <= co2 then
  1039. cooldown2 = cooldown2 + 1 / 30
  1040. end
  1041. if cooldown3 <= co3 then
  1042. cooldown3 = cooldown3 + 1 / 30
  1043. end
  1044. if cooldown4 <= co4 then
  1045. cooldown4 = cooldown4 + 1 / 30
  1046. end
  1047. if stamina <= maxstamina then
  1048. stamina = stamina + recovermana / 30
  1049. end
  1050. end
  1052. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part,Weld)
  1053. while Part.Parent~=nil do
  1054. wait(5)
  1055. for i=0,1,0.2 do
  1056. wait()
  1057. BlinkPartR.Mesh.Scale =*i,1,1)
  1058. end
  1059. for i=0,1,0.2 do
  1060. wait()
  1061. BlinkPartR.Mesh.Scale =*i,1,1)
  1062. end
  1063. end
  1064. end),BlinkPartR,BlinkPartRweld)
  1066. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part,Weld)
  1067. while Part.Parent~=nil do
  1068. wait(5)
  1069. for i=0,1,0.2 do
  1070. wait()
  1071. BlinkPartL.Mesh.Scale =*i,1,1)
  1072. end
  1073. for i=0,1,0.2 do
  1074. wait()
  1075. BlinkPartL.Mesh.Scale =*i,1,1)
  1076. end
  1077. end
  1078. end),BlinkPartL,BlinkPartLweld)
  1080. game:GetService'RunService'.Heartbeat:connect(function()
  1081. updateskills()
  1082. Torsovelocity = (RootPart.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude
  1083. velocity = RootPart.Velocity.y
  1084. sine = sine + change
  1085. local hit, pos = rayCast(RootPart.Position, (, RootPart.Position -, 1, 0))).lookVector, 4, Character)
  1086. if equipped == true or equipped == false then
  1087. if RootPart.Velocity.y > 1 and hit == nil and stun.Value ~= true then
  1088. Anim = "Jump"
  1089. if attack == false then
  1090. Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 2) * angles(math.rad(50), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), .3)
  1091. NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0 = clerp(NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), .3)
  1092. HeadHandleweld.C0 = clerp(HeadHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)), .3)
  1093. LLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)), .3)
  1094. LLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)), .3)
  1095. RLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)), .3)
  1096. RLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)), .3)
  1097. TailHandleweld.C0 = clerp(TailHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)), .3)
  1098. Tail2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)), .3)
  1099. Tail3Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail3Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)), .3)
  1100. end
  1101. elseif RootPart.Velocity.y < -1 and hit == nil and stun.Value ~= true then
  1102. Anim = "Fall"
  1103. if attack == false then
  1104. Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 1) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), .3)
  1105. NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0 = clerp(NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-15)), .3)
  1106. HeadHandleweld.C0 = clerp(HeadHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)), .3)
  1107. LLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)), .3)
  1108. LLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)), .3)
  1109. RLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)), .3)
  1110. RLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)), .3)
  1111. TailHandleweld.C0 = clerp(TailHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), .3)
  1112. Tail2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), .3)
  1113. Tail3Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail3Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), .3)
  1114. end
  1115. elseif Torsovelocity < 1 and hit ~= nil and stun.Value ~= true then
  1116. Anim = "Idle"
  1117. if attack == false and Flying == false then
  1118. change = 1
  1119. Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), .3)
  1120. NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0 = clerp(NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(10+1.5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1121. HeadHandleweld.C0 = clerp(HeadHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-5+1.5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1122. LLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(2-3*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1123. LLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(2-3*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1124. RLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(2-3*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1125. RLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(2-3*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1126. TailHandleweld.C0 = clerp(TailHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(15*math.cos(sine/15)), math.rad(5*math.cos(sine/25))), .3)
  1127. Tail2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15*math.cos(sine/15)), math.rad(20*math.cos(sine/15)), math.rad(2*math.cos(sine/15))), .3)
  1128. Tail3Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail3Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(15*math.cos(sine/15)), math.rad(10*math.cos(sine/15)), math.rad(0)), .3)
  1129. elseif attack == false and Flying == true then
  1130. Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 3.5+.2*math.cos(sine/10), 2) * angles(math.rad(40+2*math.cos(sine/10)), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), .3)
  1131. NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0 = clerp(NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10+3*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1132. HeadHandleweld.C0 = clerp(HeadHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20-3*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1133. LLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40+5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1134. LLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30+5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1135. RLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40+5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1136. RLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30+5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1137. TailHandleweld.C0 = clerp(TailHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(20-3*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1138. Tail2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(10+2*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1139. Tail3Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail3Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(15-1.5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1140. end
  1141. elseif Torsovelocity > 2 and hit ~= nil and stun.Value ~= true then
  1142. Anim = "Walk"
  1143. if attack == false and Flying == false then
  1144. change = 1
  1145. Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(1.5+1*math.cos(sine/10)), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), .3)
  1146. NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0 = clerp(NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(5+2*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1147. HeadHandleweld.C0 = clerp(HeadHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(5+1.5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1148. LLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(30*math.cos(sine/4.5))), .3)
  1149. LLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30*math.cos(sine/5))), .3)
  1150. RLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30*math.cos(sine/5))), .3)
  1151. RLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(30*math.cos(sine/4.5))), .3)
  1152. TailHandleweld.C0 = clerp(TailHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(3*math.cos(sine/15))), .3)
  1153. Tail2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(2*math.cos(sine/15))), .3)
  1154. Tail3Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail3Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(3*math.cos(sine/15))), .3)
  1155. elseif attack == false and Flying == true then
  1156. change = 1
  1157. Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 3.5+.2*math.cos(sine/10), 1) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), .3)
  1158. NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0 = clerp(NeckHandleConnectorweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10+1*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1159. HeadHandleweld.C0 = clerp(HeadHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(20+1*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1160. LLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40+5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1161. LLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(LLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30+5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1162. RLeg1Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg1Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40+5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1163. RLeg2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(RLeg2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30+5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1164. TailHandleweld.C0 = clerp(TailHandleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(10-3*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1165. Tail2Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail2Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(5+2*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1166. Tail3Handleweld.C0 = clerp(Tail3Handleweld.C0, cn(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(3-1.5*math.cos(sine/10))), .3)
  1167. end
  1168. end
  1169. end
  1170. end)
  1172. local d = game.Workspace.Memo1332:GetChildren()
  1173. for i=1, #d do
  1174. if (d[i].className == "Accessory") then
  1175. d[i]:remove()
  1176. end
  1177. end
  1179. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  1180. Workspace.Memo1332.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  1181."ForceField",plr.Character).Visible = false
  1183. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  1184. mouse = plr:GetMouse()
  1185. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1186. if plr.Character.Parent ~= workspace.Camera then
  1187. if mouse ~= nil then
  1188. if mouse.Target ~= nil then
  1189. part = mouse.Target
  1190. bp ="BodyPosition",part)
  1191. bp.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
  1192. bp.Position = part.Position
  1193. particles ="ParticleEmitter",part)
  1194. particles.Color =,0.2,1))
  1195. particles.Size =
  1196. particles.Texture = "rbxassetid://292289455"
  1197. particles.VelocitySpread = 360
  1198. particles.Speed =
  1199. particles.RotSpeed =
  1200. particles.Rotation =
  1201. particles.Rate = 250
  1202. particles.Lifetime =,.4)
  1203. particles.Transparency ={,1,0),,.688,0),,.887,0),,1,0)})
  1204. dwn = true
  1205. end
  1206. end
  1207. while dwn == true do
  1208. wait()
  1209. bp.Position = mouse.hit.p
  1210. if part then
  1211. if part.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
  1212. part.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid").PlatformStand = true
  1213. end
  1214. end
  1215. end
  1216. end
  1217. end)
  1218. mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
  1219. dwn = false
  1220. if part then if part.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then part.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid").PlatformStand = false end part = nil end
  1221. if bp then bp:Destroy() end
  1222. if particles then particles:Destroy() end
  1223. end)
  1225. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1226. if key == "c" and plr.Character.Parent == workspace.Camera and part ~= nil then
  1227. local clone = part:Clone()
  1228. clone.Parent = workspace
  1229. clone.Anchored = false
  1230. clone:ClearAllChildren()
  1231. clone.CanCollide = true
  1232. bp.Parent = clone
  1233. particles.Parent = clone
  1234. if part.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
  1235. part.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid").PlatformStand = false
  1236. end
  1237. end
  1238. end)
  1240. base ="ScreenGui",plr.PlayerGui)
  1241. bbg ="BillboardGui",plr.Character.Head)
  1242. bbg.Size =,200,0,50)
  1243. bbg.StudsOffset =,0,0)
  1244. bbgTl ="TextLabel",bbg)
  1245. bbgTl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1246. bbgTl.Size =,0,1,0)
  1247. bbgTl.Position =,-3,0,0)
  1248. bbgTl.Font = "Arcade"
  1249. bbgTl.Text = " "
  1250. bbgTl.TextSize = 32
  1251. bbgTl.TextStrokeColor3 =,1,1)
  1252. bbgTl.TextColor3 =,0,0.95)
  1253. bbgTl.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1254. bbgTl.TextWrapped = true
  1255. plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  1256. bbgTl.Text = msg
  1257. wait(9)
  1258. if bbgTl.Text == msg then
  1259. bbgTl.Text = " "
  1260. end
  1261. end)
  1263. bbgTl.Text = "The Pink Draggo edit by Memo1332"
  1264. Wait(4)
  1265. bbgTl.Text = " "
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