

Oct 23rd, 2022
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AutoIt 2.20 KB | None | 0 0
  1. HotKeySet("{F4}", "_Exit")
  2. Func _Exit()
  3. Sleep(100)
  4. Exit
  5. EndFunc ;==> _Exit()
  6. $steam = ("Login") ;Логин с батника
  7. $sda = ("C:\Users\Taum\Desktop\SDA ALL\SDA NNN\1-20") ;Путь к SDA
  8. Run(@ScriptDir & '\' & $steam & '.bat')
  9. Sleep(16000)
  10. WinActivate("Steam Guard — Необходима авторизация компьютера")
  11. WinWaitActive("Steam Guard — Необходима авторизация компьютера")
  12. if not WinExists("Steam Desktop Authenticator") Then
  13.    Run($sda)
  14.    Sleep(2000)
  15.    Send("Пароль") ;Пароль от Sda(если нету, удаляйте строчку)
  16.    Send("{enter}")
  17.    $b = 0
  18.    While $b = 0
  19.       $d = ControlGetText("Steam Desktop Authenticator", "", "[; INSTANCE:2]")
  20.       If $d <> "" Then
  21.          $b = 1
  22.       EndIf
  23.    WEnd
  24. EndIf
  25. WinActivate("Steam Desktop Authenticator")
  26. WinWaitActive("Steam Desktop Authenticator")
  27. Sleep (300)
  28. WinMove("Steam Desktop Authenticator", "", 1000, 167)
  29. ControlClick("Steam Desktop Authenticator", "", "[; INSTANCE:1]")
  30. Send("{end}")
  31. $sda = ControlGetText ("Steam Desktop Authenticator", "", "[; INSTANCE:2]")
  32. Send("{home}")
  33. $a = ControlGetText ("Steam Desktop Authenticator", "", "[; INSTANCE:2]")
  34. $b = 0
  35. $c = "Account: " & $steam
  36. if $a = $c Then
  37.    $b = 1
  38. EndIf
  39. While $b <>1
  40.    Send("{down 1}")
  41.    $a = ControlGetText ("Steam Desktop Authenticator", "", "[; INSTANCE:2]")
  42.    if $a = $c Then
  43.       $b = 1
  44.    EndIf
  45.    if $b <> 1 and $a = $sda then
  46.       MsgBox (0, "Ошибка", "Аккаунт отсутствует в SDA" )
  47.       Exit
  48.    EndIf
  49. WEnd
  50. $d = ControlGetText("Steam Desktop Authenticator", "", "[; INSTANCE:2]")
  51. ClipPut($d)
  52. WinSetState("Steam Desktop Authenticator", "", @SW_MINIMIZE)
  53. WinActivate("Steam Guard — Необходима авторизация компьютера")
  54. WinWaitActive("Steam Guard — Необходима авторизация компьютера")
  55. Send('+{INS}')
  56. Send("{enter}")
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