

Apr 14th, 2023
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  1. -- ключ локаль
  2. UPDATE `item_sparse` SET `Display` = 'Mythic Keystone', `Description` = 'Place within the Font of Power inside the dungeon on Mythic difficulty.' WHERE `ID` = 138019;
  4. DELETE FROM `item_sparse_locale` WHERE ID = 138019;
  5. INSERT INTO `item_sparse_locale` (`ID`, `locale`, `Display_lang`, `Display1_lang`, `Display2_lang`, `Display3_lang`, `Description_lang`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
  6. (138019, 'deDE', 'Mythischer Schlüsselstein', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Setzt ihn im Dungeon auf dem Schwierigkeitsgrad \'Mythisch\' im Born der Macht ein.', 0),
  7. (138019, 'enUS', 'Mythic Keystone', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place within the Font of Power inside the dungeon on Mythic difficulty.', 0),
  8. (138019, 'esES', 'Piedra angular mítica', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colócala dentro de la fuente de poder que hay en la mazmorra en dificultad mítica.', 0),
  9. (138019, 'esMX', 'Piedra angular mítica', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colócala dentro de la fuente de poder que hay en la mazmorra en dificultad mítica.', 0),
  10. (138019, 'frFR', 'Clé mythique', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'À insérer dans la fontaine de puissance à l\'intérieur d\'un donjon en mode mythique.', 0),
  11. (138019, 'itIT', 'Chiave del Potere', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Da posizionare nella Fonte del Potere all\'interno delle spedizioni in modalità Mitica.', 0),
  12. (138019, 'koKR', '신화 쐐기돌', NULL, NULL, NULL, '신화 난이도 던전 안에 있는 마력의 샘에 넣으십시오.', 0),
  13. (138019, 'ptBR', 'Pedra-chave Mítica', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Coloque-a no interior da Fonte de Poder que fica dentro da masmorra na dificuldade Mítica.', 0),
  14. (138019, 'ruRU', 'Эпохальный ключ', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Положите ключ в Чашу силы в подземелье в эпохальном режиме.', 0),
  15. (138019, 'zhCN', '傳奇鑰石', NULL, NULL, NULL, '在傳奇難度中,放置在地城裡的能量之泉內。', 0),
  16. (138019, 'zhTW', '傳奇鑰石', NULL, NULL, NULL, '在傳奇難度中,放置在地城裡的能量之泉內。', 0);
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