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- -- ключ локаль
- UPDATE `item_sparse` SET `Display` = 'Mythic Keystone', `Description` = 'Place within the Font of Power inside the dungeon on Mythic difficulty.' WHERE `ID` = 138019;
- DELETE FROM `item_sparse_locale` WHERE ID = 138019;
- INSERT INTO `item_sparse_locale` (`ID`, `locale`, `Display_lang`, `Display1_lang`, `Display2_lang`, `Display3_lang`, `Description_lang`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
- (138019, 'deDE', 'Mythischer Schlüsselstein', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Setzt ihn im Dungeon auf dem Schwierigkeitsgrad \'Mythisch\' im Born der Macht ein.', 0),
- (138019, 'enUS', 'Mythic Keystone', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place within the Font of Power inside the dungeon on Mythic difficulty.', 0),
- (138019, 'esES', 'Piedra angular mítica', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colócala dentro de la fuente de poder que hay en la mazmorra en dificultad mítica.', 0),
- (138019, 'esMX', 'Piedra angular mítica', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colócala dentro de la fuente de poder que hay en la mazmorra en dificultad mítica.', 0),
- (138019, 'frFR', 'Clé mythique', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'À insérer dans la fontaine de puissance à l\'intérieur d\'un donjon en mode mythique.', 0),
- (138019, 'itIT', 'Chiave del Potere', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Da posizionare nella Fonte del Potere all\'interno delle spedizioni in modalità Mitica.', 0),
- (138019, 'koKR', '신화 쐐기돌', NULL, NULL, NULL, '신화 난이도 던전 안에 있는 마력의 샘에 넣으십시오.', 0),
- (138019, 'ptBR', 'Pedra-chave Mítica', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Coloque-a no interior da Fonte de Poder que fica dentro da masmorra na dificuldade Mítica.', 0),
- (138019, 'ruRU', 'Эпохальный ключ', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Положите ключ в Чашу силы в подземелье в эпохальном режиме.', 0),
- (138019, 'zhCN', '傳奇鑰石', NULL, NULL, NULL, '在傳奇難度中,放置在地城裡的能量之泉內。', 0),
- (138019, 'zhTW', '傳奇鑰石', NULL, NULL, NULL, '在傳奇難度中,放置在地城裡的能量之泉內。', 0);
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