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- Convert = function(Color)
- return
- end;
- MyAngle=0;
- tickstart=tick();
- local Aperture
- local CurrentVersion
- if game.CreatorId == 5111623 then
- sb='Voiliax'
- else
- sb='Some other sb idk'
- end
- Aperture = {}
- Aperture.BanPhrases = {}
- Aperture.Functions = {}
- Aperture.Ranked = {}
- Aperture.Teams = {}
- Aperture.Ranks = {}
- Aperture.Core = {}
- Aperture.Core.Functions = {}
- Aperture.Get = {}
- local height=0
- Aperture.Services = {
- game:service'Lighting';
- game:service'Workspace';
- game:service'RunService';
- game:service'Players';
- game:service'HttpService';
- game:service'StarterGui';
- game:service'StarterPlayer';
- game:service'StarterPack';
- game:service'FriendService';
- };
- local doeet = true
- local phrases=true
- local ang=0
- AllTabs={}
- game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
- ypcall(function()
- for _,Player in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
- local PlayerTablets = {}
- for i,v in pairs(AllTabs) do
- if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Player == Player then
- table.insert(PlayerTablets, v)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #PlayerTablets do
- ypcall(function()
- local tab = PlayerTablets[i].Tab
- local pos = nil
- ypcall(function()
- pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
- end)
- local x = math.sin(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*i) * (#PlayerTablets+6)
- local z = math.cos(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*i) * (#PlayerTablets+6)
- local cPos = tab.Position
- local ePos =, 0, z) + (pos.p or, -5, 0))
- local nPos = (ePos-cPos)*.25
- cPos = cPos + nPos
- local t = (tick() - tickstart) % 360
- local change = 0.0025
- ang=ang+change
- tab.CFrame =, (pos.p or, -5, 0))) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-8.25), 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(.55), 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad((360 / #PlayerTablets) * i) + ang, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(ang), math.rad(ang), math.rad(ang))
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- Aperture.Ranked = {
- {['Name'] = 'supersonicfan111', ['Rank'] = 7, ['Reason'] = 'Creator', ['Color'] = 'Really red', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'djpootis2', ['Rank'] = 7, ['Reason'] = "Creator's alt", ['Color'] = 'Really red', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'Nexure', ['Rank'] = 4, ['Reason'] = 'Teh Nexure (duh!)', ['Color'] = 'Magenta', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'lolman8776', ['Rank'] = 5, ['Reason'] = 'Great scripter, and friend', ['Color'] = 'Really blue', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'goodtiger456789123', ['Rank'] = 6, ['Reason'] = 'Inspiration, and is teh optiplex', ['Color'] = 'Really red', ['Transparency'] = .7, ['SelBox'] = false};
- {['Name'] = 'masterepico', ['Rank'] = 5, ['Reason'] = "Creator's best friend", ['Color'] = 'Lime green', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'Mikko3m', ['Rank'] = -1, ['Reason'] = "Pretending he can hack, etc", ['Color'] = 'Really black', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'GravityLegendary', ['Rank'] = 5, ['Reason'] = "Creator's best friend", ['Color'] = 'Institutional white', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'AHAYEMEnvironment', ['Rank'] = 5, ['Reason'] = "GravityLegendary's alt", ['Color'] = 'Institutional white', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'deathwakler5', ['Rank'] = 5, ['Reason'] = "GravityLegendary's Alt", ['Color'] = 'Institutional white', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'iLordVex', ['Rank'] = 4, ['Reason'] = "Epic player and scripter", ['Color'] = 'Magenta', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'Vexue', ['Rank'] = 4, ['Reason'] = "Creator of Revex", ['Color'] = 'Teal', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- {['Name'] = 'Derek1017', ['Rank'] = -2, ['Reason'] = "Claiming Gravity as his and naming it Swagmin (more like Sh\5\itmin, amirite?), banning everybody", ['Color'] = 'Magenta', ['Transparency'] = .3, ['SelBox'] = true};
- }
- Aperture.BanPhrases = {
- {['Word'] = 'ban', ['Do'] = 'ban', ['Rank'] = 5};
- {['Word'] = 'kick', ['Do'] = 'ban', ['Rank'] = 5};
- {['Word'] = 'swag', ['Do'] = 'kill', ['Rank'] = 2};
- {['Word'] = ':remove()', ['Do'] = 'ban', ['Rank'] = 7};
- {['Word'] = ':destroy()', ['Do'] = 'kick', ['Rank'] = 7};
- {['Word'] = 'bsod', ['Do'] = 'bsod', ['Rank'] = 4};
- {['Word'] = 'disc', ['Do'] = 'ban', ['Rank'] = 7};
- }
- Aperture.Ranks = {
- {['Name'] = 'Creator', ['Rank'] = 7};
- {['Name'] = 'Maximum Administrator', ['Rank'] = 6};
- {['Name'] = 'Best Friend', ['Rank'] = 5};
- {['Name'] = 'Special Player', ['Rank'] = 4};
- {['Name'] = 'Administrator', ['Rank'] = 3};
- {['Name'] = 'Beta Tester', ['Rank'] = 2};
- {['Name'] = '1250+ days', ['Rank'] = 1.5};
- {['Name'] = 'Member', ['Rank'] = 1};
- {['Name'] = 'Trainee', ['Rank'] = 0.1};
- {['Name'] = 'Guest', ['Rank'] = 0};
- {['Name'] = 'Banned', ['Rank'] = -1};
- }
- Aperture.Get.Rank = function(plr)
- if type(plr) == 'userdata' then
- plr=tostring(plr)
- elseif type(plr) == 'string' then
- plr=plr
- else
- plr=plr.Name
- end
- for _, data in pairs(Aperture.Ranked) do
- if data['Name'] == plr then
- local rnk=data['Rank']
- return rnk
- end
- end
- return 0.1
- end
- Aperture.Get.Trans = function(plr)
- if type(plr) == 'userdata' then
- plr=tostring(plr)
- elseif type(plr) == 'string' then
- plr=plr
- else
- plr=plr.Name
- end
- for _, data in pairs(Aperture.Ranked) do
- if data['Name'] == plr then
- local trans=data['Transparency']
- return trans
- end
- end
- return .7
- end
- Aperture.Get.Sel = function(plr)
- if type(plr) == 'userdata' then
- plr=tostring(plr)
- elseif type(plr) == 'string' then
- plr=plr
- else
- plr=plr.Name
- end
- for _, data in pairs(Aperture.Ranked) do
- if data['Name'] == plr then
- local sel=data['SelBox']
- return sel
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- Aperture.Get.Color = function(plr)
- if type(plr) == 'userdata' then
- plr=tostring(plr)
- elseif type(plr) == 'string' then
- plr=plr
- else
- plr=plr.Name
- end
- for _, data in pairs(Aperture.Ranked) do
- if data['Name'] == plr then
- local clr=data['Color']
- return clr
- end
- end
- return 'Institutional white'
- end
- Aperture.Get.Name = function(rank)
- for _, data in pairs(Aperture.Ranks) do
- if data['Rank'] == rank then
- local name=data['Name']
- return name
- end
- end
- return '404_RANK_(RANK_NOT_FOUND)'
- end
- Aperture.Core.Commands = {}
- Aperture.Core.Functions = {}
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand = function(say, name, rank, description, flags, arguments, func)
- table.insert(Aperture.Core.Commands, {['Say'] = say, ['Name'] = name, ['Rank'] = rank, ['Desc'] = description, ['Flags'] = flags, ['Args'] = arguments, ['Func'] = func})
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output = function(player, text, color, func)
- if text==nil then text='Text Error!' end
- if color==nil then color=tostring('White') end
- if player==nil then return false end
- local"Part", script)
- TABLET.Transparency=Aperture.Get.Trans(player)
- if player and player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
- TABLET.CFrame=player.Character:FindFirstChild('Head').CFrame
- end
- TABLET.CanCollide=false
- TABLET.Anchored=true
- TABLET.Locked=true
- TABLET.TopSurface=0
- TABLET.BottomSurface=0
- local"BillboardGui", TABLET)
- GUI.Adornee=TABLET;
- GUI.StudsOffset =, 1.3, 0)
- GUI.Size =, 0, 7.5,0)
- local"TextLabel", GUI)
- LABEL.Font = "ArialBold"
- LABEL.TextColor3=Convert(tostring(color))
- LABEL.BackgroundTransparency=1
- LABEL.FontSize = "Size18"
- LABEL.TextStrokeTransparency=1
- LABEL.Text = tostring(text)
- LABEL.TextStrokeColor3=Convert(tostring(color))
- LABEL.Size =, 0, 0.5, 0)
- local"ClickDetector", TABLET)
- CLICK.MaxActivationDistance=math.huge
- local SEL=nil
- if Aperture.Get.Sel(player) == true then
-"SelectionBox", TABLET)
- SEL.Adornee=TABLET
- SEL.Color=TABLET.BrickColor
- SEL.Transparency=TABLET.Transparency
- end
- CLICK.MouseClick:connect(function(p)
- if p.userId == player.userId or Aperture.Get.Rank(p) > Aperture.Get.Rank(player) then
- if func == nil then
- for i = 1, 5 do
- TABLET.Transparency=TABLET.Transparency + .1
- TABLET.Size=TABLET.Size +,.5,.5)
- wait()
- end
- TABLET:Destroy()
- else
- for i = 1, 5 do
- TABLET.Transparency=TABLET.Transparency + .1
- TABLET.Size=TABLET.Size +,.5,.5)
- wait()
- end
- TABLET:Destroy()
- func = func
- func()
- end
- end
- end)
- table.insert(AllTabs, {Tab = TABLET, Player = player})
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.GetPlayers = function(plr, msg)
- local plrs = {}
- if msg == "me" then
- table.insert(plrs, plr)
- elseif msg == "all" then
- for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(v) <= Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) then
- table.insert(plrs, v)
- end
- end
- elseif msg == "others" then
- for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
- if v ~= plr then
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(v) <= Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) then
- table.insert(plrs, v)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
- if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#msg) == msg:lower() then
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(v) <= Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) then
- table.insert(plrs, v)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return plrs
- end
- Aperture.Functions.attach=function(plr,object)
- local function check(o)
- if o.ClassName == 'BasePart' then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- if check(object)==true then
- table.insert(AllTabs, {Tab = object, Player=plr});
- else
- warn'asd, nogo'
- end
- end
- function Kick(plr)
- local'RemoteEvent',workspace):FireClient(plr,{string.rep("umad?",2e5+5)})
- delay(1,function()
- pcall(function()
- h:remove()
- end)
- end)
- end
- function Shutdown()
- for i,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
- local'RemoteEvent',workspace):FireClient(v,{string.rep("umad?",2e5+5)})
- delay(1,function()
- pcall(function()
- h:remove()
- end)
- end)
- end
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.RemoveTablets = function()
- Aperture = nil
- script.Disabled=true
- script:destroy''
- end
- Aperture.Functions.OwnerBroadcast = function(plr, text, color, func)
- local admins=0
- for _, p in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers'') do
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(p) >= 6 then
- admins = admins +1
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, text, color, func)
- end
- end
- if admins == 0 then
- warn('No creator(s) found!')
- else
- print(tonumber(admins)..' admins are online!')
- print(text)
- end
- end
- BSoD = function(plr)
- BSoDSource(plr)
- wait()
- ApertureFunctions.OwnerBroadcast('Player: '..plr.Name..' is being crashed with iLordVex BSoD!', 'Really blue')
- end
- Aperture.Functions.Broadcast = function(text, color, func)
- for _, p in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers'') do
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, text, color, func)
- end
- print(text)
- end
- key = ';'
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Chatted = function(speaker, message)
- if message:sub(1, 2) == '/e' then
- if #message > 3 then
- message = message:sub(4)
- end
- elseif message:sub(1, 1) == '/' then
- if #message > 2 then
- message = message:sub(2)
- end
- end
- for _, PHRASES in pairs(Aperture.BanPhrases) do
- if message:lower():find(PHRASES['Word']) then
- if phrases==true then
- if PHRASES['Rank'] > Aperture.Get.Rank(speaker) then
- if PHRASES['Do'] == 'kill' then
- pcall(function()
- speaker.Character:BreakJoints''
- end)
- elseif PHRASES['Do'] == 'ban' then
- print('Get rekt '..speaker.Name)
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(speaker) == 0 then
- table.insert(Aperture.Ranked, {['Name'] = speaker.Name, ['Rank'] = -1, ['Reason'] = 'Chatting a banned phrase', ['Color'] = 'Really black'})
- else
- local rank=Aperture.Get.Rank
- rank=-1
- end
- Kick(speaker)
- elseif PHRASES['Do'] == 'kick' then
- print('Get rekt '..speaker.Name)
- Kick(speaker)
- elseif PHRASES['Do'] == 'bsod' then
- print('Get bsod '..speaker.Name)
- BSoD(speaker)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local command=message
- for _, CMDS in pairs(Aperture.Core.Commands) do
- if command:sub(1, #CMDS['Say']+#key) == CMDS['Say']..key then
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(speaker) >= CMDS['Rank'] then
- local msg = command:sub(#CMDS["Say"]+#key+1)
- a,b = ypcall(function()
- CMDS["Func"](speaker, msg)
- end)
- if not a then warn(b) Aperture.Functions.OwnerBroadcast(speaker, 'ERROR: '..b, 'Really red') end
- else
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'You do not have the required rank: '..CMDS['Rank']..'!', 'Really red')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for _, plr in next, game:service'Players':players'' do
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) == 999 or Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) == 'no' or Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) == 0.1 then
- table.insert(Aperture.Ranked, {['Name'] = plr.Name, ['Rank'] = 0, ['Reason'] = 'Random Player', ['Color'] = 'Really blue', ['Transparency'] = .7, ['SelBox'] = true})
- end
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) < 3 then
- if plr.AccountAge <= 249 and Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) < 2 or Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) == -1 then
- Kick(plr)
- elseif plr.AccountAge >= 1250 then
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) == 0 then
- local rank = Aperture.Get.Rank(plr)
- rank = 1.5
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for _, p in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers'') do
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Welcome to Aperture Tablets Generation 2.1 BETA!', 'Institutional white')
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Your rank: '..Aperture.Get.Rank(p), 'Really blue')
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Click to dismiss', 'Really red', function() Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(p) end)
- p.Chatted:connect(function(message)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Chatted(p, message)
- end)
- end
- game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p)
- p.CharacterAdded:wait''
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Welcome to Aperture Tablets Generation 2.1 BETA!', 'Institutional white')
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Your rank: '..Aperture.Get.Rank(p), 'Really blue')
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Click to dismiss', 'Really red', function() Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(p) end)
- p.Chatted:connect(function(message)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Chatted(p, message)
- end)
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.GetSplit = function(msg)
- local a = nil
- for i = 1,#msg do
- if msg:sub(i,i) == "-" then
- a = i+1
- break
- end
- end
- if a ~= nil then
- return msg:sub(a)
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss = function(player)
- for _, tabs in next, AllTabs do
- if tabs.Player == player then
- tabs.Tab:destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- Aperture.Functions.Explore = function(speaker, obj)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- if obj == game or obj==nil then
- for _, children in pairs(Aperture.Services) do
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, children.Name, 'Really blue', function()
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'View Children', 'Really black', function()
- Aperture.Functions.Explore(speaker, children)
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'Name: '..children.Name, 'Lime green')
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'Explore Parent', 'Teal', function()
- Aperture.Functions.Explore(speaker, children.Parent)
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'ClassName: '..children.ClassName, 'Hot pink')
- end)
- end
- else
- for _, children in pairs(obj:children'') do
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, children.Name, 'Really blue', function()
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- if #obj:children() >= 1 then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'View Children', 'Really black', function()
- Aperture.Functions.Explore(speaker, children)
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'Clear All Children', 'Bright red', function()
- if children.Name == 'Terrain' then
- children:clear''
- Aperture.Functions.Explore(speaker, obj)
- else
- children:ClearAllChildren''
- Aperture.Functions.Explore(speaker, obj)
- end
- end)
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'Remove', 'Really red', function()
- if children.ClassName == 'Player' then
- Kick(children)
- wait''
- Aperture.Functions.Explore(speaker, obj)
- else
- children:remove''
- wait''
- Aperture.Functions.Explore(speaker, obj)
- end
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'Name: '..children.Name, 'Lime green')
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'Explore Parent', 'Teal', function()
- Aperture.Functions.Explore(speaker, children.Parent)
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(speaker, 'ClassName: '..children.ClassName, 'Hot pink')
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Commands = function(player)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(player)
- for i = 0, 6 do
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, Aperture.Get.Name(i)..' ( '..i..' ) ', 'Lime green', function()
- Aperture.Core.Functions.GetCommands(player, i)
- end)
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Show all commands (Rank 7 ( Creator ) )', 'New Yeller', function()
- Aperture.Core.Functions.GetCommands(player, 7)
- end)
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.GetCommands = function(player, rank)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(player)
- for _, CMDS in pairs(Aperture.Core.Commands) do
- if CMDS['Rank'] <= rank then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, CMDS['Name'], Aperture.Get.Color(player), function()
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(player)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Description: '..CMDS['Desc'], Aperture.Get.Color(player))
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Flags: '..CMDS['Flags'], Aperture.Get.Color(player))
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Arguments: '..CMDS['Args'], Aperture.Get.Color(player))
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Usage: '..CMDS['Say']..''..key, Aperture.Get.Color(player))
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Rank: '..CMDS['Rank'], Aperture.Get.Color(player))
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Name: '..CMDS['Name'], Aperture.Get.Color(player))
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Back', 'Really black', function() Aperture.Core.Functions.GetCommands(player, rank) end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Dismiss', 'Really red', function() Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(player) end)
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('tst', 'Test', 0, 'Tests if Aperture Tablets are working!~','< NO FLAGS >','<NO ARGS>',
- function(player, msg)
- if msg == '' then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Admin works!', 'Lime green')
- else
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, msg, 'Lime green')
- end
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('rtabs', 'Remove', 7, 'Removes Aperture Tablets','< ~INSTANT >','<FLAG>',
- function(player, msg)
- if msg == '~INSTANT' then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.RemoveTablets()
- else
- local countdown = 5
- for i = 1, 5 do
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'REMOVING IN: '..countdown..' SECONDS!', 'Really red')
- countdown = countdown - 1
- wait(1)
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.RemoveTablets()
- end
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('ping', 'Ping', 1, 'Pings text','<TEXT>','<NO ARGS>',
- function(player, msg)
- if msg == '' then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Pong!', 'Lime green')
- else
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, msg, Aperture.Get.Color(player))
- end
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('bp', 'Banned Phrases', 0, 'Displays banned phrases','< NO FLAGS >','<NO ARGS>',
- function(player)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(player)
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(player) >= 5 then
- if phrases==false then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Turn on banning phrases', 'Lime green', function() phrases=true Aperture.Core.Functions.Chatted(player, 'bp'..key) end)
- else
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Turn off banning phrases', 'Really red', function() phrases=false Aperture.Core.Functions.Chatted(player, 'bp'..key) end)
- end
- end
- if phrases==false then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Banned phrases off!', 'Bright red')
- else
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Banned phrases on!', 'Bright green')
- end
- for _, phrases in pairs(Aperture.BanPhrases) do
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, phrases['Word'], 'Hot pink', function()
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(player)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Word: '..phrases['Word'], 'Hot pink')
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Rank needed (or above) to chat: '..phrases['Rank'], 'Lime green')
- if phrases['Do'] == 'kill' then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Punishment: Slaughter', 'Black')
- elseif phrases['Do'] == 'ban' then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Punishment: Ban from server', 'Really red')
- elseif phrases['Do'] == 'kick' then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Punishment: Removed from server', 'Bright red')
- elseif phrases['Do'] == 'bsod' then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Punishment: BSoD (work in progress)', 'Really blue')
- else
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Punishment: Unknown', 'Medium stone grey')
- end
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Dismiss', 'Really red', function() Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(player) end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(player, 'Back', 'Really black', function() Aperture.Core.Functions.Chatted(player, 'bp'..key) end)
- end)
- end
- end
- )
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('dt', 'Dismiss Tablets', 0, 'Dismisses your tablets','< NO FLAGS >','<NO ARGS>',
- function(player, m)
- if m == '~a' or m == '-a' or m == '~all' or m == '-all' then
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(player) >= 5 then
- for _, p in pairs(game:service'Players':players'') do
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(p)
- end
- end
- elseif m == '~o' or m == '-o' or m == '~others' or m == '-others' then
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(player) >= 5 then
- for _, p in pairs(game:service'Players':players'') do
- if p.Name ~= player.Name then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(p)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(player)
- end
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('akp', 'Add Kick Phrase', 5, 'Adds a kicking phrase','<PHRASE>','<NO ARGS>',
- function(player, msg)
- msg = msg:lower()
- table.insert(Aperture.BanPhrases, {['Word'] = msg, ['Do'] = 'kick', ['Rank'] = 5})
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('akp2', 'Add Kill Phrase', 3, 'Adds a killing phrase','<PHRASE>','<NO ARGS>',
- function(player, msg)
- msg = msg:lower()
- table.insert(Aperture.BanPhrases, {['Word'] = msg, ['Do'] = 'kill', ['Rank'] = 3})
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('abp', 'Add Ban Phrase', 7, 'Adds a ban phrase','<PHRASE>','<NO ARGS>',
- function(player, msg)
- msg = msg:lower()
- table.insert(Aperture.BanPhrases, {['Word'] = msg, ['Do'] = 'ban', ['Rank'] = 7})
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('cmds', 'Show Commands', 0, 'Displays all commands','< NO FLAGS >','< NO ARGS >',
- function(player)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Commands(player)
- end)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('exe', 'Execute', 5, 'Executes code <CODE>','< NO FLAGS >','<CODE>',
- function(p, m)
- local success,chunk_error=loadstring(m);
- if(success) then
- success();
- else
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p,'ERROR: '..chunk_error,"Really red")
- end
- end
- )
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('update', 'Update', 7, 'Updates the tablets','< NO FLAGS >','< NO ARGUMENTS >',
- function(p, m)
- local newVer=game:service'HttpService':GetAsync('', true)
- if newVer ~= CurrentVersion or CurrentVersion ~= newVer then
- if sb == 'Voiliax' then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Click to update (IF SCRIPT IS CURRENTLY UNREMOVABLE, UPDATE WILL BE REMOVABLE!)', 'Lime green', function()
- newScript(newVer, workspace)
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Chatted(p, 'rtabs'..key..'~INSTANT')
- end)
- else
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, "[ERROR] Script builder not Voiliax's, cannot update!", 'Really red')
- end
- end
- end
- )
- Aperture.Core.Functions.AddCommand('explore', 'Explorer', 5, 'Explores the game', '< NO FLAGS>', '< NO ARGS >',
- function(p)
- Aperture.Functions.Explore(p)
- end)
- game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) < 3 then
- if plr.AccountAge <= 249 and Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) < 2 or Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) == -1 then
- Kick(plr)
- elseif plr.AccountAge >= 1250 then
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) == 0 then
- local rank = Aperture.Get.Rank(plr)
- rank = 1.5
- elseif Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) == 999 or Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) == 'no' or Aperture.Get.Rank(plr) == 0.1 then
- table.insert(Aperture.Ranked, {['Name'] = plr.Name, ['Rank'] = 0, ['Reason'] = 'Random Player', ['Color'] = 'Really blue', ['Transparency'] = .7, ['SelBox'] = true})
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- game:service'Players'.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player)
- for _, tabs in next, AllTabs do
- if tabs.Player == player then
- tabs.Tab:destroy()
- end
- end
- if Aperture.Get.Rank(player) == -1 then
- for _, p in pairs(game:service'Players':players'') do
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Player: '..player.Name..' was banned!', 'Really red')
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Click to see why player was banned', 'Really red', function() Aperture.Core.Functions.Dismiss(p) Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Player: '..player.Name..' was banned for: '..Aperture.Get.Reason(player), 'Really red') end)
- end
- elseif player.AccountAge <= 249 then
- Aperture.Core.Functions.Output(p, 'Player: '..player.Name..' was kicked for being below the age of 250 ( Their age was: '..player.AccountAge..' )', 'Deep orange')
- end
- end)
- table.insert(Aperture.Ranked, {['Name'] = 'laizia123', ['Rank'] = -1, ['Reason'] = 'Banning everyone, abuse', ['Color'] = 'Really black'})
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