
RafaeLLa IRC Bot Services 7.0 NOT COMPLETE changelog

Nov 11th, 2014
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  1. - Added !YT channel command to work with YOUTUBE-SEARCH module.
  2. - Added !FeedBack private services command to work with FEEDBACK feature, this command will send an feedback report to the owner with your details. (Syntax: !FeedBack <type> <message> -> E.g: !FeedBack BUG The YOUTUBE-INFO module does not working.)
  3. - Added !SET RSSMaxChan private command work with RSS-MANAGER module, this set allow the services to give an limitation on how many rss feeds are available per channel. (Syntax: !SET RSSMaxChan <NUMBER> -> E.g: !SET RSSMaxChan 10).
  4. - Added !RSStopALL channel command to work with RSS-MANAGER module, this command stops all the channel rss feeds.
  5. - Added !RSStartALL channel command to work with RSS-MANAGER module, this command starts all the channel rss feeds.
  6. - Added !RSSChan channel command to work with RSS-MANAGER module, this command parse the site rss feeds and give them to the channel. - (Syntax: !RSSChan <Feed> -> E.g: !RSSChan 1)
  7. - Added !SET wotsafenot ON/OFF option, working for WOT-ADVISOR module, this option if it is ON the WOT-ADVISOR module will not give results for 'Excellent and Good' websites on the channel. - (This option added to stop annoying some users with the module output message).
  8. - Added !SET wotexcellentnot ON/OFF option, working for WOT-ADVISOR module, this option if it is ON the WOT-ADVISOR module will not give results for 'Excellent' websites on the channel. - (This option added to stop annoying some users with the module output message).
  9. - Added !SET wotgoodnot ON/OFF option, working for WOT-ADVISOR module, this option if it is ON the WOT-ADVISOR module will not give results for 'Good' websites on the channel. - (This option added to stop annoying some users with the module output message).
  10. - Added !WeatherYesterday (!WY) channel command to work with WU-INFO module, this command will give you the yesterday weather info about your state. - (Syntax: !WeatherYesterday <Country,City,State,ZIP Code,Airport Code,Latitude-Longitude,PWS). - (E.g: !WY AXD) - (E.g: !WY Alexandroupolis) - (E.g: !WY Alexandroupolis, GR) - (E.g: !WY 94107) - (E.g: !WY pws:KMNCHASK10) - (E.g: !WY 37.776289,-122.395234).
  11. - Added !WeatherHistory (!WH) channel command to work with WU-INFO module, this command will give you the history weather info about your state. - (Syntax: !WeatherHistory <Date> <Country,City,State,ZIP Code,Airport Code,Latitude-Longitude,PWS). - (E.g: !WH 24/10/2014 AXD) - (E.g: !WY 24/10/2014 Alexandroupolis) - (E.g: !WH 24/10/2014 Alexandroupolis, GR) - (E.g: !WH 24/10/2014 94107) - (E.g: !WH 24/10/2014 pws:KMNCHASK10) - (E.g: !WH 24/10/2014 37.776289,-122.395234).
  12. - Added !WeatherDate (!WD) channel command to work with WU-INFO module, this command will give you the currently date/time info about your state. - (Syntax: !WeatherDate <Country,City,State,ZIP Code,Airport Code,Latitude-Longitude,PWS). - (E.g: !WD AXD) - (E.g: !WD Alexandroupolis) - (E.g: !WD Alexandroupolis, GR) - (E.g: !WD 94107) - (E.g: !WD pws:KMNCHASK10) - (E.g: !WD 37.776289,-122.395234).
  13. - Added !WeatherTime (!WT) channel command to work with WU-INFO module, this command will give you the currently time info about your state. - (Syntax: !WeatherTime <Country,City,State,ZIP Code,Airport Code,Latitude-Longitude,PWS). - (E.g: !WT AXD) - (E.g: !WT Alexandroupolis) - (E.g: !WT Alexandroupolis, GR) - (E.g: !WT 94107) - (E.g: !WT pws:KMNCHASK10) - (E.g: !WT 37.776289,-122.395234).
  14. - Added !WeatherTimeZone (!WTZ) channel command to work with WU-INFO module, this command will give you the timezone info about your state. - (Syntax: !WeatherTimeZone <Country,City,State,ZIP Code,Airport Code,Latitude-Longitude,PWS). - (E.g: !WTZ AXD) - (E.g: !WTZ5 Alexandroupolis) - (E.g: !WTZ Alexandroupolis, GR) - (E.g: !WTZ 94107) - (E.g: !WTZ pws:KMNCHASK10) - (E.g: !WTZ 37.776289,-122.395234).
  15. - Added !WeatherSunRise (!WSR) channel command to work with WU-INFO module, this command will give you the sunrise info about your state. - (Syntax: !WeatherSunRise <Country,City,State,ZIP Code,Airport Code,Latitude-Longitude,PWS). - (E.g: !WSR AXD) - (E.g: !WTZ5 Alexandroupolis) - (E.g: !WSR Alexandroupolis, GR) - (E.g: !WSR 94107) - (E.g: !WSR pws:KMNCHASK10) - (E.g: !WSR 37.776289,-122.395234).
  16. - Added !WeatherSunSet (!WSS) channel command to work with WU-INFO module, this command will give you the sunset info about your state. - (Syntax: !WeatherSunSet <Country,City,State,ZIP Code,Airport Code,Latitude-Longitude,PWS). - (E.g: !WSS AXD) - (E.g: !WTZ5 Alexandroupolis) - (E.g: !WSS Alexandroupolis, GR) - (E.g: !WSS 94107) - (E.g: !WSS pws:KMNCHASK10) - (E.g: !WSS 37.776289,-122.395234).
  17. - Added !WeatherAlerts (!WAL) channel command to work with WU-INFO module, this command will give you the alerts info about your state. - (Syntax: !WeatherAlerts <Country,City,State,ZIP Code,Airport Code,Latitude-Longitude,PWS). - (E.g: !WAL AXD) - (E.g: !WA: Alexandroupolis) - (E.g: !WAL Alexandroupolis, GR) - (E.g: !WAL 94107) - (E.g: !WAL pws:KMNCHASK10) - (E.g: !WAL 37.776289,-122.395234).
  18. - Added CALC-INFO module, this module will give an result about an practise or give results about an specific date/time. - (Syntax: !Calc <Number> or !CalcAge <Date> [Time] [CTime]) - (E.g: !Calc 5+5) - (E.g: !CalcAge 07/11/2014) - (E.g: !CalcAge 07/11/2014 00:00:00) - (E.g: !CalcAge 07/11/2016) - (E.g: !CalcAge 1415311200).
  19. - Added COUNTRYCODE-INFO module, this module will give informations with private notice from the given country or code. - (Syntax: !CountryCode <Country/County Code) - (E.g: !CountryCode GREECE or !CountryCode GR).
  20. - Added FACEBOOK-INFO module, this module will give informations on the channel when someone paste an facebook link.
  21. - Added URL-INFO module, this module will display any link information on the channel about the link or about the image.
  22. - Added CURRENCY-CONVERT module, this module allows the user to convert money with an command. - (Channel Command: !currency <FROM> <TO> <NUMBER>) - (E.g: !Currency EUR GBP 150).
  23. - Added TWITTER-INFO module, this module will search on the website for the twitter user account informations and will give them to the channel! - (E.g:
  24. - Added TWITTER-SEARCH module, this module will search on the website for your search fields and if any informations will be found it will give with private notice to the user! - (Syntax: !Twitter <TEXT>) - (E.g: !Twitter GOOGLE).
  25. - Added SOUNDCLOUD-SEARCH module, this module will search on the website for the given search field and will give the results into the user with private notice (max results: 5) - (Channel Command: !SoundSearch <TEXT>) - (E.g: !SoundSearch Karras).
  26. - Added WIKIPEDIA-SEARCH module, this module will search on the website for the given saarch field and will give the results into the user with private notice (max results: 5) - (Channel Command: !Wikipedia <TEXT>) - (E.g: !WikiPedia Google).
  27. - Added WOT-ADVISOR module, this module is an updated module of WEB-ADVISOR but this is UP TO 80% FASTER!!!, it will check on the website for the link that the user paste into the channel and reply the link status on the channel.
  28. - Added BING-TRANSLATOR module, this module will search on the website and translate your given text to the given language. - (Syntax: !Translate <TO> <Text>) - (E.g: !translate el i love the rafaella).
  29. - Added on WOT-ADVISOR module, support for when someone kicks anyone from the channel and has an url to automatically scan the link for viruses.
  30. - Added on AWAYSCAN-INFO and CLONESCAN-INFO module, the nickname address, if exist to display next to the nickname.
  31. - Added on YOUTUBE-SEARCH module, the ability to search for youtube channels, - Channel Command: !YTChan - Syntax: !YTChan <YouTube Channel> - (E.g: !YTChan westor7).
  32. - Added /CHECK_LOCK ($check_lock) alias - identifier that checks if some useful mIRC LOCK options are locked or not.
  33. - Added on RSS-MANAGER module ATOM protocol RSS Feed links support, now the module can parse and ATOM rss feed links.
  34. - Added on the services startup the $check_lock identifier if any mIRC useful LOCK option is locked the services will return an error and exit.
  35. - Added an feature that will LOCK for ever the services script editor, this feature has been added for security reason(s).
  36. - Added an options to automatically disable the mIRC Tips while using the services, tips are not welcome.
  37. - Added on all the Channel Commands an flooding protection about 10 seconds per command.
  38. - Added an services protection from turning on/off via /REMOTE command, now you cannot turn the services off, if you want the services off just terminate them.
  39. - Added an services protection when trying to execute an command, all editbox commands are now restricted.
  40. - Updated all the modules codes by improving the wrapping speed up to 10% and 5% less memory cpu/ram usage.
  41. - Updated some on startup and on disconnect mIRC settings from enable/disable them.
  42. - Updated some of the modules output results, added colors support to be more readable.
  43. - Updated the WEATHER-INFO module, full redesign of code up to 70% faster and up to 20-30% cpu/ram less usage.
  44. - Updated the IMDB-SEARCH module, full redesign of code up to 70% faster and up to 30-40% cpu/ram less usage.
  45. - Updated the IP-LOCATOR module, full redesign of code up to 80% faster and up to 30-40% cpu/ram less usage.
  46. - Updated the IMGUR-INFO module, full redesign of code up to 70% faster and up to 30-40% cpu/ram less usage.
  47. - Updated the RSS-MANAGER module, full redesign of code up to 80% faster and up to 40-50% cpu/ram less usage.
  48. - Updated the TINY-URL module, full redesign of the code up to 60% faster and up to 20% less cpu/ram usage.
  49. - Updated the DNSCAN-INFO module, added longip and iptype results.
  50. - Updated the CHECKSITE-INFO module, speed up the code up to 10% faster.
  51. - Updated the GOOGLE-SEARCH (old GOOGLE-INFO) module, full redesign of the code up to 70% faster and up to 10-20% less cpu/ram usage.
  52. - Updated the DAILYMOTION-INFO,VIMEO-INFO,YOUTUBE-SEARCH modules, adding error messages if the connection to the server has failed.
  53. - Updated the YOUTUBE-INFO module, added resolution status and fixed the uploader,views,uploaded output results to be realtime and correct, also updated to work with youtube api version 3.
  54. - Updated the YOUTUBE-SEARCH module, changed the max results from 1 to 5, also added resolution status and fixed uploader,views,uploaded output results to be realtime and correct, also updated to work with youtube api version 3.
  55. - Updated all the INPUT dialogs to automatically close them after 60 seconds if not any action made, also updated to display correctly the texts and the lines.
  56. - Updated the popups, adding and removing and fixing some codes and language mistakes.
  57. - Updated the FEEDBACK feature, full redesign of code and now it will work an all the machines and will be up to 30% faster and more detailed.
  58. - Updated the mIRC check for updates is now disabled because the services are using the specific recommented version of mIRC.
  59. - Updated the devices saved method, in some machines the devices list is too long so now the list it saves on an hash item.
  60. - Updated services now will use the "FixedSys" as default font with "9" size and this option has been locked on each startup, also added an chinese font on script editor, the lock option is added because in some situations the services need these fonts to work.
  61. - Updated the countries.txt file, added more countries.
  62. - Updated all the AUTO-MSG module text files.
  63. - Removed the old !wiki command, added WIKIPEDIA-SEARCH module.
  64. - Removed the WEB-ADVISOR module, too slow and too memory usage!
  65. - Removed the old TWITTER-INFO module, too slow and too memory usage!
  66. - Removed the VIDEO-PICTURES-INFO module, too slow and too memory usage, pictures info has been added on URL-INFO module, videos and redirection url information will be added in future versions.
  67. - Removed the idna.dll used in the old VIDEO-PICTURES-INFO module.
  68. - Renamed the WEATHER-INFO module to WU-INFO module, better name and more specific.
  69. - Renamed the BING-INFO module to BING-SEARCH module, better name and more specific.
  70. - Renamed the IMDB-INFO module to IMDB-SEARCH module, better name and more specific.
  71. - Renamed the GOOGLE-INFO module to GOOGLE-SEARCH module, better name and more specific.
  72. - Changed the provider that short urls into provider, faster and shorter.
  73. - Changed on the AUTO-SAY module the ignore method now it put the nick into an list and not put the nick into the ignore list.
  74. - Fixed an bug when the services identify on the network services, if the network services language were not english. - (Thanks to: Seraph).
  75. - Fixed an bug on "/SERVER" command, now detect correctly if using -m parameter to stop.
  76. - Fixed an display issue on UPDATE-FILES module, if the update of the file was not success the results of updated failed were incorrect.
  77. - Fixed an display issue on /CHECK-FILES alias.
  78. - Fixed an display issue on UPDATE-CHECK-POPUPS module, when the update complete now will not return output detailed informations.
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