

Jan 4th, 2012
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  1. When the first pokemon games came out, they were crazy popular and a ton of people would have pokemon battles at my school. There were two types of matches. The first one was your standard set where everyone fought for fun.
  3. The second was "playing for keeps" where the winner could choose any pokemon the loser used and keep it. Naturally these were pretty rare and people tended to stick to using a B team that they didn't mind losing. So an all out hardcore match with the best pokemon on the line was a pretty big deal.
  5. Now there were these two kids that hated each other. Brad was the local "rich kid" and kind of an asshole, while Kyle was your more traditional nerd that was nice enough but kind of annoying since he took the games a little too seriously.
  7. To make a long story short they have this big hyped up match with their best pokemon. Everyone watched Brad completely crush Kyle. It turned out that Brad had 2 gameboys, both versions of the game and was using a team of multiple Mewtwo's (the most powerful pokemon in the game and impossible to get more than one except by trading).
  9. Kyle is pissed but goes through with the trade and gives away his high level charazard. In pokemon you can't just give a free trade. Both players have to give a pokemon. In exchange for Kyle's favorite pokemon, Brad gave him a low level rattata. The real kicker though was that he took the time to give it the nickname "KyleSux."
  11. Kyle takes this really badly and freaks out. He starts screaming and swearing at Brad and rips the cord out of the gameboy, but the trade has already been made and he ends up storming out while we all laugh at his outburst. Kyle just stops playing pokemon with people after that. We figured that was the end of it until he pops up like a month later and challenges Brad to a rematch.
  13. Everyone gathers around in anticipation of another giant freak out, but Kyle isn't going down easy this time. Turns out he basically spent a month building a team that was engineered to defeat Brad. Not just beat him but annoy him. We all tended to just choose the hardest hitting moves we could get, but Kyle had a team of insect types that were resistant to psychic damage and specialized in making their opponents, slow down, miss more, fall asleep etc.
  15. It was hilarious to watch. Brad would send out a psychic death machine and Kyle would send out a caterpillar. Then we'd all laugh as he missed 50% of the time while getting his health chipped away. Brad wasn't losing by much but as the battle dragged on he was clearly getting more and more annoyed at every missed attack and lost turn. Finally Brad was down to his last pokemon, a badly wounded Mewtwo that was out of it's most powerful attacks. Brad managed to score a hit and force Kyle to use his last pokemon, a level 99 Raticate named "KyleSux."
  17. KyleSux finished the fight in one hit and I've never seen anyone look more smug than Kyle when he did it.
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