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- <?php
- /**
- * @author : Jegtheme
- */
- namespace JNews;
- use JNews\Single\SinglePost;
- /**
- * Class JNews Ads
- */
- Class Ads
- {
- /**
- * @var Ads
- */
- private static $instance;
- /**
- * @return Ads
- */
- public static function getInstance()
- {
- if (null === static::$instance)
- {
- static::$instance = new static();
- }
- return static::$instance;
- }
- private function __construct()
- {
- // header
- add_action('jnews_header_top_ads', array($this, 'header_top'));
- add_action('jnews_header_ads', array($this, 'header'));
- add_action('jnews_header_bottom_ads', array($this, 'header_bottom'));
- // article
- add_action('jnews_article_top_ads', array($this, 'article_top'));
- add_action('jnews_content_top_ads', array($this, 'content_top'));
- add_action('jnews_article_bottom_ads', array($this, 'article_bottom'));
- add_action('jnews_content_inline_ads', array($this, 'content_inline'));
- add_action('jnews_single_post_before_content', array($this, 'article_content_top'), 10);
- add_action('jnews_single_post_after_content', array($this, 'article_content_bottom'), 10);
- // paragraph
- add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'inject_ads'), 10);
- // archive
- add_action('jnews_archive_above_content', array($this, 'above_content'));
- add_action('jnews_archive_above_hero', array($this, 'above_hero'));
- add_action('jnews_archive_below_hero', array($this, 'below_hero'));
- // sidefeed
- add_action('jnews_sidefeed_ads', array($this, 'sidefeed'));
- // footer
- add_action('jnews_above_footer_ads', array($this, 'above_footer'));
- add_action('jnews_after_main', array($this, 'after_main'));
- add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'sticky_footer_ads'), 50);
- // page level ads
- add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'page_level_ads'));
- }
- public function page_level_ads()
- {
- if(wp_is_mobile())
- {
- if(get_theme_mod('jnews_page_level_ads_enable', false))
- {
- $join_ads = array();
- $publisher = get_theme_mod('jnews_ads_page_level_google_publisher', '');
- $publisher = str_replace(' ', '', $publisher);
- $vignette_channel = get_theme_mod('jnews_ads_page_level_vignette_google_channel', '');
- $anchor_channel = get_theme_mod('jnews_ads_page_level_anchor_google_channel', '');
- $join_ads[] = "google_ad_client: '{$publisher}'";
- $join_ads[] = "enable_page_level_ads: true";
- if(get_theme_mod('jnews_page_level_vignette_enable', false) && !empty($vignette_channel)) {
- $join_ads[] = "vignettes: {google_ad_channel: '{$vignette_channel}'}";
- }
- if(get_theme_mod('jnews_page_level_anchor_enable', false) && !empty($anchor_channel)) {
- $join_ads[] = "overlays: {google_ad_channel: '{$anchor_channel}'}";
- }
- $join_ads = implode(', ', $join_ads);
- $googleads = '//';
- $external_script = "<script async defer src='{$googleads}'></script>";
- if ( method_exists( '\JNews\Asset\FrontendAsset', 'autoptimize_option' ) ) {
- if ( get_theme_mod( 'jnews_extreme_autoptimize_script_loader', false ) && \JNews\Asset\FrontendAsset::autoptimize_option( 'autoptimize_js_aggregate' ) && \JNews\Asset\FrontendAsset::autoptimize_option( 'autoptimize_js' ) ) {
- $external_script = "<script>(jnewsads = window.jnewsads || []); if ('object' === typeof jnewsads && 'object' === typeof jnews.library) { if (jnewsads.length) { if (!jnews.library.isObjectSame(jnewsads[0], { defer: true, async: true, url: '{$googleads}' })) { jnewsads.push({ defer: true, async: true, url: '{$googleads}' }); } } else { jnewsads.push({ defer: true, async: true, url: '{$googleads}' }); } }</script>";
- }
- }
- $script =
- "{$external_script}<script>
- ( adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
- {$join_ads}
- });
- </script>";
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $script );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Inject ads inside content paragraph
- *
- * @param $content
- * @return string
- */
- public function inject_ads($content)
- {
- if(get_post_type() === 'post' && is_single() && ! is_admin())
- {
- $locations = array( 'content_inline', 'content_inline_2', 'content_inline_3', 'content_inline_parallax', 'content_inline_parallax_2', 'content_inline_parallax_3' );
- $tag = new ContentTag($content);
- $pnumber = $tag->total('p');
- foreach ( $locations as $location )
- {
- if ( get_theme_mod('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_enable', false) )
- {
- $adsposition = get_theme_mod('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_paragraph', 3);
- if ( get_theme_mod('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_paragraph_random', false) )
- {
- $maxparagraph = $pnumber - 2;
- $adsposition = rand( $adsposition, $maxparagraph );
- }
- if ( get_theme_mod('jnews_hide_inline_enable', false ) ) {
- if ( $adsposition >= $pnumber ) {
- return $content;
- }
- }
- $ad_code = "<div class=\"jeg_ad jeg_ad_article jnews_{$location}_ads " . $this->additional_class($location) . " \">" . $this->content_inline( $location, false) . "</div>";
- $content = $this->prefix_insert_after_paragraph($ad_code, $adsposition, $content);
- }
- }
- }
- return $content;
- }
- /**
- * insert code after paragraph
- *
- * @param $insertion
- * @param $paragraph_id
- * @param $content
- * @return string
- */
- public function prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $insertion, $paragraph_id, $content ) {
- $tag = new ContentTag( $content );
- $line = $paragraph_id ? $tag->find( 'p', $paragraph_id ) : 0;
- return jeg_string_insert( $tag->get_content(), $insertion, $line );
- }
- /** call back **/
- public function header_top() {
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $this->render_ads('header_top') );
- }
- public function header() {
- echo jnews_sanitize_output(
- $this->render_ads('header', null, array(
- 'jnews_ads_header_enable' => true,
- 'jnews_ads_header_type' => 'image',
- 'jnews_ads_header_image' => get_parent_theme_file_uri('assets/img/ad_728x90.png'),
- 'jnews_ads_header_link' => '#',
- 'jnews_ads_header_text' => esc_html__('Advertisement', 'jnews')
- ))
- );
- }
- public function header_bottom() {
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $this->render_ads('header_bottom') );
- }
- public function article_top() {
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $this->render_ads('article_top') );
- }
- public function above_footer($echo = true)
- {
- $ads = $this->render_ads('above_footer');
- if(!$echo){
- return $ads;
- }
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $ads );
- }
- public function article_content_top()
- {
- $html = "<div class=\"jeg_ad jeg_article jnews_content_top_ads " . $this->additional_class('content_top') . "\">" . $this->content_top(false) . "</div>";
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $html );
- }
- public function content_top($echo = true)
- {
- $ads = $this->render_ads('content_top');
- if(!$echo){
- return $ads;
- }
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $ads );
- }
- public function article_content_bottom()
- {
- $html = "<div class=\"jeg_ad jeg_article jnews_content_bottom_ads " . $this->additional_class('content_bottom') . "\">" . $this->content_bottom(false) . "</div>";
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $html );
- }
- public function content_bottom($echo = true)
- {
- $ads = $this->render_ads('content_bottom');
- if(!$echo){
- return $ads;
- }
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $ads );
- }
- public function article_bottom()
- {
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $this->render_ads('article_bottom') );
- }
- public function content_inline_2() {
- $this->content_inline('content_inline_2');
- }
- public function content_inline_3() {
- $this->content_inline('content_inline_3');
- }
- public function content_inline_parallax_2() {
- $this->content_inline('content_inline_parallax_2');
- }
- public function content_inline_parallax_3() {
- $this->content_inline('content_inline_parallax_3');
- }
- public function content_inline_parallax() {
- $this->content_inline('content_inline_parallax');
- }
- public function content_inline($location = 'content_inline', $echo = true)
- {
- if ( strpos( $location, 'content_inline_parallax' ) === false ) {
- $align = get_theme_mod('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_align', 'center');
- $ads = $this->render_ads( $location, 'align-' . $align );
- } else {
- $ads = $this->render_ads( $location );
- }
- if(!$echo){
- return $ads;
- }
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $ads );
- }
- public function sidefeed()
- {
- $sidefeed_ads = get_theme_mod('jnews_ads_sidefeed_enable');
- if ($sidefeed_ads) {
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $this->render_ads('sidefeed', 'jeg_ad_sidecontent') );
- }
- }
- public function after_main()
- {
- $html = "<div class=\"jeg_ad jnews_above_footer_ads " . $this->additional_class('above_footer') . "\">" . $this->above_footer(false) . "</div>";
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $html );
- }
- public function sticky_footer_ads()
- {
- $html = "<div class=\"jeg_ad jnews_mobile_sticky_ads " . $this->additional_class('mobile_sticky') . "\">" . $this->mobile_sticky(false) . "</div>";
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $html );
- }
- public function mobile_sticky($echo = true)
- {
- if(wp_is_mobile())
- {
- $ads = $this->render_ads('mobile_sticky');
- if(!$echo){
- return $ads;
- }
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $ads );
- }
- }
- public function above_content()
- {
- $html = "<div class=\"jeg_ad jeg_archive jnews_archive_above_content_ads " . $this->additional_class('archive_above_content') . "\">" . $this->archive_above_content(false) . "</div>";
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $html );
- }
- public function archive_above_content( $echo = true )
- {
- $ads = $this->render_ads('archive_above_content');
- if(!$echo){
- return $ads;
- }
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $ads );
- }
- public function above_hero()
- {
- $html = "<div class=\"jeg_ad jeg_category jnews_archive_above_hero_ads " . $this->additional_class('archive_above_hero') . "\">" . $this->archive_above_hero(false) . "</div>";
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $html );
- }
- public function archive_above_hero( $echo = true )
- {
- $ads = $this->render_ads('archive_above_hero');
- if(!$echo){
- return $ads;
- }
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $ads );
- }
- public function below_hero()
- {
- $html = "<div class=\"jeg_ad jeg_category jnews_archive_below_hero_ads " . $this->additional_class('archive_below_hero') . "\">" . $this->archive_below_hero(false) . "</div>";
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $html );
- }
- public function archive_below_hero( $echo = true )
- {
- $ads = $this->render_ads('archive_below_hero');
- if(!$echo) {
- return $ads;
- }
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $ads );
- }
- public function inline_module()
- {
- echo jnews_sanitize_output( $this->render_ads('inline_module') );
- }
- /**
- * Calculate default size
- */
- public function get_location_size($location, &$desktopsize_ad, &$tabsize_ad, &$phonesize_ad)
- {
- if($location === 'header_1' || $location === 'header_2' || $location === 'header') {
- $desktopsize_ad = array('728','90');
- $tabsize_ad = array('468','60');
- $phonesize_ad = array('320', '50');
- }
- if($location === 'header_4' || $location === 'header_top' || $location === 'article_top' || $location === 'article_bottom' || $location === 'header_bottom') {
- $desktopsize_ad = array('970','90');
- $tabsize_ad = array('468','60');
- $phonesize_ad = array('320', '50');
- }
- if($location === 'content_top' || $location === 'content_bottom') {
- $desktopsize_ad = array('728','90');
- $tabsize_ad = array('468','60');
- $phonesize_ad = array('320', '50');
- }
- if($location === 'content_inline' || $location === 'content_inline_2' || $location === 'content_inline_3' || $location === 'inline_module')
- {
- $align = get_theme_mod('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_align', 'center');
- if($align === 'center')
- {
- $single = SinglePost::getInstance();
- $float_class = $single->share_float_additional_class();
- if($float_class === 'with-share')
- {
- $desktopsize_ad = array('468','60');
- $tabsize_ad = array('468','60');
- $phonesize_ad = array('320', '50');
- } else {
- $desktopsize_ad = array('728','90');
- $tabsize_ad = array('468','60');
- $phonesize_ad = array('320', '50');
- }
- } else {
- $desktopsize_ad = array('300','250');
- $tabsize_ad = array('300','250');
- $phonesize_ad = array('300','250');
- }
- }
- if($location === 'sidefeed')
- {
- $desktopsize_ad = array('300','250');
- $tabsize_ad = array('250','250');
- $phonesize_ad = array('250','250');
- }
- if($location === 'mobile_sticky') {
- $desktopsize_ad = array('','');
- $tabsize_ad = array('','');
- $phonesize_ad = array('320', '50');
- }
- }
- private function default_value($name, $default, $ads_default)
- {
- return isset($ads_default[$name]) ? get_theme_mod($name, $ads_default[$name]) : get_theme_mod($name, $default);
- }
- /**
- * Calculate Real Ads
- *
- * @param $location
- * @param string $addclass
- * @param array $default
- * @return string
- */
- public function render_ads($location, $addclass = '', $default = array())
- {
- $enabled = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_enable', false, $default);
- $ads_html = '';
- if($enabled)
- {
- $type = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_type', 'googleads', $default);
- if($type === 'image')
- {
- $ads_tab = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_open_tab', false, $default) ? 'target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored"' : 'rel="noopener sponsored"';
- $ads_link = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_link', '', $default);
- $ads_text = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_text', '', $default);
- $ads_images = array(
- 'ads_image' => $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_image', '', $default),
- 'ads_image_tablet' => $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_image_tablet', '', $default),
- 'ads_image_phone' => $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_image_phone', '', $default)
- );
- foreach ( $ads_images as $key => $ads_image ) {
- if ( ! empty( $ads_image ) ) {
- if ( $this->default_value( 'jnews_ads_' . $location . '_normal_load', '', $default ) ) {
- $ads_html .=
- "<a href='{$ads_link}' {$ads_tab} class='adlink {$key} {$addclass}'>
- <img src='{$ads_image}' alt='{$ads_text}' data-pin-no-hover=\"true\">
- </a>";
- } else {
- $ads_html .=
- "<a href='{$ads_link}' {$ads_tab} class='adlink {$key} {$addclass}'>
- <img src='" . apply_filters( 'jnews_empty_image', '' ) . "' class='lazyload' data-src='{$ads_image}' alt='{$ads_text}' data-pin-no-hover=\"true\">
- </a>";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if($type === 'shortcode')
- {
- $shortcode = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_shortcode', '', $default);
- $ads_html = "<div class='ads_shortcode'>" . do_shortcode($shortcode) . "</div>";
- }
- if($type === 'code')
- {
- $code = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_code', '', $default);
- $ads_html = "<div class='ads_code'>" . $code . "</div>";
- }
- if($type === 'googleads')
- {
- $publisherid = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_google_publisher', '', $default);
- $slotid = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_google_id', '', $default);
- $publisherid = str_replace(' ', '', $publisherid);
- $slotid = str_replace(' ', '', $slotid);
- if(!empty($publisherid) && !empty($slotid))
- {
- $desktopsize_ad = array();
- $tabsize_ad = array();
- $phonesize_ad = array();
- $ad_style = '';
- $desktopsize = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_google_desktop', 'auto', $default);
- $tabsize = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_google_tab', 'auto', $default);
- $phonesize = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_google_phone', 'auto', $default);
- $this->get_location_size($location, $desktopsize_ad, $tabsize_ad, $phonesize_ad);
- if($desktopsize !== 'auto') {
- $desktopsize_ad = explode('x', $desktopsize);
- }
- if($tabsize !== 'auto') {
- $tabsize_ad = explode('x', $tabsize);
- }
- if($phonesize !== 'auto') {
- $phonesize_ad = explode('x', $phonesize);
- }
- $randomstring = jeg_generate_random_string();
- if($desktopsize !== 'hide' && is_array($desktopsize_ad) && isset($desktopsize_ad['0']) && isset($desktopsize_ad['1'])) {
- $ad_style .= ".adsslot_{$randomstring}{ width:{$desktopsize_ad[0]}px !important; height:{$desktopsize_ad[1]}px !important; }\n";
- }
- if($tabsize !== 'hide' && is_array($tabsize_ad) && isset($tabsize_ad['0']) && isset($tabsize_ad['1'])) {
- $ad_style .= "@media (max-width:1199px) { .adsslot_{$randomstring}{ width:{$tabsize_ad[0]}px !important; height:{$tabsize_ad[1]}px !important; } }\n";
- }
- if($phonesize !== 'hide' && is_array($phonesize_ad) && isset($phonesize_ad['0']) && isset($phonesize_ad['1'])) {
- $ad_style .= "@media (max-width:767px) { .adsslot_{$randomstring}{ width:{$phonesize_ad[0]}px !important; height:{$phonesize_ad[1]}px !important; } }\n";
- }
- $googleads = '//';
- $external_script = "<script async defer src='{$googleads}'></script>";
- if ( method_exists( '\JNews\Asset\FrontendAsset', 'autoptimize_option' ) ) {
- if ( get_theme_mod( 'jnews_extreme_autoptimize_script_loader', false ) && \JNews\Asset\FrontendAsset::autoptimize_option( 'autoptimize_js_aggregate' ) && \JNews\Asset\FrontendAsset::autoptimize_option( 'autoptimize_js' ) ) {
- $external_script = "<script>(jnewsads = window.jnewsads || []); if ('object' === typeof jnewsads && 'object' === typeof jnews.library) { if (jnewsads.length) { if (!jnews.library.isObjectSame(jnewsads[0], { defer: true, async: true, url: '{$googleads}' })) { jnewsads.push({ defer: true, async: true, url: '{$googleads}' }); } } else { jnewsads.push({ defer: true, async: true, url: '{$googleads}' }); } }</script>";
- }
- }
- $ads_html .=
- "<div class=\"ads_google_ads\">
- <style type='text/css' scoped>
- {$ad_style}
- </style>
- <ins class=\"adsbygoogle adsslot_{$randomstring}\" style=\"display:inline-block;\" data-ad-client=\"{$publisherid}\" data-ad-slot=\"{$slotid}\"></ins>
- {$external_script}
- <script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script>
- </div>";
- }
- }
- $bottom_text = $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_ads_text', false, $default);
- if ( strpos( $location, 'content_inline_parallax' ) !== false ) {
- $ads_html = "<div class='ads-parallax-wrapper'><div class='ads-parallax-inner'><div class='ads-parallax'>{$ads_html}</div></div></div>";
- if ( $bottom_text ) {
- $ads_text_html = jnews_return_translation( 'Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading.', 'jnews', 'scroll_advertisement' );
- $ads_html = "<div class='ads-text'>{$ads_text_html}</div>" . $ads_html;
- }
- } else {
- if( $bottom_text ) {
- $ads_text_html = jnews_return_translation( 'ADVERTISEMENT', 'jnews', 'advertisement' );
- $ads_html = $ads_html . "<div class='ads-text'>{$ads_text_html}</div>";
- }
- }
- }
- $addclass .= ' ' . $this->additional_class($location);
- return "<div class='ads-wrapper {$addclass}'>" . $ads_html . "</div>";
- }
- protected function additional_class($location)
- {
- $class = array();
- if ( $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_google_desktop', false, 'auto') === 'hide' )
- {
- $class[] = 'jeg_ads_hide_desktop';
- }
- if ( $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_google_tab', false, 'auto') === 'hide' )
- {
- $class[] = 'jeg_ads_hide_tab';
- }
- if ( $this->default_value('jnews_ads_' . $location . '_google_phone', false, 'auto') === 'hide' )
- {
- $class[] = 'jeg_ads_hide_phone';
- }
- return implode(' ', $class);
- }
- }
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