

Dec 13th, 2012
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  1. [12/11/2012 4:07:17 AM] Milo: It'd been nearly a 'week', as the humans tended to call certain passings of imaginary time that didn't matter in this place. He knew Mituna couldn't go terribly long without seeing him, and being absent would have its toll - guy needed him more than he'd ever needed Latula. The silent and somehow understanding support did more good than her get-up-and-go attitude anyway because, well, he knew Mituna was safe, wasn't about to do anything stupid with the thought that he was being 'cool'. He didn't have to worry about impressing Kurloz, and that made it all so much easier to grow closer. He had, however, made the mistake of keeping his distance for far too long, discussing wicked matters with his descendant and what-have-you, and it was time to fix the damage it would have done, however small. Presently, the Capricorn sat patiently waiting outside the hive they now shared, worrying quietly. Mituna could only do so much alone - hopefully the kid had been alright.
  3. [insomniacMercury]:Thank fuck he'd managed to get away from that. Cronus had cornered him on top of one of the grassy little knolls - Mituna had been trying to visualize a new trick Latula was attempting to teach him, so he was getting some quiet time - and managed to nearly back him off the edge with his advances. He'd had a moment of stunned mutism and couldn't call out for help, jerky hands doing their best to ward him off, push him away, anything to get the pressure to cease. Luckily ((and he never used that word normally when Vantas was involved)) Kankri had spotted them, ambling over to deliver some tired diatribe about equal rights for 'retards' and the Gemini had seen his out and took it. Halfway back and he was wringing his hands, kicking his skateboard ahead of him until he decided he was tired of it, and left it where it was. It wasn't gonna go anywhere, afterall; nothing ever changed in the dream bubbles. Stammered, lisped profanities fell out of his mouth, the poor kid needing to take a five minute-long sabbatical to freak the fuck out. He whined loudly, hands clutching at the sides of his helmet. Fucking shitcunting dicks he missed his ?moirail?. It'd been so long since he'd seen him, and without the way Kurloz managed to utterly relax him he'd had a week of being high strung, tense, and just fucking miserable. Rounding the corner to the hive they both lived in he'd had enough of his helmet, and flung it off across the grass. He hadn't even seen Kurloz; so instead of immediately rushing over to him he instead sat down hard on the ground, let his hands fist frustratedly in his hair, and whimpered loudly to himself, on the verge of pathetic tears.
  5. [12/11/2012 4:49:24 AM] Milo: Kurloz saw Mituna approaching, but received no response upon waving - the smaller troll simply stomped his way up and sat not-too-far-at-all from the mute. At first, he could only managed curious surprise at not having been noticed, but upon closer inspection he could see his very-important friend on his way to a grade-a meltdown. Without a sound other than the soft rustle of fabric, Kurloz moved to crouch in front of the yellowblood, gently placing a hand on his shoulder to kindly make his presence known. He knew better than to move too fast, give too much pressure in his touches, and when Mituna finally looked up, a gloved hand would carefully run down the side of his face. Shooosh, little buddy. It's okay, I'm here now, tell me what happened and who you want me to re-acquaint with death.
  6. [12/11/2012 5:09:05 AM] insomniacMercury: "Ffffffuck th-thitting th-thtupid goddamn thell-thucker I'll f-fucking-" His string of curses went on, the volume elevating just slightly with every syllable. His words were heavily accented by his lisp, not to mention his general failure on grasping the English language. Which included a stutter and a decent peppering of inappropriately-timed curses. Some deeply offensive. Some just obnoxious. He flinched when he felt the hand on his shoulder, almost instantly batting it away in terror before he looked up, pulling his own hair out of his eyes to see.... the only other troll in existence that he ever cared to. "K-Kurloth," he whimpered, his eyes already spilling honey-coloured tears. Shaking fingers grabbed the hand on his face, holding it to his cheek and rubbing into it, smearing tears and a little bit of lightly tinted snot. His tantrums worked up fast, okay? Not wanting to seem any more helpless than he already was, he attempted to jerkily sign what had happened. Not only did it not work so well with one hand, he also had difficulty getting his fingers to work right. This ended in a horrible and frustrated sound, and Mituna weakly tugging on Kurloz's arm. "C-Cronuth, he - fffffuck, f-fucking mudth-thkipper - cornered me and...." He tensed, gripping the arm he held tightly, burying his face in it as a tense tic passed. "H-he wanted.. w-wanted thtuff a-and I..." He shook his head quickly. Nothing good would come of that.
  7. [12/11/2012 12:45:17 PM] Milo: His expression went from worried to serious in a split second. How many times had he heard of Cronus messing with Mituna? Over and over again, sweeps upon sweeps of relentless irritation, and he'd never really gotten himself involved because, well, if /he/ had a say in it, the seadweller would be hanging by his own organs. Kurloz knew better than to upset Kankri so much and wasn't about to scare everyone, but sometimes... Well, one could say he was almost too patient with Cronus's ridiculous shenanigans. His free hand hushed Mituna's frustrated signing - he could understand his friend better than anyone and there was no reason for the Gemini to ever feel that he wasn't able to communicate, no reason for him to feel like he was broken or that he couldn't accomplish something so simple as his own speech. That empty hand then went to tug a purple handkerchief, slightly smeared with greasepaint from earlier but he knew Mituna wouldn't mind that as he patted the smaller troll's eyes, held it to his nose for a blow. All the while, the mute patted the other's face, letting small hisses escape in quiet shooshes. Once he felt the yellowblood had gathered himself enough, Kurloz gently but insistently assisted him in standing, carefully guiding him inside to sit in the soft pile Kankri had somewhat firmly urged him to make - there was no reason for Mituna to hurt himself doing anything as simple as finding somewhere to lay either, after all.
  9. [12/11/2012 5:14:03 PM] insomniacMercury: Eventually his sniveling and flailing subsided, desperately wanting the memory of Cronus and what had happened to get out of his alreay busy and frightening head. Grunting a little as the handkerchief was brought to his face he blew his nose and sighed, shoving it away from himself. It was gross and he didn't want it. Yuck. He appreciated it though and gave Kurloz a pouty look after a little bit, sighing and letting himself be helped up. Sitting down he hugged around himself, grumbling under his breath until - "My h-hamlet," he whined suddenly, looking up towards the door. He'd thrown it outside in frustration. And- "My thkateboard..." He'd kicked it away from himself. He was a bit of a mess. A big sigh followed, the troll trying to decide if he was sound enough to be without them. He knew it was dangerous to be without his helmet. But looking up at Kurloz again he decided he was safe without it for now. Knew he was safe. Kurloz could protect him. Would. Like he always did. He pulled his knees to his chest and rest his chin on them, staring through his fluffy hair at the floor. "Wh-why won't he l-leave me alone," he sighed, thinking about Cronus again. "Th-thometimeth.... I'm thcared h-he'll do thomething really bad and..." He frowned, still staring at the floor. "I w-won't find you."
  11. [12/11/2012 9:14:21 PM] Milo: Kurloz kept papping at his more-than-moirail all the way to the pile, leaning in to press a careful, stitched kiss to his temple once he'd sat. Scooting closer and sitting comfortably close to Mituna, the purpleblood wasn't at all hesitant about putting an arm around him, pulling him in for a gentle hug - the way /he/ touched was much more calm, slow with no real forced command. Mituna could let himself be pulled in or go stiff and know he would be released at once, none of the frightening force Cronus tended to use, completely lacking in Cronus's 'you're going to do this or i'm going to make you' pressure. Kurloz simply shook his head at that admittance of fear, signing at a leisurely speed to allow his friend time to follow, 'I always know.' A low purr of reassurance, then he stood, 'Stay,' left, and returned with helmet in hand and skateboard under his arm, placing both on the floor at Mituna's feet before he re-joined the Gemini on the pile. There you go, little bee.
  13. [12/11/2012 10:19:04 PM] insomniacMercury: Mituna watched his careful fingers talk to him, nodding sheepishly. He was stupid to worry about something like that. He was stupid to assume Kurloz would be anything other than perfect for him, like he always was. In a way Mituna idolized him; in a way he couldn't live without him. A meek and toothy smile of gratitude was given as his things were brought back, foot idly kicking at his helmet as it rolled on the floor. When Kurloz sat down again Mituna turned a little to hug around his middle tightly, burying his face in his neck and unwilling to let go. Cronus always gave him the wrong vibes, put his head in a state worse than it usually was. "Th-thank you, betht f-friend," he mumbled into his neck, a deep and stressed sigh breathed against it. What a terrible turn of events. Stupid peaceful grassy hill. Stupid Cronus.
  15. [12/12/2012 4:49 AM] Little did Mituna know, Kurloz didn't find him 'stupid' in any way at all, not even a bit. Kid was smart, saved them all, and there was no excuse for anyone to do anything but be as patient as the mute with him. They weren't, and that was alright he supposed, though it could still be pretty frustrating sometimes - had they forgotten what a hero Mituna actually was? As arms came around his midsection, the Capricorn gave a soft smile, pulling the yellowblood up against him and letting covered fingers rub up and down the knobs of his spine, comforting and relaxing. Sometimes the pressure of being held would become too much, but if Mituna was pushing for more, there was nothing that said Kurloz couldn't give it to him. One hand gave whispered movements, 'Calm. I'm here.' Then he was completely unable to communicate at all - his hands were running along his back, shoulders, steadily building pressure, giving the Gemini the /option/ to get lost in all those fingertips. He didn't have anything to worry about now.
  17. [12/12/2012 5:11 AM] Closing his eyes left his body and head in a bizarre, dizzied state, and for a brief moment he felt suspended there - breathing incredibly evenly as the sensation of Kurloz rubbing his back overtook him. It was either amazing or unbelievable that the Capricorn could render him so incredibly docile and accepting and just powerless in so little time, but greater things had happened and Mituna was a firm believer in this power. He didn't feel like a hero, though. Often he found himself in a downward spiral of wishing he would have died instead of living like this. Being shunned and pitied in the stead of being treated like a hero was no fair trade-off. He sighed lengthily, face rubbing in a cat-like manner into the neck so close to him. He shifted in his comfort, forgetting the troubles he'd had earlier. Eventually he was gripping the back of Kurloz's shirt in his comfort like a cat, and making quiet noises of contentment. "You're nithe," he commented idly, "a-and altho my fav...favourite."
  19. [12/12/2012 6:12 AM] And it had always been Kurloz's goal to give his little friend that feeling of 'I did it, I'm the best thing that ever was,' because he fucking was, /is/ the best thing, and the two of them had a silent understanding that especially in this eternity, they would never separate. They were beyond the mental and physical plane of partnership, a primordial connection that extended farther than anything the hemospectrum or Her Imperious Laws could ever touch - Kurloz liked to think that, anyway, even if he would never say so. Another low purr started in the back of his throat, just barely vibrating vocal chords that hadn't been used much at all since his own self-inflicted incident, used only to ease his Mituna off of the many terrible feelings of inadequacy he forever fought down. The mute didn't have to sign anything, hugging the other troll into his bony warmth; he would know, without anything being 'said', that Mituna was most certainly also his favourite.
  21. [12/12/2012 6:26 AM] Even in their closeness and mutual exchanges of the extreme and sometimes nearly flushed affection they had for one another, Mituna sometimes couldn't help but feel... Nervous. A little. Scared, really, that maybe his head and heart were locked in this eternal battle for what was 'good' for him and what was 'best' for him. He shared a quadrant with Latula, yes. And Mituna cared for her a deep and awful lot. But he also felt sometimes like he was holding her back. He also just felt... Almost pale for her. It was more pity than it was red and every time Mituna thought like that it made his heart sink. The other side of that coin was his pale quadrant. It was obvious how he felt about it. Evident in how he was a melting, pliable mess in Kurloz's arms. Was he flushcrushing? Did he make a mistake? His heart beat a little faster and he swallowed uneasily, a blush rising in his cheeks. Reciprocation simply wasn't something he could ever imagine. Broken, fragile Mituna would forever be quadrant-gridlocked. The thought made him whine sadly. Did any Captor ever get to be happy?
  23. [12/12/2012 11:20 AM] Kurloz couldn't help but continue to hold his 'moirail' a little tighter, sensing that sudden stress. Rather than choosing to terrify, the stitched-mouth purpleblood used his chucklevoodoos to assist this one, pulling fear from his mind and analyzing. He always knew what was wrong, that little psychic connection keeping them both as close as possible, keeping Kurloz in the know with what exactly was going on with him. His purring continued, strengthening once he found out. A smile against Mituna's neck, then he pulled away only to give little give gentle signing, 'I feel it too. It's okay.' Then, unsure if he should continue, not wanting to upset the Gemini with what he wanted to say, 'She's not as good for you.' As /he/ could be, anyway, and he'd been so damn empty for so long with what had happened with Meulin.. Kurloz hesitated, then leaned in as slow as he could manage, giving Mituna room to refuse, and settled a light kiss to his lips. He didn't mind the teeth, and he knew the other wouldn't mind the stitches.
  25. [12/12/2012 2:04 PM] A tingle ran through him as the chucklevoodoo was used, Mituna having felt the chill before but never knowing what it was. He never questioned it though; his body did a lot of things he didn't have control over anymore. But when Kurloz pulled him away there was a chill of fear, wondering what he'd done wr- oh. He blushed; honey-tinted cheeks visible under his mop of hair. He... Felt it too. Oh. That was unexpected. It wouldnt have upset him. He knew she was too good for him, and his faults made it worse.But what came next; he'd never imagined... that Kurlowould want to do that to him. Oh Mituna had thought about it, a hundred thousand times. He closed his eyes, pressing back into the kiss gently. He didn't mind. He never would.
  27. [12/12/2012 4:51:14 PM] Milo: Both of them would have fumbled in their kissing if Kurloz had a tongue anyhow, so perhaps it was better that it was the two of /them/ kissing, and not someone else with one another's moirail. Still, he would let Mituna experiment, carefully opening his mouth just the slightest bit, enough room between the stitches for the yellowblood to explore if he pleased - he'd seen Latula macking on her matesprit plenty of times to know he would at least be familiar with the experience. Should he accept, however, Mituna would find nothing where a tongue should be; Kurloz was simply allowing him to taste, go as far as he pleased. There was something about the way he treated the Gemini, letting him feel as though he were in charge of everything while quietly guiding where he needed. This, of course, would be no different - Latula's overbearing control and hype was always the mistake she made when handling her matesprit. She always seemed to take the time to only make Mituna feel good about himself, good about unlife, but her mind moved far too fast for her to think about taking the time to see exactly how those fractured gears in the ex-psionic's mind turned. Hands began roaming, Kurloz urging the other against the pile, situating himself to sit atop him with their mouths still connected.
  29. [12/12/2012 5:36:04 PM] insomniacMercury: With a certain amount of nervous caution he allowed himself the courage to explore, tongue gingerly pushing past the strong threads that held his best friends mouth shut. The world didn't deserve to hear him anyway. No one would understand like Mituna did. He wasn't unfamiliar with the concept of sloppy makeouts; Latula often seemed happy and almost proud to have him around for it. And when one thing inevitably led to another he was proud of himself for scoring. As much as he didn't deserve her, he definitely enjoyed their time together. As much as he could. Sometimes, it was hard to keep up. His hands, as useless as they were nervous, gripped anxiously into the fabric of Kurloz's outfit. He'd pull or tug at it accidentally when hia hands would jerk, but he was funneling so much concentration into kissing and not making a fool of himself he was leaning back with Kurloz on his midsection before he knew it. This was okay. He felt safe and this was okay.
  31. [9:55:14 AM] Milo: The rumble in his throat slowly trailed off as his invitation was accepted and idly, Kurloz wished he could /taste/ the invading tongue. But where Latula was always hurrying with the excuse of living the fast life, being 'rad', the mute kept a steady pace, actually giving Mituna as much time as he needed to think about what he was doing. When handling the Gemini and all his flaws, he always had endless reserves of patience - the yellowblood was worth that and anything else he could give. Mituna's courage would be rewarded in the form of hands holding his shoulders. This allowed his lower half to move, hips pushing down in a slow and not-so-subtle mimicry of the gentle form of pailing two matesprits would share. He was happy to do this, keeping his face still aside from small movements meant to spur the other into continuing, stomach all twisted up in nervous knots; Kurloz hadn't known just how much he'd wanted this and now.. now he hoped he could make himself stop.
  33. [12:00:11 PM] insomniacMercury: Mituna's head was going crazy. In the jungle of noise and static and shapes and colours he was beginning to vaguely piece together what was going on, the action something he couldn't quite add two and two with yet on the forefront of his mind, but it was getting there. For now he was busy with how hot he was; tiny beads of sweat forming at his brow like drops of honey, making him jerk anxiously and pull off his gloves to whip them across the room. When the pressure was applied it was like a switch of recognition was flipped, and it not only gave the Gemini a surge of nervous energy originating from.... Well, down /there/, but it made him grip Kurloz's forearms with bruising strength, and whine. He wouldn't want him to stop. If only he knew how many times he'd imagined the two of them like this, doing dirty things together and being gentle and loving and caring and mischievous. Sometimes Mituna topped. Sometimes he didn't. But now his secret fantasies were coming true and he didn't know if he was dreaming or if the troll he felt flushed for was actually willing to do this with him. He pulled from the kiss, biting his bottom lip nervously. "K-Kurloth...?" He didn't want him to stop. For the love of god he didn't want him to stop. But the little trooper just... Needed reassurance that this was happening, it was real and it was okay. Wouldn't have been the first time he'd imagined his biggest secret.
  35. [9:39:52 PM] Milo: Kurloz would keep reassuring as much as he had to because suddenly things felt right and good and like he wasn't the worst troll ever and convincing Mituna to do this. No, this wasn't even his own idea to begin with - he'd gotten it from reading the yellowblood's fears, after all, finding out what he was so afraid of. He winced just the slightest bit upon having his arms grabbed onto, but tried not to show his discomfort, knowing it would probably hurt the Gemini'd feelings to realise he might have hurt his friend. A lazy smile and half-lidded, dead eyes met the other when Mituna broke the kiss. A short huff of a pant, then his hand was moving, 'You don't have to ask.' He really didn't; Kurloz would go along with anything and everything simply because he was so happy to make his flushcrush feel good, special. 'More, please.' It wasn't like Mituna couldn't feel the Capricorn's bulge straining against his groin already anyhow.
  37. [10:50:43 PM] insomniacMercury: Mituna hadn't meant to hurt him when he grabbed his arms. It was one of those things that happened where... 'retard' strength and all that. And he couldn't help his dumb fears. It was really hard thinking that anything you said or did was okay when you were like he was. A little broken, a little confused. He stared through his bangs at Kurloz, watching those dead eyes for any sign of insincerity or... negativity. He found none; coupled with the signing it made him grunt a little, grabbing the gloved hand and pulling the glove off. He brought the palm to his face suddenly, kissing it tenderly. "Th-tho much, I'll g-give you... tho much... All, everything, I j-jutht -" The request for more wasn't processed entirely as to what he wanted more of; so Mituna was going to give him more attention in general, things that he liked and things that he felt like Kurloz would like. He was happy to have more requested of him. It made him feel wanted and good for someone, finally. Tongue carefully licked his palm, mouth closing again to kiss it before trailing to his wrist gently, where he nipped at the softest part of it before nuzzling. Hot breaths reflected at him from the palm, Mituna moving it to rest on his chest before grabbing Kurloz's face again and pulling it close; kissing and once more tangling his tongue between the string while he did his best to lift his pinned hips and move them a bit, wanting to give Kurloz the chance for the same goodfeelings Mituna was getting from the welcome weight on his middle.
  39. [5:41:02 PM] [Milo]: Kurloz preferred to call it 'over-judgement' - in his eyes, there wasn't actually anything wrong with Mituna at all, he'd simply been wounded from his bravery in a way that couldn't just be healed. He trusted the yellowblood would heal with time on his own, hefty doses of red and paleness helping him along. Watching the Gemini kiss and lap at his hand brought a wide smile to his face, pulling at his stitches. Fuck, he was a good kid, deserved as much as Kurloz could ever give and so much more, and he would quietly try to make sure Mituna knew, of course, that there was only so much Latula could do with her level of, er, intelligence. The Capricorn suddenly found his face grasped, a tongue between his stitches, and he made a deep, rolling noise of appreciation. Tugging his other glove free, his now bare hands clutched Mituna tight, holding him steady and pressing his groin down with every lifted movement. Kurloz could /feel/ the building tension beneath him, wanting to ease him higher, moving only as quickly as Mituna would be able to handle; hands were below him before he knew it, groping at the other's bulge through his clothing and fumbling with the Gemini's pants. Suddenly, he needed to feel more of that warmth below, /contact/, heavy breaths showing the impatience he was trying so very hard not to have.
  41. [5:57:18 PM] insomniacMercury: It could be called whatever anyone wanted, but Mituna knew the truth. He wasn't a whole anymore; he would forever be treated like less of a troll and while he hadn't exactly come to terms with it yet he was at least accepting; so long as there were trolls like Latula, Porrim, and most of all Kurloz in his life it made everything a little bit easier. Mituna wasn't graceful in his advances; wasn't elegant or practiced or even very good. But he was trying his hardest, and something about kissing his moirail like that made him feel oddly good about himself. He pitied Kurloz, as was fit for their quadrant. He pitied him and wanted him to have as much as he could of.... well, everything. With Meulin a thing of the past Mituna had often noticed the subtle things Kurloz did that the Gemini picked up on. No yearning looks or sorry alone time, but moreso the way he acted and gave so much to him. He wanted to pay that back, give him what he was missing and needed. He was proud of himself that he could be here in that way for him. His fingers tensed and he gasped at the hand on his bulge, an immediate blush rising to his cheeks as he pulled away a little. Before his own concern he sensed Kurloz's, and he nodded meekly. "I-it'th okay," he whispered, brushing their noses together. "I w-want... fffuck,thit, d-damn - I want y-you to."
  43. [6:17:39 PM] [Milo]: That voiced permission was all he needed. In moments, Kurloz had pulled away only to begin tugging- oh, right, it was all /one piece/ for the most part. He looked apologetic, then began working to undress him, carefully manipulating the other in order to take those tight garments off of him. An appreciative purr was given - /damn/, he always just looked so /good/ - then he was stripping himself. In moments, they were nude as could be, and Kurloz lowered himself over his 'friend', pressing their warmth together and letting his own bony mass meet the yellowblood's soft, healthy form. He could sleep atop this body forever, but they were performing an /action/ now. Hands grasped at Mituna's bulge, stimulating before his own was pressed to rut against him. Low growls were nothing to be afraid of, menacing as they sounded - he simply appreciated, kissing the neck before him as well as he was able.
  45. [6:34:13 PM] insomniacMercury: He worked with him the best he could to get undressed; the action an extremely tedious and frustrating task when the Gemini was by himself. More than once he'd gotten so frustrated he ended up tearing everything off him, and poor Porrim had to make him another outfit. But gentle hands were helping him now, and he cooed his appreciation up at Kurloz; sprinkled with adorations and small chirps of gratitude and utter happiness. Form exposed he couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious; even if it was his head that was damaged he still had that uneasiness about him that told him every part of him was broken. Not to mention this was still the fruition of an overactive imagination - Mituna had only ever dreamed of getting this far with his moirail, and had only ever been ashamed of the thought. He shuddered gently at the contact, a stupid smile coming to his face as he felt them together. It quickly formed to make a quiet little moan, fingertips curling against his cheek to curb the sounds he found hard not to make. His toes curled as his legs bent slightly as his imagination swirled with colours; the actuality of the hands that signed such nice things to him /holding/ him like that a bit overwhelming. He whined; the quaking fingertips of his other hand shyly exploring Kurloz's chest.
  47. [12/16/2012 9:00:59 PM] Milo: There was no reason for Mituna to be shy in his touches, no reason to be ashamed with having his body exposed, especially to the one who most appreciated him. Kurloz kept grinding until he felt the other practically vibrating with that primal need for /more/, at which point he practically slithered down to get a better angle with his hands, letting the yellowblood continue to touch as he pleased. But /he/ had to /make/ himself keep going, unsure yet still so very much wanting to give him all he wanted as fingers pressed between his stitches. His free hand gently nudged the Gemini's legs apart, digits coming slick out of his mouth, rubbing delicately at his nook. The mute suddenly stopped, paused - he looked almost worriedly up his friend's body, inspecting his face. This was still okay, right? Need some direction, 'Tunabee.
  49. [12/16/2012 9:25:22 PM | Edited 9:36:56 PM] insomniacMercury: Mituna never had much of an opportunity to really... Celebrate himself with Latula. She never made him feel bad about himself, but a lot of the time it was just about her getting what she wanted - and treating him like a misbehaving infant. Stern but gentle. It was maddening. Similarly maddening was Kurloz grinding on him like that; pitiful whimpers and whines leaving him as he helplessly gripped at his moirail. Fingers, hair, wherever he could touch to try and ground himself even a little. Fingers against his cheek opened and closed, nails biting into his skin and making him hiss at the sting. It felt good. Everything did. A confused, soft sound left him as his legs were opened, a full-body shudder coming from him as he was touched. O-oh. Wow. H-he never... ....! He stopped. He stopped. Why did he stop - "Wh-why did you th-thtop, fffffuck, c-cockthucker-" hand slid into his own hair, gripping tightly and pulling a little; his own fingers sliding into his mouth to delicately nurse like a baby. "Pleathe," he whimpered around his drool-covered fingers; face yellow and flushed with exasperation, and still mild shame. "Y-you canthhhhhtop, pleathe d-don't-"
  51. [10:36:53 PM] Milo: Celebration was all Kurloz was about when it came to pailing and matespritship in general - Meulin had been treated as though she were the Empress herself, with such comments being made regularly while they were together. Now, however, so much had built up even at least having his hand as a temporary relief, he could /feel/ his desire to treat the one he felt so red for as though he were a porcelain figure filled with the purest of blood. He wanted Mituna to not only know he was special and sacred, but to be shown, to feel every bit of red the mute wished to pour into his fractured pan. A finger came to his lips, 'shh', then slowly, elegantly signed, 'Calm.' There was no need to rush this and Kurloz didn't want Mituna working himself up so fast that he ended up freaking the fuck out; he was almost selfish in that regard, trying to build the Gemini into what /both/ of them had to want at this point, even if it may upset the other to keep the pace just beyond a crawl. His free hand kept itself on Mituna's inner thigh, suggesting with careful pressure that he kept his legs spread while a single digit pressed its way into his nook. A second followed not long after, Kurloz unable to keep guttural, broken sounds silent and leaning over to appreciatively kiss up and down the yellowblood's stomach.
  53. [10:52:56 PM] insomniacMercury: The chewing on his fingers stopped as he watched him sign, a sniffle heard. C-calm? How could he be calm when he - wasn't - going - fast enough!! But he tried to do what he was told, so used to taking instruction in situations like this that he was entirely compliant. His dead, white eyes showed nothing but adoration and trust, and with a soft hum he nodded; willing to do whatever Kurloz told him. He tried to keep his twitches and jerks to a minimum, but he squirmed quite a bit when he felt the finger - fingers!! - in him. A fractured whimper sounded and the hand came from his mouth to cover it, a jerky signed 'I'm sorry' following with his other hand. It opened and closed anxiously after, Mituna reaching to hold onto the Capricorn's shoulder with another strong but shaking grip. It was such a foreign feeling but he couldn't deny that he liked it; every part of him protested at first but he soon found himself shaking his head, once again nursing his fingertips as he cooed and whimpered around them. "G-good," he stammered weakly. "Good, n-nithe, th-that'th... I like that... f-feelth... good, there..." Even with how slow it was, Mituna wanted to feel everything. Latula never showed him this side of how things worked, and he was beginning to regret the time he'd spent with her - if only a little.
  55. [12:39:48 AM] Milo: Kurloz didn't even flinch when that hand grabbed him a bit too hard, though his shoulder popped under the harsh touch. He just kept kissing on him, eventually working his way down to drag rough string delicately over the other's bulge, along the base and up and down the lines of his inner thighs. A third digit was difficult, but eventually managed to curl up with the other two, stimulating the hypersensitive troll from the inside-out. Eventually, Mituna no longer strained against his fingers, movement was more achievable, and the Gemini was a complete mess beneath him; Kurloz could only hold himself back for so long, especially with a squirming Mituna below. The yellowblood was rearranged, fingers pulled slowly out to do so, spreading his legs again and adjusting his body as he lay on the soft pile. Before either of them knew it, the mute had shuffled between those legs and was teasing his bulge against his flushcrush's waiting nook. When he suddenly found himself pushing in, the action natural and almost automatic, he couldn't swallow a hiss-laced moan, couldn't keep his fingers from digging into Mituna's sides like talons, couldn't /think/, mind drawing a blank the moment he was as deep as he could possibly go.
  57. [2:13:17 AM] insomniacMercury: Mituna sort-of curled in on himself when the stitches brushed against his bulge, a shaken sound leaving him. Okay, so the touching to his delicates wasn't that different - Latula would sometimes get a little more fun than just the same old in-and-out - but the fingers were what really sent him reeling; breathy moans hissed from around his soaked fingers, curling against his tongue and making him shake. He couldn't form proper words for Kurloz; his speech, much like his head, a big nonsensical mess. He was begging for it. In not so many words, the Gemini was absolutely begging him for what was coming. With his body language, with his keening whimpers and cries, with the needily gripping fingers of his wandering hand. A frustrated cry left him as he was shifted, and the cry tapered into a wanton mewl as the fingers left. And were replaced with something better, something different and bigger and it made him cry out again in a different way. Sticky hand left his mouth to hold onto Kurloz's forearms, bracing himself against the intruding bulge. "Nnnnhhhhhttthhhfffuck, f-fuck-!" His whole body was into his swearing; trembling and twitching with his spasms. "Th-tho nithe, th-tho good y-you're th-tho good to me K-Kurloth-" His words fell into a whine before he finally settled; his skin alive with a gentle humming tremble as Kurloz stood still where he was. Hilted. With Mituna gently panting from the exertion and staring up at him. His mind was a mass of confusion, red and pale and pleasure and he couldn't differentiate one from the other.
  59. [12:45:05 AM] Milo: Movement was a difficult task to start, but once that first pull and push had been accomplished, Kurloz couldn't find it in himself to /stop/, hesitant pace increasing little by little until his movements had evened out, until things felt smooth and warm and slick and perfect. He similarly braced himself, holding onto Mituna's sides as Mituna clung to his arms, though a hand raised to give jerky half-signs, a garbled and confusing mix like he couldn't quite think; he didn't even expect the other to understand any of it, just needing to 'say' /something/. If he could, Kurloz would be pressed flush against the Gemini below, snarling and whispering sweet nothings one tone after the other, not that the constant hopscotch back and forth between those two separate 'personalities' would be anything new, but if only he could /voice/ any of it--! Sometimes he forgot that he tried not to regret doing what he'd done to himself, but at present he was base-deep in Mituna's nook so why did anything else matter? Instead of speech, Kurloz curled harshly over his 'moirail', lipping the neck before him as well as he was able - he couldn't do much with his string in the way, but he did try! He knew Mituna had been gazing up at him before he'd made himself comfortable with kissing along the other's throat, and he spent a long moment nibbling up over his chin, along one cheek, back down his jawline before their lips connected yet again. Kurloz was still moving, grunting as pleasure quickly spiked all along his spine; if he could have this forever, he would give anything.
  61. [1:03:03 AM] insomniacMercury: Even with things weren't as difficult, even with them going smoothly and according to plan, he still found himself making those embarrassing noises - a little cry, or a whimper, or even a drawn-out moan that came between his fingers when he felt the need to cover it up, or into his arm if he turned his head one way or the other. Half-shut eyes caught the signing and it made him laugh of all things; the sound choked and awkward and barked but it was there. It amused him, entertained him to no end that Kurloz felt the need to have to say something to him. When they could sit for hours in understanding silence, just existing and appreciating one another. Sometimes, when Mituna's fits got really bad he'd lose his voice or the ability to speak, and he'd attempt slow and careful sign language for the Capricorn. He'd learned it for him in spite of their bond of understanding - he wanted to do it for him, he wanted to do something that he could share with him. Hand grabbed ahold of the one that was signing and he brought it to his mouth, kissing the knuckles and rubbing them into his cheek. He bit his lip and whined when he was hunched over possessively like that; the mere action bringing out a bit more of a harsher thrust that left Mituna reeling. "Nnnnnffffuuuuuck," he moaned, the sound frustrated; like he wasn't conveying enough. Kurloz needed to know this was magical to him; how much it meant that he was doing this with him. Sharing this experience. When he kissed him again the Gemini's hands abanoned their posts in favor of new ones, planted on Kurloz's face and holding him there; kissing him with all the passion he could fucking manage. Needy sounds and curses pushed into his 'moirail's' mouth, fingertips sliding back to card into his hair as his pan flirted with the ultimately dangerous idea of how red he was feeling.
  63. [4:53:59 AM | Edited 5:27:24 AM] Milo: He really didn't mind the sounds, as much as Mituna tried to keep them in. The more noise the other made, the more Kurloz found himself falling deeper into enjoying the whole thing - it had never been that hard to work the Gemini up, make him do things he didn't mean to do, but each involuntary sound was another success now, sweet on his ears and telling him exactly where he needed to move. Little did the yellowblood know, there was no reason to feel he wasn't doing enough; Kurloz was happy to keep going so long as his moirail continued to act as though he wanted what was given.. He could practically /taste/ Mituna's arousal and feel his heat, nothing whatsoever telling him to slow down, back off, or not to push so deep. Mituna's return kiss was hard, vicious, full of red and enough to dizzy the Capricorn who in turn tried to thrust harder, keep his actions precise and not just lay across him with his bulge sheathed into the other's nook. His mouth was open and accepting, lips strained against his stitches, but he didn't mind, just letting Mituna explore his mouth as he pleased, as fervently as he pleased, all passion and practically forbiddenly deep redness flowing between them. Hips began to jerk more than flow, Kurloz finding his finish approaching far to quickly for his head to keep up, thoughts melting away in favour of going animal-desperate, actually managing a /snarl/ as the harsher side of his subjuggulator's blood broke through his senses and egged him into more and more vicious movement. Look out, Mituna, he may just bite off your tongue and drink you up, fuck you into the floor until you scream and swallow you whole.
  65. [8:33:09 PM] insomniacMercury: Every so often his kiss was broken by a twitch, a jerk, or an untimely tic that pulled his mouth from the warm welcoming confines of Kurloz's; but Mituna found use in those breaks to whimper, cry out suddenly, or moan his appreciation for what was happening. Fucking hell, it felt - amazing. Words that he wasn't able to voice beyond those grunts and whines soared through his head at alarming speeds, making him reel. It got so intense at one point that a hand left Kurloz's face to go to his mouth; fingers were sucked on briefly to the tune of dead eyes ((that were sporting tiny honey-tears at their corners from stress))that rolled gently back, followed by those wet fingers sliding up his forehead to grip his hair and grind the heel of his palm into his eye in a spastic way. "Nnnnnnnttttthhhhfffffuck. F-fuck. Fuuuuuuckmefuckingthitgoddamnthit-!!!" Cursing pitched at the jerking bucks, panting whines the most tellible thing coming from his mouth. "Nnh-! F-fuck! Th-thit! Th-tho...! H-hot...!" ...until he started enunciating each thrust with a swear and the occasional yelp. And when he heard that snarl it sent a thrum of fear through him; a chill that made his toes curl and back arch and a heat pool in his belly and when Kurloz got close enough to him again, in a small amount of sex-crazed terror, he bit him. He didn't relent either - whether it was his shoulder or neck that he sank his teeth into his jaw locked like an animal's in a life or death situation and his arms flew around his neck to hold onto him. Not because he felt like crushing him to death, but because he was /so close/ and whenever he got this far in his wildest fucking dreams it was always ripped from him and he couldn't lose this great feeling of being filled by the one troll he felt completed every aspect of him. Danger or no. Whatever Kurloz wanted. Mituna needed this.
  67. As much as he tried to hold out, Kurloz couldn't keep himself together. The moment Mituna's teeth sank into his trapezius, terribly close to his collarbone, the Prince lost his gentle connection, arching to sink teeth between his string into the side of the yellowblood's face. His sounds grew louder, more like rough vibrations due to harsh breathing than actual vocals, feral in tone - it was like he wasn't even there anymore, personality flip-flopping and replacing the silent-sweetness with force and near-blackness. At this point, Kurloz just wanted an end, just worked towards climbing the hill he so desperately /needed/ to feel himself peak and fall down the other side of, digits curling to sink claws in like talons and feeling Mituna's softness pierce for him, yield just as his entire body was made to do for those so high above him in blood. The Gemini was rustled about roughly as the mute kept going, worn out and tired but needy enough to carry on, grunting into Mituna's skin until he suddenly shuddered and stilled for a few brief moments. It wasn't long before he was giving hard, random thrusts, riding his climax out and forcing his genetic material as deep into his moirail as he could possibly manage, as though some primal part of him felt that if he shoved deep enough, Mituna would be able to take all of it. His teeth held on throughout his finish, voices still cackling away in his head, whooping and praising and doing anything but fading back into silence.
  69. [2:20:19 AM] insomniacMercury: It was then that Mituna lost all capability of his own speech, something in his messed up head shutting down the deemed-uselss act and setting everything else to high-importance. Even his sudden, startled cry of pain was little more than a harsh whisper. It was a sensory overload; the Gemini falling into a deranged, uncomfortable rut between the intense pain and equally overbearing pleasure. Synapses were firing like crazy but no one was answering, the wheel was turning but the hamster was dead. He couln't hear, he couldn't see, he couldn't speak - but he could taste the indigo blood that burned his tongue, and his skin was on fire and he was on auto-pilot, arms letting go of their captive. Left hand flew to his hair again, pulling the locks until his scalp burned. Free hand snapped to Kurloz's bicep and dug his own claws in with that same bruising force as before. His entire form was a tremoring mess, back arched to impossible angles as he struggled against the overpowering thrusts, glued in place by the claws that gripped him so tightly. The heat that exploded in him was, if possible, even more shocking than everything else; labored breaths hot and raspy. Fingers of blackness clawed into his blurred vision as his dizzy, violently screaming head struggled to cope with everything. He barely managed. Even his own release felt like something he'd worked his entire miserable life for, the feeling of the sticky warmth spreading between them forcing a long, drawn-out whine mostly through his nose. He wasn't even aware he was full-on crying until the salty taste mingled with the blood in his mouth, the mixture trickling down his throat and making him wheeze. He couldn't tell if this was awful or wonderful, and the way his thinkpan felt like it was trying to break out of his skull wasn't helping either. The blackness kept creeping, but as much as he may have wanted to succumb he held his consciousness in a death-grip.
  71. [2:57:34 AM] Milo: Kurloz was the first to go, just as overloaded as Mituna in a completely different fashion, mentally snapping into countless pieces and feeling as though he were with the living again, repeatedly flatlining and coming back from the dead a thousand times over until there was nothing left. No, he couldn't deal with this, as much as he wanted to continue this perfect act of redness between himself and his moirail, the both of them had finished and all that remained were shrieking voices, laughter like death screams in his head, pounding at all sides of his thinkpan until the budding headache physically /hurt/ him. But it was what he got for not doing Their bidding, for not choking Mituna out and wrapping his guttyworks around his neck and sucking the base of his bloodpusher as it thumped its last beats - there was none of that here in the afterlife he didn't think, not really, but he wouldn't have done so anyway. Punishment was, of course, ending everything far too soon, Kurloz releasing Mituna from his teeth, unhooking his claws out of his flesh, able to get a few harshly-panted, open-mouthed breaths before his weight was fully atop the crying, sticky Gemini. His unconsciousness was immediately apparent, mirthful laughter fading into silence as he grew entirely unaware, hand clutching Mituna like he other was the only thing keeping him grounded. Yeah, they had a hell of a lot of issues to work through between the two of them, namely the fact that he'd envisioned murdering his moirail as they finished up their pailing.. That had gotten in the way of himself and Meulin, and apparently an eternity in the afterlife /still/ wasn't enough time to break himself of it. Great.
  73. [3:26:21 AM | Edited 3:49:21 AM] insomniacMercury: The sudden cease and desist left him completely for a loss, Mituna's chest heaving as if he weren't getting enough oxygen. All at once everything crashed down on him; the pain, comprehension, awareness - it hit him full force and he was reeling, fluttery half-breaths barely able to keep up with the violent demand for him to breathe. Finally able to dislodge himself from biting he retracted, teeth chattering with just how intense his shaking was. It all hurt. Every inch of him. His mouth, his jaw, his arms and legs and torso and 'special area'. The incredulity of the situation left him still unable to speak, and he still couldn't bring himself to let go of Kurloz's arm. Similarly enough in the same way - it was keeping him here, even with the weight of his moirail atop him it was something to hold onto. Like a security blanket. In stunned silence ((save his uneven, pathetic attempt at breathing)) individual sensations began making their way back to him. He could see again - evident in how he was finally able to let go of his own hair; his trembling hand gripping an unnatural amount of his own hair that he'd pulled out. He could speak again - his wavering whimpers peppered with squeaks and chirps of sentiments, 'i'm sorry's' and stammered curses. And he could hear again - the sound of his tired, battered little frame curling under Kurloz and emitting weak sobs filling his ears. He didn't like the taste of the blood in his mouth. He didn't like choking on it or the tears that had slithered down his throat. Hoarse coughs hurt his back and eyes, and he wiped the hairs off his hand to then pull one of Kurloz's limp ones to his face, resting the palm over the bite. He was entirely unaware of the visions, but provoking him, even if accidentally, had definitely been his fault. Among everything else he still felt safe like this, so that in and of itself could be taken as a comfort. Under such duress, however, he was still alive with the aftershocks - but if he closed his eyes, his pan graciously allowed him to black out.
  75. [4:07:35 PM] Milo: He had daymares upon daymares until he finally awoke, blinking blearily and patting around before he realised where he was, remembered what had happened. A frown, then he looked the other over - bites, bruises, and dried blood of both colours. Fuck. Kurloz hadn't meant for this to happen, anything but injuring his moirail during pailing would have been better. Hopefully Mituna hadn't interpreted his intentions as black when he'd nearly taken a chunk out of his face, but he wouldn't know until the Gemini awoke and spoke with him, if he would speak about the subject at all. Gods, and maybe Kurloz had /scared/ him.. The Prince couldn't wait any longer, hesitantly kissing all strings and tension across Mituna's jaw. Please be okay.
  77. [4:16:34 PM] insomniacMercury: He didn't dream; body floating in the dense nothingness of his head. Which was bizarre in a way, normally the noise and colours that plagued him during the day infected his sleep and made him imagine and dream so many weird things. But he felt nothing in his sleep which was for the best - he might dream of the pain, or the primal fear, or the taste of the blood that had upset him so much. It took a minute, but he felt the kisses on his jaw and a soft, tired whimper left him; Mituna unwilling to open his eyes yet but instead sliding the ((still)) gripping hand that was on Kurloz's bicep a little to show he was awake. Conscious, at least. His cognizance was still a question that was up in the air. He wasn't awake enough to feel the pain, at least. Not yet. As such the only things he were sure of were that he was with Kurloz, and he was laying down.
  79. [12/25/2012 11:48:17 PM] Milo: Every sort of regret was flying through his head, not for the pailing, but for the way he'd finished it, the way both of them had been forced into unconsciousness rather than snuggling up and falling asleep together, holding each other and muttering words of red. That was how he'd envisioned it would go, but with being a subjuggulator came having to hear those twin Messiahs, having to do their bidding and getting punished when he didn't. A low, apologetic noise came from him as he nuzzled into Mituna's neck, sitting up and waiting for the other to grow aware enough to pay attention, enough for him to sign an apology.
  81. [12:04:23 AM] insomniacMercury: A faint, quiet noise left him at the nuzzle, the Gemini sighing. It was a rattled sort-of sound, as if there were still bits of unsavory things in his throat that he didn't want to think about. He hadn't the strength to clear it before and he certainly didn't now, but he was finally able to open his heavy-lidded eyes, vision siding in and out of focus a little before Kurloz's face came into view. He smiled a little half-smile ((the one side of his face hurt an awful lot)) and he touched Kurloz's arm, opening his mouth a little. "H-hi... beth-tht f-friend..." Talking was a huge chore, and his voice was harsh and awful. But he didn't seem as frightened or pained as he did last night. An most importantly, he didn't seem to be afraid of his moirail.
  83. [12:36:06 AM] Milo: Relief washed over him almost immediately upon hearing the yellowblood speak, but he still felt that tight nervousness in his gut that told him he still had to say something. Hands slowly signed, letting Mituna's tired eyes follow and decode the language he'd learned for his mute moirail. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. Never wanted to hurt you. Red for you. So sorry." Kurloz's expression was like that of a kicked woofbeast. Even if it was okay, if Mituna had nothing terrible to really say about it, the mute was still more sorry than he'd been since dying.
  85. [12:57:15 AM] insomniacMercury: Mituna watched the signing quietly, pan slowly piecing together what he was saying. He didn't say anything at first, looking off to the side as he lay there, stoic and thoughtful. In the heat of the moment it'd been like an awakening; entirely alive with the feeling of being treated like... that. No-holds barred. He couldn't actively defend himself, but being almost... objectified like that? He wasn't sure how it made him feel now. It wasn't a bad feeling. He wasn't mad at Kurloz, either. He had sort-of provoked him, and that was his own fault. He wanted to sit up but he just couldn't find the energy to, so he sighed again and reached for one of Kurloz's hands. Red, he'd said. Red red red red red. "I'm th-thorry," he echoed faintly, closing his eyes for a long blink. He opened them again and watched his moirail. "I'm n-not up...upthet." More tired and dirty than upset. Still, that nagging weirdness of it all... "R-red too. I j-jutht -" He shook his head, pinching his eyes closed. "H-hurtth."
  87. [1:26:13 AM] Milo: Hurts? Of course it would hurt. He should have been more considerate, should have just asked him if he felt okay first, gotten that taken care of, and then apologised later. But with the returning admission of redness, Kurloz found himself relieved as could be, the heaviest of weights lifting from his shoulders. 'We should clean up.' A chaste kiss pressed to the other's uninjured cheek, then he stood nude as could be, off to draw a bath. They could both use a nice, warm soak after all that, even if they'd probably have to drain the ablution trap to rinse off a couple more times.. Once filled, Kurloz returned to retrieve his moirail - or newfound matesprit now, he supposed - gently helping him to stand and guiding him to the warm-hot ablution water.
  89. [1:38:46 AM] insomniacMercury: He nodded distantly at the suggestion to clean up, closing his eyes at the kiss and sighing again. But this time it made him cough, and he groaned loudly at just how bad it hurt. His entire body felt like it was rebelling against him; he wanted to slip unconscious again and not feel anything. Dark bits of purple blood stuck to his teeth and dribbled a little down his chin, Mituna opening his eyes again just in time to see Kurloz come back. He made grabby hands at the other, his thinkpan a mush. Had they...? Did they just....? Change quadrants...? Mituna really couldn't process much right now, so instead of making sense of that last little exchange((and actually getting it into his head that Kurloz was wanting to refer to him as his matesprit)), he let himself be pulled up, his legs nearly useless. Head rolled onto Kurloz's shoulder, a dreamy and distant smile crossing his face. He was dwelling on his red feelings. "I-I'd be... th-tho good..." he croaked. "M-matethprit... I'd... G-good boy, I-I'm good..."
  91. [3:58:06 AM] Milo: Kurloz only smiled at his friend, strength one wouldn't expect in such a slim frame assisting in getting the filthy yellowblood to the waiting bath. Slowly, he guided Mituna in, making sure he got used to the temperature rather than just plopping in. The Capricorn followed soon after, sliding in smooth as silk. A few long moments were taken to just soak up the warmth of the water, let it calm both their aching muscles and injuries, before he began quietly washing the troll beside him. He planted kisses here and there when he could, peppering shoulders and unwounded cheek with gentle brushes of taut string. Finally, a smile as Kurloz pulled away, 'You are good. You're perfect.'
  93. [4:17:24 AM] insomniacMercury: Grunting a little as he was shuffled around, Mituna somewhat jerked awake at the hot water. It sent a fire through his veins and he was there; it stung and hurt and he winced a little, a quiet hiss coming from him. As good as the bath felt it hurt an equal amount, and Mituna found himself in a miserable limbo between enjoying it and feeling like it was punishment for something. He smiled weakly up at him when he kissed his cheek and washed him, a small 'thank you' signed. ...and then the signing from Kurloz came and he felt himself blushing; the bite on his cheek stinging something awful. The Gemini was far from perfect. Pitiful laugh tumbled from his mouth and he shook his head, touching Kurloz's cheek and the right-most stitch gingerly. "No... I-I'm jutht... here." Eyes wandered for a moment, spotting the bite he'd made. It... looked bad. He couldn't see his own cheek, but Mituna had bigger teeth than Kurloz did, and he would wager he had more biting strength, too. It was already bruising, and the dried blood around it made him feel a little sick. He whined, banking everything he had against pulling a face and starting to cry. "Th-thorry... I'm thorry, I'm-" He shook his head. "N-not good... no... b-bad..."
  95. [11:23:59 PM] Milo: It was a rather terrible bite, deep punctures from the yellowblood's huge front teeth and alligator-strong jaw enough to make any other troll wince. True, it did hurt, but the pain only made him feel more rooted, more /alive/ and not like they were practically forever stuck here in the afterlife. He didn't mind, moving as smoothly as he would in perfect health, save a little bit of stiffness as he favoured the more severe shocks of pain across one side of his neck and his shoulder. Bare, water-warm hand came to drag wetly down Mituna's cheek a few times as he began apologising, shoosh, then he gave a gentle smile. 'My fault. I'm still here.' Kurloz wasn't going anywhere, there was nothing for the Gemini to worry about.. but it would be harder convincing him of that, as it had always been difficult getting him to believe things were and would always be fine. If his Messiahs didn't stand in the way, that is. Ugh, his poor Mituna; this would have ended so much better had the mute not lost himself in the midst of what they'd done last night.
  97. [11:44:49 PM] insomniacMercury: He pouted, looking up at him; the clear look of shame on his face. It reached his eyes, still a little swollen and dark yellow from how much he'd been exerting himself last night - and how much he'd cried. It wasn't his fault, though!! If Mituna hadn't been so stupidly startled from the sudden snarl, he wouldn't have - it wouldnt have... turned into what it did. He just felt so bad. Even if the events that transpired did... similarly make him feel alive. Liberated, as it were. That his accident wouldn't always mean he would be coddled ((though he very much did like that part of it)) and treated like a stubborn child. It meant that someone could take him seriously and entrust him with a feeling he thought he'd never really experience. How he'd been handled, though... It sent a shiver through him, recalling his exact feeling. Well, not exact - moreso how he felt after. Waking up. Thinking about it. What was the word he'd thought of before? Objectified. That. In a weird way it made him feel important. He reached out again, almost to touch the bite but changing his mind - and touching the Capricorn's face again, instead. "Th-thtill thorry... but... B-betht. You're... j-jutht..." He sighed, shaking his head, the words escaping him. "Betht f-friend."
  99. [11:12:21 PM] Milo 2: He tensed as the hand came towards the rather harsh bite, readying for a sudden impact of pain from the other's palm. When nothing came, the Prince relaxed considerably, letting his eyes close and leaning the side of his face into that touch. A soft purr arose, 'Best friend. Always.' Amazing that Mituna was handling everything as well as he was - did he not remember what had happened? Kurloz was entirely to blame, but as long as the yellowblood didn't break down over it, it looked like things would turn out just fine. 'Stay with me.' Move in, Mituna, don't make him worry about what you're out doing anymore.
  101. [11:29:39 PM] insomniacMercury: Mituna remembered what happened, of course. It was really, really hard to forget. But he didn't... want to ask about it right now; he didn't want to ask about it when the possibility that... well... when they were together like this, so soon after? He felt like tension was still high, and he didn't want to jeopardize the peace between them right now. Maybe one day he'd ask about it. One day far from now, when they could lie in the grass and smile at the sky and he could ask him if he remembered the first time they pailed. 'What happened?' he could ask, still a little shy about it even though it had been ages ago. ...Or maybe it'd come up sooner, in a random fit of anxiety and panic, Mituna would ask him why he got so scary, and why he hurt him. The request made him tilt his head in confusion, opening his mouth a little. Silence, for a short while. Then: "I a-am with - /ffffuck/ - w-with you," he explained, this time touching Kurloz's arm. "H-here, right here, I'm - by you, n-not leaving - /c-cockth-thucker/ -!" Twitch, half-smile. As if the expletive completed his ever-scattered thoughts. What did Kurloz mean...?
  103. [12/29/2012 11:34:58 AM] Milo 2: And he would answer honestly, if Mituna ever asked. The mute gave a small smile, buried his face in the other's neck. 'Stay forever.' Not right here in the bath, silly Tunabee. Just with him, just here, /around/, give him a reason not to ever really leave again. With Mituna and himself still sitting comfortably, he moved to drain the tub, refill at a reasonable temperature, letting all the blood and sweat and material sink away and leaving them with fresh water to just soak their aching muscles. He could sit here forever, settled into Mituna's nude lap, bodies touching raw and feral.
  105. [12/29/2012 1:34:02 PM] insomniacMercury: He continued to eye him curiously; the intention of the question understood now but he was... still confused, he guessed, as to why he was being asked it. N-not entirely, just... was hard to explain. He nodded though after a few seconds' pause, smiling sheepishly. Latula hadn't even asked for that. He could understand, though. He didn't want to keep her from her wicked rad lifestyle. "O-okay. I can do th-that, yeth, I th-think, that'th a thing I c-can do." He shivered as the water drained, the general coolness of the hive hitting his wet, sore body. Refilled again he sighed, leaning against Kurloz. "Th-thee her thoon," he murmured quietly. "I gotta, the'll g-get - f-ffuck - worried..."
  107. [12/29/2012 11:00:13 PM] insomniacMercury: Worried she was. The last she'd heard from him was a few days ago - she'd asked Aranea, and Serket had told her that the last SHE'D seen him was scurrying away from Cronus. Which was a bad sign. Putting off actually talking to the creep, she decided to try and find his moirail, which would probably warrant better results. So she trekked to Makara's hive, leaving her skateboard on the step before knocking. "Hey yo, Kurloz!" she called at the door, lifting her shades to peek into a window. No reply. Hmm. Letting herself in she treat carefully - spotting Mituna's helmet and skateboard near a pile, as well as... a lot of black, purple, and yellow clothes. "Guys? Where you at?" Respiteblock gave her nothing, but she heard some noises from the hygieneblock. The door was open so she let herself peek around the corner. "Oh." The syllable was a lot more serious than she intended to make it sound, and the frown she had was instantaneously replaced with her usual radgirl smile. "Bathtime, huh?" She winked at Mituna. "Honey-child get a little dirty skateboarding like a coolkid?" Play it cool, Pyrope. Ain't nothin silly going on here. -- Mituna saw his matesprit, eyes widening. Quickly he turned away from her, not wanting Latula to see the bite on his cheek. A low whine came from him, but he didn't reply. Help.
  109. [12/29/2012 11:54:11 PM] Milo 2: A frown was given at the sound of Latula entering his hive without 1) waiting for him to answer or 2) any permission to enter as she pleased. He supposed he didn't entirely mind - everyone seemed to walk on in now and then anyhow. Upon seeing her peek in on them, Kurloz busied himself situating the yellowblood's hair, covering up the bite mark as well as he was able. It wasn't immediately visible, anyway. Signing began when Latula looked at them long enough, 'Didn't hear you come in. Good evening, Tulip, I trust you're fairing far better than we.' Better, of course, because /she/ wasn't covered head to toe in injuries, Kurloz's bites and scratches apparent, nor was she in anything like the predicament the mute and his moirail now found themselves in. Still, he remained calm as could be, as though not a single thing was out of place though it so obviously was. Kurloz didn't get worked up about such things; it was easy for him to stay passive.
  111. [12:13:44 AM] insomniacMercury: Latula watched Kurloz's signing; honestly she didn't learn as much as Mituna had for obvious reasons - not because she didn't not like Kurloz or anything, but mostly because she had a hard time picking it up, and because she didn't talk to him as often. So when her gaze flitted from Kurloz to Mituna, she gave him a hopeful little smile, waiting for him to translate it for her to make sure she didn't get anything wrong. -- Mituna looked at her, eyes round and slightly frightened. Looked back to Kurloz. Looked up to Latula. Began speaking slowly. "H-he thayth... H-he didn't hear you... - /fuck/ - come in... a-and good evening T...T...T-Tulip." Pause, breath. His anxiety was spiking, and he was havng a harder time than normal speaking coherently. Hands nervously opened and closed under the water, the Gemini huffing quietly. "T-truthtth you're f-fairing better than... than w-we are...." Yeah, she would be. She always was. Always so cool and in control of herself. -- Smiling, Latula nodded. "Yeah! I'm doing pretty good. Everything okay with my two best bros?" She couldn't shake the idea that something might be wrong, but she didn't want to jump to conclusions. Mostly because she didn't want to upset Mituna. She scooted in closer, but stayed at a comfortable distance. "Lookin' good as ever, cutie," she murmured to her matesprit, trying to gently diffuse what she thought had the potential to become a volatile situation.
  113. [10:51:43 AM] Milo 2: The Prince was staring Latula down, whether she could tell or not - he was always staring at someone or another. She asked if everything was okay, Kurloz nodded in turn, she complimented Mituna, Kurloz nodded in agreement. Then, dead eyes still obviously on Latula, the Highblood leaned in, pressed an obvious kiss to the Gemini's cheek. He was standing then, not at all shy about lifting his bony, clawed-up, bitten-up, scarred-over and quite naked body from the bath. Here, Latula would see very fresh marks, obvious punctures from Mituna's teeth on his trapezius. Kurloz just stared her down, at the same time drying himself off, leaving a towel for the yellowblood, when he decided he was uncomfortable in the warm water. He knew the first thing she would think was that he'd done something to scare Mituna into hurting him, bad as that bite was. Though it would be a stress on Mituna to do this so quickly, he challenged her to say something.
  115. [7:08:24 PM] insomniacMercury: The ghost of a frown touched her face as Kurloz kissed Mituna; but the Libra was familiar with pale affections and was able to quickly pass it off as nothing. She was even able to manage a nervous laugh. When the Capricorn stood though she felt herself blush just a little, a teal tint taking to her cheeks. Her gaze shied away but an intense curiosity overtook her; glancing back. "Yo Mak," she started, her tone a little wavery. "What happened?" Obvious indication of the injuries. She'd recognize those bitemarks anywhere; occasionally sporting a few of her own from a pail that got a little out of hand. But this looked different. Now more than anything she wished she could smell; wanting so badly to be able to tell what was going on here. She stood straighter. "Somethin' going on you're not tellin' me?" Her gaze shifted to Mituna, who immediately avoided it. She wanted him to say somethng. To defend himself, to defend Kurloz - just say anything to her. -- The Gemini's eyes worriedly followed Kurloz out of the ablution trap, whining again but ultimately staying put. He was blushing, more out of suppressing a panic attack than anything else. "I d-don't - wh... l-like... th-thith... nnnf..." He was chewing on his hand, fingers moving from mouth to injured cheek - and he made a little sound of pain, discovering how tender it was. The boy felt hot tears pricking the corners of his eyes, but he still couldn't find it in him to say anything relevant. He couldn't do this.
  117. [8:39:55 PM] Milo: Kurloz gave a crude smile at that question, let it grow wider at the question she followed with. Nothing, Latula, just pailing in red fashion with your matesprit. Though a quick look at Mituna, seeing how upset he was getting, how stressed, and he moved to give the yellowblood a quick pap. Shoosh, it'll be alright. He'll handle this, stop chewing, you're going to hurt yourself. Towel was wrapped about his waist, then the bony mute turned to face Latula again. They couldn't leave Mituna alone to have the 'talk' Kurloz was about to have with her, otherwise he might freak the fuck out or start crying and yelling that he didn't want to be here.. That wasn't a thing he wanted the Gemini to feel - he never wanted Mituna to be upset to be in his hive, this was an escape, a hideout, and hopefully his new forever-home. Watching the tealblood now with a look of utter seriousness, the Capricorn looked somewhat sad; he'd hoped Mituna would be the one to break this to his matesprit, that Mituna would gain the confidence to tell her on his own. Instead, Kurloz caught her attention, pointed at the scared little bee in the bath. Pointed at himself. Took both hands, made a heart. Signed 'I'm sorry,' which he knew she understood. We're red, Latula. 'Don't be angry.'
  119. [9:02:25 PM | Edited 9:07:22 PM] insomniacMercury: Latula frowned at Mituna, tipping her head and showing nothing but concern for her matesprit. She wanted to baby him, wanted to pull him into her arms and rub faces with him and play videogames and calm him down the best way she knew how; with distractions. She wiggled her fingers at him in a little wave, smiling a half-smile at him. Rooted to the spot, she didn't need to be able to smell to feel the dread that coated the room on all fronts. Sighing, she turned to Kurloz as he caught her attention, trying her best to remain as if she was at least /feeling/ like nothing was wrong. Watching the over-simplified explanation sent a little thrum of pain through her, and without realizing it she had been digging her nails into her palms. Angry? She wasn't angry. At least, she didn't want anyone to see her angry. Or upset. She smiled again, nodding once to show her understanding. The Libra really should have been expecting this; with how scarce Mituna had been lately. She knew he meant her no ill-will, but she... wished she could have done better. Sweeps upon sweeps were not enough to prove how much she did care about him. Without another word she moved to the edge of the bath, kneeling down to pull the Gemini into a tight hug, which was reciprocated. "You know where to find me, lil bro." She kissed his forehead tenderly and stood, moving to leave. "St-stay rad, okay?" -- Mituna nearly clambored out of the bath after her; reaching for her retreating form with such a look of dejection it hurt. He felt awful. Tears stung his injury and he swallowed thickly, whimpering again. "R-rad-" he murmured but his voice cracked, reaching again. "D-don't leave - /ffffuck!/- I'm th-thorry-" He knew she wouldn't come back, but he desperately wanted her to know that he was sorry, and that he really had cared for her. He looked up at Kurloz, his lip quivering. Did they do the right thing? He knew they did, but... it still hurt.
  121. [6:15:46 AM] Milo: Kurloz stood tall, watched her leave like a monster in a shadow waiting to pounce. He stared unblinking as Latula said her goodbye, studied her retreating form, then once the door to his hive had closed behind her, focussed his attention back to Mituna. Oh, she really shouldn't have let him sense that she was upset, no matter hiw much or how little she actually really cared. In a few nights, she'd bounce back to being herself, probably end up with someone else; she always could bag them pretty easily anyhow. A low, curious sound was given as he approached Mituna, helping the other out of the bath and letting him lean against him if he needed while Kurloz toweled him off. His touch was tender and careful, not in the way one would touch the handicapped, but the way one touched their matesprit, someone they were so red for they wanted to transfer it into every action possible. That finished, the mute led his little bee back to the pile, immediately helping him to lay down and piling blankets upon blankets over him to warm him up. Mituna probably had no idea how often the Capricorn was, well.. without clothes in his hive. More comfortable that way. Hands rubbed and glided over his matesprit, kisses pressed to his face - it'll be okay, Tunabee.
  123. [6:26:21 AM] bangarang: Eyes still stinging he stood with the help, swallowing a snivelling and slumping against Kurloz heavily. He'd never imagined that he'd have to... say goodbye to someone before. Could they still be friends? Would she even want to be? Would she still want to play video games and look at shitty 'gamer' blogs and send crass anons? Would she still want to skateboard with him? Or, because they were no longer together, would she give up on him entirely? Really... could they still be friends? He hoped so. He really, really hoped so. Regardless of how not-red his feelings may have been for her she still did mean a great lot to him, and she needed to know that. Maybe when he was feeling better he'd go find her, apologize, and try to be friends again. But right now he felt heavy and sore, and laying down in that pile felt like the greatest thing ever. The wet tips of his hair clung to his forehead and he watched Kurloz with stressed eyes, hands reaching out of the blankets to make grabby hands, wanting to be held and comforted just for a little. He wanted to know he did the right thing. He wanted to know that he'd stop feeling like a big huge jerk. Even with how red he was for Kurloz, hurting Latula wasn't.... something he wanted to do. "I'm th-thorry," he whispered, sighing.
  125. [6:36:57 AM] Milo: There wasn't anything in the world Kurloz could actually imagine would make Latula not continue to be friends with his little Mituna over. Really, the Prince didn't see any reason for anyone to not treat the yellowblood just as they'd been treating him, though sometimes they could probably be a little better to him.. Kurloz pulled Mituna closer at that attention-needing display of grabby hands and a pathetic expression, bony arms and hands wrapping around him as much as they could, giving him the best hug he could possibly manage. Shaking his head, he gave a quietly-whispered 'shoosh', there was no reason to be sorry, no reason to regret feeling differently, changing up matesprits, flipping quadrants. It happened more often than Mituna's mental capacity would be able to understand; they were a violent species, after all, and the most often quadrant flips were pale to red, red to black, though he'd never feel a hint of blackness towards his Mituna. Anything else he wanted to say would be drowned out by stitches, Kurloz kissing on him until he was told to stop. He had a feeling he wouldn't be.
  127. [6:58:12 AM | Edited 6:59:47 AM] bangarang: Mituna cuddled close like a grub; at first trying to bury his face against Kurloz's chest - but he caught sight of the bitemark and felt an uneasy quiver in his tummy, remembering the bite and the blood and how ill it'd made him feel ((and how bad he felt for it)) - and he instead resorted to using the Capricorn's arm as a pillow, sighing again a little more calmly and closing his eyes. They just hurt so darn bad. The kisses were warm and welcome on his slightly chilled skin, Mituna's grip alternating between a tight hold and a weak one; sort-of ike a meowbeast adjusting its blankets before laying on them. Muddled, noisy thoughts of Latula and Kurloz fluttered around his pan, a few of them causing winces or whimpers from him. Mostly, however, they were harmless; and Mituna, even in his sudden exhaustion ((it was under-motherfucking-standable as to why he was so exhausted, at least)) was able to pull Kurloz's face a little closer to land one of those kisses on his mouth. Good. Where they belonged. One of the first true smiles in a few hours showed from him, Mituna closing his eyes again and curling up a little tighter. It didn't take long, with the gentle affections from his... matesprit, for him to doze off in a well-deserved nap.
  129. [7:20:04 AM] Milo: Kurloz wasn't without his own pain, nuzzilng up to the other despite the aching in his dead bones, the fresh wounds still open, tender, and yet to entirely scab all over him. He was content to just hold and be held by his matesprit, not caring how tenderly stiff any certain position or movement was. And suddenly Mituna was kissing him of his own free will, his own idea and his own action and the Capricorn practically melted with both affection and pride. It wasn't long before he, too, fell asleep, following his matesprit into a gentle, fuzzy-minded slumber the likes of which he hadn't had in a very, very long time. For once, his Messiahs were almost silent. He slept longer than the yellowblood, face pressed against his while both their bodies swapped and shared warmth. He'd missed not being alone.
  131. [7:37:19 AM] bangarang: While saying goodbye to Latula may have been a confusing and painful ordeal, Mituna was still very certain of where his affections belonged. He had no problem kissing Kurloz, or being kissed by him - he enjoyed the attention to matter what form it took. His nap was somewhat short but satisfying - in the way that it woke him up in a bit of a daze, thoughts of Latula and Kurloz still floating around his pan but in... a very different way. First and foremost it made him squirm a little, but he realized the Capricorn wasn't awake yet - so he calmed a little, nibbling his bottom lip gingerly. Ah, he probably wouldn't mind some affectionate cuddlings. Good cheek rubbed against his forehead; a quiet, gentle purr sounding from him as he did so. Arms slipped from where they were to around his neck, careful ((but somewhat jerky)) pets given to his hair. It stayed at that level for now, Mituna's mind still a sleepy haze from his nap.
  133. [7:48:57 AM] Milo: The mute remained quite safely unconscious while Mituna awoke and began administering his own cuddlings. Contrary to what he tried to make everyone believe, his voicebox /did/ still work, if roughly, and what with all those pets and increased contact, small noises began bubbling up from his throat. He continued to sleep, shifting comfortably against his matesprit, muttering who-knew-what in what could only be described as one of myriad languages long dead. Kurloz didn't seem anywhere /near/ waking, just enjoying without knowing, whatever dreams he was having instantly becoming pleasant as could be.
  135. [7:55:57 AM] bangarang: He almost stilled at the mutterings, wondering if he should stop or not or if he was doing a bad or if he should keep going or what. When nothing changed after a minute or so, he decided to keep going. Hands and fingers opened and closed in his hair, effectively kneading it once more like a purrbeast. A mild-mannered lick was given to his temple, Mituna nuzzling near it shortly thereafter. His facerubs for higher, nuzzlings moved further back in his hair and the little Gemini was just enjoying being nice to him; enjoying the closeness and the smell and the fact that he was doing this and was focused and diligent like a good boy. Hands crept higher, fingertips eventually just barely brushing the bases of his horns with their motions. Face was a similar situation - his cheek was on top of his head; hugging it to him gently while he nuzzled and purred and just felt so... happy.
  137. [8:07:54 AM] Milo: There was nothing for Mituna to be afraid of - his purpleblooded matesprit was quite safely asleep and not about to be roused. He couldn't help it when he began making /more/ noise, deeper, longer sounds that rolled like distant thunder in his chest; Mituna was licking his temple, playing in his hair, touching his horns. Holy shit, if only he were awake for this. Head unconsciously pressed against the Gemini's seeking fingers and once hands came into contact with his horns, Kurloz downright /moaned/. The sound was broken, sure, but his vocal chords nevertheless gave an all-out effort.. Then he was sleepily trying to find whatever was touching him so nicely, patting and petting on Mituna with his eyes shut tight.
  139. [1/14/2013 10:26:11 PM] bangarang: Startled by the louder sound Mituna stopped again, fingers closed gently around hair, eyes opening a little. This was okay. It was obviously okay. Right? He was doing nice things and being nice and actually somewhat calm. But that sound... if his dumb pan wasn't playing tricks on him it was very near a... /pailing/ sound and it made his cheeks heat up a little. Silently, experimentally, fingers lifted to drag down about four inches of the nearest horn, holding his breath as he waited to see what would happen. Mituna knew his own horns were a little... sensitive, but he'd never gotten the full extent or experience so he was wondering if... Kurloz was the same. Maybe if he was a good boy, and this went well, the favour would be returned. He wouldn't say anything (probably), but it was a nice thought. For right now, he was way too into his experimenting and fascination.
  141. [1/15/2013 7:26:51 AM] Milo 2: It most certainly WAS a pailing sound, the Prince squirming in his sleep as digits came to continue touching at his horn. Breath grew heavy in what was assumed to be a fantastic dream, hands moving to grab at Mituna without really knowing he was there. When he woke up, if he did throughout this whole ordeal, the 'favour' would be returned tenfold. A low growl escaped as his arousal grew, bulge slowly hardening until it was pressed against the yellowblood's hip. Some part of Kurloz (well.. more than one part) just wanted that warm body /closer/, wanted the good feeling to not stop.
  143. [1/15/2013 7:40:07 AM] bangarang: He jumped a little when he was grabbed like that, not knowing what he was expecting but it hadn't.. been that. It hadn't been the growl either - nor what was touching his hip. He felt a little overwhelmed. After another quiet pause, however, he did more - fingers curling around the horn to drag down it again; then back up and down again carefully. "Kurloth..." he whispered faintly, having never seen him behaving like this before. Eyes flickered to the other horn - his other arm was curled around his matesprit and he didn't feel like he could let go just yet. The second best solution to this problem was to open his mouth a little wider and lean in, pressing his tongue against it; running slowly up the side.
  145. [1/15/2013 8:02:05 AM] Milo 2: It'd been a favourite thing for Meulin to do back in the day, get him when he was completely mentally and physically off-guard. It made her feel like she could have control of him too, but she was always too hesitant, too quiet and too careful to do much more than eventually rouse him. Here, with Mituna's unsure but just tight enough touch, the sleeping troll was reduced to practically panting, hot and flushed as could be. Said flush was easily seen; he'd washed his face, hadn't bothered re-applying since he didn't plan on going out just yet anyhow, but it left him looking as exposed as he could ever be. His eyelids squeezed tighter a moment as his name was called, Mituna's voice feeding into that fantastic dream - it'd take a little more than that to rouse him, unfortunately. Or fortunately, depending on how Mituna wanted to look at it.
  147. [1/15/2013 8:14:24 AM] bangarang: Tongue and touches were a little more... earnest, once he felt like he was doing okay. The shortness of breath from the Capricorn almost concerned him, but it kept clicking and re-clicking what exactly was going on. Still, he felt a little uncomfortable being the only one awake for it. He tried to ignore the feeling, hand closing tighter; tongue pressing harder. But after a particularly er... desperate noise from his matesprit he did feel a bit too much discomfort, and instead nuzzled his hair again, once more calling his name - "K-Kurloth...? I'm-" He wasn't sure what he was doing, or why anymore, but he found a guilty pleasure in listening to him make those noises and see him blush and he just wanted to make absolutely sure it was okay.
  149. [1/15/2013 9:44:50 AM] Milo 2: That time, he cracked his eyes open, body heavy with sleep and aroused confusion written all over his face. Slowly, he registered the dream with what Mituna was doing, where his hands were. Oh-- Tired signing, 'Exploring is okay.' Then he leaned forward, brushing strings across the Gemini's chin before he leaned his head forward, horns clacking against Mituna's a brief moment. He rubbed slowly, increasing pressure, just returning the gesture and trying to teach his matesprit how to, well, really do foreplay with horns.
  151. [1/16/2013 12:44:35 AM] bangarang: Humming a little and nodding, happy Kurloz was awake and accounted for, he felt a little better. He almost felt kinda... well, just strange doing something like that without him awake, without him knowing. It didn't sit okay with the yellowblood. Managing a soft half-smile at the kiss, then - curious look as he leaned in faded to a quiet gasp and gentle blush at their horns touching, a shiver chasing down Mituna's spine. Oh. So that's what it felt like. "I-I like that," he murmured quietly, hand resuming it's gentle grip and relax in Kurloz's hair, the motion almost calming in a way. Like a security blanket.
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