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- DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
- DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
- GM: So are all of the <@&312742257126014986> present?
- Alias: Yes
- Tinncev: yup
- Pirrue: yes
- GM: I was thinking of doing a sort of round-robin, where I ask a question, then one of you would ask another player something in turn.
- GM: I'll lead us through a full round of questions to start.
- GM: Alias: Your character is something of a "f*ck the police" badboy. That's sort of an odd personality for an Aurorian merchant selling his services abroad to have. How did he end up that way?
- Alias: You do understand... That Alias is someone who still haven't settled in life, he has been doing things here and there to survive... And he haven't had stock in a while.
- He's still kinda bad with finances. Nonetheless, Alias is also someone who embodies the "rebellious teen", despite his actual age.
- Alias: (i.e. young adult)
- GM: I see.
- GM: And now, Alias, it is your turn to ask one of the other players a question.
- GM: (If it turns out to have already been answered in the game, you can ask another.)
- Alias: <@!Tinncev> , How well your character can work out the funds to sustain his lifestyle? (NOT saying that he lives in luxury, tho)
- GM: (Also, sorry if my internet is spotty.)
- GM: (And I think he's asking how well off Tinncev is.)
- Tinncev: Well, besides being a detective Tinncev actively looks for oddjobs to do, even not some of the more glamorous ones, it just so happens being a detective works out pretty well with this certain case. But yeah, Tinncev gets by pretty well, not by luxurious standards but standards of living.
- Tinncev: <@!Pirrue> So, why did Pirrue become an sculptor/artist? Especially at a young age?
- GM: (Pause.)
- GM: It actually goes > Me > Someone > Me > Someone.
- Tinncev: (oh)
- Alias: (I think GM wants to add his own- yeah)
- Tinncev: (gotcha)
- GM: So <@!Tinncev>: How did your character get into detective work? Was it a particular case he encountered in his normal life, or was it just something he wanted to do?
- Tinncev: (Back)
- Tinncev: He got into detective work because it especially was well paid, and well, he was sorta good at finding culprits from who stole what to who busted up someone car, to missing persons. So yeah, he is pretty good at detective work to begin with so he said, "Might as well."
- GM: Now it's Tinncev's turn.
- GM: "<@!Pirrue> So, why did Pirrue become an sculptor/artist? Especially at a young age?"
- GM: ^Going with this?^
- Tinncev: yup
- Pirrue: Well, she's a tinkerer and builder more than an "artist" per se. The "artist" thing was kind of foisted upon her as a condition of Lord Strawberg's patronage; his financial backing allowed her to build the Heart-Shaped Box in full scale, as opposed to her early miniature prototypes, but she *had* to show it off as an art piece. She would probably have showed it off anyway, but less as an "artwork" and more like a "neat gizmo that can transform into a variety of shapes." XD
- Tinncev: ahh,
- GM: Well, it's my turn, and I want to know why Pirrue got into tinkering and building. Should that count as a separate question? Because I do have another...
- Pirrue: I'm pulling this answer out of my ass because I hadn't really thought of it, but here goes. XD
- Pirrue: Great-aunt, don't have a name for her, also nekopossum, pioneer in clockwork development. She augmented her own postmortem body with all kinds of gadgetry, basically turning herself into a fantastic bit of puppetwork, and Pirrue was *fascinated*. When she had an untimely accident of the permanently fatal kind, Pirrue ended up inheriting all her books and tools, and sort of tried to take up where she left off.
- Pirrue: That, for the record, is why she had the schematics for the Heart-Shaped Box - they were in her great-aunt's possession first.
- GM: Ooh, interesting.
- GM: I could probably work this in somehow.
- Pirrue: i was going to say "grandfather" but that would've been boring XD
- GM: Now it's your turn. Who will you ask?
- Pirrue: and I don't know if this is in line with what you had in mind but I'm thinking the schematics for the HSB were probably old when Pirrue's great-aunt had them; that, or she was one of the people who helped actually design (but never build) it.
- Pirrue: let's see here...
- Pirrue: <@!Alias>. When did your Stand first manifest?
- Alias: Well... It depends... On how small a Stand can manifest at first XD
- Alias: (i.e. I might need to know some things about stands, before I say something that might or might not be stupid)
- Alias: Either you are furiously looking for "how small a stand can manifest at first?" or... Just didn't get that I need some help with the setting?
- Pirrue: well, a Stand from what I understand is kind of an "all-or-nothing" affair
- Pirrue: either it manifests in full or it doesn't XD
- Alias: Got it
- GM: Well, it can sort of "partially" manifest? But not enough for the user to really be aware until it fully awakens.
- GM: (And not enough for it to really do anything significant.)
- Alias: Well, if what GM is saying is the case, then yeah, Alias had previous *partial* manifestations, but he didn't really make anything of it, either because he is on the dense side or because... It is just a thing that kinda happened with him. Otherwise, a REAL manifestation, 100%, happened first in-game, the first time Alias' stand made an appearance.
- GM: Uh-huh. Now we've gone through once, I want to go through again with a second cycle. We're cool with that, right?
- Pirrue: no objections here :3
- Alias: Likewise
- Tinncev: sure sure
- GM: <@!Alias>: Your character seems to care about himself a lot... but is there anyone else in particular that he actually cares about?
- GM: (And after you answer; be sure to try and ask your question to someone different this time.)
- Alias: (Was thinking about it)
- Alias: (Er, to ask a question to Pirrue on my second go- no idea what to ask, yet)
- Alias: Alias, as you could see, is *very* self-centered, and it is quite a part of what makes him flawed (or, otherwise known as: a dick) Alias *probably* cares about his parents, but sure as HELL he doesn't show it *one bit*. And since Alias is yet to find love (despite the fact he've flirted before- then again, getting slaps in the face in return probably means he's not good at it.) he is, sadly, a person who pretty much loves only himself.
- GM: I see. And your question to Pirrue?
- Alias: <@!Pirrue> , it is fairly clear that your parents pretty much fund your lifestyle (i.e. you live with your parents)... Therefore, I must ask: Is the events in the game the most *adventurous* Pirrue ever got? Or did she had "adventures" in the past? Maybe (if unlikely, knowing a bit of your character) juvenile deliquency?
- Pirrue: hmm. let's see.
- Pirrue: I think Pirrue had some pretty solid ideas of where her life was going to go, before all this happened. She had a plan, as it were. Having *this* happen to her has upset that plan, and it's made *her* very upset in turn. XD
- Pirrue: i know it's tangential to the answer you're looking for
- Pirrue: but I guess the bottom line is "yes, this is the most adventurous she's ever gotten; her life has been running pretty much like, well, *clockwork* up until now"
- Pirrue: "the reason she's so damn angry is because things have *stopped working*" XD
- Alias: I guess Alias' life is kinda of a mess, so that's why he gets in trouble so much
- GM: Alright... <@!Tinncev>: What would be your toughest case to date?
- Tinncev: Probably this one hands down, the others have been pretty simple up until this point, where now therre are stands involved in the mix rather than just regular thugs or people.
- GM: Oh, well I meant other than this one, of course; but nothing really of note?
- Tinncev: Yeah, most of them were like hit and runs, and, "who stole my <valuble posession>?"
- Pirrue: ("My Lappy Got Stole!")
- GM: (Pff.)
- GM: Alright; does Tinncev have a question for Alias?
- Tinncev: Yeah
- Tinncev: <@!Alias> Why are you so angry all the time? I mean yeah life isn't great for you, but...why?
- Alias: "It's okay, it's alright, i'll just talk to that artist that just had their first step on the world of art and- Aw, shit!"
- "It's okay, it's alright, I'll just get the car and drive where- Aw, shit!"
- "It's okay, it's alright, I'll just do one little thing and I'ill have money to pay the bills- Aw, shit!"
- And so on. Constant frustration that has no valve of escape, because more frustation just piles on the previous one.
- Alias: Alias feels as if the world hates him
- Alias: So he hates the world back.
- GM: Okay.
- GM: So Pirrue: What is your relationship with your parents? I wrote the father to be a bit of a worrywart, while the mother is a bit more relaxed. How was Pirrue's attitude towards them, growing up?
- Pirrue: I look at how the one big interaction scene between them so far played out, and this is my thought:
- Pirrue: 1. They supported Pirrue's hobbies by and large, but didn't think it was something she could really make a career/living off of. 2. Her mother was a bit more vocal about this, prodding her gently to pursue more "ladylike" interests. 3. Pirrue thinks positively of them but she has no illusions that they really "get her." 4. She almost rejected Lord Strawberg's offer on the grounds that she didn't feel she had what it took to live up to her end (she was good at clockwork even then, but she had a *hell* of an example to live up to in her great-aunt), but her parents pressured her into accepting it (more out of "maybe this is her chance to make something out of this hobby" than "this is her chance to pursue her dreams"). 5. All things considered, she low-key blames them for her current "condition" (she had no illusions of being "immortal" but she seriously didn't want her first death to be till she was fully grown) but would much rather take her frustrations out on her actual killer and the conspiracy behind them.
- Pirrue: TL;DR: "strained."
- Pirrue: She'd never own up to her very, very conflicted thoughts around them (because that would only make things more awkward), but she *is* legit pissed that they don't take her condition as seriously as she does.
- Pirrue: (but then I think we've kinda implied her Stand powers may be doing something about that XD)
- Pirrue: (<@!GM>?)
- GM: Oh! Sorry, connection issues again. You have a question for Tinncev?
- Pirrue: Same one I had for Alias. :3
- Pirrue: <@!Tinncev>: when did *your* Stand first manifest?
- Tinncev: This was already answered in the FloraJoJo.
- Tinncev: He went to that person to get some help with his stand once no one else could, and he got stabbed by someone and it manifsted.
- Pirrue: oh. whoop.
- Pirrue: in that case I'll ask...hmm.
- Pirrue: what's that one case you wish you solved, but were never quite able to get to the bottom of?
- Pirrue: 'cause obviously a detective like Tinncev's *gotta* have their Irene Adler moment. XD
- Pirrue: or Five Orange Pips, I guess
- Tinncev: Well, probably the case of the, "Somebody stole my <valuable possession> and ties into him getting stabbed with said possession.
- Tinncev: And then sorta just...Lost the trail after that.
- Tinncev: Of course not wanting to get stabbed again and was in the middle of crisis with his eye stand.
- Pirrue: heh.
- GM: Now that we've finished two rounds of questions, mind if I say something?
- Pirrue: why would I mind? 😉
- Alias: Go on
- GM: I'm thinking that Tinncev met someone related to this story on that case.
- GM: I won't say who it is yet, but Tinncev will know them when he sees them.
- Tinncev: Interesting
- GM: Are we cool with ending it here?
- Pirrue: I am!
- Tinncev: sure!
- Alias: If anyone want to ask me any more questions, you can fire away
- Alias: but otherwise
- Alias: I am fine with ending too
- GM: Then let us...
- GM: !end
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