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- Girlfriend and Slave Chapter 12
- MC: Lee Myung Hoon
- FMC: Ji Eun (GF/Blonde) Seo Young (SY/Black) Han Ji Hee The Cafe owner (Master/Boss) of Ji Eun
- This is an app. base Translation so its not perfect {Thinking} "Text Bubbles" [Narration]
- (Recap: MC found out that GF is done another S&M session with the CAFE owner)
- Chapter start A week later at the Cafe Mc after organizing the dishes ask himself "Woo!its done" and look back seeing Ji Eun serving a costumer while thinking of {The problem is Ji Eun she is still in shock and couldn't run away} Myung Hoon clench his teeth while thinking of {That crazy Boss} inserting an image of Boss and GF doing an S&M play Boss telling GF "Gosh your so beautiful. I cant wait to mess it out" Boss grab a dildo panty and wears it inserting the first side to her pussy while the other side is ready to put in Ji Eun hole. Boss after wearing it says "Hmm! This is exhilarating" Boss position it while saying "My JiEun I will make you feel good" GF cries as she feels the Dildo entering her body while Boss enjoying it.
- Back to reality MC clenching his teeth thinking of {I will not forgive her really} on his back someone calling his name "Lee Myung Hoon" Mc goes "Huh?" and look back seeing SeoYoung. The nervous MC ask her "Oh Ha! Did you call for me?" SeoYoung ask him "Did your soul left what are you doing? MC tells her "Sorry" SeoYoung pointed her hand and tells him "There is a delivery looks at it" SeoYoung with a worried appearance call his name "Myung Hoon" MC goes "Huh?" She holds him and say "Just like you I am worried with Ji Eun too but can we focus on the work first? MC tells her "Yes"
- [Moment Later]
- While busy helping the delivery man. Mc notice GF talking on the phone while looking at her MC wonder {is it urgent that phone call?} and After putting the boxes inside. Mc sees GF preparing to leave thinking {Are you leaving now? What is going on?} Mc call her "Ji Eun" GF goes "Oppa" and then Mc ask her "After working where are you going?" GF averted her eyes and show tears about to flow while telling him "I have to go. Boss want to meet me" MC tells her "Don't go" Girlfriend tells him "Oppa I have to go" Mc tells her "I know you don't like it"
- SeoYoung sees them arguing so she interrupt them by saying "Myung Hoon this is her own problem you have nothing to do with it" Mc looks at Seo Young and .... Tells her "Ji Eun now is my girlfriend" SeoYoung goes "What?" and think {This two is in relationship?} Surprise on what she found out Seo Young ask them "Since when?" Mc tells her "Its been awhile so can you move away?" Seo Young looks at Ji Eun and move away telling them "Go outside and talk you will bother the costumers" Mc tells her "Alright" and grab GF hand while saying "Ji Eun We need to talk" they go out while Seo Young looking at there back. Thinking {No wonder he didn't do something on me that day. What is this feeling I am having now?} A guest approach SeoYoung and say "My order please"
- Outside the Cafe GF tells him "Oppa I need to go" Mc hold her shoulders and say "Donβt go.This is not real" Ji Eun tells him "What am I supposed to do? If I quit this job my mom we will have a hard time I need to go"
- MC tells her "In your place I will go. I will meet Boss and talk with her" GF tells him "What did you just said" Mc tells her "I will meet Boss and talk to her to give you some time to rest because you were having a hard time" GF tears flow and tells him "If you do that Boss will fired me" Mc tells her "I'll take the responsibility for you.It's hard to give up the job. Even if I may I will live for you" GF call him "OPPA" touch in what she just heard.
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