
effective health calculator (Choose option 17)

Jun 29th, 2018
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  1. @echo off
  2. REM Effective Health Calc (circa 2014)
  3. REM By Sezen Spessa
  5. REM No longer valuable as a whole, option 17 still has use.
  6. REM Some things never were completed
  8. set aseal=1
  9. set hseal=8
  10. set aquint=4.26
  11. REM let's see if vbs.bat exists
  12. if exist vbs.bat goto home
  13. echo VBS.bat doesn't exist. let's make it!
  14. echo @echo off>vbs.bat
  15. echo ^>"%%temp%%\VBS.vbs" echo Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") : Wscript.echo(%%^*)>>vbs.bat
  16. echo for /f "delims=" %%%%a in ('cscript /nologo "%%temp%%\VBS.vbs"') do set "val=%%%%a">>vbs.bat
  17. echo set val^=^%%^val^:^,^=^.^%% >> vbs.bat
  19. :home
  20. COLOR 07
  21. cls
  22. echo Physical Effective Health Calculator:                            
  23. echo [1] Ashe       [10] Miss Fortune
  24. echo [2] Caitlyn    [11] Quinn
  25. echo [3] Corki      [12] Sivir
  26. echo [4] Draven     [13] Tristana
  27. echo [5] Ezreal     [14] Twitch
  28. echo [6] Graves     [15] Varus
  29. echo [7] Jinx       [16] Vayne
  30. echo [8] Kog'maw    [17] Custom
  31. echo [9] Lucian    
  32. echo.
  33. echo Misc. Calculators/References:
  34. echo [18] Stat Gold Value
  35. echo [19] Percent Health Calculator
  36. echo [20] Lifesteal Calculator
  37. echo.
  38. set /p a=Enter number:
  39. if %a%==1 goto ashe
  40. if %a%==2 goto cait
  41. if %a%==3 goto corki
  42. if %a%==4 goto draven
  43. if %a%==5 goto ezreal
  44. if %a%==6 goto graves
  45. if %a%==7 goto jinx
  46. if %a%==8 goto kog
  47. if %a%==9 goto lucian
  48. if %a%==10 goto mf
  49. if %a%==11 goto quinn
  50. if %a%==12 goto sivir
  51. if %a%==13 goto trist
  52. if %a%==14 goto twitch
  53. if %a%==15 goto varus
  54. if %a%==16 goto vayne
  55. if %a%==17 goto custom
  56. if %a%==18 goto stats
  57. if %a%==19 goto percenthealth
  58. if %a%==c goto credits
  59. if %a%==20 goto lifesteal
  60. if %a%==test goto test1
  61. cls
  62. echo You entered an invalid input. Try again.
  63. goto home
  65. REM Champion stats
  66. REM h = base health
  67. REM s = scaling health / lvl
  68. REM a = base armor
  69. REM as = scaling armor / lvl
  70. :ashe
  71. set h=395
  72. set s=79
  73. set a=15.5
  74. set as=3.4
  75. goto level
  76. :cait
  77. set h=390
  78. set s=80
  79. set a=17
  80. set as=3.5
  81. goto level
  82. :corki
  83. set h=375
  84. set s=82
  85. set a=17.5
  86. set as=3.5
  87. goto level
  88. :draven
  89. set h=420
  90. set s=82
  91. set a=20
  92. set as=3.3
  93. goto level
  94. :ezreal
  95. set h=350
  96. set s=80
  97. set a=16
  98. set as=3.5
  99. goto level
  100. :graves
  101. set h=410
  102. set s=84
  103. set a=19
  104. set as=3.2
  105. goto levelg
  106. :jinx
  107. set h=380
  108. set s=82
  109. set a=17
  110. set as=3.5
  111. goto level
  112. :kog
  113. set h=440
  114. set s=84
  115. set a=14
  116. set as=3.5
  117. goto level
  118. :lucian
  119. set h=420
  120. set s=80
  121. set a=19
  122. set as=3
  123. goto level
  124. :mf
  125. set h=435
  126. set s=85
  127. set a=19
  128. set as=3
  129. goto level
  130. :quinn
  131. set h=390
  132. set s=85
  133. set a=17.5
  134. set as=3.5
  135. goto level
  136. :sivir
  137. set h=378
  138. set s=82
  139. set a=16.75
  140. set as=3.25
  141. goto level
  142. :trist
  143. set h=415
  144. set s=82
  145. set a=19
  146. set as=3
  147. goto level
  148. :twitch
  149. set h=389
  150. set s=81
  151. set a=18
  152. set as=3
  153. goto level
  154. :varus
  155. set h=400
  156. set s=82
  157. set a=17.5
  158. set as=3.4
  159. goto level
  160. :vayne
  161. set h=359
  162. set s=83
  163. set a=13.3
  164. set as=3.4
  165. goto level
  167. :level
  168. cls
  169. echo What level do you want to calculate?:
  170. set /p level=Enter your level:
  171. if %level%==1 goto calc1
  172. if %level% gtr 18 goto levela
  173. goto calc2
  175. REM Graves function, could of just done it in the original :calc1 function if graves was picked
  176. REM but I like having a bigger file size.
  177. :levelg
  178. cls
  179. echo What level do you want to calculate?:
  180. set /p level=Enter your level:
  181. if %level%==1 goto calc3
  182. if %level% gtr 18 goto levelb
  183. goto graveslvl
  185. :levela
  186. echo r u hack? try again
  187. pause
  188. goto level
  190. :levelb
  191. echo r u hack? try again
  192. pause
  193. goto levelg
  195. REM Graves function continued
  196. :graveslvl
  197. if %level% leq 6 goto graves1
  198. if %level% leq 12 goto graves2
  199. if %level% geq 13 goto graves3
  201. :graves1
  202. set passive=10
  203. goto calc4
  205. :graves2
  206. set passive=20
  207. goto calc4
  209. :graves3
  210. set passive=30
  211. goto calc4
  213. REM Calculation for level 1
  214. :calc1
  215. cls
  216. set /p seals=How many armor seals are you using?:
  217. set /p hseals=How many health seals are you using?:
  218. set /p aquints=How many armor quints are you using?:
  219. set /p dorans=How many Dorans Blades are you using?:
  220. CLS
  221. COLOR 47
  222. set /a quint=aquints*aquint
  223. set /a armor=seals*aseal
  224. call vbs %armor%+%a%+%quint%
  225. set armor=%val%
  226. set /a health=hseals*hseal
  227. call vbs %health%+%h%+%s%
  228. set healthd=%val%
  229. call vbs %healthd%+(%dorans%*70)
  230. set health=%val%
  231. call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor%/100))
  232. set ehealth=%val%
  233. echo.
  234. echo ------------------------------------------------------------
  235. echo You have %armor% Armor at level 1.
  236. echo You have %health% Health at level 1.
  237. echo You have %ehealth% effective physical health at level 1.
  238. echo ------------------------------------------------------------
  239. echo.
  240. echo.
  241. echo Remember to round up or down, calculations are slightly off because rounding
  242. echo isn't taken into effect, but scale normally.
  243. echo.
  244. echo This also doesn't count block, unyielding, or any other form of
  245. echo damage reduction.
  246. echo.
  247. echo.
  250. pause
  251. goto home
  253. REM Calculations for level 2-18.
  254. :calc2
  256. set /p seals=How many armor seals are you using?:
  257. set /p hseals=How many health seals are you using?:
  258. set /p aquints=How many armor quints are you using?:
  259. set /p dorans=How many Dorans Blades are you using?:
  260. cls
  261. COLOR 47
  262. set /a armor=seals*aseal
  263. set /a quint=aquints*aquint
  264. call vbs %as%*(%level%-1)
  265. set armorscale=%val%
  266. echo %armorscale% scaling armor.
  267. call vbs %armor%+%a%+%armorscale%+%quint%
  268. set armor=%val%
  269. call vbs %s%*%level%
  270. set hscale=%val%
  271. echo %hscale% scaling health.
  272. set /a health=hseals*hseal
  273. call vbs %health%+%h%+%hscale%
  274. set healthd=%val%
  275. call vbs %healthd%+(%dorans%*70)
  276. set health=%val%
  277. call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor%/100))
  278. set ehealth=%val%
  279. echo.
  280. echo.
  281. echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
  282. echo You have %armor% Armor at level %level%.
  283. echo You have %health% Health at level %level%.
  284. echo You have %ehealth% effective physical health at level %level%.
  285. echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
  286. echo.
  287. echo.
  288. echo Remember to round up or down, calculations are slightly off because rounding
  289. echo isn't taken into effect, but scale normally.
  290. echo.
  291. echo This also doesn't count block, unyielding, or any other form of
  292. echo damage reduction.
  293. echo.
  294. echo.
  296. pause
  297. goto home
  299. REM Graves calculations
  301. :calc3
  302. cls
  303. set /p seals=How many armor seals are you using?:
  304. set /p hseals=How many health seals are you using?:
  305. set /p aquints=How many armor quints are you using?:
  306. set /p doran=How many Dorans Blades are you using?:
  307. CLS
  308. COLOR 47
  309. set /a quint=aquints*aquint
  310. set /a armor=seals*aseal
  311. call vbs %armor%+%a%+%quint%
  312. set armor=%val%
  313. set /a health=hseals*hseal
  314. call vbs %health%+%h%+%s%
  315. set healthd=%val%
  316. call vbs %healthd%+(%doran%*70)
  317. set health=%val%
  318. call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor%/100))
  319. set ehealth=%val%
  320. set /a armor1=armor+10
  321. call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor1%/100))
  322. set ehealth1=%val%
  323. echo.
  324. echo ------------------------------------------------------------
  325. echo You have %armor% Armor at level 1.
  326. echo You have %health% Health at level 1.
  327. echo You have %ehealth% effective physical health at level 1.
  328. echo You have %ehealth1% effective physical health with maxed passive.
  329. echo ------------------------------------------------------------
  330. echo.
  331. echo.
  332. echo Remember to round up or down, calculations are slightly off because rounding
  333. echo isn't taken into effect, but scale normally.
  334. echo.
  335. echo This also doesn't count block, unyielding, or any other form of
  336. echo damage reduction.
  337. echo.
  338. echo.
  341. pause
  342. goto home
  344. pause
  345. goto home
  347. REM Graves calculations
  348. :calc4
  350. set /p seals=How many armor seals are you using?:
  351. set /p hseals=How many health seals are you using?:
  352. set /p aquints=How many armor quints are you using?:
  353. set /p doran=How many Dorans Blades are you using?:
  354. cls
  355. COLOR 47
  356. set /a armor=seals*aseal
  357. call vbs %as%*(%level%-1)
  358. set armorscale=%val%
  359. echo %armorscale% scaling armor.
  360. set /a quint=aquints*aquint
  361. call vbs %armor%+%a%+%armorscale%+%quint%
  362. set armor=%val%
  363. call vbs %s%*%level%
  364. set hscale=%val%
  365. echo %hscale% scaling health.
  366. set /a health=hseals*hseal
  367. call vbs %health%+%h%+%hscale%
  368. set health=%val%
  369. call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor%/100))
  370. set ehealth=%val%
  371. call vbs %armor%+%passive%
  372. set armor1=%val%
  373. echo %passive% armor from passive.
  374. call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor1%/100))
  375. set ehealth1=%val%
  377. echo.
  378. echo.
  379. echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
  380. echo You have %armor% Armor at level %level%.
  381. echo You have %health% Health at level %level%.
  382. echo You have %ehealth% effective physical health at level %level%.
  383. echo You have %ehealth1% effective physical health with full passive.
  384. echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
  385. echo.
  386. echo.
  387. echo Remember to round up or down, calculations are slightly off because rounding
  388. echo isn't taken into effect, but scale normally.
  389. echo.
  390. echo This also doesn't count block, unyielding, or any other form of
  391. echo damage reduction.
  392. echo.
  393. echo.
  395. pause
  396. goto home
  398. :custom
  399. cls
  400. set /p custom1=What is your total health?:
  401. set /p customa=What is your current armor?:
  402. set /p customb=What is your current magic resist?:
  403. set /p customc=How many armor yellows are you using?:
  404. set /p customd=How many health yellows are you using?:
  405. goto ccalc
  408. :ccalc
  409. COLOR 47
  410. cls
  411. set /a customc=customc*1
  412. set /a customd=customd*8
  413. set /a custom1=custom1+customd
  414. set /a customa=customa+customc
  415. call vbs 100/(100+%customa%)
  416. set customper=%val%
  417. call vbs %customper%*100
  418. set customper=%val%
  419. call vbs 100-%customper%
  420. set customper=%val%
  421. call vbs %custom1%*(1+(%customa%/100))
  422. set customeha=%val%
  423. call vbs %custom1%*(1+(%customb%/100))
  424. set customehm=%val%
  425. echo ------------------------------------------------
  426. echo               Health: %custom1%
  427. echo                Armor: %customa%
  428. echo            Magic Resist: %customb%
  429. echo         Phys Reduction: %customper% percent
  430. echo.
  431. echo.
  432. echo    Your physical effective health: %customeha%
  433. echo     Your magic effective health: %customehm%
  434. echo ------------------------------------------------
  435. echo.
  436. pause
  437. goto home
  439. :stats
  440. cls
  441. echo 1 AD = 36 Gold  
  442. echo                         10 Percent CDR = 316.7 Gold
  443. echo 1 AP = 21.75 Gold
  444. echo                         1 Percent LS = 55 Gold
  445. echo 1 Armor = 20 Gold
  446. echo                         1 Percent SV = 27.5 Gold
  447. echo 1 MR = 20 Gold
  448. echo                         10 HP = 26.6 Gold                      
  449. echo 10 Mana = 20 Gold
  450. echo                         1 HP regen/5 = 36 Gold
  451. echo 1 Mana/5 = 60 Gold
  452. echo                         1 Percent Crit = 50 Gold
  453. echo 1 Percent AS = 30 Gold
  454. echo                         10 MS = 250 Gold
  456. echo.
  457. pause
  458. goto home
  460. :percenthealth
  461. cls
  462. echo Which Item / Skill?:
  463. echo.
  464. echo [1] BoTRK
  465. echo.
  466. set /p ph1=Which number?:
  467. if %ph1%==1 goto botrk1
  468. cls
  469. echo Wrong input. Try again.
  470. echo.
  471. goto percenthealth
  473. :botrk1
  474. cls
  475. echo What's the targets maximum HP?
  476. set /p mhp=Enter a number:
  477. set /p ma=Enter enemy armor (set 0 for true damage):
  478. if %ma%==0 goto botrk2
  479. set /p lw=Do you have Last Whisper? (Y/N):
  480. if %lw%==Y set red=0.65
  481. if %lw%==N set red=1
  482. cls
  483. COLOR 47
  484. call vbs %ma%*%red%
  485. REM armor reduced value
  486. set ma2=%val%
  487. REM Damage reduction
  488. call vbs 100*(%ma2%/(100+%ma2%))
  489. set ar1=%val%
  490. call vbs 1-(%ar1%/100)
  491. set ma1=%val%
  492. call vbs (%mhp%*0.08)*%ma1%
  493. set hp1=%val%
  494. call vbs (0.08*(%mhp%*0.75))*%ma1%
  495. set hp2=%val%
  496. call vbs (0.08*(%mhp%*0.50))*%ma1%
  497. set hp3=%val%
  498. call vbs (0.08*(%mhp%*0.25))*%ma1%
  499. set hp4=%val%
  500. echo.
  501. echo     Target's maximum HP: %mhp%
  502. echo     Target's armor: %ma%
  503. echo     Target's effective armor: %ma2%
  504. echo     Total damage reduction: %ar1% percent.
  506. echo.
  507. echo --------------------------------------------------
  508. echo Damage done at 100 percent HP per AA: %hp1%
  509. echo.
  510. echo Damage done at 75 percent HP per AA: %hp2%
  511. echo.
  512. echo Damage done at 50 percent HP per AA: %hp3%
  513. echo.
  514. echo Damage done at 25 percent HP per AA: %hp4%
  515. echo ---------------------------------------------------
  516. pause
  517. goto home
  519. :botrk2
  520. cls
  521. COLOR 47
  522. call vbs %mhp%*0.08
  523. set hp1=%val%
  524. call vbs (%mhp%*0.75)*0.08
  525. set hp2=%val%
  526. call vbs (%mhp%*0.50)*0.08
  527. set hp3=%val%
  528. call vbs (%mhp%*0.25)*0.08
  529. set hp4=%val%
  530. echo Target's maximum HP: %mhp%
  531. echo No armor, hitting for true damage. . .
  532. echo.
  533. echo --------------------------------------------------
  534. echo Damage done at 100 percent HP per AA: %hp1%
  535. echo.
  536. echo Damage done at 75 percent HP per AA: %hp2%
  537. echo.
  538. echo Damage done at 50 percent HP per AA: %hp3%
  539. echo.
  540. echo Damage done at 25 percent HP per AA: %hp4%
  541. echo ---------------------------------------------------
  542. pause
  543. goto home
  545. :credits
  546. color 0E
  547. cls
  548. echo.
  549. echo.
  550. echo                    Sezen
  551. echo                    Spessa
  552. echo.
  553. echo.
  554. ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
  555. cls
  556. echo.
  557. echo           *
  558. echo                    Sezen
  559. echo                    Spessa
  560. echo.
  561. echo.
  562. ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
  563. cls
  564. echo.
  565. echo                           *
  566. echo                    Sezen
  567. echo                    Spessa
  568. echo.
  569. echo.
  570. ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
  571. cls
  572. echo.
  573. echo.
  574. echo                    Sezen
  575. echo                    Spessa
  576. echo                                   *
  577. echo.
  578. ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
  579. cls
  580. echo.
  581. echo.
  582. echo                    Sezen
  583. echo                    Spessa
  584. echo          *                        
  585. echo.
  586. ping -n 1 -w 500 > nul
  587. cls
  588. echo.
  589. echo.         *
  590. echo                    Sezen
  591. echo                    Spessa
  592. echo          *                        
  593. echo.
  594. ping -n 1 -w 500 > nul
  595. cls
  596. echo.
  597. echo.         *                      *
  598. echo                    Sezen
  599. echo                    Spessa
  600. echo          *                        
  601. echo.
  602. ping -n 1 -w 500 > nul
  603. cls
  604. echo.
  605. echo.         *                      *
  606. echo                    Sezen
  607. echo                    Spessa
  608. echo          *                         *    
  609. echo.
  610. ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
  611. cls
  612. echo.
  613. echo.         *                      *
  614. echo                    Sezen
  615. echo                    Spessa
  616. echo          *                         *  
  617. echo                     2014
  618. echo.
  619. echo.
  620. echo.
  621. echo.
  622. echo.
  623. echo.
  624. echo.
  625. echo.
  626. ping -n 1 -w 3000 > nul
  627. echo ~~ gr33tz ~~
  628. pause
  629. goto home
  631. :lifesteal
  632. cls
  633. set /p ls1=Enter your lifesteal percentage (number):
  634. set /p ls2=Enter your total AD:
  635. set /p ls4=How long into the game is it? (Minutes):
  636. call vbs %ls1%*0.01
  637. call vbs %val%*%ls2%
  638. set ls3=%val%
  639. cls
  640. color 47
  641. echo You are gaining %ls3% health per auto before mitigation.
  642. pause
  643. goto home
  645. :test1
  646. cls
  647. set /p custom1=What is your current health?:
  648. set /p customa=What is your current armor?:
  649. goto test2
  651. :test2
  652. REM aseal hseal
  653. COLOR 47
  654. cls
  657. set /a custom2=custom1+72
  658. set /a custom3=customa+0
  659. call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
  660. set customeha=%val%
  661. set /a custom2=custom1+64
  662. set /a custom3=customa+1
  663. call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
  664. set customehb=%val%
  665. set /a custom2=custom1+56
  666. set /a custom3=customa+2
  667. call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
  668. set customehc=%val%
  669. set /a custom2=custom1+48
  670. set /a custom3=customa+3
  671. call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
  672. set customehd=%val%
  673. set /a custom2=custom1+40
  674. set /a custom3=customa+4
  675. call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
  676. set customehe=%val%
  677. set /a custom2=custom1+32
  678. set /a custom3=customa+5
  679. call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
  680. set customehf=%val%
  681. set /a custom2=custom1+24
  682. set /a custom3=customa+6
  683. call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
  684. set customehg=%val%
  685. set /a custom2=custom1+16
  686. set /a custom3=customa+7
  687. call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
  688. set customehh=%val%
  689. set /a custom2=custom1+8
  690. set /a custom3=customa+8
  691. call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
  692. set customehi=%val%
  693. set /a custom2=custom1+0
  694. set /a custom3=customa+9
  695. call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
  696. set customehj=%val%
  697. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  698. set max=0
  699. for %%A in (%customeha%, %customehb%, %customehc%, %customehd%, %customehe%, %customehf%, %customehg%, %customeh%, %customehi%, %customehj%) do (
  700.   set n=%%A
  701.   if !n! gtr !max! set max=!n!
  702. )
  704. if %max%==%customeha% goto result1
  705. if %max%==%customehb% goto result2
  706. if %max%==%customehc% goto result3
  707. if %max%==%customehd% goto result4
  708. if %max%==%customehe% goto result5
  709. if %max%==%customehf% goto result6
  710. if %max%==%customehg% goto result7
  711. if %max%==%customehh% goto result8
  712. if %max%==%customehi% goto result9
  713. if %max%==%customehj% goto result10
  714. pause
  715. exit
  719. :result1
  721. echo ------------------------------------------------
  722. echo           Max Effective Health: %max%
  723. echo                Armor Runes: 0
  724. echo               Health Runes: 9
  725. echo.
  726. echo.
  727. echo ------------------------------------------------
  728. echo.
  729. pause
  730. goto home
  732. :result2
  734. echo ------------------------------------------------
  735. echo           Max Effective Health: %max%
  736. echo                Armor Runes: 1
  737. echo               Health Runes: 8
  738. echo.
  739. echo.
  740. echo ------------------------------------------------
  741. echo.
  742. pause
  743. goto home
  745. :result3
  747. echo ------------------------------------------------
  748. echo           Max Effective Health: %max%
  749. echo                Armor Runes: 2
  750. echo               Health Runes: 7
  751. echo.
  752. echo.
  753. echo ------------------------------------------------
  754. echo.
  755. pause
  756. goto home
  758. :result4
  760. echo ------------------------------------------------
  761. echo           Max Effective Health: %max%
  762. echo                Armor Runes: 3
  763. echo               Health Runes: 6
  764. echo.
  765. echo.
  766. echo ------------------------------------------------
  767. echo.
  768. pause
  769. goto home
  771. :result5
  773. echo ------------------------------------------------
  774. echo           Max Effective Health: %max%
  775. echo                Armor Runes: 4
  776. echo               Health Runes: 5
  777. echo.
  778. echo.
  779. echo ------------------------------------------------
  780. echo.
  781. pause
  782. goto home
  784. :result6
  786. echo ------------------------------------------------
  787. echo           Max Effective Health: %max%
  788. echo                Armor Runes: 5
  789. echo               Health Runes: 4
  790. echo.
  791. echo.
  792. echo ------------------------------------------------
  793. echo.
  794. pause
  795. goto home
  797. :result7
  799. echo ------------------------------------------------
  800. echo           Max Effective Health: %max%
  801. echo                Armor Runes: 6
  802. echo               Health Runes: 3
  803. echo.
  804. echo.
  805. echo ------------------------------------------------
  806. echo.
  807. pause
  808. goto home
  810. :result8
  812. echo ------------------------------------------------
  813. echo           Max Effective Health: %max%
  814. echo                Armor Runes: 7
  815. echo               Health Runes: 2
  816. echo.
  817. echo.
  818. echo ------------------------------------------------
  819. echo.
  820. pause
  821. goto home
  823. :result9
  825. echo ------------------------------------------------
  826. echo           Max Effective Health: %max%
  827. echo                Armor Runes: 8
  828. echo               Health Runes: 1
  829. echo.
  830. echo.
  831. echo ------------------------------------------------
  832. echo.
  833. pause
  834. goto home
  836. :result10
  838. echo ------------------------------------------------
  839. echo           Max Effective Health: %max%
  840. echo                Armor Runes: 9
  841. echo               Health Runes: 0
  842. echo.
  843. echo.
  844. echo ------------------------------------------------
  845. echo.
  846. pause
  847. goto home
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