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- @echo off
- REM Effective Health Calc (circa 2014)
- REM By Sezen Spessa
- REM No longer valuable as a whole, option 17 still has use.
- REM Some things never were completed
- set aseal=1
- set hseal=8
- set aquint=4.26
- REM let's see if vbs.bat exists
- if exist vbs.bat goto home
- echo VBS.bat doesn't exist. let's make it!
- echo @echo off>vbs.bat
- echo ^>"%%temp%%\VBS.vbs" echo Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") : Wscript.echo(%%^*)>>vbs.bat
- echo for /f "delims=" %%%%a in ('cscript /nologo "%%temp%%\VBS.vbs"') do set "val=%%%%a">>vbs.bat
- echo set val^=^%%^val^:^,^=^.^%% >> vbs.bat
- :home
- COLOR 07
- cls
- echo Physical Effective Health Calculator:
- echo [1] Ashe [10] Miss Fortune
- echo [2] Caitlyn [11] Quinn
- echo [3] Corki [12] Sivir
- echo [4] Draven [13] Tristana
- echo [5] Ezreal [14] Twitch
- echo [6] Graves [15] Varus
- echo [7] Jinx [16] Vayne
- echo [8] Kog'maw [17] Custom
- echo [9] Lucian
- echo.
- echo Misc. Calculators/References:
- echo [18] Stat Gold Value
- echo [19] Percent Health Calculator
- echo [20] Lifesteal Calculator
- echo.
- set /p a=Enter number:
- if %a%==1 goto ashe
- if %a%==2 goto cait
- if %a%==3 goto corki
- if %a%==4 goto draven
- if %a%==5 goto ezreal
- if %a%==6 goto graves
- if %a%==7 goto jinx
- if %a%==8 goto kog
- if %a%==9 goto lucian
- if %a%==10 goto mf
- if %a%==11 goto quinn
- if %a%==12 goto sivir
- if %a%==13 goto trist
- if %a%==14 goto twitch
- if %a%==15 goto varus
- if %a%==16 goto vayne
- if %a%==17 goto custom
- if %a%==18 goto stats
- if %a%==19 goto percenthealth
- if %a%==c goto credits
- if %a%==20 goto lifesteal
- if %a%==test goto test1
- cls
- echo You entered an invalid input. Try again.
- goto home
- REM Champion stats
- REM h = base health
- REM s = scaling health / lvl
- REM a = base armor
- REM as = scaling armor / lvl
- :ashe
- set h=395
- set s=79
- set a=15.5
- set as=3.4
- goto level
- :cait
- set h=390
- set s=80
- set a=17
- set as=3.5
- goto level
- :corki
- set h=375
- set s=82
- set a=17.5
- set as=3.5
- goto level
- :draven
- set h=420
- set s=82
- set a=20
- set as=3.3
- goto level
- :ezreal
- set h=350
- set s=80
- set a=16
- set as=3.5
- goto level
- :graves
- set h=410
- set s=84
- set a=19
- set as=3.2
- goto levelg
- :jinx
- set h=380
- set s=82
- set a=17
- set as=3.5
- goto level
- :kog
- set h=440
- set s=84
- set a=14
- set as=3.5
- goto level
- :lucian
- set h=420
- set s=80
- set a=19
- set as=3
- goto level
- :mf
- set h=435
- set s=85
- set a=19
- set as=3
- goto level
- :quinn
- set h=390
- set s=85
- set a=17.5
- set as=3.5
- goto level
- :sivir
- set h=378
- set s=82
- set a=16.75
- set as=3.25
- goto level
- :trist
- set h=415
- set s=82
- set a=19
- set as=3
- goto level
- :twitch
- set h=389
- set s=81
- set a=18
- set as=3
- goto level
- :varus
- set h=400
- set s=82
- set a=17.5
- set as=3.4
- goto level
- :vayne
- set h=359
- set s=83
- set a=13.3
- set as=3.4
- goto level
- :level
- cls
- echo What level do you want to calculate?:
- set /p level=Enter your level:
- if %level%==1 goto calc1
- if %level% gtr 18 goto levela
- goto calc2
- REM Graves function, could of just done it in the original :calc1 function if graves was picked
- REM but I like having a bigger file size.
- :levelg
- cls
- echo What level do you want to calculate?:
- set /p level=Enter your level:
- if %level%==1 goto calc3
- if %level% gtr 18 goto levelb
- goto graveslvl
- :levela
- echo r u hack? try again
- pause
- goto level
- :levelb
- echo r u hack? try again
- pause
- goto levelg
- REM Graves function continued
- :graveslvl
- if %level% leq 6 goto graves1
- if %level% leq 12 goto graves2
- if %level% geq 13 goto graves3
- :graves1
- set passive=10
- goto calc4
- :graves2
- set passive=20
- goto calc4
- :graves3
- set passive=30
- goto calc4
- REM Calculation for level 1
- :calc1
- cls
- set /p seals=How many armor seals are you using?:
- set /p hseals=How many health seals are you using?:
- set /p aquints=How many armor quints are you using?:
- set /p dorans=How many Dorans Blades are you using?:
- COLOR 47
- set /a quint=aquints*aquint
- set /a armor=seals*aseal
- call vbs %armor%+%a%+%quint%
- set armor=%val%
- set /a health=hseals*hseal
- call vbs %health%+%h%+%s%
- set healthd=%val%
- call vbs %healthd%+(%dorans%*70)
- set health=%val%
- call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor%/100))
- set ehealth=%val%
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------------------
- echo You have %armor% Armor at level 1.
- echo You have %health% Health at level 1.
- echo You have %ehealth% effective physical health at level 1.
- echo ------------------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- echo.
- echo Remember to round up or down, calculations are slightly off because rounding
- echo isn't taken into effect, but scale normally.
- echo.
- echo This also doesn't count block, unyielding, or any other form of
- echo damage reduction.
- echo.
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- REM Calculations for level 2-18.
- :calc2
- set /p seals=How many armor seals are you using?:
- set /p hseals=How many health seals are you using?:
- set /p aquints=How many armor quints are you using?:
- set /p dorans=How many Dorans Blades are you using?:
- cls
- COLOR 47
- set /a armor=seals*aseal
- set /a quint=aquints*aquint
- call vbs %as%*(%level%-1)
- set armorscale=%val%
- echo %armorscale% scaling armor.
- call vbs %armor%+%a%+%armorscale%+%quint%
- set armor=%val%
- call vbs %s%*%level%
- set hscale=%val%
- echo %hscale% scaling health.
- set /a health=hseals*hseal
- call vbs %health%+%h%+%hscale%
- set healthd=%val%
- call vbs %healthd%+(%dorans%*70)
- set health=%val%
- call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor%/100))
- set ehealth=%val%
- echo.
- echo.
- echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
- echo You have %armor% Armor at level %level%.
- echo You have %health% Health at level %level%.
- echo You have %ehealth% effective physical health at level %level%.
- echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- echo.
- echo Remember to round up or down, calculations are slightly off because rounding
- echo isn't taken into effect, but scale normally.
- echo.
- echo This also doesn't count block, unyielding, or any other form of
- echo damage reduction.
- echo.
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- REM Graves calculations
- :calc3
- cls
- set /p seals=How many armor seals are you using?:
- set /p hseals=How many health seals are you using?:
- set /p aquints=How many armor quints are you using?:
- set /p doran=How many Dorans Blades are you using?:
- COLOR 47
- set /a quint=aquints*aquint
- set /a armor=seals*aseal
- call vbs %armor%+%a%+%quint%
- set armor=%val%
- set /a health=hseals*hseal
- call vbs %health%+%h%+%s%
- set healthd=%val%
- call vbs %healthd%+(%doran%*70)
- set health=%val%
- call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor%/100))
- set ehealth=%val%
- set /a armor1=armor+10
- call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor1%/100))
- set ehealth1=%val%
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------------------
- echo You have %armor% Armor at level 1.
- echo You have %health% Health at level 1.
- echo You have %ehealth% effective physical health at level 1.
- echo You have %ehealth1% effective physical health with maxed passive.
- echo ------------------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- echo.
- echo Remember to round up or down, calculations are slightly off because rounding
- echo isn't taken into effect, but scale normally.
- echo.
- echo This also doesn't count block, unyielding, or any other form of
- echo damage reduction.
- echo.
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- pause
- goto home
- REM Graves calculations
- :calc4
- set /p seals=How many armor seals are you using?:
- set /p hseals=How many health seals are you using?:
- set /p aquints=How many armor quints are you using?:
- set /p doran=How many Dorans Blades are you using?:
- cls
- COLOR 47
- set /a armor=seals*aseal
- call vbs %as%*(%level%-1)
- set armorscale=%val%
- echo %armorscale% scaling armor.
- set /a quint=aquints*aquint
- call vbs %armor%+%a%+%armorscale%+%quint%
- set armor=%val%
- call vbs %s%*%level%
- set hscale=%val%
- echo %hscale% scaling health.
- set /a health=hseals*hseal
- call vbs %health%+%h%+%hscale%
- set health=%val%
- call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor%/100))
- set ehealth=%val%
- call vbs %armor%+%passive%
- set armor1=%val%
- echo %passive% armor from passive.
- call vbs %health%*(1+(%armor1%/100))
- set ehealth1=%val%
- echo.
- echo.
- echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
- echo You have %armor% Armor at level %level%.
- echo You have %health% Health at level %level%.
- echo You have %ehealth% effective physical health at level %level%.
- echo You have %ehealth1% effective physical health with full passive.
- echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- echo.
- echo Remember to round up or down, calculations are slightly off because rounding
- echo isn't taken into effect, but scale normally.
- echo.
- echo This also doesn't count block, unyielding, or any other form of
- echo damage reduction.
- echo.
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :custom
- cls
- set /p custom1=What is your total health?:
- set /p customa=What is your current armor?:
- set /p customb=What is your current magic resist?:
- set /p customc=How many armor yellows are you using?:
- set /p customd=How many health yellows are you using?:
- goto ccalc
- :ccalc
- COLOR 47
- cls
- set /a customc=customc*1
- set /a customd=customd*8
- set /a custom1=custom1+customd
- set /a customa=customa+customc
- call vbs 100/(100+%customa%)
- set customper=%val%
- call vbs %customper%*100
- set customper=%val%
- call vbs 100-%customper%
- set customper=%val%
- call vbs %custom1%*(1+(%customa%/100))
- set customeha=%val%
- call vbs %custom1%*(1+(%customb%/100))
- set customehm=%val%
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Health: %custom1%
- echo Armor: %customa%
- echo Magic Resist: %customb%
- echo Phys Reduction: %customper% percent
- echo.
- echo.
- echo Your physical effective health: %customeha%
- echo Your magic effective health: %customehm%
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :stats
- cls
- echo 1 AD = 36 Gold
- echo 10 Percent CDR = 316.7 Gold
- echo 1 AP = 21.75 Gold
- echo 1 Percent LS = 55 Gold
- echo 1 Armor = 20 Gold
- echo 1 Percent SV = 27.5 Gold
- echo 1 MR = 20 Gold
- echo 10 HP = 26.6 Gold
- echo 10 Mana = 20 Gold
- echo 1 HP regen/5 = 36 Gold
- echo 1 Mana/5 = 60 Gold
- echo 1 Percent Crit = 50 Gold
- echo 1 Percent AS = 30 Gold
- echo 10 MS = 250 Gold
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :percenthealth
- cls
- echo Which Item / Skill?:
- echo.
- echo [1] BoTRK
- echo.
- set /p ph1=Which number?:
- if %ph1%==1 goto botrk1
- cls
- echo Wrong input. Try again.
- echo.
- goto percenthealth
- :botrk1
- cls
- echo What's the targets maximum HP?
- set /p mhp=Enter a number:
- set /p ma=Enter enemy armor (set 0 for true damage):
- if %ma%==0 goto botrk2
- set /p lw=Do you have Last Whisper? (Y/N):
- if %lw%==Y set red=0.65
- if %lw%==N set red=1
- cls
- COLOR 47
- call vbs %ma%*%red%
- REM armor reduced value
- set ma2=%val%
- REM Damage reduction
- call vbs 100*(%ma2%/(100+%ma2%))
- set ar1=%val%
- call vbs 1-(%ar1%/100)
- set ma1=%val%
- call vbs (%mhp%*0.08)*%ma1%
- set hp1=%val%
- call vbs (0.08*(%mhp%*0.75))*%ma1%
- set hp2=%val%
- call vbs (0.08*(%mhp%*0.50))*%ma1%
- set hp3=%val%
- call vbs (0.08*(%mhp%*0.25))*%ma1%
- set hp4=%val%
- echo.
- echo Target's maximum HP: %mhp%
- echo Target's armor: %ma%
- echo Target's effective armor: %ma2%
- echo Total damage reduction: %ar1% percent.
- echo.
- echo --------------------------------------------------
- echo Damage done at 100 percent HP per AA: %hp1%
- echo.
- echo Damage done at 75 percent HP per AA: %hp2%
- echo.
- echo Damage done at 50 percent HP per AA: %hp3%
- echo.
- echo Damage done at 25 percent HP per AA: %hp4%
- echo ---------------------------------------------------
- pause
- goto home
- :botrk2
- cls
- COLOR 47
- call vbs %mhp%*0.08
- set hp1=%val%
- call vbs (%mhp%*0.75)*0.08
- set hp2=%val%
- call vbs (%mhp%*0.50)*0.08
- set hp3=%val%
- call vbs (%mhp%*0.25)*0.08
- set hp4=%val%
- echo Target's maximum HP: %mhp%
- echo No armor, hitting for true damage. . .
- echo.
- echo --------------------------------------------------
- echo Damage done at 100 percent HP per AA: %hp1%
- echo.
- echo Damage done at 75 percent HP per AA: %hp2%
- echo.
- echo Damage done at 50 percent HP per AA: %hp3%
- echo.
- echo Damage done at 25 percent HP per AA: %hp4%
- echo ---------------------------------------------------
- pause
- goto home
- :credits
- color 0E
- cls
- echo.
- echo.
- echo Sezen
- echo Spessa
- echo.
- echo.
- ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
- cls
- echo.
- echo *
- echo Sezen
- echo Spessa
- echo.
- echo.
- ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
- cls
- echo.
- echo *
- echo Sezen
- echo Spessa
- echo.
- echo.
- ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
- cls
- echo.
- echo.
- echo Sezen
- echo Spessa
- echo *
- echo.
- ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
- cls
- echo.
- echo.
- echo Sezen
- echo Spessa
- echo *
- echo.
- ping -n 1 -w 500 > nul
- cls
- echo.
- echo. *
- echo Sezen
- echo Spessa
- echo *
- echo.
- ping -n 1 -w 500 > nul
- cls
- echo.
- echo. * *
- echo Sezen
- echo Spessa
- echo *
- echo.
- ping -n 1 -w 500 > nul
- cls
- echo.
- echo. * *
- echo Sezen
- echo Spessa
- echo * *
- echo.
- ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
- cls
- echo.
- echo. * *
- echo Sezen
- echo Spessa
- echo * *
- echo 2014
- echo.
- echo.
- echo.
- echo.
- echo.
- echo.
- echo.
- echo.
- ping -n 1 -w 3000 > nul
- echo ~~ gr33tz ~~
- pause
- goto home
- :lifesteal
- cls
- set /p ls1=Enter your lifesteal percentage (number):
- set /p ls2=Enter your total AD:
- set /p ls4=How long into the game is it? (Minutes):
- call vbs %ls1%*0.01
- call vbs %val%*%ls2%
- set ls3=%val%
- cls
- color 47
- echo You are gaining %ls3% health per auto before mitigation.
- pause
- goto home
- :test1
- cls
- set /p custom1=What is your current health?:
- set /p customa=What is your current armor?:
- goto test2
- :test2
- REM aseal hseal
- COLOR 47
- cls
- set /a custom2=custom1+72
- set /a custom3=customa+0
- call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
- set customeha=%val%
- set /a custom2=custom1+64
- set /a custom3=customa+1
- call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
- set customehb=%val%
- set /a custom2=custom1+56
- set /a custom3=customa+2
- call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
- set customehc=%val%
- set /a custom2=custom1+48
- set /a custom3=customa+3
- call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
- set customehd=%val%
- set /a custom2=custom1+40
- set /a custom3=customa+4
- call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
- set customehe=%val%
- set /a custom2=custom1+32
- set /a custom3=customa+5
- call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
- set customehf=%val%
- set /a custom2=custom1+24
- set /a custom3=customa+6
- call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
- set customehg=%val%
- set /a custom2=custom1+16
- set /a custom3=customa+7
- call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
- set customehh=%val%
- set /a custom2=custom1+8
- set /a custom3=customa+8
- call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
- set customehi=%val%
- set /a custom2=custom1+0
- set /a custom3=customa+9
- call vbs %custom2%*(1+(%custom3%/100))
- set customehj=%val%
- setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
- set max=0
- for %%A in (%customeha%, %customehb%, %customehc%, %customehd%, %customehe%, %customehf%, %customehg%, %customeh%, %customehi%, %customehj%) do (
- set n=%%A
- if !n! gtr !max! set max=!n!
- )
- if %max%==%customeha% goto result1
- if %max%==%customehb% goto result2
- if %max%==%customehc% goto result3
- if %max%==%customehd% goto result4
- if %max%==%customehe% goto result5
- if %max%==%customehf% goto result6
- if %max%==%customehg% goto result7
- if %max%==%customehh% goto result8
- if %max%==%customehi% goto result9
- if %max%==%customehj% goto result10
- pause
- exit
- :result1
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Max Effective Health: %max%
- echo Armor Runes: 0
- echo Health Runes: 9
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :result2
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Max Effective Health: %max%
- echo Armor Runes: 1
- echo Health Runes: 8
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :result3
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Max Effective Health: %max%
- echo Armor Runes: 2
- echo Health Runes: 7
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :result4
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Max Effective Health: %max%
- echo Armor Runes: 3
- echo Health Runes: 6
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :result5
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Max Effective Health: %max%
- echo Armor Runes: 4
- echo Health Runes: 5
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :result6
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Max Effective Health: %max%
- echo Armor Runes: 5
- echo Health Runes: 4
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :result7
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Max Effective Health: %max%
- echo Armor Runes: 6
- echo Health Runes: 3
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :result8
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Max Effective Health: %max%
- echo Armor Runes: 7
- echo Health Runes: 2
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :result9
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Max Effective Health: %max%
- echo Armor Runes: 8
- echo Health Runes: 1
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
- :result10
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo Max Effective Health: %max%
- echo Armor Runes: 9
- echo Health Runes: 0
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- pause
- goto home
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